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高木 穂乃香*; 薮塚 武史*; 林田 洋寿*; Song, F.; 甲斐 哲也; 篠原 武尚; 栗田 圭輔; 飯倉 寛; 山本 典央*; 中島 稔*; et al.
Solid State Ionics, 417, p.116716_1 - 116716_7, 2024/12
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)Tracer diffusion coefficients of lithium-ions in the sintered samples of LiAl
(LAGP) have been measured through the neutron radiography (NR) technique in the wide temperature range from 25
C to 500
C. The diffusion data above and below 300
C were collected using pulsed and reactor-generated neutrons, respectively, which coincide with each other at 300
C exhibiting a single curve in the Arrhenius plot. The room-temperature diffusion coefficient and the activation energy below 300
C are obtained as 1.47
and 0.37 eV, respectively. The activation energy of the conductivity diffusion coefficient almost agrees with the tracer one, and the deduced Haven ratio of 0.40 is consistent with the concerted migration model of the lithium-ions.
吉宗 航*; 樋口 雄紀*; Song, F.; 日比 章五*; 松本 吉弘*; 林田 洋寿*; 野崎 洋*; 篠原 武尚; 加藤 悟*
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26(47), p.29466 - 29474, 2024/11
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)The phase transition from supercooled water to ice is closely related to the electrochemical performance and lifetime of an energy device at sub-zero temperatures. Fuel cells for automotive face this issue because they are frequently started and stopped under sub-zero conditions. In this study, we developed an operando neutron imaging system to visualise the water distribution inside an automotive single cell simulating a fuel cell stack during cold starts.
Sarenac, D.*; Gorbet, G.*; Clark, C. W.*; Cory, D. G.*; Ekinci, H.*; Henderson, M. E.*; Huber, M. G.*; Hussey, D. S.*; Kapahi, C.*; Kienzle, P. A.*; et al.
Physical Review Research (Internet), 6(3), p.L032054_1 - L032054_8, 2024/09
Neutron interferometry has played a distinctive role in fundamental science and characterization of materials. Moir neutron interferometers are candidate next-generation instruments: they offer microscopy-like magnification of the signal, enabling direct camera recording of interference patterns across the full neutron wavelength spectrum. Here we demonstrate the extension of phase-grating moir
interferometry to two-dimensional geometries. Our measurements of phase topologies and gravitationally induced phase shifts are in good agreement with theory.
Sarenac, D.*; Gorbet, G.*; Kapahi, C.*; Clark, C. W.*; Cory, D. G.*; Ekinci, H.*; Garrad, D. V.*; Henderson, M. E.*; Huber, M. G.*; Hussey, D.*; et al.
Physical Review Research (Internet), 6(2), p.023260_1 - 023260_15, 2024/06
Phase-grating moire interferometers (PGMIs) have emerged as promising candidates for the next generation of neutron interferometry, enabling the use of a polychromatic beam and manifesting interference patterns that can be directly imaged by existing neutron cameras. However, the modeling of the various PGMI configurations is limited to cumbersome numerical calculations and backward propagation models which often do not enable one to explore the setup parameters. Here we generalize the Fresnel scaling theorem to introduce a k-space model for PGMI setups illuminated by a cone beam, thus enabling an intuitive forward propagation model for a wide range of parameters and experimental setups.
Song, Q.-F.*; L, Q.-F.*; 保坂 淳
European Physical Journal C, 84(1), p.89_1 - 89_15, 2024/01
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:60.06(Physics, Particles & Fields)ボトム、チャームクォークを含むバリオンの質量や崩壊巾を非相対論的クォーク模型によって調べた結果を報告する。特に、崩壊様式は3体の波動関数に敏感であることを指摘した。
Zhou, Y.*; Song, W.*; Zhang, F.*; Wu, Y.*; Lei, Z.*; Jiao, M.*; Zhang, X.*; Dong, J.*; Zhang, Y.*; Yang, M.*; et al.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 971, p.172635_1 - 172635_7, 2024/01
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:17.78(Chemistry, Physical)The grain orientation-dependent lattice strain evolution of a (TiZrHfNb) refractory high-entropy alloy (HEA) during tensile loading has been investigated using
neutron diffraction. The equivalent strain-hardening rate of each of the primary
-oriented grain families was found to be relatively low, manifesting the macroscopically weak work-hardening ability of such a body-centered cubic (BCC)-structured HEA. This finding is indicative of a dislocation planar slip mode that is confined in a few single-slip planes and leads to in-plane softening by high pile-up stresses.
Liu, B.*; Feng, R.*; Busch, M.*; Wang, S.*; Wu, H.*; Liu, P.*; Gu, J.*; Bahadoran, A.*; 松村 大樹; 辻 卓也; et al.
ACS Nano, 16(9), p.14121 - 14133, 2022/09
被引用回数:84 パーセンタイル:98.85(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Pt single-atom materials possess an ideal atom economy but suffer from limited intrinsic activity and side reaction of producing HO
in catalyzing the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). Here, we demonstrate that anchoring platinum alloys on single-atom Pt-decorated carbon (Pt- SAC) surmounts their inherent deficiencies, thereby enabling a complete four-electron ORR pathway catalysis with high efficiency and durability. Pt
Co@Pt-SAC demonstrates an exceptional mass and specific activities 1 order of magnitude higher than those of commercial Pt/C. They are durable throughout 50000 cycles, showing only a 10 mV decay in halfwave potential. The superior durability is attributed to the shielding effect of the Pt-SAC coating, which significantly mitigates the dissolution of Pt
Co cores.
Song, F.*; Chen, H.*; 林田 洋寿*; 甲斐 哲也; 篠原 武尚; 薮塚 武史*; 八尾 健*; 高井 茂臣*
Solid State Ionics, 377, p.115873_1 - 115873_6, 2022/04
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:35.07(Chemistry, Physical)Lithium tracer diffusion coefficients have been measured in LiAl
(LATP) and LATP - LaPO
composite solid electrolytes in the temperature range between 300
C and 500
C by means of neutron radiography technique that utilizes the difference in neutron attenuation of
Li and
Li isotopes. The diffusion coefficient of LATP - LaPO
composite is higher than that of pristine LATP, although the difference is much smaller than that estimated from the room temperature conductivity. This suggests that the bulk diffusion becomes the predominant diffusion mechanism at 300
C to 500
C instead of the diffusion along the space charge layer formed around the LaPO
小野 章*; Xu, J.*; Colonna, M.*; Danielewicz, P.*; Ko, C. M.*; Tsang, M. B.*; Wang, Y,-J.*; Wolter, H.*; Zhang, Y.-X.*; Chen, L.-W.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 100(4), p.044617_1 - 044617_35, 2019/10
被引用回数:70 パーセンタイル:98.53(Physics, Nuclear)2017年4月に開催された国際会議Transport2017において、重イオン核反応モデルの国際的な比較が議論された。重イオン加速器の安全評価や宇宙飛行士の被ばく評価等で重要な役割を果たすため、世界中で重イオン核反応の様々な理論モデルが開発されている。本研究では、辺の長さが20fmの直方体に320個の中性子と陽子をランダム配置し、それらが70fm/cの間に起こす散乱の回数やエネルギーを計算した。ここでは、特にパイオンやその前駆体であるデルタ共鳴の生成に注目して比較を行った。参加コードは、個々の粒子の時間発展を追うQMD型コードと、粒子の位置や運動量の確率分布を決めておき、散乱や崩壊が発生したときそれらを乱数サンプリングするBUU型コードがあり、発表者が用いたJQMDは前者に属する。本研究により、計算における時間刻みが各コードによる結果の差の主な原因であることが分かった。さらに、今後のJQMDの改良方針の策定に有益な知見を得ることができた。
Zhang, Y.-X.*; Wang, Y,-J.*; Colonna, M.*; Danielewicz, P.*; 小野 章*; Tsang, M. B.*; Wolter, H.*; Xu, J.*; Chen, L.-W.*; Cozma, D.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 97(3), p.034625_1 - 034625_20, 2018/03
被引用回数:111 パーセンタイル:99.01(Physics, Nuclear)2017年4月に開催された国際会議Transport2017において、重イオン核反応モデルの国際的な比較が議論された。重イオン加速器の安全評価や宇宙飛行士の被ばく評価等で重要な役割を果たすため、世界中で重イオン核反応の様々な理論モデルが開発されている。本研究はモデル間の共通点と差異を明らかにし、各モデルの問題点を明らかにした。比較において、辺の長さが20fmの直方体に320個の中性子と320個の陽子をランダム配置し、それらが時間発展に伴って起こす散乱の回数や散乱時のエネルギーなどを計算する条件が設定された。また、結果以外にも、理論モデルを構成するアルゴリズムについても比較を行った。発表者は重イオン核反応モデルJQMD(JAERI Quantum Molecular Dynamics)を用いて計算を行い、世界で開発されている15の計算コードによる計算結果と比較した。コードアルゴリズムの比較では、JQMDは必ず陽子から 優先的に衝突確率を計算し、その後に中性子の衝突を計算するため、物理描像の妥当性が指摘された。一方、JQMDは他のモデルとほぼ同じ計算結果を出すことも判明した。衝突回数や運動量の計算値が平均から2倍以上乖離するモデルもある中で、JQMDは本計算条件で安定した性能を発揮することが確認された。
Kristo, M. J.*; Williams, R.*; Gaffney, A. M.*; Kayzar-Boggs, T. M.*; Schorzman, K. C.*; Lagerkvist, P.*; Vesterlund, A.*; Ramebck, H.*; Nelwamondo, A. N.*; Kotze, D.*; et al.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 315(2), p.425 - 434, 2018/02
被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:81.61(Chemistry, Analytical)最新の核鑑識国際共同試料分析演習では、低濃縮ウラン試料について、10か国の核鑑識ラボラトリーが精製年代測定を実施して良好な結果を得た。これらの測定のうち、3つの異なる核種ペアを用いた精製年代測定も実施された。10か国の核鑑識ラボラトリーが提出した精製年代測定の結果は、実際の精製日と概ね一致した。また、質量分析法による結果は、放射線計測法を用いたものに比べて、高精度な結果を示した。さらに、一部のラボラトリーによって示されたU-
片岡 隆史*; 小林 正起*; 坂本 勇太*; Song, G. S.*; 藤森 淳*; Chang, F.-H.*; Lin, H.-J.*; Huang, D. J.*; Chen, C. T.*; 大河内 拓雄*; et al.
Journal of Applied Physics, 107(3), p.033718_1 - 033718_7, 2010/02
被引用回数:56 パーセンタイル:86.15(Physics, Applied)We have studied the electronic structure of Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticles, which have been reported to show ferromagnetism at room temperature, by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), resonant photoemission spectroscopy (RPES), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). From the experimental and cluster-model calculation results, we find that Fe atoms are predominantly in the Fe ionic state with mixture of a small amount of Fe
and that Fe
ions are dominant in the surface region of the nanoparticles. It is shown that the room temperature ferromagnetism in the Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticles is primarily originated from the antiferromagnetic coupling between unequal amounts of Fe
ions occupying two sets of nonequivalent positions in the region of the XMCD probing depth of
2-3 nm.
Song, G.*; 小林 正起*; Hwang, J. I.*; 片岡 隆*; 滝沢 優*; 藤森 淳; 大河内 拓雄; 竹田 幸治; 岡根 哲夫; 斎藤 祐児; et al.
Physical Review B, 78(3), p.033304_1 - 033304_4, 2008/07
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:36.18(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The electronic structure of the magnetic semiconductor GaCr
N, and the effect of Si doping on it have been investigated by photoemission and soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy. We have confirmed that Cr in GaN is predominantly trivalent when substituting for Ga and that Cr 3
states appear within the band gap of GaN just above the N 2
-derived valence-band maximum. As a result of Si doping, downward shifts of the core levels (except for Cr 2
) and the formation of new states near the Fermi level were observed, which we attribute to the upward chemical-potential shift and the formation of a small amount of Cr
species caused by electron doping. Possibility of Cr-rich cluster growth by Si doping are discussed based on the spectroscopic and magnetization data.
Song, F.; 樋口 雄紀*; 加藤 悟*; 吉宗 航*; 日比 章五*; 野崎 洋*; 廣井 孝介; 高田 慎一; 篠原 武尚
no journal, ,
In our previous works, freezing and thawing of water in a full-sized fuel cell used in a commercial vehicle during cold-starts and shut-downs have been successfully observed from the through-plane direction using the energy selective neutron imaging (ESNI). To further clarify the icing mechanism in cell, observation of the cell cross-section is necessary. ESNI was conducted on miniature model cells to visualize the freezing processes within the cell cross-section. In the presentation, the development of ESNI in RADEN and the latest cross-sectional ESNI result are demonstrated. The potential and challenges of the technology is discussed.
Song, F.; 樋口 雄紀*; 日比 章五*; 吉宗 航*; 加藤 悟*; 篠原 武尚
no journal, ,
In this work, we have applied the energy-selective neutron radiography to visualize the freezing and thawing of water in different cavity layers of a fuel cell by taking cross-sectional neutron transmission images, as a preliminary experiment for further operando water/ice identification observations on PEFCs. A miniature size of a fuel cell, which consisted of gas diffusion layers (GDLs) and aluminum frames with gas channels produced by 3D printing technique, was prepared as a model cell sample. This model fuel cell was filled with water and cooled by a Peltier cooler down to -10 degree C. Consecutive high-resolution energy-selective neutron imaging was conducted throughout the freezing process at the RADEN instrument in J-PARC MLF. By taking the ratio of logarithms of neutron transmission between long and short wavelength neutrons, we defined a water/ice identification parameter to confirm freezing of water within the cell. This parameter was spatially resolved on the neutron transmission images to map the water/ice distribution in each layer of the model fuel cell as it was cooled to sub-zero temperatures. In the presentation, we will discuss the spatial and temporal resolution capacities of the high-resolution energy-selective neutron imaging at the RADEN instrument, and show results of the water/ice identification experiments on the cross-sectional observation of the PEFC.