Phase and contrast moir signatures in two-dimensional cone beam interferometry
Sarenac, D.*; Gorbet, G.*; Clark, C. W.*; Cory, D. G.*; Ekinci, H.*; Henderson, M. E.*; Huber, M. G.*; Hussey, D. S.*; Kapahi, C.*; Kienzle, P. A.*; Kim, Y.*; Long, A. M.*; Parker, J. D.*; 篠原 武尚 ; Song, F.; Pushin, D. A.*
Sarenac, D.*; Gorbet, G.*; Clark, C. W.*; Cory, D. G.*; Ekinci, H.*; Henderson, M. E.*; Huber, M. G.*; Hussey, D. S.*; Kapahi, C.*; Kienzle, P. A.*; Kim, Y.*; Long, A. M.*; Parker, J. D.*; Shinohara, Takenao; Song, F.; Pushin, D. A.*
Neutron interferometry has played a distinctive role in fundamental science and characterization of materials. Moir neutron interferometers are candidate next-generation instruments: they offer microscopy-like magnification of the signal, enabling direct camera recording of interference patterns across the full neutron wavelength spectrum. Here we demonstrate the extension of phase-grating moir interferometry to two-dimensional geometries. Our measurements of phase topologies and gravitationally induced phase shifts are in good agreement with theory.