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Sustainable thermoelectric materials; Utilizing Fukushima weathered biotite via molten salt treatment

本田 充紀; 金田 結依; 村口 正和*; 早川 虹雪*; 小田 将人*; 飯野 千秋*; 石井 宏幸*; 後藤 琢也*

AIP Advances (Internet), 14(5), p.055034_1 - 055034_6, 2024/05



EXAFS investigation of strontium adsorption onto weathered biotite

本田 充紀; 金田 結依; 矢板 毅

AIP Advances (Internet), 13(1), p.015314_1 - 015314_6, 2023/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

粘土鉱物の一種である風化黒雲母に対するSr$$^{2+}$$の収着効率について検討した。放射性廃棄物処理問題の一つである福島第一原子力発電所事故による汚染水処理において、Sr$$^{2+}$$とCs$$^{+}$$の除去は重要である。そこで、福島に多く存在する風化黒雲母を用いたSrイオンの吸着方法の開発に着目した。溶融塩処理を施し、塩化ストロンチウム(SrCl$$_{2}$$)の添加質量比が1:1, 1:5, 1:10とそれぞれ1倍,5倍,10倍と増加するにつれ、収着Sr$$^{2+}$$量は単純に増加した。次に、風化黒雲母の結晶構造をX線回折(XRD)分析により評価した。その結果、WBはSr$$^{2+}$$を吸着した後も元の結晶構造を保持していることを確認した。WB中のSr$$^{2+}$$の局所的な吸着構造を調べるために、広域X線吸収微細構造(EXAFS)分析を実施した。その結果、Sr$$^{2+}$$が低吸着の場合はSiO$$_{4}$$層とAl$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$層に優先的に収着し、高吸着の場合はSiO$$_{4}$$層に主に収着することを明らかした。


Structural analysis of high-energy implanted Ni atoms into Si(100) by X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy

圓谷 志郎*; 佐藤 真一郎*; 本田 充紀; 鈴木 千尋*; 田口 富嗣*; 山本 春也*; 大島 武*

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 199, p.110369_1 - 110369_7, 2022/10

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:27.23(Chemistry, Physical)

SiへのNiイオンビーム照射によるNiシリサイド合成は、局所構造の形成が可能、イオンビームの制御が可能、熱処理なしでシリサイドが形成可能、得られる試料の再現性が高い、などの利点から注目されている。本研究では、3.0MeVのNi$$^{+}$$イオンを注入したSiの局所的な原子構造を調査した。Ni K吸収端蛍光収量拡張X線吸収微細構造解析の結果、Ni原子は照射初期に金属的な面心立方NiとNiSi$$_{2}$$相の混合構造を持っており、イオン照射量が10$$^{15}$$個・cm Si以上になるとNiSi$$_{2}$$の形成が著しく促進することが明らかになった。構造転移のイオン照射量とSiアモルファス化臨界量(7.1$$times$$10$$^{14}$$ ions・cm)の一致から、Ni$$^{+}$$照射SiにおけるNiSi$$_{2}$$相の合成にはSiのアモルファス化が重要であると結論づけた。


Marking actinides for separation; Resonance-enhanced multiphoton charge transfer in actinide complexes

松田 晶平; 横山 啓一; 矢板 毅; 小林 徹; 金田 結依; Simonnet, M.; 関口 哲弘; 本田 充紀; 下条 晃司郎; 土井 玲祐; et al.

Science Advances (Internet), 8(20), p.eabn1991_1 - eabn1991_11, 2022/05

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:53.32(Multidisciplinary Sciences)



EXAFS studies for atomic structural change induced by ion irradiation of a reactor pressure vessel steel

岩田 景子; 高見澤 悠; 河 侑成; 下平 昌樹; 岡本 芳浩; 本田 充紀; 勝山 仁哉; 西山 裕孝

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 511, p.143 - 152, 2022/01

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:48.47(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The main causes of the irradiation embrittlement of RPVs are the formation of a solute cluster and the matrix defect. To investigate these embrittlement mechanisms, it is necessary to complementarily apply microstructure analyses. The extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) technique can detect changes in the atomic structure because of a vacancy-type defect or interstitial atoms introduced by irradiation around selected atoms. In this study, to investigate such microstructural changes due to irradiation, we performed an EXAFS examination for high-copper RPV steels subjected to ion irradiation. We investigated microstructures of the crystal structure around specific element such as Cu, Mn, and Ni, which are known to be the atoms included in the solute atom clusters and lattice defects such as vacancy-type defects. The results indicated that the solute atoms clusteris thought to aggregate in the Fe matrix while maintaining the bcc structure and that not only a vacancy-type defect but also a tensile configuration-type dumbbell pair could be located around both Cu and Ni atoms.


Synchrotron X-ray standing wave Characterization of atomic arrangement at interface between transferred graphene and $$alpha$$-Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$(0001)

圓谷 志郎*; 本田 充紀; 楢本 洋*; Li, S.*; 境 誠司*

Surface Science, 704, p.121749_1 - 121749_6, 2021/02

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:38.55(Chemistry, Physical)



Electrochemical Cs removal and crystal formation from Fukushima weathered biotite in molten NaCl-CaCl$$_{2}$$

本田 充紀; 後藤 琢也*; 坂中 佳秀*; 矢板 毅; 鈴木 伸一*

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Internet), 3(2), p.102 - 110, 2019/03



Effective adsorption and collection of cesium from aqueous solution using graphene oxide grown on porous alumina

圓谷 志郎*; 本田 充紀; 下山 巖; Li, S.*; 楢本 洋*; 矢板 毅; 境 誠司*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57(4S), p.04FP04_1 - 04FP04_4, 2018/04

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:14.39(Physics, Applied)

Graphene oxide (GO) with a large surface area was synthesized by the direct growth of GO on porous alumina using chemical vapor deposition to study the Cs adsorption mechanism in aqueous solutions. Electronic structure analysis employing in situ near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements clarifies the Cs atoms bond via oxygen functional groups on GO in the aqueous solution. The Cs adsorption capacity was found to be as high as 650-850 mg g$$^{-1}$$, which indicates that the GO/porous alumina acts as an effective adsorbent with high adsorption efficiency for radioactive nuclides in aqueous solutions.



岩田 景子; 高見澤 悠; 河 侑成; 岡本 芳浩; 下山 巖; 本田 充紀; 塙 悟史; 西山 裕孝

Photon Factory Activity Report 2017, 2 Pages, 2018/00



Proposed cesium-free mineralization method for soil decontamination; Demonstration of cesium removal from weathered biotite

本田 充紀; 下山 巖; 小暮 敏博*; 馬場 祐治; 鈴木 伸一; 矢板 毅

ACS Omega (Internet), 2(12), p.8678 - 8681, 2017/12

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:26.13(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

The possibility to remove sorbed cesium (Cs) from weathered biotite (WB), which is considered a major Cs-adsorbent in the soil of Fukushima, has been investigated by the addition of NaCl-CaCl$$_{2}$$ mixed salt and subsequent heat treatment in a low pressure. X-ray fluorescence analysis was employed to determine the Cs removal rate with elevated temperature. The structural changes and new phases formed were determined using powder X-ray diffraction, as well as electron diffraction and X-ray microanalysis in a transmission electron microscope. We found that Cs was completely removed from the specimen heated at 700 $$^{circ}$$C, when WB completely decomposed and augite with a pyroxene structure was formed. On the basis of this finding, we propose the cesium-free mineralization (CFM) method, a new soil decontamination process by means of transformation of Cs-sorbing minerals to those where Cs is impossible to be incorporated, by heating with certain additives.


福島の環境回復に向けた取り組み,4; 汚染土壌の除染、減容化および再生利用を目指した物理処理及び新しい熱処理法開発への試み

矢板 毅; 本田 充紀; 下山 巖; 伊藤 健一*; 万福 裕蔵*; 辻 卓也; 松村 大樹

日本原子力学会誌ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 59(8), p.483 - 487, 2017/08




下山 巖; 本田 充紀; 小暮 敏博*; 馬場 祐治; 平尾 法恵*; 岡本 芳浩; 矢板 毅; 鈴木 伸一

Photon Factory News, 35(1), p.17 - 22, 2017/05



Mechanism of Cs removal from Fukushima weathered biotite by heat treatment with a NaCl-CaCl$$_{2}$$ mixed salt

本田 充紀; 岡本 芳浩; 下山 巖; 塩飽 秀啓; 鈴木 伸一; 矢板 毅

ACS Omega (Internet), 2(2), p.721 - 727, 2017/02

 被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:54.67(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

An in situ extended X-ray absorption fine structure (in situ EXAFS) spectroscopic analysis at high temperature was conducted to investigate the mechanism of Cs removal from weathered biotite (WB) from Fukushima, induced by heating with a mixed salt of NaCl and CaCl$$_{2}$$. This indicated that most Cs remained in WB during heating at 200-700$$^{circ}$$C. In addition, the in situ EXAFS spectra gradually changed on heating with the mixed salt and a completely different spectrum was observed for the sample after cooling from 700$$^{circ}$$C to room temperature. Ex situ EXAFS measurements and X-ray fluorescence analyses were also conducted on samples after heat treatment and removal of the mixed salt to clarify the temperature dependence of the Cs removal ratio. Based on the results of radial structure function analysis obtained from in situ EXAFS, we concluded that almost all Cs was removed from WB by heating at 700$$^{circ}$$C with the mixed salt, and that Cs formed CsCl bonds after cooling to room temperature from 700$$^{circ}$$C. In contrast, although more than half of the Cs present was removed from WB by heat treatment at 500$$^{circ}$$C, most Cs was surrounded by silica tetrahedrons, maintained by Cs-O bonds. On the basis of these results, different Cs removal processes are suggested for the high-temperature (600-700$$^{circ}$$C) and low-temperature (400-500$$^{circ}$$C) regions.


X-ray absorption fine structure at the cesium $$L$$3 absorption edge for cesium sorbed in clay minerals

本田 充紀; 下山 巖; 岡本 芳浩; 馬場 祐治; 鈴木 伸一; 矢板 毅

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(10), p.5534 - 5538, 2016/03

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:55.61(Chemistry, Physical)

We present the use of near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) to investigate local electronic structures of cesium ions sorbed in two types of clay minerals (vermiculite and kaolinite) with a different capacity to fix Cs. NEXAFS is element specific because X-ray absorption edges of different elements have different energies. However, the energy of the Cs $$L$$3 absorption edge is close to that of the $$K$$-edge of titanium generally contained in clay minerals. Therefore, Cs $$L$$3-edge NEXAFS measurements of Cs in clay minerals have not yet succeeded. In this study, we successfully measured pure Cs $$L$$3-edge NEXAFS spectra for cesium sorbed in clay minerals by completely separating Ti $$K alpha$$ and Cs $$L alpha$$ fluorescence X-rays using a fluorescence method. We confirmed the peak intensity between vermiculite and kaolinite in the NEXAFS spectra. To clarify the identification of NEXAFS spectra, theoretical calculations were performed using the discrete variational X$$alpha$$ molecular orbital method (DV-X$$alpha$$), and peak identification was achieved. The difference in peak intensity was explained by the difference in the electron density of unoccupied molecular orbitals. We studied the influence of water molecules and found a change in the electron densities of unoccupied molecular orbitals caused by the coordination of water molecules.


Development of fluorescence XAFS system in soft X-ray region toward operando conditions using polycapillary X-ray lens

本田 充紀; 下山 巖; 馬場 祐治; 鈴木 伸一; 岡本 芳浩; 矢板 毅

e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (Internet), 14, p.35 - 38, 2016/02

We developed a fluorescence XAFS system toward operando conditions using soft X-ray radiation at KEK-PF BL-27A. X-ray adsorption fine structure (XAFS) analysis in the soft X-ray region is useful for elucidating molecular structures in both atmosphere and solutions. Particularly, light elements play an important role in many cases in this energy region. The attenuation of soft X-rays in a solution is large compared to that of hard X-rays. Thus, appropriate spectral statistics cannot be obtained in the soft X-ray region. Recently, using fluorescence XAFS measurement at the S K-edge (2.4 keV), we found that biological molecules containing sulfur atoms adopt specific molecular structures under different pH conditions in a solution. However, the diameter of the beam of this beam line at BL-27A was large, leading to difficulties in uniformly irradiating only the sample surface. Therefore, it was necessary to uniformly irradiate samples using a small-area X-ray beam. To collimate the beam and improve its intensity, we installed an X-ray focusing device. Herein, we introduce a light-collecting device that uses a polycapillary X-ray lens to focus soft X-rays. After installing this lens, we confirmed that focused X-rays and a higher-intensity beam were achieved. We conclude that focusing X-rays using a polycapillary lens in the soft X-ray region is an effective method for obtaining better spectral statistics in fluorescence XAFS measurements.


Observation of oriented organic semiconductor using Photo-Electron Emission Microscope (PEEM) with polarized synchrotron

関口 哲弘; 馬場 祐治; 平尾 法恵; 本田 充紀; 和泉 寿範; 池浦 広美*

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 622(1), p.44 - 49, 2015/12


 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

分子配向は有機半導体材料の様々な性能を制御する上で重要な因子の一つである。一般に薄膜材料は様々な方向を向く微小配向領域の混合状態となっている。したがって、各々の微小領域において配向方向を選別して顕微分光観測できる手法が望まれてきた。我々は、光電子顕微鏡(PEEM)法と直線偏光性をもつ放射光X線や真空紫外(VUV)光を組み合わせる装置の開発を行っている。ポリ(3-ヘキシルチオフェン)(P3HT)導電性ポリマー薄膜を溶液法により作製し、偏光放射光励起によるPEEM像の観測を行った。また様々な偏光角度のUV照射下におけるPEEM像を測定した。放射光励起実験において各微小領域の硫黄S 1s励起X線吸収スペクトルが得られ、微小領域におけるポリマー分子配向の情報を得ることができた。またUV励起実験においては、偏光角度に依存して異なる微結晶層を選択観測することに成功した。実験結果はポリマーの特定の分子軸へ向いた配向領域だけを選択的に顕微鏡観測できることを示唆する。


Integrated tokamak modelling with the fast-ion Fokker-Planck solver adapted for transient analyses

藤間 光徳; 濱松 清隆; 林 伸彦; 本多 充; 井手 俊介

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 57(9), p.095007_1 - 095007_9, 2015/09

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:18.25(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)



Advance in integrated modelling towards prediction and control of JT-60SA plasmas

林 伸彦; 本多 充; 白石 淳也; 宮田 良明; 若月 琢馬; 星野 一生; 藤間 光徳; 鈴木 隆博; 浦野 創; 清水 勝宏; et al.

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 39E, p.P5.145_1 - P5.145_4, 2015/06

Towards prediction and control of JT-60SA plasmas, we are developing codes/models which can describe physics/engineering factors, and integrating them to one code TOPICS. Physics modelling: Coupling with MINERVA/RWMaC code showed that MHD equilibrium variation by centrifugal force largely affects RWM stability and the toroidal rotation shear stabilizes RWM. Coupling with OFMC code for NB torques, 3D MHD equilibrium code VMEC and drift-kinetic code FORTEC-3D for NTV torque, and toroidal momentum boundary model, predicted the core rotation of $$sim$$2% of Alfv$'e$n speed for a ITER hydrogen L-mode plasma. Coupling with core impurity transport code IMPACT showed the accumulation of Ar seeded to reduce the divertor heat load is so mild that plasma performance can be recovered by additional heating in JT-60SA steady-state (SS) scenario. Simulations coupled with MARG2D code showed that plasma current can be ramped-up to reach $$beta_N ge$$3 with MHD modes stabilized by ideal wall and with no additional flux consumption of central solenoid in JT-60SA. Engineering modelling: Coupling with integrated real-time controller showed that simultaneous control of $$beta_N$$ and $$V_{loop}$$ is possible at $$beta_N ge$$4 in JT-60SA SS scenarios. MHD equilibrium control simulator MECS demonstrated equilibrium control during heating phase and collapse induced events within power supply capability of PF coils in JT-60SA.


A Fluorescence XAFS measurement instrument in the Soft X-ray region toward observation under operando conditions

本田 充紀; 馬場 祐治; 下山 巖; 関口 哲弘

Review of Scientific Instruments, 86(3), p.035103_1 - 035103_5, 2015/03

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:42.31(Instruments & Instrumentation)

X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements are widely used for the analysis of electronic structure. Generally, XAFS in the soft X-ray region is measured under vacuum, but chemical structures under vacuum are typically different from those under operando conditions, where chemical species exhibit their function. Here we developed an XAFS measurement instrument, as a step toward operando fluorescent yield XAFS measurement using synchrotron radiation in the soft X-ray region. We applied this method to analyze the local electronic structure of the sulfur atoms in L-cysteine in different pH solution. Our results show that this instrument aimed toward operando fluorescence XAFS measurements in the soft X-ray region is useful for structural analysis of sulfur atoms in organic molecules in air and in solution. The instrument will be applied to the structural analysis of materials containing elements that have absorption edges in soft X-ray region, such as phosphorus and alkali metals (potassium and cesium). It will be also particularly useful for the analysis of samples that are difficult to handle under vacuum and materials that have specific functions in solution.


Investigation of the influence of coadsorbent dye upon the interfacial structure of dye-sensitized solar cells

本田 充紀; 柳田 真利*; Han, L.*; 宮野 健次郎*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 141(17), p.174709_1 - 174709_7, 2014/11


 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:29.47(Chemistry, Physical)

The interface between Ru(tcterpy)(NCS)$$_{3}$$TBA$$_{2}$$ [black dye (BD); tcterpy = 4,4',4''-tricarboxy-2,2':6',2''-terpyridine, TBA = tetrabutylammonium cation] and nanocrystalline TiO$$_{2}$$, as found in dye-sensitized solar cells, is investigated by soft-X-ray synchrotron radiation and compared with the adsorption structure of $$cis$$-Ru(Hdcbpy)$$_{2}$$(NCS)$$_{2}$$TBA$$_{2}$$ (N719; dcbpy = 4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine) on TiO$$_{2}$$ to elucidate the relationship between the adsorption mode of BD and the photocurrent with and without coadsorbed indoline dye D131. The depth profile is characterized with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and S $$K$$-edge X-ray absorption fine structure using synchrotron radiation. Both datasets indicate that one of the isothiocyanate groups of BD interacts with TiO$$_{2}$$ via its S atom when the dye is adsorbed from a single-component solution. In contrast, the interaction is slightly suppressed when D131 is coadsorbed, indicated by the fact that the presence of D131 changes the adsorption mode of BD. Based upon these results, the number of BD dye molecules interacting with the substrate is shown to decrease by 10% when D131 is coadsorbed, and the dissociation is shown to be related to the short-circuit photocurrent in the 600-800 nm region. The design of a procedure to promote the preferential adsorption of D131 therefore leads to an improvement of the short-circuit current and conversion efficiency.

189 件中 1件目~20件目を表示