※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Synergistic hybrid electrocatalysts of platinum alloy and single-atom platinum for an efficient and durable oxygen reduction reaction


Liu, B.*; Feng, R.*; Busch, M.*; Wang, S.*; Wu, H.*; Liu, P.*; Gu, J.*; Bahadoran, A.*; 松村 大樹   ; 辻 卓也  ; Zhang, D.*; Song, F.*; Liu, Q.*

Liu, B.*; Feng, R.*; Busch, M.*; Wang, S.*; Wu, H.*; Liu, P.*; Gu, J.*; Bahadoran, A.*; Matsumura, Daiju; Tsuji, Takuya; Zhang, D.*; Song, F.*; Liu, Q.*

Pt single-atom materials possess an ideal atom economy but suffer from limited intrinsic activity and side reaction of producing H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$ in catalyzing the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). Here, we demonstrate that anchoring platinum alloys on single-atom Pt-decorated carbon (Pt- SAC) surmounts their inherent deficiencies, thereby enabling a complete four-electron ORR pathway catalysis with high efficiency and durability. Pt$$_{3}$$Co@Pt-SAC demonstrates an exceptional mass and specific activities 1 order of magnitude higher than those of commercial Pt/C. They are durable throughout 50000 cycles, showing only a 10 mV decay in halfwave potential. The superior durability is attributed to the shielding effect of the Pt-SAC coating, which significantly mitigates the dissolution of Pt$$_{3}$$Co cores.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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