※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Results and future prospects of X-ray measurement of $$Xi^-$$Br, $$Xi^-$$Ag, and $$Xi^-$$C atoms

藤田 真奈美; 田村 裕和; 谷田 聖   ; 山本 剛史  ; 鵜養 美冬*

Fujita, Manami; Tamura, Hirokazu; Tanida, Kiyoshi; Yamamoto, Takeshi; Ukai, Mifuyu*

As part of the J-PARC E07 experiment program, we developed a new method adopting coincidence measurement with magnet spectrometers, nuclear emulsion, and germanium detectors. This method allowed us to obtain the $$Xi$$ atomic X-ray spectra from heavy nucleus targets, such as Ag and Br, contained in the emulsion. Additionnaly, by selecting X-rays from the diamond target, we obtained $$Xi^-$$C atomic X-ray spectra. In this poster, I present the results of $$Xi^-$$ atomic X-ray measurements in the E07 experiment and discuss the prospects for future X-ray obsevations.



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