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松原 竜太*; 浜本 貴史*; 石寺 孝充
NUMO-TR-24-03; 技術開発成果概要2023, p.65 - 70, 2024/10
浜本 貴史*; 小池 彩華*; 石寺 孝充; 岩田 孟; 深津 勇太; 種市 やよい
NUMO-TR-24-03; 技術開発成果概要2023, p.85 - 86, 2024/10
杉浦 佑樹; 石寺 孝充; 青柳 登; Mei, H.; 斉藤 拓巳*; 舘 幸男
Applied Clay Science, 258, p.107476_1 - 107476_10, 2024/09
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)This study performed batch sorption experiments using Eu and Sm as chemical analogs of trivalent actinides to evaluate their sorption behavior onto illite in the presence of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The results were analyzed using a thermodynamic sorption model (TSM), which predicted that Eu/Sm forms ternary-surface complexes with carbonate ions. Time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) measurements were performed to gather information on the chemical forms of sorbed Eu on illite. Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) of the TRLFS data indicated the presence of two Eu chemical species. The pH dependence of the chemical species was consistent with that of the surface species predicted by TSM. The dominant chemical species in the presence of carbonate was inferred to be coordinating carbonate ions based on the fluorescence lifetime, supporting the validity of the TSM.
紀室 辰伍; 種市 やよい; 岩田 孟; 石寺 孝充; 北村 暁; 舘 幸男; 田中 武流*; 平野 佳奈*; 檜枝 愛美*; 宮部 俊輔*; et al.
Journal of Solution Chemistry, 53(6), p.854 - 868, 2024/06
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)Palladium is one of the selected radionuclides in the safety assessment of the disposal of radioactive waste. Although isosaccharinic acid (ISA) forms strong complexes with many elements and enhances element solubility, the thermodynamic evaluation of the complex of Pd with ISA has not been conducted. In this study, the solubility of Pd(OH) at pH 8.5 - 12.5 in the presence of ISA was investigated under inert gas (N) atmosphere. Furthermore, the coordination state of aqueous Pd and ISA was investigated by X-ray absorption and Fourie transform infrared spectroscopy, respectively. According to experimental results, the chemical form of the Pd-ISA complex depends on the solution pH; specifically, the number of involved OH ions in the complex should be changed. The thermodynamic model and conditional equilibrium constants of the Pd-ISA complex were estimated by slope analyses of solubility experiments at different pH levels and ionic strengths based on the specific ion interaction theory. Hence, the impact of complexation with ISA on Pd(II) solubility under disposal conditions could be quantified using the proposed thermodynamic models in this study.
松原 竜太*; 浜本 貴史*; 石寺 孝充
NUMO-TR-24-01; 技術開発成果概要2022, p.91 - 94, 2024/05
浜本 貴史*; 石寺 孝充; 舘 幸男
NUMO-TR-24-01; 技術開発成果概要2022, p.102 - 103, 2024/05
浜本 貴史*; 石寺 孝充; 笹本 広
NUMO-TR-24-01; 技術開発成果概要2022, p.87 - 90, 2024/05
McGrady, J.; 熊谷 友多; 渡邉 雅之; 桐島 陽*; 秋山 大輔*; 紀室 辰伍; 石寺 孝充
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(12), p.1586 - 1594, 2023/12
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:41.04(Nuclear Science & Technology)Raman spectroscopy was used to investigate the effect of bicarbonate solution on the hyperstoichiometric UO surface oxide of UO pellets. The hyperstoichiometry causes distortion of the UO lattice, leading to the formation of defect peaks which arise in the Raman spectrum due to a loss of symmetry. By deconvolution of the defect peaks, the extent of oxygen inclusion and defect formation in the surface oxide as a function of bicarbonate concentration was investigated. Immersion in solution caused a reduction in the amount of interstitial oxygen due to dissolution U(V) and U(VI) in the UO oxide surface. The defect concentration increased upon immersion due to the formation of an equilibrium between dissolution and reprecipitation. The bicarbonate concentration affected the defect content which was attributed to different forms of U in solution (hydrolysed UO and UO(CO)) leading to different rates of reduction and precipitation.
石寺 孝充; 岡崎 充宏*; 山田 良英*; 戸村 努*; 澁谷 早苗*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(5), p.536 - 546, 2023/05
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:38.50(Nuclear Science & Technology)高レベル放射性廃棄物の地層処分においては、評価対象核種の収着分配係数を適切に設定することが必要である。特に、収着分配係数が低下する可能性のある条件においては、収着分配係数の実測値を拡充し、設定値の信頼性を向上させる必要がある。本研究では、セメント材料の溶出や炭素鋼材料の腐食によって生じうる高pH条件を考慮し、Sn及びNbのモンモリロナイトに対する収着試験を実施して収着分配係数のpH依存性を取得した。その結果、pHの上昇に伴って収着分配係数が低下するものの、pH11からpH12程度まで実測値を取得することが可能であった。また、得られた収着分配係数のpH依存性に対して収着モデルを適用して解析を行い、モンモリロナイトへのSnの収着には2種類、Nbの収着には1種類の収着サイトへの収着を考慮することにより、得られた収着分配係数を説明することが可能であることがわかった。
浜本 貴史*; 石田 圭輔*; 石寺 孝充
NUMO-TR-22-02; 技術開発成果概要2021, p.58 - 61, 2023/03
市川 希*; 浜本 貴史*; 石寺 孝充; 笹本 広
NUMO-TR-22-02; 技術開発成果概要2021, p.55 - 57, 2023/03
浜本 貴史*; 石田 圭輔*; 石寺 孝充; 舘 幸男
NUMO-TR-22-02; 技術開発成果概要2021, p.88 - 89, 2023/03
柳田 明進*; 浦 蓉子*; 三ツ井 誠一郎; 石寺 孝充; 川喜田 竜平
奈良文化財研究所創立70周年記念論文集; 文化財論叢,5, p.843 - 856, 2023/03
Francisco, P. C. M.; 松村 大樹; 菊池 亮佑*; 石寺 孝充; 舘 幸男
Environmental Science & Technology, 56(5), p.3011 - 3020, 2022/03
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:18.17(Engineering, Environmental)The radionuclide selenium-79 (Se-79) is predicted to be a key contributor to the long-term radiologic hazards associated with geological high-level waste (HLW) repositories, hence its release is of pertinent concern in the safety assessment of repositories. In this study, we examined the immobilization mechanisms of Se(-II)-prevalent under anoxic and reducing repository conditions-during interaction with aqueous Fe(II) and freshly precipitated Fe(OH) at circumneutral and alkaline conditions, respectively, its response to changes in pH, and its behavior during aging at 90C. Using microscopic and spectroscopic techniques, we observed that Se(-II) was readily immobilized via iron selenide precipitation regardless of whether Se(-II) reacts with aqueous species or solid phases and that modifying the pH following initial immobilization did not immediately remobilize Se(-II). These observations indicate that Se(-II) migration beyond the overpack can be effectively and rapidly retarded via interaction with Fe(II) species arising from overpack corrosion. Thermodynamic calculations, however, showed that at alkaline conditions, iron selenides immediately became metastable and will likely dissolve in the long term. Aging experiments at 90C showed that Se(-II) can be completely retained via the crystallization of ferroselite at circumneutral conditions, while it will be largely remobilized at alkaline conditions. Our results show that Se(-II) mobility can be significantly influenced by its interactions with the corrosion products of the steel overpack and that these behaviors will have to be considered in repository safety assessments.
石寺 孝充
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 330(1), p.149 - 158, 2021/10
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Analytical)Effective diffusion coefficients () of acetic acid, butyric acid, and butanol in compacted montmorillonite were determined by through-diffusion experiments and compared with those of iodide and deuterated water. The difference in values between acetic acid, butyric acid, and iodide could be attributed to the difference in their self-diffusion coefficient values, while this was not applicable to the values determined for butanol and deuterated water. This result suggests that the values of iodide can be converted to those of carboxylic acid and utilized for migration analysis of carbon-14 in the safety assessment of geological disposal.
遠藤 貴志*; 舘 幸男; 石寺 孝充; 寺島 元基
日本原子力学会和文論文誌, 20(1), p.9 - 22, 2021/03
デンドリマーを用いた圧縮ベントナイト中のコロイドの拡散・ろ過挙動の評価手法を構築した。サイズが5.77.2nmのPAMAMデンドリマーコロイドの拡散・ろ過挙動を、塩濃度0.0050.5mol/L NaCl溶液で飽和させた乾燥密度0.8Mg/mのベントナイトを対象に、透過拡散試験によって調査した。得られた破過データと内部プロファイルから、デンドリマーコロイドの実効拡散係数とろ過率を導出した。取得された実効拡散係数は、塩濃度とともに増加する傾向を、ろ過率は逆に塩濃度とともに減少する傾向を確認した。これらの傾向は、先行研究で得られたイオンやコロイドの拡散データと整合するほか、塩濃度の変化に伴う間隙構造や静電的相互作用等から推定される傾向と一致するものであり、ここで構築したコロイドの拡散・ろ過挙動の有効性が確認された。
杉浦 佑樹; 石寺 孝充; 舘 幸男
Applied Clay Science, 200, p.105910_1 - 105910_10, 2021/01
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:70.02(Chemistry, Physical)In the geological disposal system, increase of Ca concentration with the alteration of cementitious materials would affect the retention of other radionuclides by competitive sorption. Batch sorption experiments were performed to investigate sorption behavior of Ca and competition with other divalent cations (Sr and Ni) on the edge site of montmorillonite under alkaline conditions. Ca and Sr formed surface complexation with the edge site at higher pH region compared to Ni. Sr sorption decreased with Ca concentration in alkaline pH region, whereas Ni sorption was not affected by Ca concentration. These results indicate that Ca and Sr sorb onto the same site while Ca and Ni sorb onto different sites, and competitive sorption depends on the chemical similarity such as hydrolysis behavior. Sorption model parameters obtained from the single element batch sorption experiments successfully reproduced the results of competitive sorption experiments.
舘 幸男; 佐藤 智文*; 武田 智津子*; 石寺 孝充; 藤原 健壮; 飯島 和毅
Science of the Total Environment, 724, p.138097_1 - 138097_10, 2020/07
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:44.45(Environmental Sciences)福島第一原子力発電所周辺の河川流域における放射性Csの環境動態評価に資するため、汚染レベルが高い請戸川と小高川から採取された河川堆積物に対するCsの収着・固定挙動を、放射性Csの収着と固定メカニズムと、Cs濃度や、粘土鉱物や有機物といった堆積物特性との関係に着目して評価した。
杉浦 佑樹; 戸村 努*; 石寺 孝充; 土井 玲祐; Francisco, P. C. M.; 塩飽 秀啓; 小林 徹; 松村 大樹; 高橋 嘉夫*; 舘 幸男
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 324(2), p.615 - 622, 2020/05
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:39.72(Chemistry, Analytical)Batch sorption experiments were performed to investigate the sorption mechanism of Se on montmorillonite under reducing conditions in deep geological environments. Based on Eh-pH diagrams and ultraviolet-visible spectra, Se was dissolved as selenide (Se(-II)) anions under the experimental conditions. The distribution coefficients (; m kg) of Se(-II) indicated ionic strength independence and slight pH dependence. The values of Se(-II) were higher than those of Se(IV), which also exists as an anionic species. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy showed that the oxidation state of Se-sorbed on montmorillonite was zero even though selenide remained in the solution. These results suggest that Se(-II) was oxidized and precipitated on the montmorillonite surface. Therefore, it is implied that a redox reaction on the montmorillonite surface contributed to high values for Se(-II).
Francisco, P. C. M.; 三ツ井 誠一郎; 石寺 孝充; 舘 幸男; 土井 玲祐; 塩飽 秀啓
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 270, p.1 - 20, 2020/02
被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:74.76(Geochemistry & Geophysics)The interaction of Fe and S-silicate phases, which play important roles in regulating the solubility and bioavailability of both Fe and Si, as well as serve as sinks for trace elements. Therefore, a detailed understanding of their structural characteristics may provide insights that may help in predicting their reactivity and stability under different conditions. In this work, co-precipitates with different Si/Fe ratios (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0) were synthesized under anoxic and reducing conditions at different solution pH (7, 9 and 11). The co-precipitates were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) spectroscopy and Fe -edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The results show the immediate and rapid formation of phyllosilicate-like local structures from solution. These incipient structural units lack long-range order but may serve as the precursors of crystalline phases.