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Negative-U system of carbon vacancy in 4H-SiC

Son, N. T.*; Trinh, X. T.*; L${o}$vile, L. S.*; Svensson, B. G.*; 河原 洸太朗*; 須田 淳*; 木本 恒暢*; 梅田 享英*; 磯谷 順一*; 牧野 高紘; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 109(18), p.187603_1 - 187603_5, 2012/11

 被引用回数:201 パーセンタイル:97.98(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Nitrogen-doped n-type 4H-Silicon carbide (SiC) epitaxial layers were irradiated with electrons at 250 keV. Carbon vacancy (V$$_{C}$$) signals at both the h and k sites were studied using photoexitation Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (photo-EPR) and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS). As a result, double negative charge states of V$$_{C}$$, showing its negative-U system were revealed. By the direct correlation between EPR and DLTS data, it was concluded that Z$$_{1}$$ is V$$_{C}$$ at h site and Z$$_{2}$$ is V$$_{C}$$ at k site. In addition, we concluded that EH$$_{7}$$ is a single donor level of V$$_{C}$$.


Deep levels in electron irradiated semi-insulating 4H-SiC; Electronic, optical and structural observation

中根 浩貴*; 加藤 正史*; 市村 正也*; 大島 武; Ivanov, I. G.*; Trinh, X. T.*; Son, N. T.*; Janz$'e$n, E.*

no journal, , 

Deep level defects in Silicon Carbide (SiC) were studied using photo-induced current transient spectroscopy (PICTS), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and photoluminescence (PL). Deep levels were introduced into high-purity semi insulating 4H-SiC samples by 2 MeV-electron irradiation. After the electron irradiation, the samples were annealed between 200 and 1000 $$^{circ}$$C. In the samples annealed at 400 $$^{circ}$$C or higher temperatures, we observed six different peaks from PICTS measurements. We labeled these peaks as a, b, c, d, e and f. As a result of the dependence of the peak heights on annealing temperature, the heights of all peaks increase monotonically with annealing temperature. In our previous report, we observed peaks labeled as A and B, which were speculated to be related to C$$_{Si}$$V$$_{C}$$ and the EI4 center identified by EPR. Peak temperatures and annealing behavior of peaks A and B are similar to those of peaks d and f, respectively, while other peaks a, b, c and e were not observed in our previous studies. The PL peaks at 433 and 442 nm were observed in all the studied samples, whereas peaks at 428 and 429 nm were observed in the samples annealed above 200 $$^{circ}$$C, and a peak at 427 nm was observed in samples annealed above 400 $$^{circ}$$C. Considering the annealing temperature dependence of the PICTS and PL peaks, the PL peak at 427 nm may correspond to either one of PICTS peaks a, b, d, e, and f.


The Carbon vacancy in SiC

Son, N. T.*; Trinh, X. T.*; 須田 淳*; 木本 恒暢*; L${o}$vile, L. S.*; Svensson, B. G.*; Szasz, K.*; Hornos, T.*; Gali, A.*; 梅田 享英*; et al.

no journal, , 

近年、炭化ケイ素(SiC)中の炭素(C)空孔関連欠陥の電子状態などが明らかになってきた。しかし、それらのエネルギー準位や、物性への影響に関してはまだ不明な点が残っている。これまで、電子スピン共鳴(Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: EPR)やDeep Level Transient Spectroscopy(DLTS)によって、Z$$_{1/2}$$やEH$$_{6/7}$$等の一般的な深い準位にC空孔が含まれることが知られている。具体的には、EH$$_{6/7}$$は、C空孔のあるエネルギー準位(0$$mid$$+)に関係していることが明らかになったが、Z$$_{1/2}$$とC空孔の関係についてはまだわかっていない。本研究では、電子線を照射した4H-SiCに対して、EPRやDLTSを行い、Z$$_{1/2}$$とC空孔の関係について調べた。その結果、EPRによって決定されたZ$$_{1/2}$$のエネルギー準位とDLTSによるエネルギー準位は非常によい一致を示し、C空孔のある準位(2-$$mid$$0)と一致することを明らかにした。

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