※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

原子炉安全研究における「温故知新:過去を学んで新しい知識を見出す」; ベテラン研究者と若手研究者の座談会

"Learning from the past and finding new knowledge" in nuclear reactor safety research; A Roundtable discussion between veteran and young researchers

阿部 豊*; 西 義久*; 岩城 智香子*; 梅原 裕太郎*; 堀口 直樹   ; 園田 大貴*

Abe, Yutaka*; Nishi, Yoshihisa*; Iwaki, Chikako*; Umehara, Yutaro*; Horiguchi, Naoki; Sonoda, Hiroki*


Human resource development is an important issue in the nuclear field, and it is extremely important to transfer the know-how of veteran researchers who have accumulated over many years in the research field to the younger generation. In the field of reactor safety research in particular, the research environment has been changing in recent years, as it has become more difficult to conduct research using large experimental equipment, and many young researchers are finding the difficulty. This session will provide a forum in the form of a "round-table discussion" to discuss what veteran researchers want to tell young researchers and what young researchers want to ask veteran researchers. Through the panel discussion, communication between veteran researchers and young researchers about the future in the field will be promoted.



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