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燃料デブリの臨界特性を明らかにする定常臨界実験装置STACY更新炉の整備,14; 初臨界炉心の再検討

Modification of STACY for the study of criticality characteristics of fuel debris, 14; Reconsidering core configurations for the first criticality

郡司 智  ; 荒木 祥平   ; 吉川 智輝 ; 井澤 一彦 ; 須山 賢也

Gunji, Satoshi; Araki, Shohei; Yoshikawa, Tomoki; Izawa, Kazuhiko; Suyama, Kenya


The first criticality of the statistical criticality assembly called "STACY", which JAEA has been modifying, is scheduled for 2024. At the spring 2023 annual meeting, we presented the results of a study on the basic core configuration for the first criticality, which is intended to reduce experimental uncertainties. However, in subsequent regulatory reviews, the Nuclear Regulation Authority instructed to create of core configurations with the strictest safety factors (reactor shutdown margin, etc.) among the permission, therefore the first critical core configurations were changed to cylindrical core configurations with grid intervals of 1.50 and 2.54 cm. This study presents the results of estimations such as critical water levels using multiple nuclear data and calculation codes.



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