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Oxidation of silicon carbide in steam studied by laser heating

Pham, V. H.; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝; 古本 健一郎*; 佐藤 寿樹*; 石橋 良*; 山下 真一郎

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference / Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference (Global/Top Fuel 2019) (USB Flash Drive), p.670 - 674, 2019/09

Silicon carbide (SiC) has recently attracted much attention as a potential material for accident tolerant fuel cladding. To investigate the performance of SiC in severe accident conditions, study of steam oxidation at high temperatures is necessary. However, the study focusing on steam oxidation of SiC at temperatures above 1600$$^{circ}$$C is still certainly limited due to lack of test facilities. With the extreme oxidation/corrosion environment in steam at high temperatures, current refractory materials such as alumina and zirconia would not survive during the tests. Application of laser heating technique could be a great solution for this problem. Using laser heating technique, we can localize the heat and focus them on the test sample only. In this study, we developed a laser heating facility to investigate high-temperature oxidation of SiC in steam at temperature range of 1400-1800$$^{circ}$$C for 1-7 h. The oxidation kinetics is then being studied based on the weight gain and observation on cross-sectioned surface of tested sample using field emission scanning electron microscope. Off-gas measurement of hydrogen (H$$_{2}$$) and carbon monoxide (CO) generated during the test is also being conducted via a sensor gas chromatography. Current results showed that the SiC sample experienced a mass loss process which obeyed paralinear laws. Parabolic oxidation rate constant and linear volatilization rate constant of the process were calculated from the mass change of the samples. The apparent activation energy of the parabolic oxidation process was calculated to be 85 kJ.mol$$^{-1}$$. The data of the study also indicated that the mass change of SiC under the investigated conditions reached to its steady stage where hydrogen generation became stable. Above 1800$$^{circ}$$C, a unique bubble formation on sample surface was recorded.


High-precision quadrupole moment reveals significant intruder component in $$^{33}_{13}$$Al$$_{20}$$ ground state

Heylen, H.*; De Rydt, M.*; Neyens, G.*; Bissell, M. L.*; Caceres, L.*; Chevrier, R.*; Daugas, J. M.*; 市川 雄一*; 石橋 陽子*; Kamalou, O.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 94(3), p.034312_1 - 034312_5, 2016/09


 被引用回数:38 パーセンタイル:91.83(Physics, Nuclear)



Measurements and parameterization of neutron energy spectra from targets bombarded with 120 GeV protons

梶本 剛*; 執行 信寛*; 佐波 俊哉*; 岩元 洋介; 萩原 雅之*; Lee, H. S.*; Soha, A.*; Ramberg, E.*; Coleman, R.*; Jensen, D.*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 337, p.68 - 77, 2014/10

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:37.68(Instruments & Instrumentation)

エネルギー10GeVを超える陽子加速器施設における中性子線量計算の精度検証のために、120GeV陽子入射による厚いターゲット(グラファイト,アルミニウム,銅,タングステン)から生成する中性子エネルギースペクトルを、液体有機シンチレータNE213と飛行時間法を用いて、米国フェルミ国立研究所のTest Beam Facilityにおいて測定した。測定した中性子のエネルギー範囲は25MeVから3GeVとし、測定角度は30, 45, 120, 150$$^{circ}$$の4点とした。また、中性子スペクトルを3つの運動源模型を用いてフィッティングし、スペクトル形状を再現するパラメータを導出した。得られたスペクトルをモンテカルロ粒子輸送計算コードPHITS及びFLUKAの計算結果と比較した。その結果、全てのターゲットと角度において、PHITSによる計算結果は実験値を16-36%過小評価、FLUKAの計算結果は実験値を26-57%過小評価することがわかった。この主な原因として、計算コードの核反応モデルにおいて、120GeV陽子とターゲットの最初の衝突に伴う中性子生成の記述に問題があることがわかった。


Interaction between nitrogen nutrients acquisition function and distribution of photosynthetic products

大山 卓爾*; 末吉 邦*; 大竹 憲邦*; 伊藤 小百合*; 石橋 弘規*; Hara, T.*; Kimura, T.*; 松橋 信平; 藤巻 秀; 鈴井 伸郎; et al.

JAEA-Review 2006-042, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2005, P. 122, 2007/02

As nodulated leguminous crops grow, they assimilate both gaseous nitrogen and combined nitrogen. Combined N especially the NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ form inhibits all phases of nodulation and N$$_{2}$$ fixation process, although the mechanism have not been fully elucidated. Tungstate is a non-essential element for plant growth, which exerts harmaful effects on plants. When tungstate is applied to the plant medium, it competes with molybdate and inhibits some enzymes, which have a Mo cofactor in the active site such as nitrate reductase and nitrogenase. Application WO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$ to the culuture medium diturbed nitrate transport to the shoot. In this report, WO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$ was introduced into cut end of petiole of primary leaf and investigated that $$^{13}$$NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ transport from root to shoot was inhibited or not.



照山 英彦; 金城 秀人; 石橋 淳一; 西 裕士; 影山 武*

サイクル機構技報, (20), p.45 - 58, 2003/09



「もんじゅ」高度化炉心概念の研究(II); 長期運転サイクル・高燃焼度炉心概念

金城 秀人; 西 裕士; 石橋 淳一; 影山 武*

サイクル機構技報, (18), p.11 - 22, 2003/03



Structure of the 11/2$$^{-}$$ analog state in $$^{91}$$Nb populated by the $$^{90}$$Zr($$alpha$$, t) reaction

Van der Molen, H. K. T.*; 秋宗 秀俊*; Van den Berg, A. M.*; 大東 出*; 藤村 寿子*; 藤田 佳孝*; 藤原 守; Harakeh, M. N.*; 井原 史智*; 猪俣 享*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 502(1-4), p.1 - 8, 2001/03

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:28.22(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

180MeVでの$$^{90}$$Zr($$alpha$$, t)核反応をもちいて$$^{91}$$Nb原子核のアイソバリックアナログ状態11/2$$^{-}$$からの陽子放出崩壊を研究した。理論計算と測定結果を比較することにより陽子放出崩壊の分岐比が、うまく説明可能であることがわかった。


Preparation of monodisperse aerosols of dioctyl phthalate by a new apparatus

岡田 高志; Ishibashi, H.*; 木谷 進

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 29(4), p.613 - 616, 1969/04




R&D for introducing silicon carbide materials to safety improvement of BWR's core, 5; Influence of steam flow rate on oxidation of SiC at high temperatures

Pham, V. H.; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝; 石橋 良*; 山下 真一郎

no journal, , 

In this study, oxidation of SiC under various flow rates of steam was investigated at 1400$$^{circ}$$C using laser heating. Results of the investigation indicated that the mass evolution of SiC underwent a mass gain with 0.1 g/min of steam flow rate. Whereas, the mass evolution experienced a mass loss with 3 g/min of steam. Based on the data of mass change under the investigated conditions, the parabolic and linear rate constants were calculated and reported.


R&D for introducing silicon carbide materials to safety improvement of BWR's core, 7; Oxidation kinetics of SiC at 1400-1600$$^{circ}$$C under different steam flow rate

Pham, V. H.; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝; 石橋 良*

no journal, , 

Since the severe accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, development of accident tolerant fuel claddings such SiC has been intensively discussed. However, application of SiC as fuel claddings has raised some concerns over its performance under severe accident conditions in steam. In this study, investigation of steam oxidation for SiC at 1400-1600$$^{circ}$$C under 0.1 and 3 g/min steam flow rate was performed using newly developed laser heating facility. Results of the investigation showed that the SiC experienced a mass gain behavior under 0.1 g/min steam flow rate. Whereas, it suffered a mass loss under 3 g/min steam flow rate. Based on the mass change data obtained in the investigation, reaction rate constants and activation energy of the process were calculated and reported.


Steam oxidation of silicon carbide at high temperature up to 1800$$^{circ}$$C

Pham, V. H.; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝; 古本 健一郎*; 佐藤 寿樹*; 石橋 良*; 山下 真一郎

no journal, , 

Silicon carbide has been considered as a potential candidate for fuel cladding. Many studies have been conducted to investigate the steam oxidation of SiC at temperatures below 1600$$^{circ}$$C. However, the steam oxidation behavior of SiC at temperatures above 1600$$^{circ}$$C remained unclear due to the lack of test facilities. In this study, we investigated the steam oxidation of SiC at temperatures ranging from 1400-1800$$^{circ}$$C using a newly developed laser heating facility.



石橋 良*; 廣坂 和馬*; 池側 智彦*; 柴田 昌利*; 佐々木 政名*; 土屋 暁之*; Pham, V. H.; 倉田 正輝; 根本 義之

no journal, , 


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