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HTTR1次ヘリウム循環機フィルタの差圧上昇事象,2; フィルタ付着物の調査と再発防止対策

根本 隆弘; 藤原 佑輔; 荒川 了紀; 長山 侑矢; 長住 達; 長谷川 俊成; 横山 佳祐; 渡部 雅; 大西 貴士; 川本 大樹; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2024-003, 17 Pages, 2024/06




"Invisible" radioactive cesium atoms revealed; Pollucite inclusion in cesium-rich microparticles (CsMPs) from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

宮崎 加奈子*; 武原 政人*; 蓑毛 健太*; 堀江 憲路*; 竹原 真美*; 山崎 信哉*; 斉藤 拓巳*; 大貫 敏彦*; 高野 公秀; 塩津 弘之; et al.

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 470(15), p.134104_1 - 134104_11, 2024/05

Radioactive Cs contamination has been one of the central issues in Fukushima and other legacy sites; however, atomic-scale characterization of radioactive Cs has never been successful. Here we report, for the first time, the direct imaging of radioactive Cs atoms using high-resolution high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy. As inclusions in Cs-rich microparticles, 27-36 wt.% of Cs (as Cs$$_{2}$$O) occurs in a type of zeolite called pollucite. The normalized formula for pollucite are expressed as (Cs,K,Ba)$$_{2.2}$$(Fe$$_{0.84}$$,Zn$$_{0.84}$$,X$$_{0.5}$$)$$_{2.2}$$Si$$_{4.1}$$O$$_{12}$$, (Cs,K,Ba)$$_{1.5}$$(Fe$$_{0.66}$$Zn$$_{0.32}$$X$$_{0.6}$$)$$_{1.6}$$Si$$_{4.6}$$O$$_{12}$$, and (Cs,K,Ba)$$_{1.7}$$(Fe$$_{0.60}$$Zn$$_{0.32}$$X$$_{1.0}$$)$$_{1.9}$$Si$$_{4.4}$$O$$_{12}$$ after normalization with 12 oxygen atoms (X includes other trace cations; Ti, Mn, Rb, Zr, Mo, and Sn). Atomic-resolution image of radioactive Cs atoms are obtained when viewing along the [111] zone axis, a view supported by image simulations using the multi-slice method. The occurrence of pollucite indicates that locally enriched Cs reacted with siliceous substances during meltdowns, presumably through hydrothermal reactions. In case of predominant occurrence of pollucite in debris, incorporation in pollucite structure retards leaching of radioactive Cs. Still, the atomic-resolution imaging of radioactive Cs is an important advance for better understanding the fate of radioactive Cs inside and outside of damaged reactors during severe accidents like Fukushima Daiichi.


${it In situ}$ Ga K-edge XANES study of Ga-exchanged zeolites at high temperatures under different atmospheres including vacuum, CO, and pressurized H$$_{2}$$

Huang, M.*; 金城 哲弥*; 安村 駿作*; 鳥屋尾 隆*; 松村 大樹; 齋藤 寛之*; 清水 研一*; 並木 則和*; 前野 禅*

Catalysis Science & Technology, 13(23), p.6832 - 6838, 2023/12

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

Ga-exchanged zeolites are promising catalysts for dehydrogenative alkane transformations. Reduced Ga species, such as Ga hydrides and Ga$$^{+}$$ cations, are possible active sites for alkane dehydrogenation based on in situ spectroscopic studies. However, most of the reported studies were conducted at lower temperatures compared with those encountered in actual operating conditions. In this study, the in situ Ga K-edge XANES analysis of Ga-exchanged MFI zeolite was performed under actual operating temperatures and different atmospheres (H$$_{2}$$, He, CO, vacuum, and C$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$). The absorption edge appeared at similarly lower energy values than that of Ga$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ in all atmospheres, whereas the main absorption peak intensity differed depending on the presence or absence of a hydride source in the gas phase. Higher intensities were observed under H$$_{2}$$ and C$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$ atmospheres than under CO and vacuum atmospheres.


Temperature-variable apparatus for measuring Barnett field

埋田 真樹; 中堂 博之; 今井 正樹; 佐藤 奈々; 齊藤 英治

Review of Scientific Instruments, 94(6), p.063906_1 - 063906_8, 2023/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We have developed experimental equipment for observing the Barnett effect, in which mechanical rotation magnetizes an object, at low temperatures. A sample in a rotor is rotated bidirectionally using a temperature-controlled high-pressure gas. The stray field generated from the sample due to the Barnett effect was detected using a fluxgate magnetic sensor with a sensitivity on the order of several picoteslas, even at low temperatures. By replacing the rotor with a solenoid coil, the magnetic susceptibility of the sample was estimated from the stray field to be of the same order of magnitude as that due to the Barnett effect. The Barnett field was estimated using the dipole model. To assess the performance of the setup at low temperatures, measurements were performed on commercial magnetite (Fe$$_3$$O$$_4$$) nanogranules. We confirmed the accordance of the $$it{g'}$$ factor between the experimental results using the present setup and those of our previous study performed at room temperature.


HTTR1次ヘリウム循環機フィルタの差圧上昇事象,1; 差圧上昇事象の原因調査

根本 隆弘; 荒川 了紀; 川上 悟; 長住 達; 横山 佳祐; 渡部 雅; 大西 貴士; 川本 大樹; 古澤 孝之; 猪井 宏幸; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2023-005, 33 Pages, 2023/05


HTTR (High Temperature engineering Test Reactor) RS-14サイクルの原子炉出力降下において、ヘリウムガス循環機のフィルタ差圧が上昇傾向となった。この原因を調査するため、1次ヘリウム純化設備のガス循環機の分解点検等を実施した結果、ガス循環機内のシリコンオイルミストがチャコールフィルタの性能低下で捕集できなくなり、1次系統に混入したためと推定された。今後は、フィルタ交換を実施するとともに、さらなる調査を進め、再発防止対策を策定する予定である。


Hydrogen occupation and hydrogen-induced volume expansion in Fe$$_{0.9}$$Ni$$_{0.1}$$D$$_x$$ at high $$P-T$$ conditions

市東 力*; 鍵 裕之*; 柿澤 翔*; 青木 勝敏*; 小松 一生*; 飯塚 理子*; 阿部 淳*; 齋藤 寛之*; 佐野 亜沙美; 服部 高典

American Mineralogist, 108(4), p.659 - 666, 2023/04

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:54.63(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

Fe$$_{0.9}$$Ni$$_{0.1}$$H$$_x$$(D$$_x$$)の12GPa, 1000Kまでの高温高圧下における相関係と結晶構造をその場X線及び中性子回折測定により明らかにした。今回実験した温度圧力下において、Fe$$_{0.9}$$Ni$$_{0.1}$$H$$_x$$(D$$_x$$)ではFeH$$_x$$(D$$_x$$)とは異なり、重水素原子は面心立方構造(fcc)中の四面体サイトを占有しないことが明らかになった。単位重水素あたりの水素誘起膨張体積$$v_mathrm{D}$$は、fcc相で2.45(4) $AA$^3$$、hcp相で3.31(6) $AA$^3$$であり、FeD$$_x$$におけるそれぞれの値より著しく大きいことが明らかになった。また、$$v_mathrm{D}$$は温度の上昇に伴いわずかに増加した。この結果は、鉄に10%ニッケルを添加するだけで、金属中の水素の挙動が劇的に変化することを示唆している。$$v_mathrm{D}$$が圧力に関係なく一定であると仮定すると、地球内核の最大水素含有量は海洋の水素量の1-2倍であると推定される。


Spin and spin current; From fundamentals to recent progress

前川 禎通; 吉川 貴史*; 中堂 博之; 家田 淳一; 齊藤 英治

Journal of Applied Physics, 133(2), p.020902_1 - 020902_24, 2023/01

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:96.40(Physics, Applied)

Along with the progress of spin science and spintronics research, the flow of electron spins, i.e., spin current, has attracted interest. New phenomena and electronic states were explained in succession using the concept of spin current. Moreover, as many of the conventionally known spintronics phenomena became well organized based on spin current, it has rapidly been recognized as an essential concept in a wide range of condensed matter physics. In this article, we focus on recent developments in the physics of spin, spin current, and their related phenomena, where the conversion between spin angular momentum and different forms of angular momentum plays an essential role. Starting with an introduction to spin current, we first discuss the recent progress in spintronic phenomena driven by spin-exchange coupling: spin pumping, topological Hall torque, and emergent inductor. We, then, extend our discussion to the interaction/interconversion of spins with heat, lattice vibrations, and charge current and address recent progress and perspectives on the spin Seebeck and Peltier effects. Next, we review the interaction between mechanical motion and electron/nuclear spins and argue the difference between the Barnett field and rotational Doppler effect. We show that the Barnett effect reveals the angular momentum compensation temperature, at which the net angular momentum is quenched in ferrimagnets.


Rotation of complex ions with ninefold hydrogen coordination studied by quasielastic neutron scattering and first-principles molecular dynamics calculations

大政 義典*; 高木 茂幸*; 戸嶋 健人*; 横山 凱乙*; 遠藤 亘*; 折茂 慎一*; 齋藤 寛之*; 山田 武*; 川北 至信; 池田 一貴*; et al.

Physical Review Research (Internet), 4(3), p.033215_1 - 033215_9, 2022/09

Quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) and neutron powder diffraction of the complex transition metalhydrides Li$$_5$$MoH$$_{11}$$ and Li$$_6$$NbH$$_{11}$$ were measured in a temperature range of 10-300 K to study their structures and dynamics, especially the dynamics of the hydrogen atoms. These hydrides contain unusual ninefold H coordinated complex ions (MoH$$_9^{3-}$$ or NbH$$_9^{4-}$$) and hydride ions (H$$^-$$). A QENS signal appeared $$>$$ 150 K due to the relaxation of H atoms. The intermediate scattering functions derived from the QENS spectra are well fitted by a stretched exponential function called the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts functions with a small stretching exponent $$beta approx$$ 0.3-0.4, suggesting a wide relaxation time distribution. The $$Q$$ dependence of the elastic incoherent structure factor is reproduced by the rotational diffusion of MH$$_9$$ (M = Mo or Nb) anions. The results are well supported by a van Hove analysis for the motion of H atoms obtained using first-principles molecular dynamics calculations. We conclude that the wide relaxation time distribution of the MH$$_9$$ rotation is due to the positional disorder of the surrounding Li ions and a unique rotation with MH$$_9$$ anion deformation (pseudorotation).


Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors

大島 宏之; 森下 正樹*; 相澤 康介; 安藤 勝訓; 芦田 貴志; 近澤 佳隆; 堂田 哲広; 江沼 康弘; 江連 俊樹; 深野 義隆; et al.

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.3, 631 Pages, 2022/07

ナトリウム冷却高速炉(SFR: Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor)の歴史や、利点、課題を踏まえた安全性、設計、運用、メンテナンスなどについて解説する。AIを利用した設計手法など、SFRの実用化に向けた設計や研究開発についても述べる。


Uranium chelating ability of decorporation agents in serum evaluated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy

上原 章寛*; 松村 大樹; 辻 卓也; 薬丸 晴子*; 田中 泉*; 城 鮎美*; 齋藤 寛之*; 石原 弘*; 武田(本間) 志乃*

Analytical Methods, 14(24), p.2439 - 2445, 2022/06

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:55.70(Chemistry, Analytical)

Internal exposure to actinides such as uranium and plutonium has been reduced using chelating agents for decorporation because of their potential to induce both radiological and chemical toxicities. This study measures uranium chemical forms in serum in the presence and absence of chelating agents based on X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The chelating agents used were 1-hydroxyethane 1,1-bisphosphonate (EHBP), inositol hexaphosphate (IP6), deferoxamine B (DFO), and diethylenetriaminepentaacetate (DTPA). The main ligands forming complexes with uranium in the serum were estimated as follows: IP6 $$>$$ EHBP $$>$$ bioligands $$>$$ DFO $$>>$$ DTPA when the concentration ratio of the chelating agent to uranium was 10. Measurements of uranium chemical forms and their concentrations in the serum would be useful for the appropriate treatment using chelating agents for the decorporation of uranium.


Repeatable photoinduced insulator-to-metal transition in yttrium oxyhydride epitaxial thin films

小松 遊矢*; 清水 亮太*; 佐藤 龍平*; Wilde, M.*; 西尾 和記*; 片瀬 貴義*; 松村 大樹; 齋藤 寛之*; 宮内 雅浩*; Adelman, J. R.*; et al.

Chemistry of Materials, 34(8), p.3616 - 3623, 2022/04

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:75.04(Chemistry, Physical)

Here, we demonstrate such a highly repeatable photoinduced insulator-to-metal transition in yttrium oxyhydride (YO$$_{x}$$H$$_{y}$$) epitaxial thin films. The temperature ($$T$$) dependence of the electrical resistivity ($$rho$$) of the films transforms from insulating to metallic ($$drho/dT > 0$$) under ultraviolet laser illumination. The sample is heated (125 $$^{circ}$$C) under an Ar atmosphere to recover its original insulating state. The films recover their original metallic conductivity when subsequently subjected to ultraviolet laser illumination, showing repeatable photoinduced insulator-to-metal transition. First principles calculations show that the itinerant carriers originate from the variations in the charge states of the hydrogen atoms that occupy octahedral interstitial sites. This study indicates that tuning the site occupancy (octahedral/tetrahedral) of the hydrogen atoms exerts a significant effect on the photoresponse of metal hydrides.


Volatilization of B$$_{4}$$C control rods in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors during meltdown; B-Li isotopic signatures in cesium-rich microparticles

笛田 和希*; 高見 龍*; 蓑毛 健太*; 諸岡 和也*; 堀江 憲路*; 竹原 真美*; 山崎 信哉*; 斉藤 拓巳*; 塩津 弘之; 大貫 敏彦*; et al.

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 428, p.128214_1 - 128214_10, 2022/04

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:69.58(Engineering, Environmental)

Boron carbide control rods remain in the fuel debris of the damaged reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, potentially preventing re-criticality; however, the state and stability of the control rods remain unknown. Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe analyses have revealed B-Li isotopic signatures in radioactive Cs-rich microparticles (CsMPs) that formed by volatilization and condensation of Si-oxides during the meltdowns. The CsMPs contain 1518-6733 mg kg$$^{-1}$$ of $$^{10+11}$$B and 11.99-1213 mg kg$$^{-1}$$ of Li. The $$^{11}$$B/$$^{10}$$B (4.15-4.21) and $$^{7}$$Li/$$^{6}$$Li (213-406) isotopic ratios are greater than natural abundances ($$sim$$4.05 and $$sim$$12.5, respectively), indicating that $$^{10}$$B(n,$$alpha$$)$$^{7}$$Li reactions occurred in B$$_{4}$$C prior to the meltdowns. The total amount of B released with CsMPs was estimated to be 0.024-62 g, suggesting that essentially all B remains in reactor Units 2 and/or 3 and is enough to prevent re-criticality; however, the heterogeneous distribution of B needs to be considered during decommissioning.


Time-resolved 3D visualization of liquid jet breakup and impingement behavior in a shallow liquid pool

木村 郁仁*; 山村 聡太*; 藤原 広太*; 吉田 啓之; 齋藤 慎平*; 金子 暁子*; 阿部 豊*

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 389, p.111660_1 - 111660_11, 2022/04

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:63.91(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A new three-dimensional laser-induced fluorescent (3D-LIF) technology to obtain the hydrodynamic behavior of liquid jets in a shallow pool were developed. In this technology, firstly, a refractive index matching was applied to acquire a clear cross-sectional image. Secondly, a series of cross-sectional images was obtained by using a high-speed galvanometer scanner. Finally, to evaluate the unsteady 3D interface shape of liquid jet, a method was developed to reconstruct 3D shapes from the series of cross-sectional images obtained using the 3D-LIF method. The spatial and temporal resolutions of measurement were 4.7 $$times$$ 4.7 $$times$$ 1.0 lines/mm and 25 $$mu$$s, respectively. The shape of a 3D liquid jet in a liquid pool and its impingement, spreading and atomization behavior were reconstructed using the proposed method, successfully. The behaviors of atomized particles detached from the jet were obtained by applying data processing techniques. Diameters distribution and position of atomized droplets after detachment were estimated from the results.


プルトニウムの体外排出に向けたキレート剤による除染に関する基礎検討; X線吸収分光法によるプルトニウム模擬元素とキレート剤との結合性評価

上原 章寛*; Shuhui, X.*; 佐藤 遼太朗*; 松村 大樹; 辻 卓也; 薬丸 晴子*; 城 鮎美*; 齋藤 寛之*; 田中 泉*; 石原 弘*; et al.

X線分析の進歩,53, p.223 - 229, 2022/03

体内にアクチニドなどの放射性物質が取り込まれると、生体内配位子がアクチニドと化合物を生成し、体内滞留の原因となりうる。本研究では、アクチニドを体外に排出させるためのキレート剤の結合性評価を行うため、キレート剤と結合した元素の局所構造をX線吸収分光法によって解析し結合力を評価した。プルトニウム模擬元素としてジルコニウム(Zr),キレート剤として、EHBP(1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonate)およびDTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetate)を用いた。ZrはEHBPと八面体構造の錯体を形成するとともに、Zr-EHBP錯体はZr-DTPA錯体より強い結合を有することが分かった。これらの知見は、放射性元素による内部被ばく線量評価や、放射性元素を体外に取り除くための適切な除染方法の提案につながる。


Dispersive XAFS Study on the Laser-Induced Reduction of a Rh$$^{3+}$$ ion complex; Presence of a Rh$$^{+}$$ Intermediate in Direct Photoreduction

佐伯 盛久*; 松村 大樹; 中西 隆造*; 蓬田 匠; 辻 卓也; 齋藤 寛之*; 大場 弘則*

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(12), p.5607 - 5616, 2022/03

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:12.40(Chemistry, Physical)

パルス紫外線レーザー照射によって引き起こされるRh$$^{3+}$$イオン錯体のRh$$^{0}$$種への直接光還元反応機構を、分散型X線吸収微細構造(DXAFS)分光法によって調べた。時間分解X線吸収端近傍構造(XANES)には等吸収点がなく、Rh$$^{3+}$$の直接光還元に2種類以上のRh$$^{n+}$$が寄与することを示した。時間分解XANESデータの特異値解析から、直接光還元には3つのRh$$^{n+}$$種が関与することが示唆された。時間分解XANESデータを、交互最小二乗法による多変量解析(MCR-ALS)により解析したところ、3つのRh$$^{n+}$$種の純粋なスペクトルと濃度プロファイルが得られた。Rh$$^{n+}$$種は、3つのXANESスペクトルの特徴から、Rh$$^{3+}$$, Rh$$^{+}$$, Rh$$^{0}$$種に分類できた。得られた濃度プロファイルから、Rhの直接光還元はRh$$^{3+}$$ $$rightarrow$$ Rh$$^{+}$$ $$rightarrow$$ Rh$$^{0}$$の順で進行することが示唆され、Rh$$^{3+}$$とRh$$^{+}$$の光還元、Rh$$^{3+}$$とRh$$^{+}$$の光による自己触媒的還元、Rh$$^{+}$$の光酸化による反応機構により、3種のRh$$^{n+}$$の濃度プロファイルがよく再現できることが示された。


Improving the safety of the high temperature gas-cooled reactor "HTTR" based on Japan's new regulatory requirements

濱本 真平; 清水 厚志; 猪井 宏幸; 栃尾 大輔; 本間 史隆; 澤畑 洋明; 関田 健司; 渡辺 周二; 古澤 孝之; 飯垣 和彦; et al.

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 388, p.111642_1 - 111642_11, 2022/03

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:48.47(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Bayesian sparse modeling of extended X-ray absorption fine structure to determine interstitial oxygen positions in yttrium oxyhydride epitaxial thin film

熊添 博之*; 五十嵐 康彦*; Iesari, F.*; 清水 亮太*; 小松 遊矢*; 一杉 太郎*; 松村 大樹; 齋藤 寛之*; 岩満 一功*; 岡島 敏浩*; et al.

AIP Advances (Internet), 11(12), p.125013_1 - 125013_5, 2021/12

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:16.40(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

This letter presents a Bayesian sparse modeling method to analyze extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data with basis functions built on two-body signals. This method allows us to evaluate regression coefficients proportional to the radial distribution functions of the respective elements and their errors and is very effective for analysis of EXAFS with weak absorption intensity and severe signal-to-noise ratio. As an application example, we used it to analyze EXAFS of an yttrium oxyhydride (YO$$_{x}$$H$$_{y}$$) epitaxial thin film. This EXAFS data shows weak absorption intensity due to the small amount of X-ray absorption in the thin film sample. However, this approach revealed that the radial distance ratio of the second neighbor yttrium to the first neighbor oxygen coincides with that of a tetrahedral configuration. This result demonstrates that the interstitial oxygen position is tetrahedral in the YO$$_{x}$$H$$_{y}$$ thin film.


PSTEP: Project for solar-terrestrial environment prediction

草野 完也*; 一本 潔*; 石井 守*; 三好 由純*; 余田 成男*; 秋吉 英治*; 浅井 歩*; 海老原 祐輔*; 藤原 均*; 後藤 忠徳*; et al.

Earth, Planets and Space (Internet), 73(1), p.159_1 - 159_29, 2021/12

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:47.66(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)



可搬型ゲルマニウム半導体検出器を用いた${it in situ}$測定による福島第一原子力発電所から80km圏内の土壌中天然放射性核種の空気カーマ率評価

三上 智; 田中 博幸*; 奥田 直敏*; 坂本 隆一*; 越智 康太郎; 宇野 騎一郎*; 松田 規宏; 斎藤 公明

日本原子力学会和文論文誌, 20(4), p.159 - 178, 2021/12

2011年の福島第一原子力発電所事故により放出された放射性物質の影響のある地域で地殻ガンマ線によるバックグラウンド線量率のレベルを調査した。可搬型ゲルマニウム半導体検出器を用いて福島第一原子力発電所から80km圏内の370地点で、2013年から2019年にかけて地殻ガンマ線を測定した。ICRUレポート53に示される方法によってウラン238($$^{238}$$U),トリウム232($$^{232}$$Th)及びカリウム40($$^{40}$$K)の土壌中放射能濃度とこれらによる地上1m高さにおける空気カーマ率を測定評価した。$$^{238}$$U, $$^{232}$$Th及び$$^{40}$$Kの370地点の平均濃度はそれぞれ18.8, 22.7, 428Bq/kgであった。また、空気カーマ率の対象エリアの平均値は0.0402$$mu$$Gy/hであった。得られた空気カーマ率を文献に報告されている値と比較した。その結果、本研究による測定結果は文献に報告されている値と互いに相関があり、数値は不確かさの範囲内で一致していた。これは地殻ガンマ線による空気カーマ率は地質に依存するためである。地質時代が中生代、地質が花崗岩や流紋岩に分類される地点の空気カーマ率はその他の時代や岩石種に分類される地点の空気カーマ率に比べて統計学的に有意に高いことが確認できた。これは、既報の知見と整合する結果であった。



栃尾 大輔; 長住 達; 猪井 宏幸; 濱本 真平; 小野 正人; 小林 正一; 上坂 貴洋; 渡辺 周二; 齋藤 賢司

JAEA-Technology 2021-014, 80 Pages, 2021/09



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