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JAEA Reports

Maintenance of the Evaporator-II in Waste Treatment Facility No.2 (FY2015)

Handa, Yuichi; Nakajima, Ryota; Yonekawa, Akihisa*; Takatsu, Kazuki; Kinoshita, Junichi; Irie, Hirobumi; Suzuki, Hisao*

JAEA-Technology 2020-005, 22 Pages, 2020/06


The Evaporator-II is installed in Waste Treatment Facility No.2. The evaporator system treats intermediate level radioactive liquid waste for Nuclear Science Research Institute and more. It is maintenance the evaporator can once/3years by the maintenance plan. The evaporator can is important unit of the Evaporator-II system. This report summarizes record of maintenance the Evaporator-II in FY2015.

JAEA Reports

Pretreatment works for disposal of radioactive wastes produced by research activities, 1

Ishihara, Keisuke; Yokota, Akira; Kanazawa, Shingo; Iketani, Shotaro; Sudo, Tomoyuki; Myodo, Masato; Irie, Hirobumi; Kato, Mitsugu; Iseda, Hirokatsu; Kishimoto, Katsumi; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2016-024, 108 Pages, 2016/12


Radioactive isotope, nuclear fuel material and radiation generators are utilized in research institutes, universities, hospitals, private enterprises, etc. As a result, various low-level radioactive wastes (hereinafter referred to as non-nuclear radioactive wastes) are produced. Disposal site for non-nuclear radioactive wastes have not been settled yet and those wastes are stored in storage facilities of each operator for a long period. The Advanced Volume Reduction Facilities (AVRF) are built to produce waste packages so that they satisfy requirements for shallow underground disposal. In the AVRF, low-level beta-gamma solid radioactive wastes produced in the Nuclear Science Research Institute are mainly treated. To produce waste packages meeting requirements for disposal safely and efficiently, it is necessary to cut large radioactive wastes into pieces of suitable size and segregate those depending on their types of material. This report summarizes activities of pretreatment to dispose of non-nuclear radioactive wastes in the AVRF.

JAEA Reports

Construction, management and operation on advanced volume reduction facilities

Higuchi, Hidekazu; Osugi, Takeshi; Nakashio, Nobuyuki; Momma, Toshiyuki; Tohei, Toshio; Ishikawa, Joji; Iseda, Hirokatsu; Mitsuda, Motoyuki; Ishihara, Keisuke; Sudo, Tomoyuki; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2007-038, 189 Pages, 2007/07


The Advanced Volume Reduction Facilities (AVRF) is constructed to manufacture the waste packages of radioactive waste for disposal in the Nuclear Science Research Institute of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The AVRF is constituted from two facilities. The one is the Waste Size Reduction and Storage Facility (WSRSF) which is for reducing waste size, sorting into each material and storing the waste package. The other is the Waste Volume Reduction Facility (WVRF) which is for manufacturing the waste package by volume reducing treatment and stabilizing treatment. WVRF has an induction melting furnace, a plasma melting furnace, an incinerator, and a super compactor for treatment. In this report, we summarized about the basic concept of constructing AVRF, the constitution of facilities, the specifications of machineries and the state of trial operation until March of 2006.

3 (Records 1-3 displayed on this page)
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