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検索結果: 285 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Experimental visualization of water/ice phase distribution at cold start for practical-sized polymer electrolyte fuel cells

樋口 雄紀*; 吉宗 航*; 加藤 悟*; 日比 章五*; 瀬戸山 大吾*; 伊勢川 和久*; 松本 吉弘*; 林田 洋寿*; 野崎 洋*; 原田 雅史*; et al.

Communications Engineering (Internet), 3, p.33_1 - 33_7, 2024/02

The automotive industry aims to ensure the cold-start capability of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) for developing fuel cell electric vehicles that can be driven in cold climates. Water and ice behavior is a key factor in maintaining this capability. Previously reported methods for visualizing water and/or ice are limited to small-sized PEFCs ( $$<$$ 50 cm$$^{2}$$), while fuel cell electric vehicles are equipped with larger PEFCs. Here, we developed a system using a pulsed spallation neutron beam to visualize water distribution and identify water/ice phases in practical-sized PEFCs at a cold start. The results show direct evidence of a stepwise freezing behavior inside the PEFC. The produced water initially accumulated at the center of the PEFC and then froze, followed by PEFC shutdown as freezing progressed. This study can serve as a reference to guide the development of cold-start protocols, cell design, and materials for next-generation fuel cell electric vehicles.


Sintering and microstructural behaviors of mechanically blended Nd/Sm-doped MOX

廣岡 瞬; 堀井 雄太; 砂押 剛雄*; 宇野 弘樹*; 山田 忠久*; Vauchy, R.; 林崎 康平; 中道 晋哉; 村上 龍敏; 加藤 正人

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(11), p.1313 - 1323, 2023/11

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:92.52(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Field-tuned quantum renormalization of spin dynamics in the honeycomb lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet YbCl$$_3$$

Sala, G.*; Stone, M. B.*; Hal$'a$sz, G. B.*; Lumsden, M. D.*; Fay, A, F,*; Pajerowski, D. M.*; 河村 聖子; 金子 耕士; Mazzone, D. G.*; Simutis, G.*; et al.

Communications Physics (Internet), 6, p.234_1 - 234_7, 2023/08

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We demonstrate and elucidate quantum effects on the honeycomb lattice through comprehensive inelastic neutron scattering measurements of the prototype honeycomb lattice quantum magnet YbCl$$_{3}$$ as a function of applied magnetic field. Examining the spectrum above the saturation field where linear spin-wave theory is essentially exact, we accurately determine the dominant nearest-neighbor Heisenberg interaction. Below the saturation field, we reveal a field-dependent energy renormalization of the entire magnetic spectrum; the sharp spin-wave modes as well as the multimagnon continuum. This renormalization is a quantum effect that can be accurately captured by the first 1=S correction in nonlinear spin-wave theory. Furthermore, we find that the application of a magnetic field induces a qualitatively new sharp feature inside the multimagnon continuum; the lower edge of a specific two-magnon component; which is complementary to the previously observed Van Hove singularity and demonstrates that structures within the multimagnon continuum can occur over a wide experimental parameter space and can be used as an additional means of identifying quantum phenomena.


Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors

大島 宏之; 森下 正樹*; 相澤 康介; 安藤 勝訓; 芦田 貴志; 近澤 佳隆; 堂田 哲広; 江沼 康弘; 江連 俊樹; 深野 義隆; et al.

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.3, 631 Pages, 2022/07

ナトリウム冷却高速炉(SFR: Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor)の歴史や、利点、課題を踏まえた安全性、設計、運用、メンテナンスなどについて解説する。AIを利用した設計手法など、SFRの実用化に向けた設計や研究開発についても述べる。



相馬 康孝; 加藤 千明

材料と環境2022講演集(CD-ROM), p.219 - 220, 2022/05

沸騰水型軽水炉においてはステンレス鋼すき間内部に外界の不純物イオンが濃縮し、酸性化することから、そのような環境(クレビス環境)におけるステンレス鋼の電気化学的性質を知ることは重要である。本研究は、クレビス模擬環境をバルクスケールで再現し、Fe-Cr-Ni合金の電気化学的性質に及ぼすCr濃度の影響を主体に調査した。クレビス環境を模擬した、温度288$$^{circ}$$C、Cl濃度2$$times$$10$$^{-4}$$ mol/dm$$^{-3}$$、pH約4.5、溶存水素濃度10ppbの水中で、Fe-20Ni-xCr (x=16.4, 23, 26)の分極曲線を計測した。その結果、-400mVにおける活性溶解のピーク電流、および-50mVにおける不働態保持電流密度はCr濃度x=16.4, 23、および26%の試験片でそれぞれおおよそ13.8, 15.9, 10.0 $$mu$$Acm$$^{-2}$$、および18.4, 8.5, 8.5 $$mu$$Acm$$^{-2}$$であった。いずれもx=26の電流値が若干低いが、本環境では分極曲線に及ぼす明確なCr濃度依存性は見られないと判断された。



矢野 康英; 橋立 竜太; 丹野 敬嗣; 今川 裕也; 加藤 章一; 鬼澤 高志; 伊藤 主税; 上羽 智之; 大塚 智史; 皆藤 威二

JAEA-Data/Code 2021-015, 64 Pages, 2022/01


安全性・経済性に優れ、放射性廃棄物の減容化・有害度の低減に貢献する高速増殖炉サイクルシステムの実用化の観点から、燃料の高燃焼度化が求められており、これに対応した被覆管材料の開発が必要不可欠である。この高燃焼度達成のための被覆管材料には、耐照射スエリング性能及び高温強度特性に優れた酸化物分散強化(Oxide Dispersion Strengthened; ODS)フェライト鋼の研究開発を実施している。ODSフェライト鋼を燃料被覆管として適用するためには、材料強度基準整備が重要であり、そのためのクリープ強度データ等の各種強度データ取得を実施している。本研究では、材料強度基準整備に資することを目的に、これまで得られた知見・検討結果に基づき、9Cr-ODS鋼被覆管の引張強度とクリープ強度特性について評価を行った。9Cr-ODS鋼は相変態温度を持つことから、母相の相状態が変化しない850$$^{circ}$$C以下と事故時を想定したそれ以上の温度域に分けて評価を行った。


PSTEP: Project for solar-terrestrial environment prediction

草野 完也*; 一本 潔*; 石井 守*; 三好 由純*; 余田 成男*; 秋吉 英治*; 浅井 歩*; 海老原 祐輔*; 藤原 均*; 後藤 忠徳*; et al.

Earth, Planets and Space (Internet), 73(1), p.159_1 - 159_29, 2021/12

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:47.66(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)




高橋 知之*; 深谷 友紀子*; 飯本 武志*; 宇仁 康雄*; 加藤 智子; Sun, S.*; 武田 聖司; 中居 邦浩*; 中林 亮*; 内田 滋夫*; et al.

保健物理(インターネット), 56(4), p.288 - 305, 2021/12




相馬 康孝; 加藤 千明

第68回材料と環境討論会講演集(CD-ROM), p.205 - 206, 2021/10



Penetration factor and indoor deposition rate of elementary and particulate iodine in a Japanese house for assessing the effectiveness of sheltering for radiation exposures

廣内 淳; 高原 省五; 駒ヶ峯 弘志*; 加藤 伸之*; 松井 康人*; 米田 稔*

Journal of Radiological Protection, 41(3), p.S139 - S149, 2021/09

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:29.53(Environmental Sciences)



Deexcitation dynamics of muonic atoms revealed by high-precision spectroscopy of electronic $$K$$ X rays

奥村 拓馬*; 東 俊行*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I. H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; 橋本 直; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 127(5), p.053001_1 - 053001_7, 2021/07

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:82.53(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Impacts of freeze-thaw processes and subsequent runoff on $$^{137}$$Cs washoff from bare land in Fukushima

五十嵐 康記*; 恩田 裕一*; 脇山 義史*; 吉村 和也; 加藤 弘亮*; 小塚 翔平*; 馬目 凌*

Science of the Total Environment, 769, p.144706_1 - 144706_9, 2021/05

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:12.14(Environmental Sciences)

The impact of freeze-thaw processes and subsequent runoff affecting the Cs-137 ($$^{137}$$Cs) flux and concentration in sediment discharge were revealed in bareland erosion plot following the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident by detailed monitoring and laser scanner measurement on the soil surface. We found that surface topographic changes due to the frost-heaving during the winter- spring period, and rill formation during the summer. We also found the evident seasonal changes in $$^{137}$$Cs concentration; high during the early spring and gradually decreased thereafter, then surface runoff from the plot frequently occurred during spring and autumn when rainfall was high and reached a maximum in summer.


Effects of helium on irradiation response of reduced-activation ferritic-martensitic steels; Using nickel isotopes to simulate fusion neutron response

Kim, B. K.*; Tan, L.*; 酒瀬川 英雄; Parish, C. M.*; Zhong, W.*; 谷川 博康*; 加藤 雄大*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 545, p.152634_1 - 152634_12, 2021/03

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:15.09(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Understanding the effects of helium on microstructures and mechanical properties of reduced-activation ferritic-martensitic steels is important to use of these steels in fusion reactor structures. 9Cr-2WVTa steels were doped with $$^{58}$$Ni and $$^{60}$$Ni isotopes at 2 weight percent to control the rate of transmutation helium generation. The samples were irradiated in the High Flux Isotope Reactor. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a variety of precipitates and the radiation-induced dislocation loops and cavities (voids or helium bubbles). Tensile tests of the irradiated samples at the irradiation temperatures showed radiation-hardening at 300$$^{circ}$$C and radiation-softening at 400$$^{circ}$$C. Analysis indicates that the hardening primarily originated from the loops and cavities. The $$^{58}$$Ni-doped samples had greater strengthening contributions from loops and cavities, leading to higher hardening with lower ductility than the $$^{60}$$Ni-doped samples. The greater helium production of $$^{58}$$Ni did not show pronounced reductions in ductility of the samples.


Development of ODS tempered martensitic steel for high burn up fuel cladding tube of SFR

大塚 智史; 丹野 敬嗣; 岡 弘; 矢野 康英; 舘 義昭; 皆藤 威二; 橋立 竜太; 加藤 章一; 古川 智弘; 伊藤 主税; et al.

2018 GIF Symposium Proceedings (Internet), p.305 - 314, 2020/05



Crystallization processes of quartz in a granitic magma; Cathodoluminescence zonation pattern controlled by temperature and titanium diffusivity

湯口 貴史*; 小北 康弘; 加藤 丈典*; 横田 倫太郎*; 笹尾 英嗣; 西山 忠男*

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 192, p.104289_1 - 104289_16, 2020/05

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:30.80(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)



Post-irradiation examinations of annular mixed oxide fuels with average burnup 4 and 5% FIMA

Cappia, F.*; 田中 康介; 加藤 正人; McClellan, K.*; Harp, J.*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 533, p.152076_1 - 152076_14, 2020/05

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:59.07(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We present post-irradiation examination results on two type of annular mixed oxide fuel pins irradiated in the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) sodium cooled reactor to an average burnup between 4% and 5% fission of initial heavy atom (FIMA). The pins differed only from the initial Pu content, which was 22 wt% and 26 wt%, respectively. The overall performance of the pins was excellent, in line with previous historical results. The pins with higher Pu content experienced higher irradiation temperatures which influenced the fission gas release, fuel swelling, and Cs distribution compared to the other pins. All the post-irradiation examinations results are discussed against the irradiation parameters. In particular, the pins with higher initial Pu content, i.e., 26 wt%, experienced higher power that resulted in enhanced fission gas release compared to the other two pins with 22 wt% initial Pu content. For the pins with higher fission gas release, onset of Cs redistribution was observed. The two pins that had lower initial Pu content and burnup showed a Cs axial distribution similar to the as-produced one.


Confinement of hydrogen molecules at graphene-metal interface by electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction

保田 諭; 田村 和久; 寺澤 知潮; 矢野 雅大; 中島 秀朗*; 森本 崇宏*; 岡崎 俊也*; 上利 龍史*; 高橋 康史*; 加藤 優*; et al.

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124(9), p.5300 - 5307, 2020/03

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:58.54(Chemistry, Physical)



Land use types control solid wash-off rate and entrainment coefficient of Fukushima-derived $$^{137}$$Cs, and their time dependence

脇山 義史*; 恩田 裕一*; 吉村 和也; 五十嵐 康記*; 加藤 弘亮*

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, p.105990_1 - 105990_12, 2019/12

 被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:65.79(Environmental Sciences)

This study provides the results of observations of plot-scale $$^{137}$$Cs wash-off from various land uses (two uncultivated farmlands, two cultivated farmlands, three grasslands and one forest) from 2011 to 2014. Annual $$^{137}$$Cs wash-off rate ranged from 0.0026 to 7.5% per year, and more vegetation cover resulted in lower sediment discharge. $$^{137}$$Cs concentration observed in uncultivated farmland plot decreased with time and the rate was lower than those of riverine, suggesting that contributions of $$^{137}$$Cs from the upslope area may be insignificant to that in riverine. A negative relationship between $$^{137}$$Cs concentration normalized by initial deposition amount and sediment concentration in runoff water was found. Cultivation appeared to cause enhanced soil erosion and resulted in constant relatively low $$^{137}$$Cs concentration. A contribution of coarse organic matter to $$^{137}$$Cs wash-off was suggested in the forest, which had relatively high $$^{137}$$Cs concentration and low sediment discharge.


Upgrade of the 3-MeV linac for testing of accelerator components at J-PARC

近藤 恭弘; 平野 耕一郎; 伊藤 崇; 菊澤 信宏; 北村 遼; 森下 卓俊; 小栗 英知; 大越 清紀; 篠崎 信一; 神藤 勝啓; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1350, p.012077_1 - 012077_7, 2019/12

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:51.67(Physics, Particles & Fields)

J-PARC加速器の要素技術試験に必要な3MeV H$$^{-}$$リニアックを高度化した。イオン源にはJ-PARCリニアックと同じものを用い、RFQは、J-PARCリニアックで2014年まで使用した30mA RFQに代わり新たに製作した50mA RFQを設置した。したがって、このシステムはエネルギー3MeV、ビーム電流50mAとなる。このリニアックの本来の目的は、このRFQの試験であるが、J-PARC加速器の運転維持に必要な様々な機器の試験を行うことができる。加速器は既に試運転が終了しており、測定プログラムが開始されつつある。この論文では、この3MeV加速器の現状について報告する。


Ultra-high temperature creep rupture and transient burst strength of ODS steel claddings

矢野 康英; 関尾 佳弘; 丹野 敬嗣; 加藤 章一; 井上 利彦; 岡 弘; 大塚 智史; 古川 智弘; 上羽 智之; 皆藤 威二; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 516, p.347 - 353, 2019/04

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:85.31(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)


285 件中 1件目~20件目を表示