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検索結果: 81 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Evaluation of gamma-ray strength function based on measured gamma-ray pulse-height spectra in time-of-flight neutron capture experiments

岩本 信之; 中村 詔司; 木村 敦; 片渕 竜也*; Rovira, G.*; 原 かおる*; 岩本 修

EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, p.17016_1 - 17016_4, 2020/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.10(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Gamma-ray strength function (GSF) as well as nuclear level density is important ingredients to calculate neutron capture cross sections, since it gives energy-dependent transition strength of gamma-rays from a capture state and directly relates to spectrum of emitted gamma-rays. Therefore, the improvement of GSF is essential to enhance the reliability of neutron capture cross sections. The shape of GSF has been determined by experiments of neutron capture reactions, (p,p') reactions and nuclear resonance fluorescence. In addition, the use of the information of gamma-ray spectrum (i.e., pulse-height (PH) spectrum) measured by time-of-flight experiments is effective to evaluate the GSF. A lot of PH spectra have been measured by the Ge and NaI(Tl) detectors of the ANNRI installed at the Material and Life Science Experimental Facility in J-PARC. However, those spectra have not been actively used to extract the information of GSF so far. In the present study, we measured the PH spectrum of gold by using the NaI(Tl) detectors in ANNRI and used it for the evaluation of GSF. The gamma-ray spectrum for gold was calculated by a nuclear reaction model code CCONE. The obtained gamma-ray spectrum was applied to the Monte Carlo particle transport simulation code PHITS to derive PH spectrum comparable with the measured data. After this evaluation, we obtained GSF, reasonably explained the measured PH spectrum.


Neutron transmission measurement and simulation of Ta-181 for neutron resonance thermometry

原 かおる*; 浅子 穣*; 甲斐 哲也; 佐藤 ひろあき*; 加美山 隆*

Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2019), Vol.2, p.1500 - 1501, 2020/08

To develop an imaging technique of neutron resonance thermometry with tantalum (Ta)-181, the neutron transmission spectrum for a tantalum foil (30 or 300 micro-meters in thickness) which was set up in a constant temperature furnace was measured by the time-of-flight method. Several temperature conditions were set from 20 to 500 degree Celsius. The measurements were performed on the BL10 of MLF at J-PARC. To cutoff neutrons below thermal neutron energy, a cadmium filter was inserted on the neutron beam line. The measured neutron transmission spectrum in the eV energy region was compared to the calculated one with the PHITS code. In the calculation, the time distribution of neutron emission from a source was defined as the pulse function of BL10. The evaluated nuclear data of ENDF/B-VIII.0 or JENDL-4.0 were utilized for each calculation with respect to the neutron-induced nuclear reactions of Ta-181. The differences of both results are discussed based on the measured spectra.


Misassigned neutron resonances of $$^{142}$$Nd and stellar neutron capture cross sections

片渕 竜也*; 松橋 泰平*; 寺田 和司; 井頭 政之*; 水本 元治*; 廣瀬 健太郎; 木村 敦; 岩本 信之; 原 かおる*; 原田 秀郎; et al.

Physical Review C, 91(3), p.037603_1 - 037603_5, 2015/03

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:50.32(Physics, Nuclear)

Time-of-flight spectra of the neutron capture events of $$^{142}$$Nd were measured using a spallation neutron source at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. The first six resonances of $$^{142}$$Nd reported in a previous work were not observed. The experimental results and cross-search of resonance energies in nuclear data libraries suggested that resonances of impurity nuclide $$^{141}$$Pr have been mistakenly assigned as $$^{142}$$Nd in the previous experiment. To investigate the impact of non-existence of the resonances to the s-process nucleosynthesis model, the Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross sections with and without the misassigned resonances were compared.


Response function for the measurement of (n,$$gamma$$) reactions with the ANNRI-Cluster Ge detectors at J-PARC

原 かおる; 後神 進史*; 原田 秀郎; 廣瀬 健太郎; 木村 敦; 金 政浩*; 北谷 文人; 小泉 光生; 中村 詔司; 藤 暢輔; et al.

JAEA-Conf 2014-002, p.88 - 92, 2015/02

Recently, neutron shields of a large Ge detector array at the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) in the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) were modified to suppress the background from boron rubber sheets to enriched $$^{6}$$LiF tiles. For the new experimental set-up, efficiencies and response functions of the cluster Ge detectors with the BGO anti-coincidence detectors were measured with $$gamma$$-rays from standard sources and prompt $$gamma$$-rays from the $$^{28}$$Si(n,$$gamma$$) and $$^{35}$$Cl(n,$$gamma$$) reactions. The simulation parameters were adjusted with the EGS5 code so as to reproduce the data set of efficiencies and response functions. Based on this information, a pulse height weighting function will be deduced in the energy range of 0.1-10 MeV.


Synergistic effect of combining two nondestructive analytical methods for multielemental analysis

藤 暢輔; 海老原 充*; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 原田 秀郎; 原 かおる*; 小泉 光生; 北谷 文人; 古高 和禎

Analytical Chemistry, 86(24), p.12030 - 12036, 2014/12

 被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:56.78(Chemistry, Analytical)

非破壊分析法は科学研究の多くの分野において必要不可欠のツールとして用いられてきた。即発$$gamma$$線分析は$$gamma$$線のエネルギーを解析することにより元素分析を行う手法であり、共鳴捕獲元素分析は中性子の共鳴エネルギーを使う手法である。どちらの手法も試料を中性子に照射して$$gamma$$線を検出する手法であるが、これまで同時に用いられることはなかった。我々は強力なパルス中性子ビームを用いることによって、2つの手法を組み合わせた手法を初めて開発した。開発した手法は、一度に両方の手法からの測定結果を得ることができるだけでなく、この融合による相乗効果も得られる。つまり、どちらの手法でも分析が困難である試料を分析することができる。本論文では開発した手法をCo, Au, Agなどを含む混合試料に適用し、従来法のスペクトルにある不可分のピークから信頼性の高いデータが得られることを証明している。


Measurements of capture $$gamma$$ rays from the neutron resonances of $$^{74}$$Se and $$^{77}$$Se at the J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI

堀 順一*; 八島 浩*; 中村 詔司; 古高 和禎; 原 かおる; 原田 秀郎; 廣瀬 健太郎; 木村 敦; 北谷 文人; 小泉 光生; et al.

Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, p.128 - 131, 2014/05

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:32.67(Physics, Nuclear)

本研究では、$$^{74}$$Seと$$^{77}$$Seの中性子共鳴からの捕獲$$gamma$$線を測定した。$$^{74}$$Seは、簡単な殻模型から2p$$_{1/2}$$軌道まで中性子が占有されている偶-偶核であるので、プライマリ$$gamma$$線遷移の始状態と終状態間の強い相関が予想される。$$^{74}$$Seは、安定Se同位体の中で唯一の奇数核であるので、同じ奇数核である$$^{79}$$Seの評価に資する情報を含んでいると期待される。J-PARC、物質・生命科学実験施設(MLF)の中性子核反応実験装置(ANNRI)に整備した4$$pi$$ Geスペクトロメータを用いて、飛行時間法により測定を行った。$$^{74}$$Seの27eV共鳴、及び$$^{77}$$Seの113eV, 212eV, 291eV, 342eV, 690eV及び864eV共鳴に対応する$$gamma$$線波高スペクトルを得た。これらのプライマリ遷移$$gamma$$線の相対強度を求め、報告されている実験データと比較を行った。$$^{74}$$Seの27eV共鳴について、293keV準位への強いプライマリ遷移が観測された。$$^{77}$$Seについては、共鳴ごとに全く異なる崩壊パターンを見いだした。


Cross section measurement of $$^{237}$$Np$$(n,gamma)$$ at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI

廣瀬 健太郎; 古高 和禎; 原 かおる; 原田 秀郎; 堀 順一*; 井頭 政之*; 加美山 隆*; 片渕 竜也*; 木村 敦; 金 政浩*; et al.

Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, p.48 - 51, 2014/05

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:10.14(Physics, Nuclear)

The cross section of the $$^{237}$$Np$$(n,gamma)$$ reaction has been measured in an energy range from 10 meV to 1 keV at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The NaI(Tl) spectrometer installed in the accurate neutron-nucleus reaction measurement instrument (ANNRI) was used for the measurement. The relative cross section was obtained using the neutron spectrum measured by the $$^{10}$$B$$(n,alpha_1)$$ reaction. The absolute value of the cross section was deduced by normalizing the relative cross section to the evaluated value in JENDL-4.0 at the first resonance. In this presentation, the obtained results for the cross section, the Westcott factor and the resonance analysis are reported. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 22226016.


Cross section measurements of the radioactive $$^{107}$$Pd and stable $$^{105,108}$$Pd nuclei at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI

中村 詔司; 木村 敦; 北谷 文人; 太田 雅之; 古高 和禎; 後神 進史*; 原 かおる; 原田 秀郎; 廣瀬 健太郎; 金 政浩*; et al.

Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, p.143 - 146, 2014/05

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:56.90(Physics, Nuclear)



Capture cross-section measurement of $$^{241}$$Am(n,$$gamma$$) at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI

原田 秀郎; 太田 雅之; 木村 敦; 古高 和禎; 廣瀬 健太郎; 原 かおる; 金 政浩*; 北谷 文人; 小泉 光生; 中村 詔司; et al.

Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, p.61 - 64, 2014/05

 被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:75.79(Physics, Nuclear)

Accurate determination of the neutron capture cross sections of radioactive nuclei is required in the fields of nuclear waste transmutation study and also nuclear astrophysics. The accurate neutron-nucleus reaction measurement instrument (ANNRI), which was installed in the materials and life science experimental facility (MLF) at the J-PARC, is expected to satisfy these demands. The capture cross section of $$^{241}$$Am was measured using a high efficiency Ge spectrometer installed in the ANNRI. By taking advantage of its high $$gamma$$-ray energy resolution, background components were precisely subtracted. The capture cross section of $$^{241}$$Am was deduced for a neutron energy region between 0.01 and 20 eV. The obtained cross section and the Westcott factor are compared with the preceding experiments and evaluated values.


Measurements of neutron capture cross sections of $$^{112}$$Sn and $$^{118}$$Sn with J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI

木村 敦; 廣瀬 健太郎; 中村 詔司; 原田 秀郎; 原 かおる; 堀 順一*; 井頭 政之*; 加美山 隆*; 片渕 竜也*; 木野 幸一*; et al.

Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, p.150 - 153, 2014/05

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:37.68(Physics, Nuclear)

The neutron-capture cross sections of $$^{112}$$Sn and $$^{118}$$Sn were measured by the time-of-flight method in the energy range from 10 meV to 2 keV with an array of germanium detectors in ANNRI at J-PARC. The preliminary results of the neutron-capture cross sections for $$^{112}$$Sn and $$^{118}$$Sn were obtained by normalizing the relative cross sections to the thermal cross section measured by Krane and to the evaluated value of JENDL-4.0 at the 47.05-eV resonance, respectively. Twelve new resonances for $$^{112}$$Sn were observed, whereas the 21.02-, 40.38- and 166-eV resonances for $$^{112}$$Sn and the 289-eV resonance for $$^{118}$$Sn which are listed on JENDL-4.0 and/or ENDF/B VII.1 were not observed. The prompt $$gamma$$-ray distributions gated at the $$^{112}$$Sn and $$^{118}$$Sn resonances were obtained. Twenty-three new prompt $$gamma$$-ray emissions were observed in the $$^{112}$$Sn (n,$$gamma$$) reactions.


Energy resolution of pulsed neutron beam provided by the ANNRI beamline at the J-PARC/MLF

木野 幸一*; 古坂 道弘*; 平賀 富士夫*; 加美山 隆*; 鬼柳 善明*; 古高 和禎; 後神 進史*; 原 かおる; 原田 秀郎; 原田 正英; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 736, p.66 - 74, 2014/02

 被引用回数:31 パーセンタイル:91.62(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We studied the energy resolution of the pulsed neutron-beam of Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex/Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (J-PARC/MLF). A simulation in the energy region from 0.7 meV to 1 MeV has been performed. Moreover, measurements have been done in the thermal and epithermal energies. The neutron energy resolution at ANNRI, which is determined by the time-of-flight technique, depends on the time structure of the neutron pulse. We obtained the neutron energy resolution as a function of the neutron energy by the simulation in the two operation modes of the neutron source: double and single bunch modes. In the double bunch mode, the resolution deteriorates above about 10 eV because the time structure of the neutron pulse splits into two peaks. The time structures at 13 energy points by measurements in the thermal energy region are in agreement with those of the simulation. In the epithermal energy region, the time structures at 17 energy points were obtained by measurements. The FWHM values of the time structures by the simulation and measurements are almost consistent. In the single bunch mode, the energy resolution is better than about 1% between 1 meV and 10 keV at the neutron source operation of 17.5 kW.


Cross section measurement of $$^{117}$$Sn$$(n,gamma)$$ using ANNRI-NaI(Tl) spectrometer at J-PARC

廣瀬 健太郎; 古高 和禎; 原 かおる; 原田 秀郎; 木村 敦; 北谷 文人; 小泉 光生; 中村 詔司; 大島 真澄; 藤 暢輔; et al.

JAEA-Conf 2013-002, p.173 - 178, 2013/10

The cross section for $$^{117}$$Sn$$(n,gamma)$$ reaction has been measured in the neutron energy from 1eV to 1keV using the ANNRI-NaI(Tl) spectrometer at J-PARC/MLF. The sample used in the present experiment was metal tin enriched in $$^{117}$$Sn by 87%. The impurities of $$^{116}$$Sn and $$^{118}$$Sn were 9.3% and 3%, respectively. In the data analysis, the background of the frame-overlap neutrons and the scattered neutrons were subtracted. Comparison with the evaluation of JENDL-4.0 and ENDF/B-VII.1 will be presented in the poster session.


Measurements and simulations of the responses of the cluster Ge detectors to $$gamma$$ rays

原 かおる; 後神 進史*; 原田 秀郎; 廣瀬 健太郎; 木村 敦; 金 政浩*; 北谷 文人; 小泉 光生; 中村 詔司; 藤 暢輔

JAEA-Conf 2013-002, p.161 - 166, 2013/10

For a pulse-height weighting technique, responses of two cluster Ge detectors with BGO anti-coincidence detectors have been measured at the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) in the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). $$^{60}$$Co and $$^{137}$$Cs standard sources were used for low-energy region (E$$_{gamma}$$ $$<$$ 2 MeV). Prompt $$gamma$$-rays emitted from the $$^{35}$$Cl(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{36}$$Cl reactions were used for high-energy region (E$$_{gamma}$$ $$sim$$ 8 MeV). The measured spectra, peak efficiencies, and peak-to-total ratio were compared to simulations which were calculated by using the EGS5 code in the energy range 0.5-10 MeV. The response function will be applied to a data analysis in neutron capture reaction measurements at ANNRI.


$$gamma$$-flash suppression using a gated photomultiplier assembled with an LaBr$$_{3}$$(Ce) detector to measure fast neutron capture reactions

原 かおる; 原田 秀郎; 藤 暢輔; 堀 順一*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 723, p.121 - 127, 2013/09

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:38.30(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A gated photomultiplier tube assembled with a LaBr$$_3$$(Ce) detector was applied to the prompt $$gamma$$-ray measurement of fast neutron capture reactions. Time-of-flight measurements of the neutron capture reactions of Cl and Al were performed using the 46-MeV electron linear accelerator as a pulsed neutron source at the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University. The photomultiplier gating technique effectively suppressed the saturation of the PMT output and reduced the dead time due to the $$gamma$$ flash.


Cross-section measurement of $$^{237}$$Np$$(n,gamma)$$ from 10 meV to 1 keV at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex

廣瀬 健太郎; 古高 和禎; 原 かおる; 原田 秀郎; 木村 敦; 金 政浩*; 北谷 文人; 小泉 光生; 中村 詔司; 大島 真澄; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 50(2), p.188 - 200, 2013/02

 被引用回数:28 パーセンタイル:89.52(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Rotational band properties of $$^{173}$$W

Wang, H. X.*; Zhang, Y. H.*; Zhou, X. H.*; Liu, M. L.*; Ding, B.*; Li, G. S.*; Hua, W.*; Zhou, H. B.*; Guo, S.*; Qiang, Y. H.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 86(4), p.044305_1 - 044305_11, 2012/10


 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:33.26(Physics, Nuclear)

High-spin states in $$^{173}$$W have been studied using the $$^{150}$$Nd($$^{28}$$Si,5$$n$$)$$^{173}$$W reaction at beam energies of 135 and 140 MeV. The previously known bands associated with the 7/2$$^+$$[633], 5/2$$^-$$[512], and 1/2$$^-$$[521] configurations are extended significantly, and the unfavored signature branch of the 1/2$$^-$$[521] band is established for the first time. The band properties, such as level spacings, band-crossing frequencies, alignment gains, and signature splittings, are discussed with an emphasis on the low-spin signature inversion observed in the 5/2$$^-$$[512] band. By comparing the experimental $$B$$($$M$$1)/$$B$$($$E$$2) ratios with the theoretical values, we conclude that the configuration of the 5/2$$^-$$[512] band is quite pure at low spins without appreciable admixture of the 5/2$$^-$$[523] orbit, in conflict with the particle rotor model calculated results.


Spectroscopic study of $$^{63}$$Ni via cold neutron capture reaction, 1; Nuclear structure of $$^{63}$$Ni

大島 真澄; 金 政浩*; 中村 詔司; 本間 道雄*; 湊 太志; 早川 岳人; 原 かおる; 木村 敦; 小泉 光生; 原田 秀郎; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 81(8), p.084201_1 - 084201_15, 2012/08

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:19.18(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

濃縮$$^{62}$$Ni試料の冷中性子捕獲により生成された$$gamma$$線を核分光法で調べた。272本の新しい$$gamma$$線を含む315本の$$gamma$$線が$$^{63}$$Niの準位構造に組み込まれた。30本の新準位を含む62本の準位に対して、0.2-0.8keVの精度の励起エネルギーと$$gamma$$線分岐比を決定した。$$^{62}$$Ni (n,$$gamma$$) $$^{63}$$Ni反応のQ値は6837.75(18)keVであった。大規模殻模型計算を行った結果、$$^{63}$$Niの低励起状態のエネルギーがよく再現できた。Hartree-Fock + BCS法と統計計算の間の自己無撞着相互作用を用いた平均場統計模型計算も行い、$$^{63}$$Niの準位密度の実験値と矛盾しないことを示した。


Neutron capture cross section of palladium-107 in the thermal-neutron energy region

中村 詔司; 太田 雅之; 大島 真澄; 北谷 文人; 木村 敦; 金 政浩; 小泉 光生; 後神 進史*; 藤 暢輔; 原 かおる; et al.

JAEA-Conf 2012-001, p.147 - 152, 2012/07

The neutron capture cross section of $$^{107}$$Pd in the thermal-neutron energy region has been measured relative to the $$^{10}$$B(n,$$alphagamma$$) reaction cross section by the neutron time-of-flight (TOF) method. The relative cross section was normalized to the average value calculated by the SAMMY code with JENDL-4.0 at the three energy points: 6.8 eV of $$^{107}$$Pd, 11.8 eV of $$^{105}$$Pd, and 33 eV of $$^{108}$$Pd. Neutron-capture $$gamma$$ rays were measured with a large Ge detector array called "4$$pi$$Ge spectrometer", which is one component of the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction measurement Instrument (ANNRI) installed at the neutron Beam Line No.4 (BL04) of the Materials and Life science experimental Facility (MLF) in the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). This paper presents new findings on resonance assignments of $$^{107}$$Pd, and the preliminary cross section.


Neutron-capture cross-sections of $$^{244}$$Cm and $$^{246}$$Cm measured with an array of large germanium detectors in the ANNRI at J-PARC/MLF

木村 敦; 藤井 俊行*; 福谷 哲*; 古高 和禎; 後神 進史*; 原 かおる; 原田 秀郎; 廣瀬 健太郎; 堀 順一*; 井頭 政之*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 49(7-8), p.708 - 724, 2012/07

 被引用回数:51 パーセンタイル:96.29(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The neutron-capture cross sections of $$^{244}$$Cm and $$^{246}$$Cm were measured in the energy range of 1-300 eV with an array of large germanium detectors in the ANNRI at J-PARC/MLF. The resonances at around 7.7 and 16.8 eV of $$^{244}$$Cm and 4.3 and 15.3 eV of $$^{246}$$Cm were observed in capture reactions for the first time. The uncertainties of the obtained cross sections are 5.8% at the top of the first resonance of $$^{244}$$Cm and 6.6% at that of $$^{246}$$Cm. Resonance analyses were performed for low-energy ones using the code SAMMY. The prompt $$gamma$$-ray spectra of $$^{244}$$Cm and $$^{246}$$Cm were also obtained. Eight and five new prompt $$gamma$$-rays emitted were observed in the $$^{244}$$Cm(n,$$gamma$$) and $$^{246}$$Cm(n,$$gamma$$) reactions, respectively.


Feasibility study for the quantification of total protein content by multiple prompt $$gamma$$-ray analysis

藤 暢輔; 村上 幸弘*; 古高 和禎; 木村 敦; 小泉 光生; 原 かおる; 金 政浩; 中村 詔司; 原田 秀郎

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70(6), p.984 - 987, 2012/06

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:31.65(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)


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