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検索結果: 81 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Fabrication progress of the prototype spoke cavity for the JAEA-ADS linac

田村 潤; 近藤 恭弘; Yee-Rendon, B.; 明午 伸一郎; 前川 藤夫; 加古 永治*; 梅森 健成*; 阪井 寛志*; 道前 武*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 2687(5), p.052008_1 - 052008_6, 2024/01

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been proposing an accelerator-driven system (ADS) as a future nuclear system to efficiently reduce high-level radioactive waste generated in nuclear power plants. As a first step toward the full-scale design of the CW proton linac for the JAEA-ADS, we are now prototyping a low-$$beta$$ ($$approx 0.2$$) single-spoke cavity. The actual cavity fabrication started in 2020. Most of the cavity parts were shaped in fiscal year 2020 by press-forming and machining. In 2021, we started welding the shaped cavity parts together. By preliminarily investigating the optimum welding conditions using mock-up test pieces, each cavity part was joined with a smooth welding bead. So far, we have fabricated the body section and the beam port section of the cavity. By measuring the resonant frequency of the temporarily assembled cavity, we have confirmed that there is no significant problem with the cavity fabrication.


Current status of the spoke cavity prototyping for the JAEA-ADS linac

田村 潤; 近藤 恭弘; Yee-Rendon, B.; 明午 伸一郎; 前川 藤夫; 加古 永治*; 梅森 健成*; 阪井 寛志*; 道前 武*

Proceedings of 31st International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2022) (Internet), p.180 - 183, 2022/09



Development of {QWR}s for the Future Upgrade of {JAEA} Tandem Superconducting Booster

近藤 恭弘; 原田 寛之; 株本 裕史; 神谷 潤一郎; 松田 誠; 守屋 克洋; 田村 潤; 加古 永治*; 道前 武*; 阪井 寛志*; et al.

Proceedings of 20th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF 2021) (Internet), p.299 - 302, 2021/10



Present status of the spoke cavity prototyping for the JAEA-ADS linac

田村 潤; 近藤 恭弘; 前川 藤夫; 明午 伸一郎; Yee-Rendon, B.; 道前 武*; 加古 永治*; 阪井 寛志*; 梅森 健成*

Proceedings of 20th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF 2021) (Internet), p.612 - 615, 2021/06

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is proposing an accelerator-driven subcritical system (ADS) for efficient reduction of high-level radioactive waste generated in nuclear power plants. One of the challenging R&Ds for ADS is the reliability of the accelerator. In preparation for the full-scale design of the proton linac for the JAEA-ADS, we are now prototyping a single spoke cavity for low-beta (around 0.2) beam acceleration. As there is no experience of manufacturing a superconducting spoke cavity in Japan, the cavity prototyping and performance testing are essential to ensure the feasibility of the JAEA-ADS linac. To proceed to an actual cavity production, we have reviewed the fabrication method including frequency adjustment at manufacturing. We examined the electron-beam welding using niobium test pieces and investigated the welding condition for realizing the smooth underbead. Then, we performed press forming of niobium sheets to shape each part of the cavity. We have eventually fabricated all the cavity parts by the press forming work and the precision cutting work.


RF design of the prototype spoke cavity for the JAEA-ADS linac

田村 潤; 近藤 恭弘; Yee-Rendon, B.; 明午 伸一郎; 前川 藤夫; 長谷川 和男; 加古 永治*; 梅森 健成*; 阪井 寛志*; 許斐 太郎*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011049_1 - 011049_6, 2021/03

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is proposing an accelerator-driven subcritical system (ADS) as a future project to transmute long-lived nuclides to short-lived or stable ones. In the JAEA-ADS, a high-power proton beam of 30 MW with the beam energy of 1.5 GeV and with the beam current of 20 mA at an exit of the accelerator is required with sufficient reliability. Furthermore, the linac needs to be operated in a continuous wave (CW) mode in order to be compatible with the reactor operation. Since a normal conducting structure raises a difficulty in cavity cooling under the CW operation, a superconducting (SC) linac would be a suitable solution. As the first step toward the complete design of the JAEA-ADS linac, we are planning to demonstrate a high-field measurement by manufacturing a prototype spoke cavity. It will provide us an insight for the development of the low-beta SC cavity. It will also enable us to acquire valuable information such as the accelerating gradient under the stable operation. In this symposium, the RF design of the prototype cavity including multipacting analysis is presented.


Electromagnetic design of the prototype spoke cavity for the JAEA-ADS linac

田村 潤; 近藤 恭弘; Yee-Rendon, B.; 明午 伸一郎; 前川 藤夫; 長谷川 和男; 加古 永治*; 梅森 健成*; 阪井 寛志*; 許斐 太郎*

Proceedings of 19th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF 2019) (Internet), p.399 - 402, 2019/11

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is proposing an accelerator-driven subcritical system (ADS) as a future project to transmute long-lived nuclides to short-lived or stable ones. In the JAEA-ADS, a high-power proton beam of 30 MW with the beam energy of 1.5 GeV and with the beam current of 20 mA at an exit of the accelerator is required with sufficient reliability. Furthermore, the linac needs to be operated in a continuous wave (CW) mode in order to be compatible with the reactor operation. Since a normal conducting structure raises a difficulty in cavity cooling under the CW operation, a superconducting linac would be a suitable solution. As the first step toward the complete design of the JAEA-ADS linac, we are planning to demonstrate a high-field measurement by manufacturing a low-beta prototype spoke cavity. For the cavity development, we designed the prototype cavity. By the electromagnetic simulation, we obtained good cavity performance comparable with the modern spoke cavities.


Operational experience of CW SRF injector and main linac cryomodules at the Compact ERL

阪井 寛志*; 江並 和宏*; 古屋 貴章*; 加古 永治*; 近藤 良也*; 道園 真一郎*; 三浦 孝子*; Qiu, F.*; 佐藤 昌人*; 篠江 憲治*; et al.

Proceedings of 56th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL 2015) (Internet), p.63 - 66, 2015/12



CERL主加速器クライオモジュール運転の現状; 大電流ビーム運転時における空洞内の現象理解に向けて

沼田 直人*; 浅川 智幸*; 阪井 寛志*; 梅森 健成*; 古屋 貴章*; 篠江 憲治*; 江並 和宏*; 江木 昌人*; 坂中 章悟*; 道園 真一郎*; et al.

Proceedings of 12th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.566 - 570, 2015/09




篠江 憲治*; 阪井 寛志*; 梅森 健成*; 江並 和宏*; 沢村 勝; 江木 昌人*; 古屋 貴章*

Proceedings of 12th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.548 - 552, 2015/09




沢村 勝; 梅森 健成*; 阪井 寛志*; 篠江 憲治*; 古屋 貴章*; 江並 和宏*; 江木 昌人*

Proceedings of 12th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.579 - 582, 2015/09



Performance evaluation of ERL main linac tuner

江並 和宏*; 古屋 貴章*; 阪井 寛志*; 佐藤 昌人*; 篠江 憲治*; 梅森 健成*; 道園 真一郎*; 三浦 孝子*; Qiu, F.*; 荒川 大*; et al.

Proceedings of 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '14) (Internet), p.2534 - 2536, 2014/07



Improvement of the position monitor using white light interferometer for measuring precise movement of compact ERL superconducting cavities in cryomodule

阪井 寛志*; 江並 和宏*; 古屋 貴章*; 佐藤 昌人*; 篠江 憲治*; 梅森 健成*; 沢村 勝; Cenni, E.*; 青戸 智浩*; 林 恭平*; et al.

Proceedings of 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '14) (Internet), p.1787 - 1789, 2014/07



Operation status of compact ERL main linac cryomodule

梅森 健成*; 江並 和宏*; 古屋 貴章*; 道園 真一郎*; 三浦 孝子*; Qiu, F.*; 阪井 寛志*; 佐藤 昌人*; 篠江 憲治*; 沢村 勝; et al.

Proceedings of 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '14) (Internet), p.2537 - 2539, 2014/07



Mechanical vibration search of compact ERL main linac superconducting cavities in cryomodule

佐藤 昌人*; 江並 和宏*; 古屋 貴章*; 道園 真一郎*; 三浦 孝子*; Qiu, F.*; 阪井 寛志*; 篠江 憲治*; 梅森 健成*; 沢村 勝; et al.

Proceedings of 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '14) (Internet), p.2531 - 2533, 2014/07




篠江 憲治*; 阪井 寛志*; 梅森 健成*; 江並 和宏*; 佐藤 昌史*; 古屋 貴章*; 沢村 勝; Cenni, E.*

Proceedings of 10th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.950 - 952, 2014/06




佐藤 昌史*; 梅森 健成*; 江並 和宏*; 阪井 寛志*; 篠江 憲治*; 古屋 貴章*; 沢村 勝; Cenni, E.*

Proceedings of 10th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.973 - 976, 2014/06



Compact ERL主加速部超伝導空洞クライオモジュールハイパワー試験

阪井 寛志*; 梅森 健成*; 江並 和宏*; 佐藤 昌史*; 篠江 憲治*; 古屋 貴章*; 沢村 勝; Cenni, E.*

Proceedings of 10th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.212 - 216, 2014/06



ERL Main Linac実機用チューナの低温特性試験

江並 和宏*; 古屋 貴章*; 阪井 寛志*; 佐藤 昌史*; 篠江 憲治*; 梅森 健成*; 沢村 勝; Cenni, E.*

Proceedings of 10th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.602 - 604, 2014/06

現在、ERL(3GeVクラス)の要素技術・測定技術を獲得するため、compact ERL(35$$sim$$200MeV)の開発が進められている。その一環として、われわれは1.3GHz超伝導空 洞からなるcompact ERL Main Linacのクライオモジュール製作に向けてR&Dを進めている。本報ではその構成部品の一つであるKEKスライドジャッキチューナの 低温特性試験を行った。本チューナはスライドジャッキによるメカニカルな 粗動とピエゾによる微動により周波数チューニングする機構を持つ。特性試験用 のモデルチューナを用いて、駆動に関して基本的な要求仕様を満たしている事と 幾つかの改善点を確認した。これらの結果を元に、実機用チューナではcompact ERLでの使用に適応した装置改善を行った。実機用チューナの基本特 性試験及びモジュールに組み付けての低温実験を行い、目標周波数1.3GHzに チューニング可能であることを確認した。


Precise measurement of superconducting cavity movement in cryomodule by the position monitor using white light interferometer

阪井 寛志*; 青戸 智浩*; 江並 和宏*; 古屋 貴章*; 佐藤 昌人*; 篠江 憲治*; 梅森 健成*; 沢村 勝; Cenni, E.*; 林 恭平*; et al.

Proceedings of 16th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF 2013) (Internet), p.291 - 296, 2014/02

超伝導空洞のアライメントはリニアコライダーやERL, X-FELのような次世代光源の重要開発項目の1つである。液体ヘリウム温度まで冷却するときの空洞変位をより精密に測定するため、我々は白色干渉計を用いた位置モニターを開発した。この位置モニターは測定ターゲットと参照点との干渉を測定することにより位置を測定している。この測定においてはクライオモジュールの外側から測定することができる。このシステムをコンパクトERLの主加速器モジュールに取付け2Kまでの冷却において10ミクロンの精度で変位を測定することができた。


Field emission measure during cERL main linac cryomodule high power test in KEK

Cenni, E.*; 江並 和宏*; 古屋 貴章*; 阪井 寛志*; 佐藤 昌人*; 篠江 憲治*; 梅森 健成*; 沢村 勝

Proceedings of 16th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF 2013) (Internet), p.678 - 682, 2014/02


81 件中 1件目~20件目を表示