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検索結果: 244 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Influence of MC carbides on pitting corrosion resistance of weld metal in austenitic stainless steels

門井 浩太*; 冠野 裕大*; 青木 聡; 井上 裕滋*

ISIJ International, 64(9), p.1450 - 1456, 2024/07



Development of a D$$_2$$O/H$$_2$$O vapor generator for contrast-variation neutron scattering

有馬 寛*; 高田 慎一; 笠井 聡*; 大内 啓一*; 森川 利明*; 宮田 登*; 宮崎 司*; 青木 裕之; 岩瀬 裕希*; 廣井 孝介; et al.

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56(6), p.1802 - 1812, 2023/12

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

The contrast-variation technique in neutron scattering experiments plays a pivotal role in distinguishing partial structures within multi-component complexes, facilitating the elucidation of distinct sample constituents. This differentiation is achieved using different isotopes, namely hydrogen and deuterium, which possess varying neutron scattering characteristics. This study presents a novel vapor generator designed for neutron scattering experiments, enabling continuous control of the D$$_2$$O/H$$_2$$O ratio of the vapor. This feature is especially useful for contrast-variation studies. The generator features two saturators and four mass flow controllers, allowing for the rapid and independent generation of D$$_2$$O/H$$_2$$O vapors. Additionally, the incorporation of the two-temperature method ensures accurate dew point control within a margin of $$pm$$0.2$$^{circ}$$Cdp. This setup proves useful for conducting time-resolved experiments and can accelerate research on functional polymers, such as polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cells, where water potential assumes critical importance.



若濱 洋*; 能城 悠*; 青木 和弘; 今井 宏太朗; Guglielmi, Y.*; Cook, P.*; Soom, F.*

応用地質, 64(5), p.236 - 254, 2023/12

2011年4月11日の福島県浜通りの地震(Mw6.7)時、福島県南東部に北北西から南南東に伸びる約14kmの地表変状が生じ塩ノ平断層と命名された。その南方延長上の車断層では地表変状は認められなかった。両断層の活動性評価のため、前者の活動域上の塩ノ平地点と後者の非活動域上の水上北地点で、SIMFIP法による断層スリップ試験を実施した。両地点の断層破砕部への注水に対する水圧モニタリング孔での水圧応答から、断層部を挟む領域の水理特性をGRFモデル(Barker, 1988)により評価し、透水係数、比貯留量、及び流れ次元を明らかにした。これらの水理パラメーターは国内外の文献値と整合的で、透水係数及び比貯留量は塩ノ平が水上北よりも大きく、流れ次元は塩ノ平が概ね三次元流であり、水上北が二次元フラクショナル流となる。また計測変位から算定される一軸膨張係数と水理解析での比貯留量の対比から、体積膨張は、前者が三軸、後者が一軸方向で生じると把握された。両地点の相違は、当該断層破砕部に賦存する「水みち」の空間的な発達状況の相違と密接に対応し、両地点の断層活動度に差異を生む要因と水理パラメーター等との関連性が示唆された。


Impact of the Ce$$4f$$ states in the electronic structure of the intermediate-valence superconductor CeIr$$_3$$

藤森 伸一; 川崎 郁斗; 竹田 幸治; 山上 浩志; 雀部 矩正*; 佐藤 芳樹*; 清水 悠晴*; 仲村 愛*; Maruya, A.*; 本間 佳哉*; et al.

Electronic Structure (Internet), 5(4), p.045009_1 - 045009_7, 2023/11

The electronic structure of the $$f$$-based superconductor $$mathrm{CeIr_3}$$ was studied by photoelectron spectroscopy. The energy distribution of the $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state was revealed by the $$mathrm{Ce}~3d-4f$$ resonant photoelectron spectroscopy. The $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state was mostly distributed in the vicinity of the Fermi energy, suggesting the itinerant character of the $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state. The contribution of the $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state to the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi energy was estimated to be nearly half of that of the$$mathrm{Ir}~5d$$ states, implying that the $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state has aconsiderable contribution to the DOS at the Fermi energy. The $$mathrm{Ce}~3d$$ core-level and $$mathrm{Ce}~3d$$ X-ray absorption spectra were analyzed based on a single-impurity Anderson model. The number of the $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state in the ground state was estimated to be 0.8-0.9, which is much larger than the values obtained in the previous studies (i.e., 0-0.4).


Weyl-Kondo semimetal behavior in the chiral structure phase of Ce$$_{3}$$Rh$$_{4}$$Sn$$_{13}$$

岩佐 和晃*; Suyama, Kazuya*; 河村 聖子; 中島 健次; Raymond, S.*; Steffens, P.*; Yamada, Akira*; 松田 達磨*; 青木 勇二*; 川崎 郁斗; et al.

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 7(1), p.014201_1 - 014201_11, 2023/01

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:62.48(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The spin dynamics, crystalline-electric-field (CEF) level scheme, specific heat, and X-ray photoemission spectra (XPS) of Ce$$_{3}$$Rh$$_{4}$$Sn$$_{13}$$ were investigated, which exhibits anomalous semimetal transport in the chiral crystallographic phase. CEF excitations observed at approximately 7 and 39 meV are consistent with the two inequivalent Ce-ion cites in the chiral structure. Because of broader CEF excitations and a strong 4$$f^{1}$$ peak at the Fermi level in the Ce 4$$f$$ on-resonance spectrum, the hybridized Ce 4$$f$$ electrons contribute to the semimetal carriers. In addition, the spin fluctuation associated with the Kramers doublet ground state is characterized by the peak located at 0.15 meV. The electronic state involving the spin fluctuation causes the $$T^{3}$$ behavior of specific heat below 0.6 K, which is attributed to linear dispersion relations of electrons of the Weyl Kondo semimetal in the chiral-lattice symmetry.


Neutron reflectivity study on the suppression of interfacial water accumulation between a polypropylene thin film and Si substrate using a silane-coupling agent

下北 啓輔*; 山本 勝宏*; 宮田 登*; 有馬 寛*; 中西 洋平*; 竹中 幹人*; 柴田 基樹*; 山田 悟史*; 瀬戸 秀樹*; 青木 裕之; et al.

Langmuir, 38(41), p.12457 - 12465, 2022/10

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

We measured the neutron reflectivity (NR) of isotactic polypropylene (PP) thin films deposited on Si substrates modified by hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) at the saturated vapor pressure of deuterated water at 25$$^{circ}$$C and 60$$^{circ}$$C/85% RH to investigate the effect of HMDS on the interfacial water accumulation in PP-based polymer/inorganic filler nanocomposites and metal/resin bonding materials. We found that the amount of water accumulated at the PP/Si interface decreased with increasing immersion time of the Si substrate in a solution of HMDS in hexane prior to PP film deposition. During the immersion of the Si substrate, the HMDS molecules were deposited on the Si substrate as a monolayer without aggregation. Furthermore, the coverage of the HMDS monolayer on the Si substrate increased with increasing immersion time. At 60$$^{circ}$$C and 85% RH, only a slight amount of interfacial water was detected after HMDS treatment for 1200 min. As a result, the maximum concentration of interfacial water was reduced to 0.1 from 0.3, where the latter corresponds to the PP film deposited on the untreated substrate.


Radiation exposure to the lens of the eye for Japanese nuclear power plant workers

横山 須美*; 立崎 英夫*; 谷村 嘉彦; 吉富 寛; 平尾 茂一*; 青木 克憲; 立木 秀一*; 江崎 巌*; 星 勝也; 辻村 憲雄

Journal of Radiological Protection, 42(3), p.031504_1 - 031504_17, 2022/09

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:27.23(Environmental Sciences)

日本では、2021年4月に水晶体の等価線量限度が改定された。その結果、眼の水晶体の線量限度と実効線量の線量限度が等しくなった。放射線作業者,放射線安全管理者,免許取得者は、放射線防護に関連する規制を遵守し、防護を最適化する必要がある。日本保健物理学会が新たに開発した水晶体の線量モニタリングガイドラインでは、水晶体の線量が管理基準に近づいたり超えたりした場合、正確な推定のために目の近くで線量を測定することを推奨している。しかし、原子力発電所従事者の不均一な被ばくに関する情報は限られている。本研究では、日本の4つの商業用原子力発電所(RWR: 3基,BWR: 3基)において、高線量率作業場の線量当量および88名の作業員の個人線量を測定し、作業員の不均一な被ばくを分析した。


大洗研究所における放射性廃棄物の放射能濃度評価手法確立に係る取り組み; 令和2年度活動報告書

朝倉 和基; 下村 祐介; 堂野前 寧; 阿部 和幸; 北村 了一; 宮越 博幸; 高松 操; 坂本 直樹; 磯崎 涼佑; 大西 貴士; et al.

JAEA-Review 2021-020, 42 Pages, 2021/10




Layered structure in the crystalline adsorption layer and the leaching process of poly(vinyl alcohol) revealed by neutron reflectivity

宮崎 司*; 宮田 登*; 有馬 寛*; 吉良 弘*; 大内 啓一*; 笠井 聡*; 津村 佳弘*; 青木 裕之

Langmuir, 37(32), p.9873 - 9882, 2021/08

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:35.86(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

We investigated the structure of the crystalline adsorption layer of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in hot water by neutron reflectivity in two cases: when the adsorption layer is exposed on the substrate by leaching the upper bulk layer and when it is deeply embedded between a relatively thick PVA film and substrate. In both cases, the PVA adsorption layer consists of three layers on the Si substrate. The bottom layer, consisting of amorphous chains that are strongly constrained on the substrate, is not swollen even in hot water at 90$$^{circ}$$C. The middle layer, consisting of amorphous chains that are much more mobile compared with those in the bottom layer, has no freedom to assume a crystalline form. Only the molecular chains in the top layer are crystallizable in the adsorption layer, leading to a heterogeneous layered structure in the film thickness direction. This layered structure is attributed to the crystallizable chains of PVA during the formation of the adsorption layer driven by hydrogen bonding. However, the structure and dynamics in the adsorption layer may differ in both cases because the molecular chains in the vicinity of the surface seem to be affected by surface effects even in the adsorption layer.



榊原 博; 青木 伸廣; 武藤 雅祐; 小田部 隼; 高橋 謙二*; 藤田 直幸*; 檜山 和彦*; 鈴木 宏和*; 鴨川 敏幸*; 横須賀 徹*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2020-020, 73 Pages, 2021/03




Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy study of UTe$$_{2}$$

藤森 伸一; 川崎 郁斗; 竹田 幸治; 山上 浩志; 仲村 愛*; 本間 佳哉*; 青木 大*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 90(1), p.015002_1 - 015002_2, 2021/01

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:79.65(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The valence state of $$mathrm{UTe}_2$$ was studied by core-level photoelectron spectroscopy. The main peak position of the $$mathrm{U}~4f$$ core-level spectrum of $$mathrm{UTe}_2$$ coincides with that of $$mathrm{UB}_2$$, which is anitinerant compound with a nearly $$5f^3$$ configuration. However, the main peak of $$mathrm{UTe}_2$$ is broader than that of$$mathrm{UB}_2$$, and satellite structures are observed in the higher binding energy side of the main peak, which are characteristics of mixed-valence uranium compounds. These results suggest that the $$mathrm{U}~5f$$ state in $$mathrm{UTe}_2$$ isin a mixed valence state with a dominant contribution from the itinerant$$5f^3$$ configuration.


Lens dosimetry study in $$^{90}$$Sr+$$^{90}$$Y beta field; Full-face mask respirator shielding and dosemeter positioning

辻村 憲雄; 星 勝也; 山崎 巧; 百瀬 琢麿; 青木 克憲; 吉富 寛; 谷村 嘉彦; 横山 須美*

KEK Proceedings 2020-5, p.21 - 28, 2020/11

To investigate the shielding effects of full-face respirator masks and the suitable positioning of lens dosemeters, irradiation experiments of $$^{90}$$Sr+$$^{90}$$Y beta particles were performed using an anthropomorphic head phantom into the eyes of which small thermoluminescence dosemeters (TLDs) were loaded, and the lens doses measured by these TLDs were compared with the doses measured by commercially available personal dosemeters attached around the eyes of the phantom. The three tested masks reduced the beta lens dose to 9-14% as compared to the lens doses in the absence of a mask. As for the suitable positioning of lens dosemeters, the $$H_{rm p}$$(0.07) evaluated by the $$H_{rm p}$$(0.07) dosemeter attached at the center of the forehead gave an over-response to the lens dose by a factor of 2.5-8.4 regardless of the presence of masks. The $$H_{rm p}$$(3) evaluated by the $$H_{rm p}$$(3) dosemeters, even though placed at extreme positions near the outside corners of the eyes, provided better lens dose estimates with a response of 0.38-1.7.


Measurements of the doses of eye lens for the workers of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

横山 須美*; 江崎 巌*; 立崎 英夫*; 立木 秀一*; 平尾 茂一*; 青木 克憲; 谷村 嘉彦; 星 勝也; 吉富 寛; 辻村 憲雄

Radiation Measurements, 138, p.106399_1 - 106399_5, 2020/11

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:23.17(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In Japan, the possibility to change the current dose limit of the lens of the eye for the radiation workers working in the planned exposure situation (normal controlled situations) to a new ICRP dose limit was discussed. It was further discussed how to appropriately monitor and manage the equivalent dose of the eye lenses for these workers exposed to radiation at their workplaces, such as nuclear and medical facilities. Among the workers exposed to a high-dose radiation at the water storage flange tank deconstructed $$^{90}$$Sr/$$^{90}$$Y dominant areas and the nuclear reactor buildings (high dose gamma-ray) of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F-NPP), H$$_{p}$$(10), H$$_{p}$$(3), and H$$_{p}$$(0.07) at the head and the chest (or the upper arm) were estimated by passive personal dosimeters using thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs) and radio photoluminescence glass dosimeters (RPLGDs). The relationship between H$$_{p}$$(10), H$$_{p}$$(3), and H$$_{p}$$(0.07) along with the effects of the sites of wearing dosimeters on the head inside a full-face mask and the chest (or upper arm) were discussed.


Relationship between the microstructure and local corrosion properties of weld metal in austenitic stainless steels

鴇田 駿*; 門井 浩太*; 青木 聡; 井上 裕滋*

Corrosion Science, 175, p.108867_1 - 108867_8, 2020/10

 被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:79.90(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Fine-structure analysis of perhydropolysilazane-derived nano layers in deep-buried condition using polarized neutron reflectometry

阿久津 和宏*; 吉良 弘*; 宮田 登*; 花島 隆泰*; 宮崎 司*; 笠井 聡*; 山崎 大; 曽山 和彦; 青木 裕之

Polymers (Internet), 12(10), p.2180_1 - 2180_10, 2020/10

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:6.56(Polymer Science)

A large background scattering originating from the sample matrix is a major obstacle for fine-structure analysis of a nanometric layer buried in a bulk material. As polarization analysis can decrease undesired scattering in a neutron reflectivity (NR) profile, we performed NR experiments with polarization analysis on a polypropylene (PP)/perhydropolysilazane-derived SiO$$_{2}$$ (PDS)/Si substrate sample, having a deep-buried layer of SiO$$_{2}$$ to elucidate the fine structure of the nano-PDS layer. This method offers unique possibilities for increasing the amplitude of the Kiessig fringes in the higher scattering vector (Qz) region of the NR profiles in the sample by decreasing the undesired background scattering. Fitting and Fourier transform analysis results of the NR data indicated that the synthesized PDS layer remained between the PP plate and Si substrate with a thickness of approximately 109 ${AA}$;. Furthermore, the scattering length density of the PDS layer, obtained from the background subtracted data appeared to be more accurate than that obtained from the raw data. Although the density of the PDS layer was lower than that of natural SiO$$_{2}$$, the PDS thin layer had adequate mechanical strength to maintain a uniform PDS layer in the depth-direction under the deep-buried condition.


Gas-flow humidity control system for neutron reflectivity measurements

有馬 寛*; 宮田 登*; 吉田 鉄生*; 笠井 聡*; 大内 啓一*; Zhang, S.*; 宮崎 司*; 青木 裕之

Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(10), p.104103_1 - 104103_7, 2020/10

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:54.35(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We developed a novel humidity control system for neutron reflectivity measurements based on the two-way gas-flow method that can generate up to 85% relative humidity (RH) within a temperature range of 5-85$$^{circ}$$C. The system consists of a gas-flow-type humidity generator and a thermostatic sample chamber, each of which can independently control the temperature. The key features include rapid humidity response and long stable operation time. The humidity reaches equilibrium within 2 to 5 min during the humidity change, and the system exhibited acceptable stability over a three-day, nonstop experimental measurement duration, with a precision of $$pm$$1% RH at 85$$^{circ}$$C and 85% RH. The sample chamber is capable of measuring substrate samples with dimensions of up to 2-in. in diameter and 5-mm in thickness. We demonstrate the reflectivity data measured at a pulsed neutron facility, MLF BL17, in the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. The combined use of this system with neutrons permits in situ, time-resolved studies of the swelling process of polyvinyl alcohol and adhesive materials.


Proliferation resistance evaluation of an HTGR transuranic fuel cycle using PRAETOR code

青木 健; Chirayath, S. S.*; 相楽 洋*

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 141, p.107325_1 - 107325_7, 2020/06

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:23.17(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Eye lens dosimetry for workers at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, 2; Field study using humanoid phantoms

辻村 憲雄; 星 勝也; 青木 克憲; 吉富 寛; 谷村 嘉彦; 横山 須美*

Radiation Measurements, 134, p.106305_1 - 106305_5, 2020/06

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:43.68(Nuclear Science & Technology)

We performed a field study of eye lens dosimetry for workers involved in the decommissioning operation at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. In this study, humanoid phantoms equipped with different personal dosemeters were placed at selected locations in the workplace. The experiment showed that $$H_{rm p}$$(3) at the head is about 20% higher than $$H_{rm p}$$(10) (or $$H_{rm p}$$(3)) at the trunk. This level of dose gradient is generally interpreted as being "almost uniform" in radiological control; therefore, tasks conducted in open areas with such relatively small dose gradients ($$sim$$1.2) will not require specific monitoring with eye lens dosemeters, except when the eye lens dose approaches the dose limit.


Eye lens dosimetry for workers at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, 1; Laboratory study on the dosemeter position and the shielding effect of full face mask respirators

星 勝也; 吉富 寛; 青木 克憲; 谷村 嘉彦; 辻村 憲雄; 横山 須美*

Radiation Measurements, 134, p.106304_1 - 106304_5, 2020/06

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:43.68(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Detailed structural study on the poly(vinyl alcohol) adsorption layers on a Si substrate with solvent vapor-induced swelling

宮崎 司*; 宮田 登*; 吉田 鉄生*; 有馬 寛*; 津村 佳弘*; 鳥飼 直也*; 青木 裕之; 山本 勝宏*; 金谷 利治*; 川口 大輔*; et al.

Langmuir, 36(13), p.3415 - 3424, 2020/04

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:59.80(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

We investigated in detail the structures in the poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) adsorption layers on a Si substrate, which remained on the substrate after immersing the relatively thick 30 - 50 nm films in hot water, by neutron reflectometry under humid conditions. For the PVA with a degree of saponification exceeding 98 mol %, the adsorption layer exhibits a three-layered structure in the thickness direction. The bottom layer is considered to be the so-called inner adsorption layer that is not fully swollen with water vapor. This may be because the polymer chains in the inner adsorption layer are strongly constrained onto the substrate, which inhibits water vapor penetration. The polymer chains in this layer have many contact points to the substrate via the hydrogen bonding between the hydroxyl groups in the polymer chain and the silanol groups on the surface of the Si substrate and consequently exhibit extremely slow dynamics. Therefore, it is inferred that the bottom layer is fully amorphous. Furthermore, we consider the middle layer to be somewhat amorphous because parts of the molecular chains are pinned below the interface between the middle and bottom layers. The molecular chains in the top layer become more mobile and ordered, owing to the large distance from the strongly constrained bottom layer; therefore, they exhibit a much lower degree of swelling compared to the middle amorphous layer. Meanwhile, for the PVA with a much lower degree of saponification, the adsorption layer structure consists of the two-layers. The bottom layer forms the inner adsorption layer that moderately swells with water vapor because the polymer chains have few contact points to the substrate. The molecular chains in the middle layer, therefore, are somewhat crystallizable because of this weak constraint.

244 件中 1件目~20件目を表示