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JAEA Reports

Studies about strength recovery and generalized relaxation behavior of rock, 5

Sanada, Masanori; Kishi, Hirokazu*; Sugita, Yutaka; Hayashi, Katsuhiko*; Takebe, Atsuji*; Okubo, Seisuke*

JAEA-Research 2012-025, 130 Pages, 2012/09


In this study, strength recovery, generalized stress relaxation and two tensile strength tests were carried out using shale sampled in the Wakkanai-formation. As the results, by using the value of a suitable constant with the constitutive equation showing strength recovery, it was showed that change of the axial stress in a compacting test could be expressed. About the generalized relaxation, it examined by the air dried and the saturated condition. Visco-elastic behavior was more remarkable in saturated condition than the air dried. Moreover, when the loading rate up to the starting point of the generalized relaxation test was large, the influence on visco-elastic behavior was remarkable. About tensile characteristics, a splitting tensile strength test and a uniaxial tensile strength test were carried out. About splitting tensile strength, it turned out that the influence of the loading direction on a bedding plane is great.

JAEA Reports

Studies on the design method of multi tunnels in geological disposal facility, 5

Sanada, Masanori; Kishi, Hirokazu; Hayashi, Katsuhiko*; Takebe, Atsuji*

JAEA-Research 2011-055, 79 Pages, 2012/03


In order to refine and rationalize a design method of multi tunnels in the deep geological repository, various study have been conducted. In this study, an effect of procedure for excavating multi-tunnels on extent of EDZ was examined by 3D FEM analysis. In modeling the multi tunnels and setting cases of analysis, workability, cost and safeness under construction were considered. Results of 3D FEM analysis showed that 3D effect of procedure for excavating such as a gap of progress with tunnel faces can be considered by 3D FEM and extent of EDZ is demonstrated more practically compared with 2D FEM. Another 2D FEM analysis modeling for crystalline rock (granite) was executed and the results showed that plastic zone did not appear in all cases.

JAEA Reports

Studies about strength recovery and generalized relaxation behavior of rock, 4

Sanada, Masanori; Hayashi, Katsuhiko*; Kishi, Hirokazu; Takebe, Atsuji*; Okubo, Seisuke*

JAEA-Research 2011-028, 102 Pages, 2011/11


In this study, strength recovery, generalized stress relaxation and two tensile strength tests were carried out using shale sampled in the Wakkanai-formation. As the results, recovery of failed rocks in strength and hydraulic conductivity were observed under a certain condition. We believe this result is very important for the stability evaluation of underground space in the bedrock that needs good sealing up characteristic, isolation characteristic, safety and high reliability for long term. Generalized stress relaxation test was conducted submerging samples in water. Experimental results showed comparatively smaller scatter than those in air-dried condition. It was also found that testing results were affected by strain rate up to the starting point of generalized relaxation test. Indirect and uniaxial tensile strength tests were also conducted submerging samples in water and smaller tensile strength with smaller scatter were obtained than those in air-dried condition.

JAEA Reports

Studies on the design method of multi tunnels in geological disposal facility, 4

Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Kishi, Hirokazu; Kabayashi, Yasushi*; Takebe, Atsuji*; Fujiyama, Tetsuo*; Hiramoto, Masayuki*; Mizutani, Kazuhiko*; Morita, Atsushi*

JAEA-Research 2010-059, 92 Pages, 2011/03


In this study, the first investigation is the order of the multi-tunnels excavation. The second is the strain-softening model for multi-tunnels which is based on test data at Horonobe site. As results of first investigation, we showed as 2 dimensional analyses that it was desirable to excavate the tunnel of the remote distance at first and excavate the tunnel between these tunnels next, and it is necessary for the examination that reflected a real plan, such as evacuation machine and actual multi tunnel layout. As the results of second investigation, we also showed the more reliable EDZ by using the strain-softening model that is based on test data at Horonobe site. Furthermore, we standardized the design method (draft) for the practical use by referring the past studies of multi tunnel design method.

JAEA Reports

A Study on the technology for reducing cement-type materials used for tunnel supports at high-level radioactive waste disposal sites (Joint research)

Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Noguchi, Akira; Kishi, Hirokazu; Kabayashi, Yasushi*; Nakama, Shigeo; Fujita, Tomoo; Naito, Morimasa; Tada, Hiroyuki*; Kumasaka, Hiroo*; Goke, Mitsuo*; et al.

JAEA-Research 2010-057, 101 Pages, 2011/03


Cement-type materials that are used for supports or grouting at high-level radioactive waste disposal facilities leach into the groundwater and create a highly alkaline environment. Of concern in highly alkaline environments are the alteration of bentonite used as buffers or backfill materials, and of surrounding rock mass, and the increased uncertainty regarding the provision of performance of the disposal system over a long period of time. In this study, to reduce the quantity of cement-type materials that cause highly alkaline environments, technical feasibility of the support structure including the materials which considered the long-term performance of the HLW disposal system are discussed by using knowledge and technology accumulated in JAEA and Shimizu Construction. Moreover, based on the results, the problems remained in the application to the future HLW disposal institution are summarized.

JAEA Reports

Studies about strength recovery and generalized relaxation behavior of rock, 3

Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Kishi, Hirokazu; Kabayashi, Yasushi*; Takebe, Atsuji*; Okubo, Seisuke*

JAEA-Research 2009-058, 106 Pages, 2010/02


In this study, experimental studies on the strength recovery, the generalized stress relaxation behavior and the tensile strength were conducted using samples obtained from the Wakkanai-formation shale. As the results, the strength recovery has time-dependent characteristics. It was founded that the generalized stress relaxation behavior depends on the draining conditions. Furthermore, regarding the tensile strength, complete stress-strain curve under uniaxial tensile strength conditions was gotten and it was found that there is small residual strength. The results of uniaxial tensile strength in this year are almost same as the minimum value of splitting tensile strength test results.

JAEA Reports

Studies on the design method of multi tunnels in geological disposal facility, 3

Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Kishi, Hirokazu; Kabayashi, Yasushi*; Takebe, Atsuji*; Fujiyama, Tetsuo*; Hiramoto, Masayuki*; Mizutani, Kazuhiko*; Morita, Atsushi*

JAEA-Research 2009-056, 86 Pages, 2010/02


In this study, the effect of constitutive models such as strain softening of rock masses for EDZ, and the stress relief ratio used for multi tunnels analysis were conducted. As the result, it is necessary to confirm mechanical behavior of in situ rock and it is important to choose suitable constitutive models, and it is possible for all tunnels in multi tunnels model to have same stress relief ratio.

JAEA Reports

Studies on the design method of multi tunnels in geological disposal facility, 2

Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Kobayashi, Yasushi; Hiramoto, Masayuki*; Mizutani, Kazuhiko*; Morita, Atsushi*

JAEA-Research 2009-016, 127 Pages, 2009/08


"Study on configuration of analytical domain of the multi tunnels model" and "Remainders on an elasto-plastic FEM (Finite Element Method) analysis" in case of the full width of pillar become plastic on simplified model" are studied as "The study on the enhanced reliability of elasto-plastic FEM". In addition, "The effect of rock support and consolidation of the host rock to control the plastic region" was conducted as "The study on the mechanical stability of tunnels". As the results, it was seen that the analytical domain should be assigned 3-5W (W: width of multi tunnels) for a horizontal side from the endmost tunnel and 3-4W for below of the tunnels. It was found reasonable and proper on the elasto-plastic FEM analysis that the analysis domain must be large enough not to have plastic deformation in all analysis of domains under the condition in which the full width of pillar has plastic deformation. It was also found that the ground support suppresses the plasticity domain as the ground support effect. It was acknowledged that the auxiliary construction method by improvement of the ground has the suppression effect of the plasticity domain applying to the multi tunnels.

JAEA Reports

Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory project research and development plan in Phase 2; H20-21

Iwatsuki, Teruki; Sato, Haruo; Tanai, Kenji; Inagaki, Manabu; Sawada, Atsushi; Niinuma, Hiroaki; Ishii, Eiichi; Maekawa, Keisuke; Tomura, Goji; Sanada, Hiroyuki; et al.

JAEA-Research 2009-002, 156 Pages, 2009/05


The research and development plan for geological investigation, engineering technology and safety assessment during the drilling of a shaft down to intermediate depth are summarized according to the Midterm Plan till 2009 Fiscal year of JAEA. This report describes subject, current status and programme in the "Phase 2: Construction phase" (investigations during construction of the underground facilities). Furthermore regarding R&D plan in next Midterm Plan of JAEA, preliminary ideas are summarized.

JAEA Reports

Studies about strength recovery and generalized relaxation behavior of rock, 2 (Contract research)

Okubo, Seisuke*; Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Kobayashi, Yasushi; Hiramoto, Masayuki*

JAEA-Research 2008-106, 91 Pages, 2009/02


It is generally known that the rock has the properties of strength recovery by elapse of time around the tunnel inside sedimentary rock with ground support due to inner pressure and ground pressure. The properties of strength recovery must be taken into account of the estimation about cavity shape stability or the long-term dynamical behavior of closed disposal ground. Our research study is focusing on the properties of strength recovery, generalized relaxation behavior and the characteristics of tensile strength by experiments using boring cores obtained from the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory so as to improve the modeling for future stage.

Journal Articles

Status of JT-60SA tokamak under the EU-JA broader approach agreement

Matsukawa, Makoto; Kikuchi, Mitsuru; Fujii, Tsuneyuki; Fujita, Takaaki; Hayashi, Takao; Higashijima, Satoru; Hosogane, Nobuyuki; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Ide, Shunsuke; Ishida, Shinichi; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 83(7-9), p.795 - 803, 2008/12

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:72.53(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Design optimization for plasma performance and assessment of operation regimes in JT-60SA

Fujita, Takaaki; Tamai, Hiroshi; Matsukawa, Makoto; Kurita, Genichi; Bialek, J.*; Aiba, Nobuyuki; Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Sakurai, Shinji; Suzuki, Yutaka; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 47(11), p.1512 - 1523, 2007/11

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:63.05(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Design of modification of JT-60U, JT-60SA, has been optimized in viewpoint of plasma control, and operation regimes have been evaluated. Upper and lower divertors with different geometry are prepared for flexibility of plasma shape control. The beam lines of negative-ion NBI are shifted downward for off-axis current drive, in order to obtain a weak/reversed shear plasma. The feedback control coils along the port hole in the stabilizing plate are found effective to suppress the resistive wall mode (RWM) and sustain high $$beta$$$$_{rm N}$$ close to the ideal wall limit. The regime of full current drive operation has been extended with upgraded heating and current drive power. Full current drive operation for 100 s with reactor-relevant high values of normalized beta and bootstrap current fraction ($$I$$$$_{rm p}$$ = 2.4 MA, $$beta$$$$_{rm N}$$ = 4.4, $$f$$$$_{rm BS}$$ = 0.70, $$bar{n}$$$$_{rm e}$$/$$n$$$$_{rm GW}$$ = 0.86, H$$_{rm H98y2}$$ = 1.3) is expected in a highly-shaped low-aspect-ratio configuration ($$A$$ = 2.65). High $$beta$$$$_{rm N}$$, high-density ELMy H-mode is also expected.

Journal Articles

Safety design of radiation shielding for JT-60SA

Sukegawa, Atsuhiko; Sakurai, Shinji; Masaki, Kei; Kizu, Kaname; Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Shibama, Yusuke; Hayashi, Takao; Tamai, Hiroshi; Matsukawa, Makoto

Fusion Engineering and Design, 82(15-24), p.2799 - 2804, 2007/10

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:51.08(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The JT-60SA is planned to be utilized in the existing JT-60 experimental building. The annual neutron fluence from the JT-60SA plasma would be increased up to about 130 times as high as the present JT-60U plasma. The radiation shielding structure of vacuum vessel and cryostat is designed so that no effective change is required to the site boundary condition of JT-60 for radiation safety. Neutron and photon transport calculations have been performed using ANISN, DOT3.5. Nuclear heating of the coil and neutron flux through the vacuum vessel was considered to determine the basic structure of the vacuum vessel. The thickness of the structural and shielding materials for the vacuum vessel to be optimized for the nuclear heating of the NbTi superconducting coil has been changed. So, the vacuum vessel is designed to be a double-walled structure made of SS316L. The inner space in the double wall is filled with a 140mm thickness of borated water for cooling and neutron shielding.

Journal Articles

Overview of national centralized tokamak program; Mission, design and strategy to contribute ITER and DEMO

Ninomiya, Hiromasa; Akiba, Masato; Fujii, Tsuneyuki; Fujita, Takaaki; Fujiwara, Masami*; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Hosogane, Nobuyuki; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Inoue, Nobuyuki; et al.

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 49, p.S428 - S432, 2006/12

To contribute DEMO and ITER, the design to modify the present JT-60U into superconducting coil machine, named National Centralized Tokamak (NCT), is being progressed under nationwide collaborations in Japan. Mission, design and strategy of this NCT program is summarized.

Journal Articles

Overview of the national centralized tokamak programme

Kikuchi, Mitsuru; Tamai, Hiroshi; Matsukawa, Makoto; Fujita, Takaaki; Takase, Yuichi*; Sakurai, Shinji; Kizu, Kaname; Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Kurita, Genichi; Morioka, Atsuhiko; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 46(3), p.S29 - S38, 2006/03

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:41.56(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The National Centralized Tokamak (NCT) facility program is a domestic research program for advanced tokamak research to succeed JT-60U incorporating Japanese university accomplishments. The mission of NCT is to establish high beta steady-state operation for DEMO and to contribute to ITER. The machine flexibility and mobility is pursued in aspect ratio and shape controllability, feedback control of resistive wall modes, wide current and pressure profile control capability for the demonstration of the high-b steady state.

Journal Articles

Engineering design and control scenario for steady-state high-beta operation in national centralized tokamak

Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Akiba, Masato; Azechi, Hiroshi*; Fujii, Tsuneyuki; Fujita, Takaaki; Fujiwara, Masami*; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Hashizume, Hidetoshi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Horiike, Hiroshi*; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 81(8-14), p.1599 - 1605, 2006/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.91(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Design study of national centralized tokamak facility for the demonstration of steady state high-$$beta$$ plasma operation

Tamai, Hiroshi; Akiba, Masato; Azechi, Hiroshi*; Fujita, Takaaki; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Hashizume, Hidetoshi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Horiike, Hiroshi*; Hosogane, Nobuyuki; Ichimura, Makoto*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 45(12), p.1676 - 1683, 2005/12

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:45.37(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Design studies are shown on the National Centralized Tokamak facility. The machine design is carried out to investigate the capability for the flexibility in aspect ratio and shape controllability for the demonstration of the high-beta steady state operation with nation-wide collaboration, in parallel with ITER towards DEMO. Two designs are proposed and assessed with respect to the physics requirements such as confinement, stability, current drive, divertor, and energetic particle confinement. The operation range in the aspect ratio and the plasma shape is widely enhanced in consistent with the sufficient divertor pumping. Evaluations of the plasma performance towards the determination of machine design are presented.

Journal Articles

Progress in physics and technology developments for the modification of JT-60

Tamai, Hiroshi; Matsukawa, Makoto; Kurita, Genichi; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Urata, Kazuhiro*; Miura, Yushi; Kizu, Kaname; Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Morioka, Atsuhiko; Kudo, Yusuke; et al.

Plasma Science and Technology, 6(1), p.2141 - 2150, 2004/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:6.49(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The dominant issue for the the modification program of JT-60 (JT-60SC) is to demonstrate the steady state reactor relevant plasma operation. Physics design on plasma parameters, operation scenarios, and the plasma control method are investigated for the achievement of high-$$beta$$. Engineering design and the R&D on the superconducting magnet coils, radiation shield, and vacuum vessel are performed. Recent progress in such physics and technology developments is presented.

Journal Articles

Development of electrochemical hydrogen pump under vacuum condition for a compact tritium gas cycling system

Kato, Mineo; Ito, Takeshi*; Sugai, Hiroyuki; Kawamura, Yoshinori; Hayashi, Takumi; Nishi, Masataka; Tanase, Masakazu; Matsuzaki, Teiichiro*; Ishida, Katsuhiko*; Nagamine, Kanetada*

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.859 - 862, 2002/05

JAERI has a plane to develop a compact tritium gas recycling system for fusion research. This system is also very attractive for the muon-catalyzed fusion ($$mu$$CF) research at RIKEN-RAL Muon Facility in UK. For the research, JAERI has produced high purity tritium gas of 1,500 Ci and transported it to the Facility. In the $$mu$$CF experiments, the tritium gas was diluted by the deuterium in an optional concentration and the used tritium gas was carried back by the tritium transport container developed to JAERI. If it is possible to recycle the diluted tritium gas, i.e., the used tritium gas is enriched in the experimental site, the $$mu$$CF experiments should be conducted efficiently. rom the above point of view, in this paper, we propose the compact tritium gas recycling system based on the gas chromatography that has already developed in JAERI and a proton conductor.

JAEA Reports

The First loading fuel elements and power-up for JRR-2

JRR-2 Control Office; Kambara, Toyozo; Shoda, Katsuhiko; Hirata, Yutaka; Shoji, Tsutomu; Kohayakawa, Toru; Morozumi, Minoru; Kambayashi, Yuichiro; Shitomi, Hajimu; Kokanezawa, Takashi; et al.

JAERI 1027, 57 Pages, 1962/09


no abstracts in English

28 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)