※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of fluid-rigid strongly coupled particle method for the estimation of the relocation behavior of damaged in-core structures

福田 貴斉 ; 吉田 啓之  

Fukuda, Takanari; Yoshida, Hiroyuki


The presenters have developed a new fluid-rigid coupled particle method for the estimation of the relocation of in-core structures mechanically interacting with fluid phases existing in a reactor. Amid a severe accident, there might exist relatively large in-core structure, the scale of which is comparable to that of the maximum spatial scale of the fluid (e.g. scale of containment vessel). Such a calculation configuration can result in numerical instability with the conventional fluid-rigid weakly coupled methods. Hence, we have derived fluid-rigid strongly coupled time-development equations on the basis of Hamilton's least action principle and developed a new particle method for solving those equations numerically.



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