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Acoustically driven magnon-phonon coupling in a layered antiferromagnet

Lyons, T. P.*; Puebla, J.*; 山本 慧; Deacon, R. S.*; Hwang, Y.*; 石橋 幸治*; 前川 禎通*; 大谷 義近*

Physical Review Letters, 131(19), p.196701_1 - 196701_6, 2023/11

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:72.40(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Harnessing the causal relationships between mechanical and magnetic properties of van der Waals materials presents a wealth of untapped opportunity for scientific and technological advancement, from precision sensing to novel memories. This can, however, only be exploited if the means exist to efficiently interface with the magnetoelastic interaction. Here, we demonstrate acoustically-driven spin-wave resonance in a crystalline antiferromagnet, chromium trichloride, via surface acoustic wave irradiation. The resulting magnon-phonon coupling is found to depend strongly on sample temperature and external magnetic field orientation, and displays a high sensitivity to extremely weak magnetic anisotropy fields in the few mT range. Our work demonstrates a natural pairing between power-efficient strain-wave technology and the excellent mechanical properties of van der Waals materials, representing a foothold towards widespread future adoption of dynamic magneto-acoustics.


Benchmark analysis of ductile fracture simulation for circumferentially cracked pipes subjected to bending

熊谷 知久*; 三浦 靖史*; 三浦 直樹*; Marie, S.*; Almahdi, R.*; 真野 晃宏; Li, Y.; 勝山 仁哉; 和田 義孝*; Hwang, J.-H.*; et al.

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 144(1), p.011509_1 - 011509_18, 2022/02

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:17.53(Engineering, Mechanical)



Studies of high density baryon matter with high intensity heavy-ion beams at J-PARC

佐甲 博之; 原田 寛之; 坂口 貴男*; 中條 達也*; 江角 晋一*; 郡司 卓*; 長谷川 勝一; Hwang, S.; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一; et al.

Nuclear Physics A, 956, p.850 - 853, 2016/12

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:67.64(Physics, Nuclear)

We are designing a large acceptance heavy-ion spectrometer at J-PARC based on a Toroidal magnet to measure hadrons, lepton pairs, and event-by-event fluctuations. We are also designing a closed geometry spectrometer to measure hypernuclei to study weak decays and magnetic moments. In this presentation, the preliminary version of the designed acceleration scheme, as well as the spectrometers and their expected performance and physics results are presented.


High energy photon emission from wakefields

Farinella, D. M.*; Lau, C. K.*; Zhang, X. M.*; Koga, J. K.; Taimourzadeh, S.*; Hwang, Y.*; Abazajian, K.*; Canac, N.*; 戎崎 俊一*; Taborek, P.*; et al.

Physics of Plasmas, 23(7), p.073107_1 - 073107_10, 2016/07

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:21.35(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Experimental evidence has accumulated to indicate that wakefield acceleration (WFA) accompanies intense and sometimes coherent emission of radiation such as from betatron radiation. The investigation of this issue has additional impetus nowadays because we are learning (1) there is an additional acceleration process of the ponderomotive acceleration; (2) WFA may become relevant in much higher density regimes; (3) WFA has been proposed as the mechanism for extreme high energy cosmic ray acceleration and $$gamma$$ ray bursts for active galactic nuclei. These require us to closely examine the radiative mechanisms in WFA anew. We report studies of radiation from wakefield (self-injected betatron) and ponderomotive (laser field) in scalings of the frequency and intensity of the driver, as well as the plasma density.


Cosmic-ray test of a time-of-flight detector for double-strangeness experiments at J-PARC

Kim, S. H.*; Hwang, S.; Ahn, J. K.*; 江川 弘行; 早川 修平; Hong, B.*; 細見 健二; 今井 憲一; Kim, M. H.*; Lee, J. Y.*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 795, p.39 - 44, 2015/09

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:32.74(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We have developed a time-of-flight (ToF) array consisting of 24 plastic scintillators for triggering and timing measurements in a series of planned experiments to study double-strangeness hadronic and nuclear systems at the K1.8 beamline of J-PARC. Each ToF scintillator is 180 cm long with a cross-section of 8$$times$$3 cm$$^{2}$$ and is read out by H1949-50 photomultiplier tubes at both ends. The timing and attenuation properties of the scintillators are measured using cosmic-ray muons and $$beta$$ rays from $$^{90} {rm Sr}$$. The cosmic-ray muon events are triggered by three pairs of 120-cm-long plastic scintillators, sandwiching the ToF array. The intrinsic time resolutions of the scintillators are estimated to be in the range 60-100 ps, which is adequate for reliable separation between $$pi$$ and $$K$$ at 1.2 GeV/$$c$$. The attenuation length is measured to be approximately 210 cm, which is half that for a bulk scintillator.


Development of a prototype GEM TPC with a gating grid for an H-dibaryon search experiment at J-PARC

佐甲 博之; 杉村 仁志; Ahn, J. K.*; Han, Y.*; 長谷川 勝一; Hwang, S. H.*; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一; 木内 隆太*; 小沢 恭一郎; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 763, p.65 - 81, 2014/11

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:37.68(Instruments & Instrumentation)

J-PARCのHダイバリオン探索実験のためGEMとゲーティンググリッドを使用したTPC試験器を開発した。性能評価のため、実験室試験とビーム試験を、Ar-CH$$_{4}$$とAr-CF$$_{4}$$にて行った。検出効率は5$$times$$10$$^{5}$$ cps/cm$$^{2}$$までのビームレートにおいて98%、3$$times$$10$$^{6}$$ cps/cm$$^{2}$$のレートにおいて90%であった。ドリフト長5-20cmにおける水平位置分解能測定値0.19-0.49mmに基づき、本実験の磁場1Tにおける位置分解能は0.3mm以下と見積った。ゲインが1.6$$times$$10$$^{4}$$の時、イオンバックフローの割合は5%と測定され、さらにGEMの電圧調整により3%まで抑えられた。ビームレート5$$times$$10$$^{5}$$cps/cm$$^{2}$$においてゲート使用時のバックフロー2.7$$times$$10$$^{8}$$s$$^{-1}$$cm$$^{-1}$$による位置歪みは$$pm$$0.2mm以下になった。一方、ゲート開の場合のバックフロー1.3$$times$$10$$^{9}$$s$$^{-1}$$cm$$^{-1}$$に対応する位置歪みは$$pm$$2mmであった。本実験における位置歪みは要求値の$$pm$$1mmよりも小さい0.3$$pm$$0.2mmと評価された。本実験における荷電粒子のエネルギーロスより平均30倍高い環境下で本実験と同程度の期間、GEMを連続動作させることができた。


Development of a GEM-TPC for H-dibaryon search experiment at J-PARC

佐甲 博之; Ahn, J. K.*; Baek, K. H.*; Bassalleck, B.*; Fujioka, H.*; Guo, L.*; 長谷川 勝一; Hicks, K.*; Honda, R.*; Hwang, S. H.*; et al.

Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 9(4), p.C04009_1 - C04009_10, 2014/04

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:15.82(Instruments & Instrumentation)

($$K^+$$,$$K^-$$)反応によるHダイバリオン探索実験(J-PARC E42)のためのTPCの開発を行っている。TPCにおいてHが2個の$$pi^{-}$$と2個の$$p$$に崩壊する事象を測定する。TPCのドリフト体積は50cm直径、55cmドリフト長を持つ8角柱構造をしておりAr-CH$$_4$$ガスを使用する。増幅部には3層のGEMを使用する。荷電粒子の運動量測定のためTPCにはドリフト電場と平行に鉛直方向の1Tの双極磁場を超伝導ヘルムホルツ型磁石によりかける。H崩壊のアクセプタンスを最大にするためダイアモンド標的がTPC内部の筒状の穴に設置される。さらに、超高レートの$$K^-$$ビームをTPCに直接照射するため陽イオンフィードバックを極力抑制必要がある。このためTPCにGEMとgating gridを採用した。


Development of high power long-pulse RF transmitter for ICRF heating in fusion researches and cyclotron accelerator

Kwak, J. G.*; Wang, S. J.*; Bae, Y. D.*; Kim, S. H.*; Hwang, C. K.*; 森山 伸一

Fusion Engineering and Design, 86(6-8), p.938 - 941, 2011/10

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:10.66(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Application of the comprehensive sensitivity analysis method to a Korean geological disposal concept

江橋 健; Hwang, Y.-S.*; Lee, Y.-M.*; 大井 貴夫; 小尾 繁*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 45(11), p.1138 - 1149, 2008/11

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:58.97(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Exchange bias and uncompensated spins in a Fe/Cr(100) bilayer

Kim, K. Y.*; Hwang, Y. S.*; Park, J.-G.*; 鳥飼 直也*; 武田 全康; Han, S. W.*; Shin, S. C.*

Physica Status Solidi (B), 244(12), p.4499 - 4502, 2007/12

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:6.68(Physics, Condensed Matter)



Application of comprehensive sensitivity analysis method to HLW disposal concept in South Korea

江橋 健; Hwang, Y.-S.*

no journal, , 

It is necessary to treat diverse uncertainty due to variability and ignorance properly on performance assessment of geological disposal. One of sensitivity analysis technique to obtain quantitative information is "comprehensive sensitivity analysis method". Information of great influence on result and the combinations of parameter values that results in doses less than the target value is obtainable from using comprehensive sensitivity analysis method. In this study, comprehensive sensitivity analysis method was applied to performance assessment in Korea. The applicability of comprehensive sensitivity analysis method is verified, and moreover, quantitative information to contribute the construction of robust barrier was extracted and was demonstrated. This study on the applicability of method is contributed to efficient R&D planning on stepwise approach of geological disposal. As s result, it was shown to be applicable for extracting quantitative information to build robust barrier with sufficient margin by using a comprehensive sensitivity analysis method.


Development of a time projection chamber for J-PARC experiments

細見 健二; 今井 憲一; 佐甲 博之; 長谷川 勝一; 佐藤 進; Hwang, S. H.*; Han, Y.*

no journal, , 

We are developing a time projection chamber (TPC) for J-PARC experiments. The sensitive volume of the TPC is $$phi$$ 500 mm $$times$$ H550 mm. The J-PARC E42 experiment aims to search for H-dibaryons via the $$(K^{-},K{+})$$ reaction. The J-PARC E45 experiment studies baryon resonances by measuring $$pi N to pi pi N$$ and $$pi N to K Y$$ reactions. Readout pads of the TPC count around 6000 channels, and then specialized front end electronics are essential to handle this amount of readout channels in the high-rate condition of J-PARC beam. At the moment, we have a strong interest in the GET (General Electronics for TPC) Project which have been led by Scaclay, GANIL, MSU, IRFU and CERNBG since 2009. The project provides us the total readout system including hardware, firmware and software. However, we need additional developments and some modifications in order to adopt the system to the present DAQ system of J-PARC. In this presentation, I would like to report the progress of our TPC work.


High energy photon emission from wakefields and its signatures in astrophysical Blazars

Farinella, D.*; Zhang, X.*; Lau, C.*; Taimourzadeh, S.*; Hwang, Y.*; Koga, J. K.; 戎崎 俊一*; 田島 俊樹*

no journal, , 

Episodic eruptions of accretion disks of AGNs (and Blazars) due to the Magneto-Rotational-Instability are related to the excitation of intense Alfv$'e$n waves and their subsequently mode converted EM pulses. These intense pulses are related to the emission of bursts of $$gamma$$ rays and extreme high energy cosmic ray (EHECR) genesis in AGN and Blazars. Wakefield acceleration and pondermotive acceleration of electrons give rise to $$gamma$$ ray emissions of the above through synchrotron radiation which can undergo inverse-Compton scattering to attain high X-ray energies. We study additional emissions of $$gamma$$ rays by the betatron oscillations and QED radiative processes in the intense accelerating fields.

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