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Weakened oxygen adsorbing the Pt-O bond of the Pt catalyst induced by vacancy introduction into carbon support

岡崎 宏之*; 出崎 亮*; 越川 博*; 松村 大樹; 池田 隆司*; 山本 春也*; 八巻 徹也*

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(49), p.23628 - 23633, 2023/12

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

The change in the oxygen adsorption states of Pt nanoparticles by ion irradiation of the carbon support is studied by in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements. The difference spectra around a Pt L$$_{3}$$ edge due to oxygen adsorption are recorded, and a lowering in the Pt-O antibonding level by the ion irradiation is observed, thus resulting in a weakening of the Pt-O bond. This indicates that the introduction of vacancies in the carbon support would result in weak Pt-O bonds assumable through the stronger Pt-C interaction, which is considered to enhance the oxygen reduction reaction activity of the deposited Pt nanoparticles. Theoretical studies have demonstrated that the vacancies affect Pt through the Pt-C interaction and then result in the weakening of the Pt-O bond.


Local structure analysis of Bi$$_{0.5}$$Na$$_{0.5}$$TiO$$_3-$$BaTiO$$_3$$ solid solutions

米田 安宏; 小林 徹; 辻 卓也; 松村 大樹; 斎藤 祐児; 野口 祐二*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 62(SM), p.SM1006_1 - SM1006_8, 2023/11

Bi$$_{0.5}$$Na$$_{0.5}$$TiO$$_3-$$BaTiO$$_3$$ (BNT$$-$$BT)固溶体は良い圧電特性を示すため多くの研究が行われてきた。また、BT組成に応じてバラエティーに富んだ相が観測される。BNT$$-$$BT固溶体の軟X線吸収分光実験と高エネルギーX線回折実験を放射光を利用して行った。得られたBNT$$-$$BT固溶体の電子構造と局所構造から、BTの置換効果は主にBaの置換サイトであるAサイトで起こっていることがわかった。BT組成の変化に対してTiO$$_6$$八面体の菱面体晶ひずみは変化しておらず、O-K吸収端で生じた電子構造の変化は混成状態の変化であると考えられる。


Local structure analysis of DyN-ZrN solid solutions

米田 安宏; 辻 卓也; 松村 大樹; 岡本 芳浩; 高木 聖也; 高野 公秀

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 663, p.414960_1 - 414960_9, 2023/08

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Condensed Matter)



Superconducting spin reorientation in spin-triplet multiple superconducting phases of UTe$$_2$$

金城 克樹*; 藤林 裕己*; 松村 拓輝*; 堀 文哉*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; et al.

Science Advances (Internet), 9(30), p.2736_1 - 2736_6, 2023/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Superconducting (SC) state has spin and orbital degrees of freedom, and spin-triplet superconductivity shows multiple SC phases because of the presence of these degrees of freedom. However, the observation of spin-direction rotation occurring inside the SC state (SC spin rotation) has hardly been reported. Uranium ditelluride, a recently found topological superconductor, exhibits various SC phases under pressure: SC state at ambient pressure (SC1), high-temperature SC state above 0.5 gigapascal (SC2), and low-temperature SC state above 0.5 gigapascal (SC3). We performed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and ac susceptibility measurements on a single-crystal uranium ditelluride. The b axis spin susceptibility remains unchanged in SC2, unlike in SC1, and decreases below the SC2-SC3 transition with spin modulation. These unique properties in SC3 arise from the coexistence of two SC order parameters. Our NMR results confirm spin-triplet superconductivity with SC spin parallel to b axis in SC2 and unveil the remaining of spin degrees of freedom in SC uranium ditelluride.


Large reduction in the $$a$$-axis knight shift on UTe$$_2$$ with $$T_c$$ = 2.1 K

松村 拓輝*; 藤林 裕己*; 金城 克樹*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(6), p.063701_1 - 063701_5, 2023/05

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:95.84(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Spin susceptibility in the superconducting (SC) state was measured in the higher-quality sample of uranium-based superconductor UTe$$_2$$ by using Knight-shift measurements for a magnetic field $$H$$ along all three crystalline axes. In the higher-quality sample, the SC transition temperature $$T_c$$ is about 2.1 K, and the residual electronic term in the specific heat is almost zero. The NMR linewidth becomes narrower and is almost half of that in the previous sample with $$T_csim$$1.6 K when $$H//a$$ and $$c$$. Although the Knight-shift behavior was not so different from the previous results for $$H//b$$, and $$c$$, a large reduction in Knight shift along the $$a$$ axis was observed, in contrast with the previous $$a$$-axis Knight shift result. We discuss the origin of the difference between the previous and present results, and the possible SC state derived from the present results.


Influences of hydration-dehydration on local structure in layered perovskite LaSr$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{3}$$O$$_{10}$$

八木 祐太朗*; 脇田 雄大*; 籠宮 功*; 松江 郁弥*; 柿本 健一*; 松村 大樹; 米田 安宏

ChemistrySelect (Internet), 7(21), p.e202104575_1 - e202104575_7, 2022/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

The layered perovskite LaSr$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{3}$$O$$_{10}$$ (LSF) easily hydrates under ambient air. The hydrated LSF transports hydroxides in the middle-temperature range of 100 $$^circ$$C - 250 $$^circ$$C. This study used X-ray absorption fine structure analysis on normal and hydrated LSF from room temperature to 350 $$^circ$$C to evaluate the relationship between local structures and ion transport characteristics. The H$$_{2}$$O molecules are mainly intercalated into rock-salt interlayers, which are close to the La1 and O3 sites. The generated OH$$^{-}$$ ions are found at O3 sites, which are closer to Sr ions than La ions. The intercalated H$$_{2}$$O molecules and formed OH$$^{-}$$ ions expand the spaces of the rock-salt interlayers. The temperature dependence of the local crystal structure was also studied in this study. According to the findings, the presence of OH$$^{-}$$ ions on the O3 sites, which are closer to Sr ions, plays a significant role in OH$$^{-}$$ transport in the medium temperature range.


Valence control of charge and orbital frustrated system YbFe$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$ with electrochemical Li$$^{+}$$ intercalation

村瀬 知志*; 吉川 裕未*; 藤原 孝将*; 深田 幸正*; 寺西 貴志*; 狩野 旬*; 藤井 達生*; 稲田 康宏*; 片山 真祥*; 吉井 賢資; et al.

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 162, p.110468_1 - 110468_6, 2022/03

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)



Activity enhancement of platinum oxygen-reduction electrocatalysts using ion-beam induced defects

木全 哲也*; 垣谷 健太*; 山本 春也*; 下山 巖; 松村 大樹; 岩瀬 彰宏*; Mao, W.*; 小林 知洋*; 八巻 徹也*; 寺井 隆幸*

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 6(3), p.035801_1 - 035801_7, 2022/03

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:67.05(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

High activity is one of the primary requirements for the catalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cell applications. Previous computational studies suggested that the catalytic activity of Pt nanoparticles could be enhanced by a Pt-carbon (C) support interaction. We have recently found that an enhanced electronic interaction occurs at the interface between an argon-ion (Ar$$^{+}$$)-irradiated glassy carbon (GC) surface and Pt nanoparticles. Here, we report a more than two-fold increase in specific activity (SA) for the Pt nanoparticles on the Ar$$^{+}$$-irradiated GC substrate compared to that on the non-irradiated GC substrate. The mechanism of this activity enhancement was investigated by local structure analysis of the interface. Ar$$^{+}$$ irradiation of the carbon support led to the formation of the Pt-C bonding, thus protecting the deposited Pt nanoparticles from oxidation.


Chromium(VI) adsorption-reduction using a fibrous amidoxime-grafted adsorbent

林 菜月*; 松村 大樹; 保科 宏行*; 植木 悠二*; 辻 卓也; Chen, J.*; 瀬古 典明*

Separation and Purification Technology, 277, p.119536_1 - 119536_8, 2021/12

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:65.52(Engineering, Chemical)

To develop a safe and simple method for the reduction of toxic chromium(VI) to the less harmful chromium(III), we proposed using radiation-induced graft polymerization. This method allows for any functional group to be introduced into conventional polymeric materials. Herein, we synthesized a fibrous adsorbent with amidoxime functional groups that have a high affinity for chromium, and investigated the changes in the chromium valence state over time in the amidoxime-grafted adsorbent. In situ X-ray absorption fine structure analysis revealed that most of the chromium(VI) was reduced to chromium(III) relatively early during the adsorption process, followed by gradual changes in the bonding structure of the amidoxime-chromium complex. It is expected to contribute to the development of practical technologies for wastewater treatment.


Estimation of I-131 concentration using time history of pulse height distribution at monitoring post and detector response for radionuclide in plume

平山 英夫*; 川崎 将亜; 松村 宏*; 大倉 毅史; 波戸 芳仁*; 佐波 俊哉*; 滝 光成; 大石 哲也; 吉澤 道夫

Insights Concerning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident, Vol.4; Endeavors by Scientists, p.295 - 307, 2021/10

A method of deducing the I-131 concentration in a radioactive plume from the time history of peak count rates determined from pulse height spectra obtained from an NaI(Tl) scintillation detector employed as a detector of a monitoring post was presented. The concentrations of I-131 in the plumes were estimated from the count rates using the calculated response of the NaI(Tl) detector with egs5 for a model of a plume uniformly containing I-131. This method was applied to the data from the monitoring posts at Nuclear Science Research Institutes of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The estimated time history variation of I-131 concentrations in plumes was in fair agreement with those measured directly by an air sampling method. The difference was less than a factor of 4 for plumes that arrived on March 15 and March 21, indicating relatively high I-131 concentrations among the plumes studied in this work.


MA回収プロセスにおける物質移動係数評価試験; 単一液滴法を用いた評価

坂本 淳志; 木部 智*; 川野邊 一則*; 藤咲 和彦*; 佐野 雄一; 竹内 正行; 鈴木 英哉*; 津幡 靖宏; 伴 康俊; 松村 達郎

JAEA-Research 2021-003, 30 Pages, 2021/06


日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)では、使用済核燃料溶解液中からマイナーアクチノイド(以下、「MA」という)を回収するプロセスの一つとして、SELECTプロセスの適用が検討されている。SELECTプロセスでは従来から用いられてきたリン(P)系の抽出剤ではなく、炭素(C),水素(H),酸素(O),窒素(N)といった非リン系のみで構成される新たな抽出剤を開発し、その適用検討を進めているところである。その中でMA・ランタノイド(以下、「Ln」という)を一括回収するための抽出剤として$$N,N,N',N'$$-tetradodecyldiglycolamide(テトラドデシルジグリコールアミド(以下、「TDdDGA」という))、MA/Lnを相互分離するための抽出剤として$$N,N,N',N',N",N"$$-hexaoctylnitrilotriacetamide(ヘキサオクチルNTAアミド(以下、「HONTA」という))、Am/Cmを相互分離するための抽出剤としてAlkyl diamide amine(アルキルジアミドアミン(ADAAM))を用いたフローシートの構築を進めている。本試験では、SELECTプロセスにおいてラフィネート中からMA及びLnを回収するためのTDdDGA及びHONTAを対象に、フローシートを構築する上で必要となる物質移動係数の取得を単一液滴法により進めた。単一液滴法により物質移動係数を評価するに当たっては、あらかじめ装置の形状変更等の改良を重ねた上で試験的な評価を実施し、既報値と同様な物質移動係数値が得られることを確認した。また、取得したTDdDGAの物質移動係数を用いることで、これまでにmixer-settlers(ミキサセトラ(MS))やcentrifugal contactors(遠心抽出器(CC))を用いて実施してきた連続多段試験結果の妥当性についても評価することがdできた。さらに、HONTAに関しても評価を行い、10$$^{-6}$$m/s以下の低い物質移動係数を有することが明らかとなった。


Re-evaluation of radiation-energy transfer to an extraction solvent in a minor-actinide-separation process based on consideration of radiation permeability

樋川 智洋; 津幡 靖宏; 甲斐 健師; 古田 琢哉; 熊谷 友多; 松村 達郎

Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 39(1), p.74 - 89, 2021/00

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:9.60(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)




中村 聡志; 木村 崇弘; 伴 康俊; 津幡 靖宏; 松村 達郎

JAEA-Technology 2020-009, 22 Pages, 2020/08


分離変換技術開発ディビジョンでは、マイナーアクチノイド(MA)核データの検証に資する核分裂反応率について、核分裂計数管を用いた測定を検討している。そのため、核分裂計数管用のMA線源の作製, 定量及び不確かさの評価を行った。電着法を採用して、$$^{237}$$Np, $$^{241}$$Am, $$^{243}$$Am及び$$^{244}$$Cmの4核種について電着量が異なるMA線源を7種類作製した。さらに、同位体希釈法を用いて放射能を定量した$$^{244}$$Cm線源元液から$$^{244}$$Cm作業標準線源を作製し、これを用いて算出した計数効率を適用して各MA線源の放射能を定量した。その結果、作製したMA線源の放射能として、$$^{237}$$Np線源は1461Bq, 2179Bq及び2938Bq、$$^{241}$$Am線源は1.428MBq、$$^{243}$$Am線源は370.5kBq及び89.57kBq並びに$$^{244}$$Cm線源は2.327MBqを得ると共に、不確かさを0.35%(1$$sigma$$)と評価した。本報告書では、MA線源の作製及び定量方法並びに不確かさ評価の過程についてまとめる。


Hydrogen absorption and desorption on Rh nanoparticles revealed by ${it in situ}$ dispersive X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy

Song, C.*; Seo, O.*; 松村 大樹; 廣井 慧*; Cui, Y.-T.*; Kim, J.*; Chen, Y.*; Tayal, A.*; 草田 康平*; 小林 浩和*; et al.

RSC Advances (Internet), 10(34), p.19751 - 19758, 2020/05

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

To unveil the origin of the hydrogen-storage properties of rhodium nanoparticles (Rh NPs), we investigated the dynamical structural change of Rh NPs using ${it in situ}$ dispersive X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (XAFS). The variation of the Rh-Rh interatomic distance and Debye-Waller factor of Rh NPs with a size of 4.0 and 10.5 nm during hydrogen absorption and desorption suggested that they have a different mechanism for hydrogen absorption, which is that the hydrogen absorption on the inner site has a greater contribution than that on a surface for Rh 4.0 nm. In the case of Rh 10.5 nm, it is opposed to Rh 4.0 nm. This study demonstrates a powerful ${it in situ}$ XAFS method for observing small local structural changes of metal nanoparticles and its importance for understanding of the hydrogen-absorption properties of Rh NPs with an interesting hydrogenation mechanism.


Changes in electronic structure of carbon supports for Pt catalysts induced by vacancy formation due to Ar$$^{+}$$ irradiation

岡崎 宏之*; 垣谷 健太*; 木全 哲也*; 出崎 亮*; 越川 博*; 松村 大樹; 山本 春也*; 八巻 徹也*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 152(12), p.124708_1 - 124708_5, 2020/03

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:24.62(Chemistry, Physical)

X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements were performed for the C K-edge of Pt nanoparticles on Ar$$^{+}$$-irradiated carbon supports in order to elucidate the origin of improved catalyst performance after the introduction of vacancies into the carbon support. We observed a change in the electronic structure at the interface between the Pt nanoparticles and the carbon support after vacancy introduction, which is in good agreement with theoretical results. The results indicated that vacancy introduction resulted in a drastic change in the Pt-C interactions, which likely affected the d-band center of the Pt nanoparticles and led to the enhancement of the oxygen reduction reaction in catalysts.



米田 安宏; 吉越 章隆; 竹田 幸治; 塩飽 秀啓; 松村 大樹; 菖蒲 敬久; 田村 和久

まてりあ, 58(12), p.763 - 769, 2019/12



Minor actinides separation by ${it N,N,N',N',N'',N''}$-hexaoctyl nitrilotriacetamide (HONTA) using mixer-settler extractors in a hot cell

伴 康俊; 鈴木 英哉*; 宝徳 忍; 筒井 菜緒; 津幡 靖宏; 松村 達郎

Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 37(7), p.489 - 499, 2019/11

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:58.52(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

ホットセル内のミキサセトラ抽出器に${it N,N,N',N',N'',N''}$-ヘキサオクチルニトリロトリアセトアミド(HONTA)を適用し、マイナーアクチノイド(MA: Am及びCm)の分離を目的とした連続向流試験を実施した。高レベル廃液から回収したMA及び希土類(RE)を含有した0.08M(mol/dm$$^{3}$$)の硝酸をフィード液に使用して14時間の抽出試験を行った。${it n}$-ドデカンで0.05Mに希釈したHONTAはMAを抽出し、94.9%のAm及び78.9%のCmをMAフラクションに回収した。一方、Y, La及びEuはHONTAにほとんど抽出されず、99.9%のY、99.9%のLa及び96.7%のEuがREフラクションに移行した。Ndは一部がHONTAに抽出され、REフラクションへのNdの移行率は83.5%であった。計算コードを用いて求めた抽出器各段のMA及びREの濃度は実験値とほぼ一致した。この計算コードを用いた試算を行い、分離条件の最適化することでMAのMAフラクションへの移行率及びREのREフラクションへの移行率が$$geq$$99%となる結果を得た。


Local structure study of the iron-based systems of BaFe$$_2$$As$$_2$$ and LiFeAs by X-ray PDF and XAFS analyses

Li, S.*; 豊田 真幸*; 小林 義明*; 伊藤 正行*; 池内 和彦*; 米田 安宏; 大谷 彬*; 松村 大樹; 浅野 駿*; 水木 純一郎*; et al.

Physica C, 555, p.45 - 53, 2018/12

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:4.92(Physics, Applied)



Uranium-based TRU multi-recycling with thermal neutron HTGR to reduce environmental burden and threat of nuclear proliferation

深谷 裕司; 後藤 実; 大橋 弘史; Yan, X.; 西原 哲夫; 津幡 靖宏; 松村 達郎

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 55(11), p.1275 - 1290, 2018/11


 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Optimization of disposal method and scenario to reduce high level waste volume and repository footprint for HTGR

深谷 裕司; 後藤 実; 大橋 弘史; 西原 哲夫; 津幡 靖宏; 松村 達郎

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 116, p.224 - 234, 2018/06


 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:20.55(Nuclear Science & Technology)


174 件中 1件目~20件目を表示