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Ferroaxial transitions in glaserite-type compounds; Database screening, phonon calculations, and experimental verification

山岸 茂直*; 林田 健志*; 三澤 龍介*; 木村 健太*; 萩原 雅人; 村田 智城*; 廣瀬 左京*; 木村 剛*

Chemistry of Materials, 35(2), p.747 - 754, 2023/01

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:86.76(Chemistry, Physical)

The so-called "ferroaxial transition" characterized by a rotational structural distortion that breaks a mirror symmetry has gained growing interest in terms of a new class of ferroic state in crystalline materials. RbFe(MoO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ which belongs to glaserite-type compounds, X□;1 Y□;2 [M(TO$$_{4})_{2}$$], is one of the most representative materials showing a ferroaxial transition, i.e., ferroaxial materials. Considering a variety of glaserite-type compounds, we expect that they provide a good arena for ferroaxial materials. In this work, we explored new ferroaxial materials by formula-based screening using regular expression search and symmetry detection algorithm. As a result, we found that a glaserite-type compound, K$$_{2}$$Zr(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$, is one of the promising candidates for ferroaxial materials. Experimentally, we demonstrate that K$$_{2}$$Zr(P O$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ shows a ferroaxial transition at about 700 K, which is well explained by ab initio phonon calculations. The ferroaxial nature of K$$_{2}$$Zr(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ is further confirmed by the observation of its domain structures using a linear electrogyration effect, that is, optical rotation in proportion to an applied electric field. Our work provides an effective approach to exploring ferroaxial materials.


Phase transition and domain formation in ferroaxial crystals

林田 健志*; 上村 洋平*; 木村 健太*; 松岡 悟志*; 萩原 雅人; 廣瀬 左京*; 盛岡 仁*; 長谷川 達夫*; 木村 剛*

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 5(12), p.124409_1 - 124409_10, 2021/12

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:76.86(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The ferroaxial order, which is characterized by a rotational structural distortion in a crystal, has been recently proposed as one of ferroic orders. Though the domain formation is a characteristic feature in ferroic materials, there has been little study done concerning that for the ferroaxial order. Here, we investigate ferroaxial domains that are formed through a ferroaxial transition in two representative ferroaxial materials, NiTiO$$_{3}$$ and RbFe(MoO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$. We spatially resolve their domain structures using an optical method based on electric-field- induced optical rotation, that is, electrogyration (EG). In NiTiO$$_{3}$$, multi-domains are constructed when crystals undergo a ferroaxial transition and the domain size depends on the cooling rate around the transition temperature. Furthermore, the ferroaxial domain structure obtained by the EG measurement is well matched with that by scanning X-ray diffraction (XRD). RbFe(MoO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ also exhibits multi-domain states in which domain patterns are different each time a crystal undergoes a ferroaxial transition. In addition, the temperature dependence of the EG signal well obeys that of the order parameter of a first-order phase transition. These results ensure the effectiveness of the EG effect to elucidate the nature of ferroaxial order.



本島 貴之*; 小池 真史*; 萩原 健司*; 青柳 和平

第46回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM), p.208 - 213, 2019/01




青柳 和平; 亀村 勝美*; 菅原 健太郎*; 萩原 健司*

第53回地盤工学研究発表会発表講演集(DVD-ROM), p.11 - 12, 2018/07




名合 牧人*; 萩原 健司*; 南出 賢司*; 本島 貴之*; 神 和美; 工藤 元; 杉田 裕; 三浦 養一*

第49回全国建設業労働災害防止大会研究論文集(CD-ROM), p.77 - 80, 2012/10

本書では、幌延深地層研究センターの大深度立坑建設時における、湧出ガス対策について報告するものである。幌延深地層研究センターにおいては、湧出ガス対策として、次の6つの管理を講じている。(1)事前調査による、地層,地下水に含まれるメタンガス量,濃度の把握、(2)通気解析(シミュレーション)による送風機, 集塵機, 風管仕様の決定、(3)止水グラウト工によるメタンガスの湧出低減対策、(4)内燃機関の使用禁止、防爆機器の採用、(5)メタンガス管理体制の設定、(6)メタンガス湧出状況の監視モニタリング。このうち、本論では、日常の安全管理活動の中で実施している、3$$sim$$6について述べる。幌延深地層研究センターにおける立坑の深度は、現在換気立坑で深度290m、東立坑で深度250mであり、メタンガスの湧出状況については、断層部において0.3%$$sim$$1.3%までの上昇が確認されているが、上述の整備した湧出ガス対策に基づいて適切に管理している。メタンガス濃度を低下させる対策を行ううえでは、監視モニタリングの有用性が確認されている。



小島 亘; 山上 光憲; 藤川 大輔; 北川 義人*; 萩原 健司*; 齋藤 綾佑*

土木学会平成20年度全国大会第63回年次学術講演会講演論文集, p.455 - 456, 2008/09




萩原 健司*; 名合 牧人*; 工藤 元; 津坂 仁和

no journal, , 




萩原 健司*; 南出 賢司*; 名合 牧人*; 小川 弘之*; 宇山 幹紀*; 木須 芳男*; 森本 勤*; 工藤 元; 津坂 仁和

no journal, , 




南出 賢司*; 萩原 健司*; 名合 牧人*; 小川 弘之*; 宇山 幹紀*; 木須 芳男*; 森本 勤*; 矢吹 義生*; 工藤 元; 稲垣 大介; et al.

no journal, , 




稲垣 大介; 津坂 仁和; 青柳 和平; 萩原 健司*; 名合 牧人*; 南出 賢司*; 井尻 裕二*

no journal, , 



幌延深地層研究計画 地下研究施設建設における情報化施工

南出 賢司*; 工藤 元; 津坂 仁和; 萩原 健司*; 小川 弘之*; 森本 勤*; 矢吹 義生*; 名合 牧人*

no journal, , 



Ferroaxial transition in the glaserite compound Na$$_{2}$$BaCo(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$

梶田 遥一*; 山岸 茂直*; 林田 健志*; 木村 健太*; 萩原 雅人; 木村 剛*

no journal, , 

Ferroaxial order is characterized by the symmetry breaking of the mirror parallel to the principal axis in the crystal structure. It is predicted to show unique physical properties such as the antisymmetric thermopolarization, that is, the induced-polarization perpendicular to the applied temperature gradient [1]. So far, materials showing ferroaxial order are limited. A recent study focused on the glaserite-type compounds belonging to the space group P-3 (No. 147) or P-3m1 (No. 164) as ferroaxial material candidates and experimentally confirmed that one of such compounds, K$$_{2}$$Zr(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ is a ferroaxial material [2]. In this work, we focus on one of the glaserite-type compounds, Na$$_{2}$$BaCo(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$. We synthesized polycrystalline samples by a solid-state reaction and single crystals by a flux method similar to the previous report [3]. We conducted measurements of thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) for these samples and found the possibility that Na$$_{2}$$BaCo(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ undergoes a phase transition at around 700 K. Through neutron powder diffraction measurements, we revealed that the phase transition is a ferroaxial transition from ferroaxial P-3; to nonferroaxial P-3m1. In the ferroaxial phase of Na$$_{2}$$BaCo(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$, there are two domain states depending on the sign of the order parameter, which corresponds to the rotational direction of the PO$$_{4}$$ tetrahedron. Such domain states can be visible with the electrogyration, that is, the gyration induced by an applied electric field [4]. Using this technique, we attempted to visualize the ferroaxial domains in Na$$_{2}$$BaCo(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$. In this presentation, details of the experiments and results will be presented. [1] J. Nasu and S. Hayami, Phys. Rev. B 105, 245125 (2022).[2] S. Yamagishi et al., Chem. Mater. 35, 747 (2023).[3] R. Zhong et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116, 14505 (2019).[4] T. Hayashida et al., Nat. Commun. 11, 4582 (2020).


Ferroaxial transitions in glaserite-type compounds; Database screening, phonon calculations, and experimental verification

山岸 茂直*; 林田 健志*; 三澤 竜介*; 木村 健太*; 萩原 雅人; 村田 智城*; 廣瀬 左京*; 木村 剛*

no journal, , 

In recent years, ferroaxial order is discussed as a new class of ferroic states [1,2]. This order is a structural order characterized by a partial rotational distortion, which was initially introduced by R.D. Johnson et al. in 2011 [1]. It has been attracting increased interests because of its potential for unconventional physical phenomena and new functionalities such as transverse responses in which input external fields induce output conjugate physical quantities along the perpendicular direction [3]. However, only a few ferroaxial materials have been reported to date, (e.g., NiTiO$$_{3}$$ [4,5] and RbFe(MoO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ [5]). In this work, we sought new ferroaxial materials by formula-based screening using a regular expression search and the symmetry detection algorithm. As a result, we found that a glaserite- type compound, K$$_{2}$$Zr(PO$$_{4}$$) $$_{2}$$, is one of the promising candidates for ferroaxial materials. Furtheremore, our ab initio phonon calculations suggested that this compound undergoes a ferroaxial transition. Experimentally, by the structural analysis using neutron powder diffraction measurements, we demonstrated that K$$_{2}$$Zr(PO$$_{4}$$) $$_{2}$$ shows a ferroaxial transition at about 700 K. The ferroaxial nature of K$$_{2}$$Zr(PO$$_{4}$$) $$_{2}$$ was further confirmed by the observation of its domain structures using a linear electrogyration effect, that is, optical rotation in proportion to an applied electric field [6]. In this presentation, we will provide details of the database screening and the experiments. [1] R. D. Johnson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 137205 (2011). [2] J. Hlinka et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 17 (2016). [3] S.-W. Cheong et al., npj Quantum Mater. 6, 58 (2021). [4] T. Hayashida et al., Nat. Commun. 11, 4582 (2020). [5] T. Hayashida et al., Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 124409 (2021). [6] S. Yamagishi et al., Chem. Mater. 35, 747 (2023).



山西 毅; 関谷 美智; 鈴木 達也; 伊藤 誠二; 北川 義人*; 萩原 健司*; 土井 崇志*; 齋藤 綾佑*

no journal, , 




北川 義人*; 山崎 雅直; 萩原 健司*; 南出 賢司*; 関谷 美智

no journal, , 




萩原 健司*; 小池 真史*; 関谷 美智*; 板橋 秀治; 大原 正嗣

no journal, , 




萩原 健司*; 名合 牧人*; 南出 賢司*; 小川 弘之*; 宇山 幹紀*; 傳馬 啓輔*; 木須 芳男*; 森本 勤*; 工藤 元; 津坂 仁和

no journal, , 




南出 賢司*; 萩原 健司*; 名合 牧人*; 小川 弘之*; 宇山 幹紀*; 傳馬 啓輔*; 木須 芳男*; 森本 勤*; 工藤 元; 津坂 仁和

no journal, , 


18 件中 1件目~18件目を表示
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