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Gradient residual strain measurement procedure in surface impacted railway steel axles by using neutron scattering

Zhou, L.*; Zhang, H.*; Qin, T. Y.*; Hu, F. F.*; 徐 平光; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; He, L. H.*; Li, X. H.*; Zhang, J. R.*; et al.

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 55(7), p.2175 - 2185, 2024/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

High-speed railway S38C axles undergo surface induction hardening for durability, but are susceptible to fatigue cracks from foreign object impact. The neutron diffraction method was employed to measure the residual strain in S38C axles, obtaining microscopic lattice distortion data, for the gradient layer at a depth of 8 mm under the surface. The results showed that after induction-hardening, the microscopic lattice distortion had a gradient distribution, decreasing with the distance from the surface. However, in the case of impacting speed of 600 km/m, the average microscopic lattice distortion increased with the distance from the surface, reaching a maximum augmentation of 55 pct. These findings indicate a strong experimental basis, and improve our understanding of the relationship between macroscopic residual stress and decision-making, in regard to operation and maintenance.


$$beta^-$$ decay of exotic P and S isotopes with neutron number near 28

Tripathi, V.*; Bhattacharya, S.*; Rubino, E.*; Benetti, C.*; Perello, J. F.*; Tabor, S. L.*; Liddick, S. N.*; Bender, P. C.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Carroll, J. J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 106(6), p.064314_1 - 064314_14, 2022/12

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:47.44(Physics, Nuclear)



Solving the puzzles of the decay of the heaviest known proton-emitting nucleus $$^{185}$$Bi

Doherty, D. T.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Seweryniak, D.*; Woods, P. J.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Auranen, K.*; Ayangeakaa, A. D.*; Back, B. B.*; Bottoni, S.*; Canete, L.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 127(20), p.202501_1 - 202501_6, 2021/11

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:67.41(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

$$^{185}$$Bi is the heaviest known proton emitting isotope. Its decay had been observed, but the assumed ground-state lifetime ($$sim$$$$60~mu$$s) was incorrect, leading to unexplained hindrance. With two new experiments at Argonne National Laboratory, two states were clearly identified. One is the proton-emitting ground-state (spin 1/2$$^+$$, half-life: 2.8$$^{+2.3}_{-1.0}$$ $$mu$$s), the second is a 58(2) $$mu$$s $$gamma$$-decaying isomer. The new data show the inversion of the ground and isomeric states compared to neighboring Bi isotopes. This is the only known example of a ground-state proton decay to a daughter nucleus ($$^{184}$$Pb) with a major shell closure.


The $$^{59}$$Fe(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{60}$$Fe cross section from the surrogate ratio method and its effect on the $$^{60}$$Fe nucleosynthesis

Yan, S. Q.*; Li, X. Y.*; 西尾 勝久; Lugaro, M.*; Li, Z. H.*; 牧井 宏之; Pignatari, M.*; Wang, Y. B.*; Orlandi, R.; 廣瀬 健太郎; et al.

Astrophysical Journal, 919(2), p.84_1 - 84_7, 2021/10

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:8.24(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The long-lived $$^{60}$$Fe (with a half-life of 2.62 Myr) is a crucial diagnostic of active nucleosynthesis in the Milky Way galaxy and in supernovae near the solar system. The neutron-capture reaction $$^{59}$$Fe(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{60}$$Fe on $$^{59}$$Fe (half-life=44.5 days) is the key reaction for the production of $$^{60}$$Fe in massive stars. This reaction cross section has been previously constrained by the Coulomb dissociation experiment, which offered partial constraint on the E1 $$gamma$$-ray strength function but a negligible constraint on the M1 and E2 components. In this work, for the first time, we use the surrogate ratio method to experimentally determine the $$^{59}$$Fe(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{60}$$Fe cross sections in which all the components are included. We derived a Maxwellian-averaged cross section of 27.5$$pm$$3.5 mb at $$kT$$ = 30 keV and 13.4$$pm$$1.7 mb at $$kT$$ = 90 keV, roughly 10%-20% higher than previous estimates. We analyzed the impact of our new reaction rates in nucleosynthesis models of massive stars and found that uncertainties in the production of $$^{60}$$Fe from the $$^{59}$$Fe(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{60}$$Fe rate are at most 25$$%$$. We conclude that stellar physics uncertainties now play a major role in the accurate evaluation of the stellar production of $$^{60}$$Fe.


Thermally altered subsurface material of asteroid (162173) Ryugu

北里 宏平*; Milliken, R. E.*; 岩田 隆浩*; 安部 正真*; 大竹 真紀子*; 松浦 周二*; 高木 靖彦*; 中村 智樹*; 廣井 孝弘*; 松岡 萌*; et al.

Nature Astronomy (Internet), 5(3), p.246 - 250, 2021/03

 被引用回数:44 パーセンタイル:96.99(Astronomy & Astrophysics)



$$alpha$$-decay properties of $$^{200,202}$$Fr

Ghys, L.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Huyse, M.*; Van Duppen, P.*; Antalic, S.*; Barzakh, A.*; Capponi, L.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; Cubiss, J.*; Derkx, X.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 100(5), p.054310_1 - 054310_13, 2019/11

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:78.16(Physics, Nuclear)

The aim of this work was to investigate the $$alpha$$-decay properties of $$^{200,202}$$Fr and daughter products. Neutron-deficient francium nuclei are produced at ISOLDE-CERN bombarding a UCx target with 1.4 GeV protons. Due to the very high statistics and the high beam purity, improved decay data for $$^{202}$$Fr and its daughters were obtained. The observation of crossover transitions positioned the isomeric high-spin level of $$^{198}$$At at an excitation energy of 265(3) keV. Half-life values of 4.47(5) s and 1.28(10) s were extracted for the ground state and isomeric state of $$^{198}$$At and 52(3) ms for the ground-state decay of $$^{200}$$Fr.


Inverse odd-even staggering in nuclear charge radii and possible octupole collectivity in $$^{217,218,219}$$At revealed by in-source laser spectroscopy

Barzakh, A. E.*; Cubiss, J. G.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Seliverstov, M. D.*; Andel, B.*; Antalic, S.*; Ascher, P.*; Atanasov, D.*; Beck, D.*; Biero$'n$, J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 99(5), p.054317_1 - 054317_9, 2019/05

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:76.08(Physics, Nuclear)

Hyperfine-structure parameters and isotope shifts for the 795-nm atomic transitions in $$^{217,218,219}$$At have been measured at CERN-ISOLDE, using the in-source resonance-ionization spectroscopy technique. Magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments, and changes in the nuclear mean-square charge radii, have been deduced. A large inverse odd-even staggering in radii, which may be associated with the presence of octupole collectivity, has been observed. Namely, the radius of the odd-odd isotope $$^{218}$$At has been found to be larger than the average.


The Surface composition of asteroid 162173 Ryugu from Hayabusa2 near-infrared spectroscopy

北里 宏平*; Milliken, R. E.*; 岩田 隆浩*; 安部 正真*; 大竹 真紀子*; 松浦 周二*; 荒井 武彦*; 仲内 悠祐*; 中村 智樹*; 松岡 萌*; et al.

Science, 364(6437), p.272 - 275, 2019/04

 被引用回数:262 パーセンタイル:99.73(Multidisciplinary Sciences)



Observation of magnetoelastic effects in a quasi-one-dimensional spiral magnet

Wang, C.*; Daiwei, Y.*; Liu, X.*; Chen, R.*; Du, X.*; Hu, B.*; Wang, L.*; 飯田 一樹*; 蒲沢 和也*; 脇本 秀一; et al.

Physical Review B, 96(8), p.085111_1 - 085111_5, 2017/08


 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:35.02(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

This paper presents a systematic study of spin and lattice dynamics in the quasi-one-dimensional spiral magnet CuBr$$_2$$, using Raman scattering in conjunction with infrared and neutron spectroscopy. Along with the development of spin correlations upon cooling, we observe a rich set of broad Raman bands at energies that correspond to phonon-dispersion energies near the one-dimensional magnetic wave vector. The low-energy bands further exhibit a distinct intensity maximum at the spiral magnetic ordering temperature.


Changes in mean-squared charge radii and magnetic moments of $$^{179-184}$$Tl measured by in-source laser spectroscopy

Barzakh, A.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Cocolios, T. E.*; de Groote, R. P.*; Fedorov, D. V.*; Fedosseev, V. N.*; Ferrer, R.*; Fink, D. A.*; Ghys, L.*; Huyse, M.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 95(1), p.014324_1 - 014324_12, 2017/01

 被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:88.25(Physics, Nuclear)

Hyperfine structure and isotope shifts have been measured for the ground and isomeric states in the neutron deficient isotopes $$^{179-184}$$Tl using the 276.9 nm transition. The experiment has been performed at the CERN Isotope Separator On-Line facility using the in-source resonance-ionization laser spectroscopy technique. Spins for the ground states in $$^{179,181,183}$$Tl have been determined as $$I$$ = 1/2. Magnetic moments and changes in the nuclear mean-square charge radii have been deduced. By applying the additivity relation for magnetic moments of the odd-odd Tl nuclei the leading configuration assignments were confirmed. A deviation of magnetic moments for isomeric states in $$^{182,184}$$Tl from the trend of the heavier Tl nuclei is observed. The charge radii of the ground states of the isotopes $$^{179-184}$$Tl follow the trend for isotonic (spherical) lead nuclei. The noticeable difference in charge radii for ground and isomeric states of $$^{183,184}$$Tl has been observed, suggesting a larger deformation for the intruder-based 9/2$$^{-}$$ and 10$$^{-}$$ states compared to the ground states. An unexpected growth of the isomer shift for $$^{183}$$Tl has been found.


Stability and synthesis of superheavy elements; Fighting the battle against fission - Example of $$^{254}$$No

Lopez-Martens, A.*; Henning, G.*; Khoo, T. L.*; Seweryniak, D.*; Alcorta, M.*; 浅井 雅人; Back, B. B.*; Bertone, P. F.*; Boilley, D.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 131, p.03001_1 - 03001_6, 2016/12

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:43.58(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)



Spin excitations in optimally P-doped BaFe$$_2$$(As$$_{0.7}$$P$$_{0.3}$$)$$_2$$ superconductor

Hu, D.*; Yin, Z.*; Zhang, W.*; Ewings, R. A.*; 池内 和彦*; 中村 充孝; Roessli, B.*; Wei, Y.*; Zhao, L.*; Chen, G.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 94(9), p.094504_1 - 094504_7, 2016/09


 被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:58.79(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

最適Pドープされた超伝導体BaFe$$_2$$(As$$_{0.7}$$P$$_{0.3}$$)$$_2$$ (T$$_c$$=30K)におけるスピン励起の温度及びエネルギー依存性が非弾性中性子散乱実験を使って調べられた。我々の実験結果は密度汎関数理論や動的平均場理論で予想される計算結果と矛盾しておらず、BaFe$$_2$$(As$$_{0.7}$$P$$_{0.3}$$)$$_2$$における平均プニクトゲン高さの減少が、電子相関の強さを弱め、磁気励起の有効バンド幅の増加に寄与することを示唆している。


Population and decay of a $$K^{pi}$$ = 8$$^{-}$$ two-quasineutron isomer in $$^{244}$$Pu

Hota, S.*; Tandel, S.*; Chowdhury, P.*; Ahmad, I.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Chiara, C. J.*; Greene, J. P.*; Hoffman, C. R.*; Jackson, E. G.*; Janssens, R. V. F.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 94(2), p.021303_1 - 021303_5, 2016/08

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:44.13(Physics, Nuclear)

$$^{244}$$Puにおける$$K^{pi}$$ = 8$$^{-}$$アイソマーからの崩壊と集団的バンド構造が$$^{47}$$Tiと$$^{208}$$Pbのビームによる深部非弾性散乱実験によって調べられた。バンド内の正確な$$M1/E2$$分岐比の測定によって、偶$$Z$$, $$N$$=150アイソトーンにおける$$K^{pi}$$ = 8$$^{-}$$二準中性子アイソマーが9/2$$^-$$[734]$$_{nu}$$$$otimes$$7/2$$^+$$[624]$$_{nu}$$の配位であることを確かめた。$$N$$=152における変形シェルギャップ近傍のこれらのアイソマーは、超重核の一粒子エネルギーの理論的な予言において重要なベンチマークとなる。


$$alpha$$-decay study of $$^{182,184}$$Tl

Van Beveren, C.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Barzakh, A. E.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; de Groote, R. P.*; Fedorov, D.*; Fedosseev, V. N.*; Ferrer, R.*; Ghys, L.*; Huyse, M.*; et al.

Journal of Physics G; Nuclear and Particle Physics, 43(2), p.025102_1 - 025102_22, 2016/02

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:62.67(Physics, Nuclear)

$$alpha$$-decay spectroscopy of $$^{182,184}$$Tl has been performed at the CERN isotope separator on-line (ISOLDE) facility. New fine-structure $$alpha$$ decays have been observed for both isotopes. $$alpha$$-decay branching ratios of 0.089(19)$$%$$, 0.047(6)$$%$$ and 1.22(30)$$%$$ have been deduced for the (10$$^{-}$$), (7$$^{+}$$) and (2$$^{-}$$) states respectively in $$^{184}$$Tl and a lower limit of 0.49$$%$$ for the $$alpha$$-decay branching ratio of $$^{182}$$Tl. A new half-life of 9.5(2) s for the (2$$^{-}$$) state in $$^{184}$$Tl and 1.9(1) s for the low-spin state in $$^{182}$$Tl has been deduced. Using $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$ coincidence analysis, multiple $$gamma$$ rays were observed de-exciting levels in $$^{178,180}$$Au fed by $$^{182,184}$$Tl $$alpha$$ decays. The $$gamma$$ transitions connecting these low-lying states in $$^{178,180}$$Au are essential to sort the data and possibly identify bands from inbeam studies in these isotopes. Owing to the complex fine-structure $$alpha$$ decays and limited knowledge about the structure of the daughter nuclei, only partial level schemes could be constructed for both gold isotopes in the present work. Reduced $$alpha$$-decay widths have been calculated and are compared with values obtained in neighboring odd-A and even-A thallium isotopes. Except for the allowed $$alpha$$ decay of the $$^{184}$$Tl (10$$^{-}$$) state, the other fine-structure $$alpha$$ decays observed in this study are hindered. This points to strong structural changes between parent thallium and daughter gold isotopes.


EBR-II passive safety demonstration tests benchmark analyses; Phase 2

Briggs, L.*; Monti, S.*; Hu, W.*; Sui, D.*; Su, G. H.*; Maas, L.*; Vezzoni, B.*; Partha Sarathy, U.*; Del Nevo, A.*; Petruzzi, A.*; et al.

Proceedings of 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16) (USB Flash Drive), p.3030 - 3043, 2015/08

IAEA主催の「EBR-II炉停止のための熱除去試験に係るベンチマーク解析」研究共同プロジェクトは4年計画のうち3年目となっている。本プロジェクトには11ヶ国19機関がEBR-IIで行われた炉停止のための熱除去試験の内最も厳しい過渡試験の内の2ケースについて解析を実施してきた。ベンチマーク仕様に基づき炉心及び1次主冷却系の解析モデルを構築し解析を実施した。本プロジェクトのPhese 1ではブラインド解析が実施され測定データと比較・評価された。Phase 2では、Phese 1で試験データと合わなかった箇所を検討し解析モデルの改良を実施した。本論文では、最新の解析結果及び残された作業の実施方針を記載した。


Internal decay of the (10$$^{-}$$) intruder state in $$^{184}$$Tl

Van Beveren, C.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Barzakh, A.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; Fedorov, D.*; Fedosseev, V. N.*; Ferrer, R.*; Huyse, M.*; K$"o$ster, U.*; Lane, J. F. W.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 92(1), p.014325_1 - 014325_8, 2015/07

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:54.48(Physics, Nuclear)

Decay spectroscopy of $$^{184}$$Tl has been performed at the CERN Isotope Separator On-Line (ISOLDE) facility. An excitation energy of 506.1(1) keV and a half-life of 47.1(7) ms of the intruder based (10$$^{-}$$) state have been extracted. The internal decay characteristics of this state are determined and discussed, extending the systematics of such states in the even-mass thallium nuclei below neutron midshell at N = 104. The retardation factors of the isomeric M2 and E3 transitions are deduced and compared with retardation factors in neighboring odd-mass and even-mass thallium isotopes. The new information is combined with a review of hindered and unhindered $$alpha$$-decay data of $$^{187-192}$$Bi populating levels in daughter nuclei $$^{183-188}$$Tl and supports the interpretation of the intruder character of the (10$$^{-}$$) state in $$^{184}$$Tl.


Spectroscopic evidence of band Jahn-Teller distortion upon martensitic phase transition in Heusler-type Ni-Fe(Co)-Ga ferromagnetic shape-memory alloy films

角田 一樹*; 白井 開渡*; Zhu, S.-Y.*; 谷口 雅樹*; Ye, M.*; 上田 茂典*; 竹田 幸治; 斎藤 祐児; Aseguinolaza, I. R.*; Barandiar$'a$n, J. M.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 91(13), p.134417_1 - 134417_6, 2015/04

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:27.70(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The temperature evolution of the electronic structure of a Ni-Fe(Co)-Ga/MgO(100), Heusler-type, ferromagnetic shape-memory alloy thin film has been followed by a bulk-sensitive hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, element-selective soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism, and first-principles calculation. The reversible changes of the electronic states near the Fermi energy show a hysteresis associated with the martensitic phase transition (MPT), where the pseudogap opens on cooling and closes again on warming. In addition, the Ni 3d spin magnetic moment increases by approximately two times across the MPT, whereas the change of Fe 3d moment is moderate. By comparing the experimental results with the calculated spin-resolved density of states, we conclude that the band Jahn-Teller effect of Ni 3d and Fe 3d orbitals is responsible for MPT.


Identification of deformed intruder states in semi-magic $$^{70}$$Ni

Chiara, C. J.*; Weisshaar, D.*; Janssens, R. V. F.*; 角田 佑介*; 大塚 孝治*; Harker, J. L.*; Walters, W. B.*; Recchia, F.*; Albers, M.*; Alcorta, M.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 91(4), p.044309_1 - 044309_10, 2015/04

 被引用回数:39 パーセンタイル:91.75(Physics, Nuclear)

アルゴンヌ国立研究所にて中性子過剰核$$^{70}$$Niを$$^{70}$$Znの多核子移行反応によって生成し、$$gamma$$線検出器GRETINAを用いて$$gamma$$線分光を行った。その結果、$$2^+_2$$, $$4^+_2$$準位を初めて観測した。これらの準位は小さな模型空間を採用した殻模型計算では再現されないため、陽子の$$f_{7/2}$$軌道からの励起を伴った大きな変形状態であると考えられる。本論文の理論グループが2014年に発表した大規模殻模型計算によって$$^{70}$$Niの励起状態を解析した結果、これらの状態は大きなプロレート変形を持つ状態とよく対応することがわかった。この結果は、中性子過剰ニッケル同位体における変形共存が$$^{68}$$Ni以外にも存在することを実証するとともに、中性子過剰核における大規模殻模型計算の予言能力を確かめるものである。


New reactor cavity cooling system having passive safety features using novel shape for HTGRs and VHTRs

高松 邦吉; Hu, R.*

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 77, p.165 - 171, 2015/03

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:75.12(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Fission barrier of superheavy nuclei and persistence of shell effects at high spin; Cases of $$^{254}$$No and $$^{220}$$Th

Henning, G.*; Khoo, T. L.*; Lopez-Martens, A.*; Seweryniak, D.*; Alcorta, M.*; 浅井 雅人; Back, B. B.*; Bertone, P. F.*; Boilley, D.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 113(26), p.262505_1 - 262505_6, 2014/12

 被引用回数:34 パーセンタイル:82.89(Physics, Multidisciplinary)


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