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Data of heavy elements for light sources in EUV and XUV and for other applications

小池 文博*; 舟場 久芳*; 後藤 基志*; 加藤 太治*; 加藤 隆子*; 森田 繁*; 村上 泉*; 坂上 裕之*; 須藤 滋*; 鈴木 千尋*; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1545, p.202 - 211, 2013/07

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:82.68(Physics, Applied)

多電子,多価イオンを含むプラズマの状態の理解のために重要となる、原子番号が50から80までの原子の多価イオンのエネルギー準位や遷移確率について議論する。これらの原子データに関する理論計算の現状について述べる。また、W, Gd, Ndイオンの分光計測や、その結果の理論解析についても述べる。


A Study of tungsten spectra using Large Helical Device and Compact Electron Beam Ion Trap in NIFS

森田 繁*; Dong, C. F.*; 後藤 基志*; 加藤 太治*; 村上 泉*; 坂上 裕之*; 蓮尾 昌裕*; 小池 文博*; 中村 信行*; 大石 鉄太郎*; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1545, p.143 - 152, 2013/07

 被引用回数:30 パーセンタイル:99.17(Physics, Applied)



Investigation of the helical divertor function and the future plan of a closed divertor for efficient particle control in the LHD plasma periphery

庄司 主*; 増崎 貴*; 小林 政弘*; 後藤 基志*; 森崎 友宏*; 山田 弘司*; 小森 彰夫*; 岩前 敦; 坂上 篤史*; LHD実験グループ*

Fusion Science and Technology, 58(1), p.208 - 218, 2010/07

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:51.71(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The function of the divertor plasmas on the particle control in the plasma periphery is investigated from view points of magnetic field line structure and neutral particle transport. It shows that the particle and heat deposition on the divertor plate arrays are explained by the distribution of strike points calculated by magnetic field line tracing with a randam walk process, which is experimentally supported by measurements in various magnetic configurations. Control of neutral particle fueling from the divertor plate is essential for sustaining long pulse discharges and achieving Super Dense Core plasma. The behavior of neutral particles in the plasma periphery has been investigated by $${rm H}_{alpha}$$ emission measurements and a neutral particles transport simulation. It reveals that the main particle source in an ICRF heated long pulse discharge is from the divertor plates heated by protons accelerated by ICRF waves, and the spatial profile of the neutral particle density in various magnetic configurations is explained by the distribution of the strike points. Basing on this analysis, a closed divertor configuration optimized for the intrinsic magnetic field line structure in the Large Helical Devices is proposed for efficient particle control and heat load reduction on the divertor plates.


Alignment creation and deviation from statistical population distribution in hydrogen $$n$$=3 levels observed on MSE spectra of LHD plasma

岩前 敦; 坂上 篤史*; 安宅 誠*; 澤田 圭司*; 後藤 基志*; 森田 繁*

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 51(11), p.115004_1 - 115004_15, 2009/11

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:23.23(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

We have observed motional-Stark-effect (MSE) spectra of Balmer-$${alpha}$$ line emitted from a heating neutral-hydrogen beam on the Large Helical Device. Polarization-resolved spectral profile indicates that the magnetic-sublevel populations in the upper level slightly deviate from the statistical distribution, i.e., alignment is created. The theoretical proton-impact cross sections with the assumption of corona equilibrium, however, lead to a profile in gross disagreement with the observed one. It is suggested that, the observed profile is the result of time integration of light emission of atoms during the relaxation process, i.e., the aligned population distribution is created by the directional proton collisions and elastic proton collisions destroy the alignment, finally leading to statistical distribution.


Radiation loss by impurities measured from the large helical device

加藤 隆子*; 村上 泉*; 後藤 基志*; 森田 繁*; 居田 克巳*; Peterson, B. J.*; 舟場 久芳*; 仲野 友英

Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.7, p.1 - 4, 2006/00

真空紫外スペクトルを定量解析した。C IIIスペクトル線の強度比から求めた電子温度を用い、ネオン入射によって発生したプラズマの放射損失源を分光計測とボロメータ計測で同定した。さらに不純物の発光線強度比の時間変化から不純物による放射損失の時間変化を求めた。


Spectroscopic diagnostics in boundary plasmas

仲野 友英; 藤本 孝*; 後藤 基志*; 畑山 明聖*; 門 信一郎*; 加藤 隆子*; 季村 峯生*; 久保 博孝; 村上 泉*; 大野 哲靖*; et al.

Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science; April 2003 - March 2004, P. 414, 2003/10




柴田 欣秀*; 岡本 征晃*; 渡邊 清政*; 大野 哲靖*; 河野 康則; 諫山 明彦; 坂本 宜照; 大山 直幸; 栗原 研一; 後藤 基志*

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7 件中 1件目~7件目を表示
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