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Decay spectroscopy of $$^{160}$$Eu; Quasiparticle configurations of excited states and structure of $$K^{pi}$$ = 4$$^{+}$$ bandheads in $$^{160}$$Gd

Yates, D.*; Kr$"u$cken, R.*; Dillmann, I.*; Garrett, P. E.*; Smallcombe, J. ; 他44名*

Yates, D.*; Kr$"u$cken, R.*; Dillmann, I.*; Garrett, P. E.*; Smallcombe, J.; 44 of others*

Detailed spectroscopy of neutron-rich, heavy, deformed nuclei is of broad interest for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. Nuclei in the $$r$$-process path and following freeze-out region impact the resulting $$r$$-process abundance distribution, and the structure of nuclei midshell in both proton and neutron number helps to understand the evolution of subshell gaps and large deformation in these nuclei.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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