※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of evaluation techniques for corrosion behavior in light water reactor environments under ion irradiation

相馬 康孝   ; 山下 真一郎   ; 長谷川 晃*; 近藤 創介*

Soma, Yasutaka; Yamashita, Shinichiro; Hasegawa, Akira*; Kondo, Sosuke*


Cr-coated cladding (Cr-Zry) is subjected to degradation due to corrosion and other factors in the operating environment, but published data is insufficient. Currently, in-pile tests for the performance evaluation of Cr-Zry depend on overseas reactors, which requires large amount of cost and time despite small number of output data. Therefore, an alternative evaluation technique under irradiation that can be performed more flexibly in Japan is strongly needed. In response to this need, JAEA has been developing a device that can evaluate the behavior of Cr-Zry under the effect of simultaneous irradiation and corrosion. In this presentation, we report on the development status of the apparatus equipped with a system for the in-situ measurement of corrosion behavior by electrochemical measurement, which is a feature not found in previous studies.



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