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Room-temperature flexible manipulation of the quantum-metric structure in a topological chiral antiferromagnet

Han, J.*; 内村 友宏*; 荒木 康史; Yoon, J.-Y.*; 竹内 祐太郎*; 山根 結太*; 金井 駿*; 家田 淳一; 大野 英男*; 深見 俊輔*

Nature Physics, 21 Pages, 2024/04

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01



Thermal stability of non-collinear antiferromagnetic Mn$$_3$$Sn nanodot

佐藤 佑磨*; 竹内 祐太郎*; 山根 結太*; Yoon, J.-Y.*; 金井 駿*; 家田 淳一; 大野 英男*; 深見 俊輔*

Applied Physics Letters, 122(12), p.122404_1 - 122404_5, 2023/03

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:66.71(Physics, Applied)

$$D0_{19}$$-Mn$$_3$$Sn, an antiferromagnet having a non-collinear spin structure in a kagome lattice, has attracted great attention owing to various intriguing properties such as large anomalous Hall effect. Stability of magnetic state against thermal fluctuation, characterized in general by the thermal stability factor $$Delta$$, has been well studied in ferromagnetic systems but not for antiferromagnets. Here we study $$Delta$$ of the antiferromagnetic Mn$$_3$$Sn nanodots as a function of their diameter $$D$$. To obtain $$Delta$$, we measure the switching probability as a function of pulse-field amplitude and analyze the results based on a model developed by accounting for two and six-fold magnetic anisotropies in the kagome plane. We observe no significant change in $$Delta$$ down to $$D = 300$$ nm below which it decreases with $$D$$. The obtained $$D$$ dependence is well explained by a single-domain and nucleation-mediated reversal models. These findings provide a basis to understand the thermal fluctuation and reversal mechanism of antiferromagnets for device application.


Local bifurcation with spin-transfer torque in superparamagnetic tunnel junctions

舩津 拓也*; 金井 駿*; 家田 淳一; 深見 俊輔*; 大野 英男*

Nature Communications (Internet), 13, p.4079_1 - 4079_8, 2022/07

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:43.71(Multidisciplinary Sciences)



Observation of domain structure in non-collinear antiferromagnetic Mn$$_3$$Sn thin films by magneto-optical Kerr effect

内村 友宏*; Yoon, J.-Y.*; 佐藤 佑磨*; 竹内 祐太郎*; 金井 駿*; 武智 涼太*; 岸 桂輔*; 山根 結太*; DuttaGupta, S.*; 家田 淳一; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 120(17), p.172405_1 - 172405_5, 2022/04

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:85.25(Physics, Applied)

We perform a hysteresis-loop measurement and domain imaging for $$(1100)$$-oriented $$D0_{19}$$-Mn$$_{3+x}$$Sn$$_{1-x}$$ $$(-0.11 le x le 0.14)$$ thin films using magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) and compare it with the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) measurement. We obtain a large Kerr rotation angle of 10 mdeg., comparable with bulk single-crystal Mn$$_3$$Sn. The composition $$x$$ dependence of AHE and MOKE shows a similar trend, suggesting the same origin, i.e., the non-vanishing Berry curvature in the momentum space. Magnetic domain observation at the saturated state shows that x dependence of AHE and MOKE is explained by an amount of reversible area that crucially depends on the crystalline structure of the film. Furthermore, in-depth observation of the reversal process reveals that the reversal starts with nucleation of sub-micrometer-scale domains dispersed in the film, followed by a domain expansion, where the domain wall preferentially propagates along the $$[11bar{2}0]$$ direction. Our study provides a basic understanding of the spatial evolution of the reversal of chiral-spin structure in non-collinear antiferromagnetic thin films.


Chiral-spin rotation of non-collinear antiferromagnet by spin-orbit torque

竹内 祐太郎*; 山根 結太*; Yoon, J.-Y.*; 伊藤 隆一*; 陣内 佛霖*; 金井 駿*; 家田 淳一; 深見 俊輔*; 大野 英男*

Nature Materials, 20(10), p.1364 - 1370, 2021/10

 被引用回数:84 パーセンタイル:98.69(Chemistry, Physical)

Electrical manipulation of magnetic materials by current-induced spin torque constitutes the basis of spintronics. Recent studies have demonstrated electrical controls of ferromagnets and collinear antiferromagnets by spin-orbit torque (SOT). Here we show an unconventional response to SOT of a non-collinear antiferromagnet, which has recently attracted great attention owing to large anomalous Hall effect despite vanishingly small net magnetization. In heterostructures with epitaxial non-collinear antiferromagnet Mn$$_3$$Sn, we observe a characteristic fluctuation of Hall resistance, which is attributed to a persistent rotation of chiral-spin structure of Mn$$_3$$Sn driven by SOT. We find that level of the fluctuation that varies with sample size represents the number of magnetic domains of Mn$$_{3}$$Sn. In addition, Mn$$_3$$Sn thickness dependence of critical current reveals that SOT generated by small current density below 20 MA cm$$^{-2}$$ effectively acts on the chiral-spin structure even in thick Mn$$_3$$Sn above 20 nm. The results provide unprecedented pathways of electrical manipulation of magnetic materials, offering new-concept spintronics devices with unconventional functionalities and low-power consumption.


Correlation of anomalous Hall effect with structural parameters and magnetic ordering in Mn$$_{3+x}$$Sn$$_{1-x}$$ thin films

Yoon, J.-Y.*; 竹内 祐太郎*; DuttaGupta, S.*; 山根 結太*; 金井 駿*; 家田 淳一; 大野 英男*; 深見 俊輔*

AIP Advances (Internet), 11(6), p.065318_1 - 065318_6, 2021/06

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:77.78(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

We investigate the relationship between structural parameters, magnetic ordering, and the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) of Mn$$_{3+x}$$Sn$$_{1-x}$$ ($$-0.42 le x le +0.23$$) thin films annealed at various temperature $$T_a$$. The crystal structure changes with $$x$$ and $$T_a$$ and at $$T_a ge 500$$ $$^circ$$C near the stoichiometric composition ($$-0.08 le x le +0.04$$) epitaxial single-phase $$D$$0$$_{19}$$-Mn$$_{3+x}$$Sn$$_{1-x}$$($$10bar{1}0$$) is obtained. At room temperature, a larger AHE is obtained when the single-phase epitaxial Mn$$_3$$Sn with the lattice constant closer to that of bulk is formed. The temperature dependence of the AHE shows different behaviors depending on $$T_a$$ and can be explained by considering the variation of magnetic ordering. A close inspection into the temperature and composition dependence suggests a variation of magnetic phase transition temperature with composition and/or a possible correlation between the AHE and Fermi level position with respect to the Weyl points. Our comprehensive study would provide the basis for utilizing the unique functionalities of non-collinear antiferromagnetic materials.


Magnetization dynamics and its scattering mechanism in thin CoFeB films with interfacial anisotropy

岡田 篤*; He, S.*; Gu, B.; 金井 駿*; Soumyanarayanan, A.*; Lim, S. T.*; Tran, M.*; 森 道康; 前川 禎通; 松倉 文礼*; et al.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 144(15), p.3815 - 3820, 2017/04

Studies of magnetization dynamics have incessantly facilitated the discovery of fundamentally novel physical phenomena, making steady headway in the development of magnetic and spintronics devices. The dynamics can be induced and detected electrically, offering new functionalities in advanced electronics at the nanoscale. However, its scattering mechanism is still disputed. Understanding the mechanism in thin films is especially important, because most spintronics devices are made from stacks of multilayers with nanometer thickness. The stacks are known to possess interfacial magnetic anisotropy, a central property for applications, whose influence on the dynamics remains unknown. Here, we investigate the impact of interfacial anisotropy by adopting CoFeB/MgO as a model system. Through systematic and complementary measurements of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) on a series of thin films, we identify narrower FMR linewidths at higher temperatures. We explicitly rule out the temperature dependence of intrinsic damping as a possible cause, and it is also not expected from existing extrinsic scattering mechanisms for ferromagnets. We ascribe this observation to motional narrowing, an old concept so far neglected in the analyses of FMR spectra. The effect is confirmed to originate from interfacial anisotropy, impacting the practical technology of spin-based nanodevices up to room temperature.


Thermal stability of a magnetic domain wall in nanowires

深見 俊輔*; 家田 淳一; 大野 英男*

Physical Review B, 91(23), p.235401_1 - 235401_7, 2015/06

 被引用回数:22 パーセンタイル:66.35(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Anomalous temperature dependence of current-induced torques in CoFeB/MgO heterostructures with Ta-based underlayers

Kim, J.*; Sinha, J.*; 三谷 誠司*; 林 将光*; 高橋 三郎*; 前川 禎通; 山ノ内 路彦*; 大野 英男*

Physical Review B, 89(17), p.174424_1 - 174424_8, 2014/05

 被引用回数:93 パーセンタイル:94.10(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Reduction of intrinsic critical current density under a magnetic field along the hard axis of a free layer in a magnetic tunnel junction

三浦 勝哉*; 菅野 量子*; 市村 雅彦*; 早川 純*; 池田 正二*; 大野 英男*; 前川 禎通

Physical Review B, 84(17), p.174434_1 - 174434_7, 2011/11

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:5.36(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We investigated the effect of a magnetic field along a hard in-plane axis $$H$$$$_{rm hard}$$ on a current-induced magnetization switching in magnetic tunnel junctions. Our recent findings suggest that the effect of $$H$$$$_{rm hard}$$ mainly appears in the dynamic properties due to the nonconservative force of the spin-transfer torque based on the Slonczewski's model. A simple stability analysis demonstrated that the tilt of the magnetization direction away from the easy axis caused by the presence of $$H$$$$_{rm hard}$$ induces an imbalance between the spin-transfer and damping torques and that applying a current achieves the further tilted stable state. Achievement of this stable state can be interpreted as the suppression of the effect of the effective demagnetization field. Therefore the major reduction in $$J$$$$_{rm c0}$$ is due to the suppression of H$$_d^{*}$$ caused by the presence of $$H$$$$_{rm hard}$$.


Magnetic circular dichroism in Mn 2p core absorption of Ga$$_{1-x}$$Mn$$_{x}$$As

上田 茂典*; 今田 真*; 室 隆桂之*; 斎藤 祐児; 菅 滋正*; 松倉 文礼*; 大野 英男*

Physica E, 10(1-3), p.210 - 214, 2001/05

 被引用回数:24 パーセンタイル:73.89(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

希薄磁性半導体Ga$$_{1-x}$$Mn$$_{x}$$As(x=0.025)のMn 2p内殻光吸収における磁気円2色性の測定をファラデー配置にて行った。得られたスペクトルを配置間相互作用を考慮したクラスターモデルを用いて解析し、3d電子間のクーロン相互作用,電荷移動エネルギー,Mn 3dとAs 4p間の移動積分,結晶場の大きさといったMn電子状態に関するパラメータの値を得た。また、得られたパラメータ値を用いp-d交換定数を評価した。



小林 大輔*; 梯 友哉*; 廣瀬 和之*; 池田 正二*; 山ノ内 路彦*; 佐藤 英雄*; Enobio, E. C.*; 遠藤 哲郎*; 大野 英男*; 小野田 忍; et al.

no journal, , 

磁気抵抗メモリ(MRAM)の基本素子である磁気トンネル接合に重イオン放射線を照射した。試験素子は東北大学によって作製されたCoFeB/MgO/CoFeB層からなるものである。この素子は、垂直磁気異方性を持ち、スピン注入磁化反転方式によって制御される従来とは異なる特徴を有す。スピン注入磁化反転方式では、データ書き込みが素子へのパルス電流注入によって実現されるため、放射線衝突によって発生するノイズ電流による記憶データ喪失(書き換え)への懸念がある。タンデム加速器で加速した15MeV Siイオンを、中エネルギーイオン照射チェンバー、並びに、重イオンマイクロビーム形成装置と半導体デバイス微小領域照射試験装置を利用して照射したところ、用いたイオンビームにおいては記憶データの喪失が起きないことが明らかとなった。また、電圧ストレスが放射線耐性に及ぼす影響についても調査したが、実験に用いた$$pm$$0.5Vの電圧ストレスの範囲では前記Siイオンビームへの耐性に変化がないことが判明した。

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