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Pearlite growth kinetics in Fe-C-Mn eutectoid steels; Quantitative evaluation of energy dissipation at pearlite growth front via experimental approaches

Zhang, Y.-J.*; 梅田 岳昌*; 諸岡 聡; Harjo, S.; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 55(10), p.3921 - 3936, 2024/10

In this study, a series of eutectoid steels with Mn addition up to 2 mass% were isothermally transformed at various temperatures from 873 K to 973 K to clarify the pearlite growth kinetics and the underlying thermodynamics at its growth front. The microscopic observation indicates the acceleration in pearlite growth rate and refinement in lamellar spacing by decreasing the transformation temperature or the amount of Mn addition. After analyzing the solute distribution at pearlite growth front via three-dimensional atom probe, no macroscopic Mn partitioning across pearlite/austenite interface is detected, whereas Mn segregation is only observed at ferrite/austenite interface. Furthermore, in-situ neutron diffraction measurements performed at elevated temperatures reveals that the magnitude of elastic strain generated during pearlite transformation is very small.


Quantitative analysis of microstructure evolution, stress partitioning and thermodynamics in the dynamic transformation of Fe-14Ni alloy

Li, L.*; 宮本 吾郎*; Zhang, Y.*; Li, M.*; 諸岡 聡; 及川 勝成*; 友田 陽*; 古原 忠*

Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 184, p.221 - 234, 2024/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Dynamic transformation (DT) of austenite ($$gamma$$) to ferrite ($$alpha$$) in the hot deformation of various carbon steels was widely investigated. However, the nature of DT remains unclear due to the lack of quantitative analysis of stress partitioning between two phases and the uncertainty of local distribution of substitutional elements at the interface in multi-component carbon steels used in the previous studies. Therefore, in the present study, a binary Fe-Ni alloy with $$alpha$$+$$gamma$$ duplex microstructure in equilibrium was prepared and isothermally compressed in $$alpha$$+$$gamma$$ two-phase region to achieve quantitative analysis of microstructure evolution, stress partitioning and thermodynamics during DT. $$gamma$$ to $$alpha$$ DT during isothermal compression and $$alpha$$ to $$gamma$$ reverse transformation on isothermal annealing under unloaded condition after deformation were accompanied by Ni partitioning. The lattice strains during thermomechanical processing were obtained via in-situ neutron diffraction measurement, based on which the stress partitioning behavior between $$gamma$$ and $$alpha$$ was discussed by using the generalized Hooke's law. A thermodynamic framework for the isothermal deformation in solids was established based on the basic laws of thermodynamics, and it was shown that the total Helmholtz free energy change in the deformable material during the isothermal process should be smaller than the work done to the deformable material. Under the present thermodynamic framework, the microstructure evolution in the isothermal compression of Fe-14Ni alloy was well explained by considering the changes in chemical free energy, plastic and elastic energies and the work done to the material. In addition, the stabilization of the soft $$alpha$$ phase in Fe-14Ni alloy by deformation was rationalized since the $$gamma$$ to $$alpha$$ transformation decreased the total Helmholtz free energy by decreasing the elastic and dislocation energies.



興津 貴隆*; 北條 智彦*; 諸岡 聡; 宮本 吾郎*

鉄と鋼, 110(3), p.260 - 267, 2024/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02

We have investigated the dynamic tensile properties of 4, 5, 6-mass%-Mn-containing low carbon steels with multi-phase microstructures containing retained austenite. The five materials used were classified into two groups. The first group of materials, with around 10% of retained austenite, showed normal strain rete dependence of yield strength (YS) and tensile strength (TS) as in conventional high strength steels. The second group of materials, containing 25-36% of retained austenite, exhibited L$"u$ders elongation showed also normal strain rate dependence in YS and flow stress at L$"u$ders deformation, but TS varied in a complex manner. Among the second group, in the 4 Mn steel, TS was nearly constant at strain rates below 1 s$$^{-1}$$ but increased slightly at higher strain rates. In the 5 and 6 Mn steels, TS once decreased up to the strain rate of 1 or 10 s$$^{-1}$$, and then began to increase at higher strain rates. These behaviors were discussed in terms of temperature rise during plastic deformation causing suppression of martensitic transformation, and thermal stability of retained austenite. In the 4 Mn steel with relatively unstable retained austenite, almost all the austenite transforms regardless of strain rate. In the 5 and 6 Mn steels, where the retained austenite is moderately stable, strain induced transformation of austenite continues up to high plastic strain, providing a good balance of strength and ductility. At high strain rate, TS decreases slightly due to temperature rise, but at higher strain rates than 1 s$$^{-1}$$, the strain rate sensitivity of flow stress in ferrite become prominent and the flow stress increases.


Multi-aspect characterization of low-temperature tempering behaviors in high-carbon martensite

Zhang, Y.*; 丸澤 賢人*; 工藤 航平*; 諸岡 聡; Harjo, S.; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*

ISIJ International, 64(2), p.245 - 256, 2024/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02

As-quenched martensite in carbon steels needs to be tempered to restore its ductility and toughness for practical applications. During tempering of martensite, microstructural evolutions induced by a series of reactions relevant to carbon diffusion is known to occur. In this study, multi-aspect characterization using advanced techniques such as in-situ neutron diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and three-dimensional atom probe tomography, was performed to investigate the changes in tetragonality, physical properties, microstructure and solute carbon content in high-carbon martensite, with an aim to clarify its low-temperature tempering behaviors. A binary alloy with a chemical composition of Fe-0.78 mass%C was austenitized and quenched to prepare the as-quenched martensite, followed by tempering in continuous heating at different heating rates. It was found that various reactions occurred sequentially during tempering, starting from the structure modulation generated by carbon clustering in the 0th stage, then followed by the precipitation of metastable $$eta$$-carbide particles on linear features in the 1st stage, towards the later decomposition of retained austenite and precipitation of cementite in the 2nd and 3rd stages, respectively. After analyzing the experimental results, the solute carbon content in martensite tempered under various conditions was found to be in good agreement with that estimated from the lattice volume expansion, whereas the evaluation based on the tetragonality might lead to some underestimation of the solute carbon content in martensite tempered at high temperatures.



岩井 紘基; 副島 吾郎; 瀧谷 啓晃; 粟谷 悠人; 荒谷 健太; 宮本 勇太; 手塚 将志

デコミッショニング技報, (61), p.12 - 19, 2020/03




Zhang, Y.*; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*; 丸澤 賢人*; 工藤 航平*; 諸岡 聡

no journal, , 

In this study, following our previous work on low-temperature tempering kinetics, multi-aspect characterization (in-situ neutron diffraction, TEM and 3DAP) via combining various traditional and advanced experimental approaches was performed, with an aim to thoroughly elucidate the low-temperature tempering behaviors and microstructural evolutions in martensite. As the result, the lattice parameters of a- and c-axes of martensite became increased and decreased, respectively, during continuous heating, resulting in continuous weakening of its tetragonality especially in the temperature range of the 1st stage of $$varepsilon$$/$$eta$$-carbide precipitation (340 K $$sim$$ 500 K). On the other hand, the lattice parameter of austenite stopped increasing at $$sim$$ 450 K much earlier before the onset of the 2nd stage, indicated the occurrence of carbon depletion.



梅田 岳昌*; Zhang, Y.*; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*; 諸岡 聡

no journal, , 



Pearlite growth kinetics in Fe-C-Mn eutectoid steels

Zhang, Y.*; 梅田 岳昌*; 諸岡 聡; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*

no journal, , 

Essential understanding of the pearlite growth kinetics is of great significance to predict the lamellar spacing and the resultant mechanical properties of pearlitic steels. In this study, a series of eutectoid steels with Mn addition up to 2mass% were isothermally transformed at a temperature range from 873K to 973K to investigate the growth kinetics and the underlying thermodynamics at the migrating interface during pearlite transformation. The microscopic observation revealed that the pearlite growth rate in each alloy becomes increased while the lamellar spacing becomes decreased by lowering the transformation temperature. Mn addition decelerates the growth rate, accompanied by a relatively wider lamellar spacing at each temperature. After analyzing the element distribution in the vicinity of migrating austenite/pearlite interface via three-dimensional atom probe, Mn was found to be enriched at the austenite/pearlitic ferrite interface, whereas the Mn partitioning among the three phases is negligibly small in the 2mass% Mn added alloy isothermally transformed at 873K. Based on the estimation of energy dissipated by various factors, the driving force for pearlite transformation in the Mn-free alloy was found to be consumed by interface friction, carbon partitioning and ferrite/cementite interfacial energy, whereas neutron diffraction analysis indicated that the influence of transformation strain is relatively small. The retardation effects of pearlite growth kinetics in the Mn-added alloy, which is partly due to the reduced driving force for pearlite transformation, can be well explained by further considering the energy dissipation caused by solute drag effects of Mn.


Pearlite growth kinetics in Fe-C-Mn eutectoid steels

Zhang, Y.*; 梅田 岳昌*; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*; 諸岡 聡

no journal, , 

Essential understanding of the pearlite growth kinetics is important to predict the lamellar spacing and the resultant mechanical properties of pearlitic steels. In this study, through quantitatively analyzing the microstructural features in the vicinity of pearlite growth interface, the influence of these factors and the underlying thermodynamics of pearlite growth kinetics were clarified. The pearlite growth rate and lamellar spacing were measured based on the microstructural observation via optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. Three-dimensional atom probe (3DAP) was used to analyze the elemental distribution in the vicinity of pearlite growth front, whereas in-situ neutron diffraction at elevated temperatures was performed at J-PARC, BL19 (TAKUMI) to quantify the elastic strain generated during pearlite transformation. Based on the proposed thermodynamic model, the influence of various factors on the pearlite growth kinetics is estimated using the experimental results obtained in this study. It was found that in most transformation conditions, solute drag effects caused by Mn interfacial segregation have the largest contribution in retarding the pearlite growth rate. In contrast, the magnitude of elastic strain in pearlite measured by neutron diffraction is quite small, which marginally affects the pearlite growth kinetics.



丸澤 賢人*; Zhang, Y.*; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*; 諸岡 聡

no journal, , 

マルテンサイトの焼もどし過程は反応熱と熱膨張の物性測定結果よると、合金元素添加により反応が遅延される傾向があると報告されているが、ミクロ組織変化との対応には不明な点が多く残されている。本研究では種々の組織解析手法を組み合わせることで、低温焼もどし時の組織変化に及ぼす合金元素添加の影響を解明することを目的とした。測定試料に対して、室温から600$$^{circ}$$Cまで10$$^{circ}$$C/minの連続加熱中および90$$^{circ}$$Cでの等温保持中のその場中性子回折測定を行った。また種々の温度と時間で焼もどし後のX線回折測定およびミクロ組織観察を行った。中性子回折の結果から、焼入れままの状態では残留オーステナイトのピークが確認され、また強制固溶された炭素により正方晶性(軸比)を有するためマルテンサイトの002回折ピークには明瞭なピーク分離が生じている。一方で、昇温に伴って第2段階の終了温度である300$$^{circ}$$C付近で残留オーステナイトのピークは消失し、またピーク分離は徐々に解消され正方晶性が低下した。この傾向は他の合金材についても同様であった。次に、軸比の変化に着目すると、焼入れままではAl添加材はその他の合金材と比べ、最も高い軸比を有しており、その後遅延効果により第1段階後期まで正方晶性が維持され、200$$^{circ}$$CでFe-C2元合金と一致した。一方でFe-C2元合金と比べ、Mn, Cr添加材の軸比変化はほとんど同様で、Si添加材は第0段階で軸比低下がわずかに促進されるという結果が得られた。


Multi-aspect characterization of low-temperature tempering behaviors in high-carbon martensite

Zhang, Y.*; 丸澤 賢人*; 工藤 航平*; 諸岡 聡; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*

no journal, , 

As-quenched martensite in carbon steels needs to be tempered to restore its ductility and toughness for practical applications. During tempering, a series of reactions relevant to carbon diffusion are known to occur sequentially, causing changes in microstructure in tempered martensite. In this study, multi-aspect characterization using various advanced characterization techniques were performed, with an aim to clarify the low-temperature tempering behaviors of high-carbon martensitic steels. An Fe-0.8 mass% binary alloy was mainly used in this study, and 4 ternary alloys with further 2 at% addition of Mn, Si, Cr or Al, were also investigated for comparison. All the alloys were water quenched after austenitization to obtain the as-quenched martensite as the starting microstructure. Tempering processes were performed either by continuous heating or isothermal holding under various conditions. Afterwards, the changes in physical properties of tempered martensite were analyzed via calorimetry, dilatometry, and resistometry, whereas the microstructural evolutions were characterized via transmission electron microscopy, in-situ neutron diffraction, and three-dimensional atom probe tomography. The experimental results revealed the continuous occurrence of different tempering stages, including carbon clustering, precipitation of metastable iron carbide, decomposition of retained austenite, and precipitation of cementite. In addition, the tetragonality of martensite became continuously lowered due to the reduction in solute carbon content by tempering. Among all the investigated elements, the addition of Al was found to have the largest retardation effects on the tempering kinetics, which was caused by its suppression effect on carbon diffusivity.



丸澤 賢人*; 工藤 航平*; Zhang, Y.*; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*; 諸岡 聡

no journal, , 

The objective of this study is to clarify microstructure evolution during low-temperature tempering of high carbon martensite with addition of various third alloying elements, by particularly focusing the early-stage reactions. Fe-0.8mass%C (Base alloy) and Fe-0.8mass%C-2at%M (M alloy: M = Al, Si, Mn, Cr) were used. The as-quenched specimens were either continuously heated to 873 K at various rates of 5-20 K/min, or isothermally held at various temperatures of 333-453 K, whose kinetics were evaluated by calorimetric, dilatometric and resistometric analyses, respectively. Furthermore, in-situ neutron diffraction experiment and microstructure observation using TEM and 3DAP were conducted. As the result, the tetragonality is found to be gradually decreased during heating, especially in the temperature range of the 1st stage of tempering. Its decreasing rate is strongly retarded by Al addition, whereas the effects of other alloying elements are relatively small. Such effects were also recognized by the calorimetric and dilatometric analyses. In these specimens, heterogeneity in carbon distribution is induced by precipitation of metastable iron carbide. When the $$mu$$ parameter (deviation from the binomial distribution) is used to evaluate the degree of heterogeneity, a much lower value in the Al alloy than the other alloys indicates retarded carbide precipitation by Al addition. This is also consistent with the smaller reduction in solute carbon content in the Al alloy. By assuming the linear relationship between tetragonality and solute carbon content, this observation corresponds to the retardation effect on decreasing rate of tetragonality.


Small angle neutron scattering and 3D-atom probe tomography studies on the formation of carbon clusters in a high-Ni-C steel

諸岡 聡; 宮本 吾郎*; 大場 洋次郎; 大石 一城*; 高田 慎一

no journal, , 

The formation of carbon clusters (C clusters) has an evidently influence on the mechanical properties of martensitic steels containing carbon atoms. In the present work, the formation of C clusters during low-temperature tempering of Fe-25Ni-0.5C alloy was investigated by means of a combined technique including small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and three-dimensional atom probe tomography (3D-AP). Here, the SANS instrument TAIKAN at J-PARC MLF has installed a large number of detectors with a wide angular range to simultaneously collect SANS patterns with Bragg diffractions. The SANS measurement indicates the evolution of C clusters in a low-temperature-annealed high-Ni-C steel during tempering. The results show that a mean size and the number density of C clusters both increase with an increase in annealing time. In addition, the axis ratio (c/a) of the martensitic phase decreases with an increase of the annealing time. On the other hand, the large scattering of magnetic domain reported by V.M. Nadutov et al. can be observed from initial SANS profile of the austenite single phase. The 3D-AP well describes the formation of C clusters and concentration of carbon elements in the Fe-25Ni-0.5C alloy. In this study, a type of the carbide is identified from the correlation among an average size of C clusters, number density, and carbon atom concentration.


Characterization of microstructures and internal stresses of structural metals during deformation using operando neutron diffraction

Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Gong, W.; 宮本 吾郎*

no journal, , 

Pulsed neutron diffraction with the time-of-flight method is suitable for microscopic structural observation as a bulk average behavior because of the simultaneous measurement of multiple Bragg peaks. The large penetrating power of neutrons also allows in-situ investigation of crystallographic information on engineering materials under various environments, including operando monitoring during deformation at a wide temperature range from cryogenic to high temperatures, thermo-mechanical processes, and so on. The pulsed neutron diffraction with the time-of-flight method will be briefly introduced, and a pulsed neutron diffractometer for engineering materials studies in J-PARC with some highlighted researches using operando observations will be introduced.


「ふげん」原子炉構造材からの試料採取技術実証,2; 炉内試料採取装置を用いた試料採取状況

岩井 紘基; 副島 吾郎; 粟谷 悠人; 宮本 勇太

no journal, , 




小山 元道*; 北條 智彦*; 宮本 吾郎*; 諸岡 聡; 山下 享介; 澤口 孝宏*; 峯 洋二*; 眞山 剛*; 興津 貴隆*; 榊原 睦海*; et al.

no journal, , 




渡邊 未来*; 宮本 吾郎*; 諸岡 聡; 古原 忠*

no journal, , 




梅田 岳昌*; Zhang, Y.*; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*; 諸岡 聡

no journal, , 


18 件中 1件目~18件目を表示
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