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Sintering and microstructural behaviors of mechanically blended Nd/Sm-doped MOX


廣岡 瞬 ; 堀井 雄太 ; 砂押 剛雄*; 宇野 弘樹*; 山田 忠久*; Vauchy, R.  ; 林崎 康平 ; 中道 晋哉  ; 村上 龍敏 ; 加藤 正人   

Hirooka, Shun; Horii, Yuta; Sunaoshi, Takeo*; Uno, Hiroki*; Yamada, Tadahisa*; Vauchy, R.; Hayashizaki, Kohei; Nakamichi, Shinya; Murakami, Tatsutoshi; Kato, Masato


Additive MOX pellets are fabricated by a conventional dry powder metallurgy method. Nd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ and Sm$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ are chosen as the additive materials to simulate the corresponding soluble fission products dispersed in MOX. Shrinkage curves of the MOX pellets are obtained by dilatometry, which reveal that the sintering temperature is shifted toward a value higher than that of the respective regular MOX. The additives, however, promote grain growth and densification, which can be explained by the effect of oxidized uranium cations covering to a pentavalent state. Ceramography reveals large agglomerates after sintering, and Electron Probe Micro-Analysis confirms that inhomogeneous elemental distribution, whereas XRD reveals a single face-centered cubic phase. Finally, by grinding and re-sintering the specimens, the cation distribution homogeneity is significantly improved, which can simulate spent nuclear fuels with soluble fission products.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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