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Meso-timescale atomistic simulations on coalescence process of He bubbles in Fe by SEAKMC method

山本 耀二郎*; 早川 頌*; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋

Computational Materials Science, 229, p.112389_1 - 112389_9, 2023/10

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:32.09(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Long-timescale transformations of self-interstitial atom clusters of Cu using the SEAKMC method; The Effect of setting an activation energy threshold for saddle point searches

早川 頌*; 山本 耀二郎*; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋; 鈴木 克幸*

Computational Materials Science, 218, p.111987_1 - 111987_10, 2023/02

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:7.48(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

On-the-fly kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC), a computational technique for atomistic simulations, has attracted attention because it increases the simulation timescale beyond that of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations while maintaining atomistic fidelity. However, for most kMC methods, when events with high and low activation energies coexist in the event list, trivial events with extremely low activation energies that do not essentially affect the phenomena of interest, so-called flicker events, are frequently selected, making it challenging to observe the key dynamics. In this study, we use Self-Evolving Atomistic kMC (SEAKMC), one of the on-the-fly kMC methods, to model the unstable-to-stable transformations of irregular three-dimensional self-interstitial-atom (SIA) clusters in Cu generated through collision cascade. By setting an activation energy threshold once every five steps, transformations into stable configurations are enhanced. The algorithm renders the simulation timescales one or two orders of magnitude longer than those possible with MD simulations. Further, the probability of transformations into stable configurations is increased by 40 times compared to that of the original SEAKMC method. In addition, we find that the stable configurations obtained by the transformation of the SIA clusters are mostly Frank loops. In summary, this new algorithm for the SEAKMC method helps to resolve the inefficiency of kMC methods resulting from the selection of flicker events and will aid the study of meso-timescale atomistic dynamics.


Molecular dynamics simulation to elucidate effects of spatial geometry on interactions between an edge dislocation and rigid, impenetrable precipitate in Cu

津川 聖人*; 早川 頌*; 沖田 泰良*; 愛知 正温*; 板倉 充洋; 鈴木 克幸*

Computational Materials Science, 215, p.111806_1 - 111806_8, 2022/12

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:33.50(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to evaluate the interactions between an edge dislocation and a rigid, impenetrable precipitate in Cu by changing the distance between the glide plane of the dislocation and the center of the precipitate ($$zeta$$). In these calculations, the precipitate was introduced as a super particle that moved according to the total force exerted by the matrix atoms on the precipitate atoms. When the center of the precipitate was close to the glide plane, an Orowan loop was formed around the precipitate after the dislocation detached, and the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) was similar to the value evaluated by the results at $$zeta=0$$. However, when the glide plane was far from the center of the precipitate, either a vacancy loop or loops generated through the Hirsch mechanism were formed, depending on whether the center of the precipitate was below or above the glide plane. The magnitude of the CRSS was not symmetric about $$zeta=0$$. This study confirmed that it is necessary to analyze the CRSS by changing $$zeta$$ to construct a predictive model for the hardening caused by the formation of lattice defects, and that precipitate hardening appears to be smaller than the value estimated using the results at $$zeta=0$$.


Molecular dynamics simulations to quantify the interaction of a rigid and impenetrable precipitate with an edge dislocation in Cu

津川 聖人*; 早川 頌*; 岩瀬 祐樹*; 沖田 泰良*; 鈴木 克幸*; 板倉 充洋; 愛知 正温*

Computational Materials Science, 210, p.111450_1 - 111450_9, 2022/07

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:76.60(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Precipitation strengthening has been utilized to improve the properties of metallic materials so far. Since interactions between precipitates and dislocations are micro-mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon, a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a powerful tool for quantifying this phenomenon. In this study, we introduced a method to simulate a rigid and impenetrable precipitate against a direct contact with a dislocation using a single interatomic potential representing the bulk material. The total force exerted on all atoms in the precipitate region was divided by the number of atoms in the region. This average force was then applied to each atom in the region to simulate one super particle that moved depending on the total force exerted by the matrix atoms on the precipitate atoms. We used MD simulations to quantify the interaction of a precipitate with an edge dislocation. After the dislocation overcame the precipitate, an Orowan loop was formed along the outer circumference of the precipitate. The energy of the loop was 2.1 $$pm$$ 0.1 eV/b, which was higher than that obtained using the elasticity. The hardening caused by the precipitate was larger than that caused by voids of the same size. The proposed method can be applied to simulate interactions of precipitates with dislocations in any type of metallic material, especially when a dislocation bypasses a precipitate without changing its structure, except when a strong repulsive force acts between them.


Molecular dynamic simulations evaluating the effect of the stacking fault energy on defect formations in face-centered cubic metals subjected to high-energy particle irradiation

寺山 怜志*; 岩瀬 祐樹*; 早川 頌*; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋; 鈴木 克幸*

Computational Materials Science, 195, p.110479_1 - 110479_12, 2021/07

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:46.95(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Austenitic stainless steels, which are used as incore structural materials in light water reactors, are characterized by an extremely low stacking fault energy (SFE) among face-centered cubic (FCC) metals. To evaluate the effects of SFE on defect formation under high-energy particle irradiation, molecular dynamics simulations were performed using the interatomic potential sets for FCC metals with different SFEs and a primary knock-on atom energy (E$$_{rm PKA}$$) of 100 keV at 600 K. The results show that the number of residual defects is independent of the SFE. However, the characteristics of self-interstitial atom (SIA) clusters do depend on the SFE. For clusters smaller than a certain size, the ratio of glissile SIA clusters decreases as the SFE increases, which is similar to the trend observed at the low E$$_{rm PKA}$$. However, for larger clusters, which can be detected only at a high E$$_{rm PKA}$$, the ratio of glissile clusters increases. These results correspond to static energy calculations, in which the difference in the formation energy between a Frank loop and perfect loop ($$Delta$$E$$_{rm F-P}$$) for the small clusters decreases as the SFE increases. In contrast, for the larger clusters, the SFE dependence of $$Delta$$E$$_{rm F-P}$$ changes due to the shape restrictions of stable perfect loops. At a high temperature of 600 K, large vacancy clusters with stacking faults can be detected at E$$_{rm PKA}$$ = 100 keV, resulting in the enhanced formation of these clusters at lower SFEs. Furthermore, several of these clusters were similar to perfect loops, with the edges split into two partial dislocations with stacking faults, although the largest clusters detected at low E$$_{rm PKA}$$s were similar to stacking fault tetrahedrons.


Isomer production ratio of the $$^{112}$$Cd($$n,gamma$$)$$^{113}$$Cd reaction in an $$s$$-process branching point

早川 岳人*; 藤 暢輔; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 静間 俊行*; 岩本 信之; 千葉 敏*; 梶野 敏貴*

Physical Review C, 103(4), p.045801_1 - 045801_5, 2021/04

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:15.03(Physics, Nuclear)

A $$beta$$-decay unstable isomer with a half-life of 14.1 y at 264 keV in $$^{113}$$Cd is a branching point in the $$s$$ process, from which a weak branch reaches to a rare tin isotope $$^{115}$$Sn whose astrophysical origin has been an open problem. We have measured $$gamma$$ rays decaying to the ground state or the isomer in the $$^{112}$$Cd($$n,gamma$$)$$^{113}$$Cd reaction using high-energy resolution detectors in conjunction with a time-of-flight method. The relative production ratios of the isomer to the total following the neutron capture reactions on $$^{112}$$Cd have been evaluated in an energy region of up to 9 keV, and the spin and parity of several resonances have been assigned.


Thermally altered subsurface material of asteroid (162173) Ryugu

北里 宏平*; Milliken, R. E.*; 岩田 隆浩*; 安部 正真*; 大竹 真紀子*; 松浦 周二*; 高木 靖彦*; 中村 智樹*; 廣井 孝弘*; 松岡 萌*; et al.

Nature Astronomy (Internet), 5(3), p.246 - 250, 2021/03

 被引用回数:51 パーセンタイル:96.49(Astronomy & Astrophysics)



Observation of Coulomb-assisted nuclear bound state of $$Xi^-$$-$$^{14}$$N system

早川 修平; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 橋本 直; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 126(6), p.062501_1 - 062501_6, 2021/02

 被引用回数:41 パーセンタイル:94.31(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

In an emulsion-counter hybrid experiment performed at J-PARC, a $$Xi^-$$ absorption event was observed which decayed into twin single-$$Lambda$$ hypernuclei. Kinematic calculations enabled a unique identification of the reaction process as $$Xi^{-} + ^{14}$$N$$ rightarrow ^{10}_Lambda$$Be + $$^5_Lambda$$He. For the binding energy of the $$Xi^{-}$$ hyperon in the $$Xi^-$$-$$^{14}$$N system a value of $$1.27 pm 0.21$$ MeV was deduced. The energy level of $$Xi^-$$ is likely a nuclear $$1p$$ state which indicates a weak $${Xi}N$$-$$LambdaLambda$$ coupling.


Study of $$Y^*$$ in nuclei through C$$(K^-, pi^+)X$$ spectrum at 1.8 GeV/$$c$$ in the J-PARC E05 experiment

本多 良太郎*; 長谷川 勝一; 早川 修平; 細見 健二; 今井 憲一; 市川 裕大; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 26, p.023014_1 - 023014_4, 2019/11

We measured the $$(K^-,pi^+)$$ reaction spectra at 1.8 GeV/$$c$$ for the graphite and the polyethylene targets in the J-PARC E05 pilot experiment. By comparing the spectra for these two targets, it was found that $$Sigma^{*-}(1385)$$ in the $$^{11}$$B nucleus is quite broadened. Furthermore, we also compared broadness of $$Sigma^{*-}(1385)$$ with $$K^*(892)$$ obtained in the $$(K^-,p)$$ spectrum. $$Sigma^{*-}(1385)$$ seems to be much more broadened in nuclei than $$K^*(892)$$. We gave a possible interpretation, which is related to compositeness of decuplet baryons, for this situation.


Search for excited state of $$_{Sigma }^{4}{rm He}$$ hypernucleus in the J-PARC E13 experiment

中川 真菜美*; 長谷川 勝一; 早川 修平; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; 田村 裕和; 谷田 聖; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 26, p.023005_1 - 023005_3, 2019/11

The $$Sigma N$$ interaction is not much studied than the $$Lambda N$$ interaction. To understand the $$Sigma N$$ interaction, we study $$Sigma$$ hypernuclei. As for the $$Sigma$$ hypernucleus, only the ground state of $$_{Sigma }^{4}{rm He}$$ has been observed. To obtain more information about the $$Sigma N$$ interaction, the excited state should be studied. Therefore, we measure the missing-mass of the $$^4$$He$$(K^-,pi^-)$$ reaction at $$p_{K^-} = 1.5$$ GeV/$$c$$ and $$theta_{rm Lab} =$$ 2-14$$^{circ}$$ at the J-PARC K1.8 beam line. The ground state of $$_{Sigma }^{4}{rm He}$$ is observed whereas a peak of the excited states is not observed. We also observe suppression of the $$Sigma$$ quasi-free process at smaller angles.


First $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy of an $$sd$$-shell hypernucleus, $$^{19}_{Lambda}$$F

Yang, S. B.*; 長谷川 勝一; 早川 修平*; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; 田村 裕和*; 谷田 聖; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 26, p.023015_1 - 023015_5, 2019/11

We performed a gamma-ray spectroscopy of $$({}_{Lambda}^{19}{rm F})$$ at J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility in 2015. It is the first measurement of $$gamma$$ rays emitted from $$sd$$-shell hypernuclei. In this experiment, we determined the energy spacing between the ground state spin doublet, $$3/2^+$$ and $$1/2^+$$ states, as 316 keV. The excitation energies of $$5/2^+$$ and $$1/2^+$$ states are also determined to be 895 and 1266 keV, respectively. The energy spacing is found to be well reproduced by shell-model calculations which describe $$s$$- and $$p$$-shell $$Lambda$$ hypernuclei well. The results show that the present theories of the $$Lambda N$$ interaction describe not only the light hypernuclei but also a heavier hypernucleus.


A $$Sigma p$$ scattering experiment at J-PARC and the analysis status

中田 祥之*; 長谷川 勝一; 早川 修平*; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一; 七村 拓野*; 成木 恵*; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 26, p.023024_1 - 023024_5, 2019/11

J-PARC E40 aims to measure the differential cross sections of the $$Sigma^{pm}p$$ elastic scatterings and the $$Sigma^-p to Lambda n$$ conversion. A clear peak of $$Sigma^-$$ was observed in a missing mass spectrum of the $$pi^-pto K^+X$$ reaction and recoil protons from the $$pi p$$ elastic scattering were successfully observed in the data taken in the summer 2018. The rest of data taking is coming in the spring 2019.


High-rate performance of a time projection chamber for an H-dibaryon search experiment at J-PARC

Kim, S. H.*; 市川 裕大; 佐甲 博之; 長谷川 勝一; 早川 修平*; 七村 拓野*; 佐藤 進; 谷田 聖; 吉田 純也; 他11名*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 940, p.359 - 370, 2019/10

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:43.78(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We have developed a gas electron multiplier (GEM)-based time projection chamber (TPC) for the H-dibaryon search experiment at J-PARC. High-rate $$K^-$$ beam particles enter a TPC gas volume of approximately 0.2 m$$^3$$, in a direction perpendicular to the electric field. A long-rectangular hollow section is located inside the TPC volume to accommodate a diamond target. We commissioned the TPC using 230 MeV protons with beam rates of up to 1 MHz. The TPC data acquisition system collected 5768 pad signals in full readout mode, with almost 100% efficiency, at a preset trigger rate of 230 Hz. We operated the TPC in an Ar/CH$$_4$$ gas mixture (90/10) without a magnetic field. The spatial resolutions on the pad plane are measured to be 400-700 $$mu$$m, which correspond to 230-300 $$mu$$m in a magnetic field of 1 T. We confirmed high tracking capability at beam rates of up to 1 MHz.


Screw dislocation-spherical void interactions in fcc metals and their dependence on stacking fault energy

早川 頌*; 土井原 康平*; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋; 愛知 正温*; 鈴木 克幸*

Journal of Materials Science, 54(17), p.11509 - 11525, 2019/09

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:55.49(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We performed molecular dynamics simulations to evaluate the effects of stacking fault energy (SFE) on interactions between a screw dislocation and spherical voids in face-centered cubic (fcc) metals. It was observed that the frequency of the cross-slips is a critical factor affecting the interaction, with primarily three different interaction morphologies being observed: (1) the two partial dislocations detach from the void independently with a time lag, (2) the two partial dislocations detach from the void almost simultaneously on a single slip plane, and (3) the two partial dislocations detach from the void almost simultaneously while involving more than one cross-slip and a jog formation. The magnitude of the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) increases in the order mentioned above. The CRSS values for interaction morphology (2), which was observed most frequently in this study, were in good agreement with those predicted analytically by adjusting the parameters dependent on the SFE. Based on the obtained results, we discussed the applicability of the analytical model for void hardening in fcc metals. The results of this work contribute significantly to the modeling of mechanical property degradation in irradiated metals.


Atomistic simulations for the effects of stacking fault energy on defect formations by displacement cascades in FCC metals under Poisson's deformation

早川 頌*; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋; 川畑 友弥*; 鈴木 克幸*

Journal of Materials Science, 54(16), p.11096 - 11110, 2019/08

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:46.17(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We performed molecular dynamics simulations of displacement cascades in FCC metals under Poisson's deformation using interatomic potentials differing in stacking fault energy (SFE), in order to investigate the effect of tensile strain on the SFE dependence of defect formation processes. There was no clear SFE dependence of the number of residual defects and the size distribution of defect clusters under both no strain and the applied strain, while the strain enhanced the defect formation to a certain extent. We also observed that the strain affected the formations of self-interstitial atom (SIA) clusters depending on their size and the Burgers vector. These results were consistent with the analysis based on the defect formation energies. Meanwhile, the number of SIA perfect loops was higher at lower SFE under both no strain and the applied strain, leading to an increase in the ratio of glissile SIA clusters with a decrease in SFE. Further, the absolute number of SIA perfect loops was increased by the applied strain, while the SFE dependence of the number of SIA perfect loops was not affected. These findings were associated with the difference in formation energy between an SIA perfect loop and an SIA Frank loop. The insights extracted from this study significantly contribute to the modeling of microstructural evolution in nuclear materials under irradiation, especially for low SFE metals such as austenitic stainless steels.


Observation of a $$Xi$$ bound state in the $$^{12}$$C$$(K^-, K^+)$$ reaction at 1.8 GeV/$$c$$

永江 知文*; 江川 弘行; 長谷川 勝一; 早川 修平; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一; 金原 慎二; 七村 拓野*; 成木 恵; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 2130, p.020015_1 - 020015_9, 2019/07

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:97.66(Physics, Nuclear)

For the full understanding of baryon-baryon interactions in flavor $$SU(3)$$, the $$Xi N$$ interaction is the last missing piece of information. So far, we have revealed the $$Lambda N$$ interaction to be attractive ($$U_{Lambda} cong 30$$ MeV), and $$Sigma N$$ interaction to be repulsive in the medium to heavy mass-number region. The $$Lambda Lambda$$ bonding energy is weakly attractive. While we have a few experimental observations suggesting the $$Xi N$$ interaction would be attractive, there still exist large theoretical ambiguities weather it is attractive or not. Experimental determinations on the existence of bound states of $$Xi$$ hypernuclei by observing bound-state peaks are strongly awaited. In this report, a new preliminary result on the missing-mass spectrum of a $$^{12}$$C$$(K^-, K^+)$$ reaction, which strongly suggests the existence of $$Xi$$-hypernuclear bound states, is presented.


Gamma-ray spectroscopy of single $$Lambda$$-hypernuclei at J-PARC; Results and perspective

小池 武志*; 長谷川 勝一; 早川 修平*; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; 杉村 仁志; 田村 裕和; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 2130, p.020011_1 - 020011_9, 2019/07

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:69.64(Physics, Nuclear)

Experimental results from the J-PARC E13 experiments are summarized. A new experimental set up of E13 has established a platform for the future $$gamma$$-ray hypernuclear spectroscopy at J-PARC using kaon beams. New $$gamma$$ rays are identified in $$^4_{Lambda}$$He and $$^{19}_{Lambda}$$F. The energy of 1.406 MeV for the $$^4_{Lambda}$$He$$(1^+ to 0^+)$$ transition confirmed a sizable effect of Charge Symmetry Breaking (CSB) in $$Lambda N$$ interaction in the $$A=4$$ hypernuclear system. The identification of four $$gamma$$ rays in $$^{19}_{Lambda}$$F is made for the first time in $$sd$$ shell hypernuclei. Especially, energy spacing of the ground state doublet is found to be 315.5 keV. A good agreement with two theoretical calculations suggests that the theoretical formalism used in $$p$$ shell hypernuclei is also applicable to heavier hypernuclei. Lastly, an overview of the future J-PARC E63 experiment is given.


Observation of a Be double-Lambda hypernucleus in the J-PARC E07 experiment

江川 弘行; 足利 沙希子; 長谷川 勝一; 橋本 直; 早川 修平; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一; 金原 慎二*; 七村 拓野; et al.

Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2019(2), p.021D02_1 - 021D02_11, 2019/02

 被引用回数:31 パーセンタイル:84.37(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

A double-$$Lambda$$ hypernucleus, $${}_{LambdaLambda}mathrm{Be}$$, was observed by the J-PARC E07 collaborationin nuclear emulsions tagged by the $$(K^{-},K^{+})$$ reaction. This event was interpreted as a production and decay of $$ {}_{LambdaLambda}^{;10}mathrm{Be}$$,$${}_{LambdaLambda}^{;11}mathrm{Be}$$, or $${}_{LambdaLambda}^{;12}mathrm{Be}^{*}$$ via $$Xi^{-}$$ capture in $${}^{16}mathrm{O}$$.By assuming the capture in the atomic 3D state, the binding energy of two $$Lambda$$ hyperons$$,$$($$B_{LambdaLambda}$$)of these double-$$Lambda$$ hypernuclei are obtained to be$$15.05 pm 0.11,mathrm{MeV}$$, $$19.07 pm 0.11,mathrm{MeV}$$, and $$13.68 pm 0.11,mathrm{MeV}$$, respectively. Based on the kinematic fitting, $${}_{LambdaLambda}^{;11}mathrm{Be}$$ is the most likely explanation for the observed event.


Interactions between clusters of self-interstitial atoms via a conservative climb in BCC-Fe

早川 頌*; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋; 愛知 正温*; 鈴木 克幸*

Philosophical Magazine, 98(25), p.2311 - 2325, 2018/06

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:37.03(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



First determination of the level structure of an $$sd$$-shell hypernucleus, $$^{19}_{Lambda}$$F

Yang, S. B.*; 江川 弘行; 長谷川 勝一; 早川 修平; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; 谷田 聖; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 120(13), p.132505_1 - 132505_5, 2018/03


 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:54.87(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We report on the first observation of $$gamma$$ rays emitted from an $$sd$$-shell hypernucleus, $$^{19}_{Lambda}$$F. The energy spacing between the ground state doublet, $$1/2^+$$ and $$3/2^+$$ states, of $$^{19}_{Lambda}$$F is determined to be $$315.5pm0.4({rm stat.})^{+0.6}_{-0.5}({rm syst.})$$ keV by measuring the $$gamma$$-ray energy of the $$M1(3/2^+ to 1/2^+)$$ transition. In addition, three $$gamma$$-ray peaks are observed and assigned as $$E2(5/2^+ to 1/2^+)$$, $$E1(1/2^- to 1/2^+)$$, and $$E1(1/2^- to 3/2^+)$$ transitions. The excitation energies of the $$5/2^+$$ and $$1/2^-$$ states are determined to be $$895.2pm0.3({rm stat.})pm0.5({rm syst.})$$ keV and $$1265.6pm1.2({rm stat.})^{+0.5}_{-0.7}({rm syst.})$$ keV, respectively. It is found that the ground state doublet spacing is well described by theoretical models based on existing $$s$$- and $$p$$-shell hypernuclear data.

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