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Journal Articles

High temperature gas-cooled reactors

Takeda, Tetsuaki*; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Aihara, Jun; Aoki, Takeshi; Fujiwara, Yusuke; Fukaya, Yuji; Goto, Minoru; Ho, H. Q.; Iigaki, Kazuhiko; Imai, Yoshiyuki; et al.

High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.5, 464 Pages, 2021/02

As a general overview of the research and development of a High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) in JAEA, this book describes the achievements by the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) on the designs, key component technologies such as fuel, reactor internals, high temperature components, etc., and operational experience such as rise-to-power tests, high temperature operation at 950$$^{circ}$$C, safety demonstration tests, etc. In addition, based on the knowledge of the HTTR, the development of designs and component technologies such as high performance fuel, helium gas turbine and hydrogen production by IS process for commercial HTGRs are described. These results are very useful for the future development of HTGRs. This book is published as one of a series of technical books on fossil fuel and nuclear energy systems by the Power Energy Systems Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Journal Articles

Key factors controlling radiocesium sorption and fixation in river sediments around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, 1; Insights from sediment properties and radiocesium distributions

Tachi, Yukio; Sato, Tomofumi*; Akagi, Yosuke*; Kawamura, Makoto*; Nakane, Hideji*; Terashima, Motoki; Fujiwara, Kenso; Iijima, Kazuki

Science of the Total Environment, 724, p.138098_1 - 138098_11, 2020/07

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:58.11(Environmental Sciences)

To understand and predict radiocesium transport behaviors in the environment, highly contaminated sediments from Ukedo and Odaka rivers around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were investigated systematically focusing on key factors controlling radiocesium sorption and fixation, including particle size, clay mineralogy and organic matter.

Journal Articles

Key factors controlling radiocesium sorption and fixation in river sediments around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, 2; Sorption and fixation behaviors and their relationship to sediment properties

Tachi, Yukio; Sato, Tomofumi*; Takeda, Chizuko*; Ishidera, Takamitsu; Fujiwara, Kenso; Iijima, Kazuki

Science of the Total Environment, 724, p.138097_1 - 138097_10, 2020/07

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:41.56(Environmental Sciences)

To understand and predict radiocesium transport behaviors in the environment, sorption and fixation behaviors of radiocesium on river sediments from Ukedo and Odaka rivers around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were investigated systematically focusing on Cs sorption and fixation mechanisms and their relationship with Cs concentrations and sediment properties including clay mineralogy and organic matter.

Journal Articles

An Approach to DNA crystallization using the thermal reversible process of DNA duplexes

Chatake, Toshiyuki*; Sazaki, Gen*; Kikko, Tatsuhiko*; Fujiwara, Satoru; Ishikawa, Takuya*; Matsumoto, Osamu*; Morimoto, Yukio*

Crystal Growth & Design, 10(3), p.1090 - 1095, 2010/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:48.24(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

We propose a technique for DNA crystallization using the thermal reversible process of DNA: a conversion between a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and two single-stranded DNAs (ssDNAs) with temperatures. We investigated the solubility of the crystals of a DNA hexamer d(CGCGCG) and their melting temperature, at which the thermal conversion occurs. The results obtained suggest that the conversion from a dsDNA to ssDNAs results in an increase in solubility. It was shown that using this temperature-controlled technique, high-grade single crystals of the DNA hexamer could be obtained from a small amount of DNA samples. This easy-to-apply technique would be superior to the conventional vapor diffusion technique in that it allows the solubility of DNA crystals to be controlled with no need for expensive setups.

Journal Articles

"J-KAREN"; High intensity laser

Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Mori, Michiaki; Nakai, Yoshiki; Shimomura, Takuya*; Tanoue, Manabu*; Akutsu, Atsushi; Okada, Hajime; Motomura, Tomohiro*; Kondo, Shuji; Kanazawa, Shuhei; et al.

JAEA-Conf 2008-007, p.13 - 16, 2008/08

One of the main bottlenecks for the applications of ultrashort and ultrahigh-peak power lasers in high-field physics is a temporal contrast of the pulses. In ultrahigh-peak power lasers, a nanosecond background of the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) is generated at the same time as the femtosecond pulse. This background is mostly generated in the preamplifier (regenerative, multipass amplifier). Even though the contrast level is usually in the range from 10$$^{-5}$$ to 10$$^{-6}$$, this level is not sufficiently low at relativistic intensities greater than 10$$^{18} $$W/cm$$^{2}$$ to avoid unwanted pre-plasmas generation. We demonstrated a high-contrast, high-peak power laser with optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA). With the use of OPCPA, contrast is enhanced to better than 7$$times$$10$$^{-9}$$ in a few picoseconds before the main pulse, which corresponds to an improvement of three to four orders in magnitude compared with conventional systems.

Journal Articles

Half-life of $$^{184}$$Re populated by the $$(gamma,n)$$ reaction from laser Compton scattering $$gamma$$ rays at the electron storage ring NewSUBARU

Hayakawa, Takehito; Miyamoto, Shuji*; Hayashi, Yukio; Kawase, Keigo*; Horikawa, Ken*; Chiba, Satoshi; Nakanishi, Kosuke*; Hashimoto, Hisanobu*; Ota, Takeshi*; Kando, Masaki; et al.

Physical Review C, 74(6), p.065802_1 - 065802_5, 2006/12

 Times Cited Count:29 Percentile:82.68(Physics, Nuclear)

We report a half-life of the ground state of $$^{184}$$Re populated by the $$^{185}$$Re$$(gamma,n)$$$$^{184}$$Re reaction with the laser Compton scattering $$gamma$$-rays generated through relativistic engineering. The $$gamma$$-rays are provided at the electron storage ring NewSUBARU. The previous experiment using deuteron-induced reactions has yielded a recommended half-life of the 3$$^-$$ ground state of $$^{184}$$Re to be 38.0 $$pm$$ 0.5 d, including a possible contribution from the 8$$^{+}$$ isomer ($$T_{1/2}$$ = 169 $$pm$$ 8 d) of $$^{184}$$Re since the presence of the isomer was not known at that time. In contrast, the $$(gamma,n)$$ reaction has an advantage to selectively populate the ground state because this reaction does not bring large angular momentum. The measured half-life of 35.4 $$pm$$ 0.7 d is shorter than the previous half-life by about 7%. This difference is crucial for applications using the activation method.

Journal Articles

Actively-cooled plasma electrode for long pulse operations in a cesium-seeded negative ion source

Fujiwara, Yukio; Watanabe, Kazuhiro; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Trainham, R.*; Jacquot, C.*

Review of Scientific Instruments, 76(1), p.013501_1 - 013501_5, 2005/01

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A new actively-cooled plasma electrode has been developed for long pulse operation in a cesium-seeded negative ion source. To keep the electrode temperature at about 300 $$^{circ}$$C, which is optimum range of temperature to enhance cesium effects, the electrode cooling structure has been designed using three-dimensional numerical simulation assuming that the heat flux from the source plasma was 15 W/cm$$^{2}$$. Water cooling tubes were brazed to the plasma electrode substrate with spacers made of stainless steel which acts as a thermal resistance. The fabricated plasma electrode has been tested in a cesium-seeded volume negative ion source called Kamaboko source. The temperature of the electrode reached 280 $$^{circ}$$C for the arc power of 41 kW, which is operating condition required for producing D- beams with current densities exceeding 20 mA/cm$$^{2}$$. It was demonstrated that the actively-cooled plasma electrode is applicable to long pulse operations, meeting the temperature requirement for optimizing the surface-production process of negative ions in the cesium seeded ion source.

Journal Articles

A Frame-cooled plasma grid for long pulse operations in a cesium-seeded volume negative ion source

Fujiwara, Yukio; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Watanabe, Kazuhiro; Trainham, R.*; Jacquot, C.*

Review of Scientific Instruments, 73(2), p.298 - 304, 2002/02

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:29.31(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Spatial uniformity of negative ion production in volume negative ion source

Morishita, Takatoshi; Miyamoto, Kenji*; Fujiwara, Yukio*; Hanada, Masaya; Kitagawa, Tadashi*; Kashiwagi, Mieko; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Watanabe, Kazuhiro

Review of Scientific Instruments, 73(2), p.1064 - 1066, 2002/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:18.88(Instruments & Instrumentation)

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Journal Articles

Long pulse production of high density negative(H$$^{-}$$/D$$^{-}$$) ion beams in negative ion source development for NBI

Kashiwagi, Mieko; Amemiya, Toru*; Iga, Takashi*; Inoue, Takashi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Takayanagi, Tomohiro; Hanada, Masaya; Fujiwara, Yukio; Morishita, Takatoshi; et al.

Dai-12-Kai Ryushisen No Sentanteki Oyo Gijutsu Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu (BEAMS 2001) Hobunshu, p.37 - 40, 2001/11

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Journal Articles

Beamlet-beamlet interaction in a multi-aperture negative ion source

Fujiwara, Yukio; Hanada, Masaya; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Watanabe, Kazuhiro; Kawai, Kenichi*

Review of Scientific Instruments, 71(8), p.3059 - 3064, 2000/08

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:55.10(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Negative hydrogen ion source for tokamak neutral beam injector

Okumura, Yoshikazu; Fujiwara, Yukio; Kashiwagi, Mieko; Kitagawa, Tadashi*; Miyamoto, Kenji; Morishita, Takatoshi; Hanada, Masaya; Takayanagi, Tomohiro; Taniguchi, Masaki; Watanabe, Kazuhiro

Review of Scientific Instruments, 71(2), p.1219 - 1224, 2000/02

 Times Cited Count:36 Percentile:83.98(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Hydrogen negative ion beam acceleration in a multiaperture five-stage electrostatic accelerator

Watanabe, Kazuhiro; Fujiwara, Yukio; Hanada, Masaya; Kashiwagi, Mieko; Kitagawa, Tadashi*; Miyamoto, Kenji; Morishita, Takatoshi; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Takayanagi, Tomohiro; Taniguchi, Masaki

Review of Scientific Instruments, 71(2), p.1231 - 1233, 2000/02

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:55.10(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Neutral beams for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor

Inoue, Takashi; Di Pietro, E.*; Mondino, P. L.*; Bayetti, P.*; Hemsworth, R. S.*; Massmann, P.*; Fujiwara, Yukio; Hanada, Masaya; Miyamoto, Kenji; Okumura, Yoshikazu; et al.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 71(2), p.744 - 746, 2000/02

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:67.85(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Experimental study on the influence of radiation on high-voltage insulation gases

Fujiwara, Yukio; Inoue, Takashi; Miyamoto, Kenji; Miyamoto, Naoki*; Ohara, Yoshihiro; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Watanabe, Kazuhiro

JAERI-Research 99-071, p.33 - 0, 1999/12


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Thermo-mechanical analysis of an acceleration grid for the ITER-NBI system

Fujiwara, Yukio; Hanada, Masaya; Miyamoto, Kenji; Okumura, Yoshikazu; ; Watanabe, Kazuhiro

JAERI-Tech 99-052, 52 Pages, 1999/07


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Beamlet interaction in multi-aperture negative ion source

Fujiwara, Yukio; Hanada, Masaya; Kawai, Kenichi*; ; Miyamoto, Kenji; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Watanabe, Kazuhiro

JAERI-Research 99-013, 32 Pages, 1999/02


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Acceleration experiment of hydrogen negative ion beams up to 1MeV using multi-aperture multi-stage electrostatic accelerator

Fujiwara, Yukio; Hanada, Masaya; Kashiwagi, Mieko; Kitagawa, Tadashi*; Miyamoto, Kenji; Morishita, Takatoshi; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Takayanagi, Tomohiro; Taniguchi, Masaki; Watanabe, Kazuhiro

Dai-10-Kai Ryushisen No Sentanteki Oyo Gijutsu Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Hobunshu, p.87 - 92, 1999/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Temperature control of plasma grid for continuous operation in cesium-seeded volume negative ion source

Fujiwara, Yukio; Miyamoto, Naoki*; Okumura, Yoshikazu

Review of Scientific Instruments, 69(2), p.1173 - 1175, 1998/02

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:52.94(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of a multiaperture, multistage electrostatic accelerator for hydrogen negative ion beams

Watanabe, Kazuhiro; Fujiwara, Yukio; Hanada, Masaya; Inoue, Takashi; Miyamoto, Kenji; Miyamoto, Naoki*; Ohara, Yoshihiro; Okumura, Yoshikazu

Review of Scientific Instruments, 69(2), p.986 - 988, 1998/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:29.67(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

47 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)