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冠城 雅晃; 鎌田 圭*; 石井 隼也*; 松本 哲郎*; 真鍋 征也*; 増田 明彦*; 原野 英樹*; 加藤 昌弘*; 島添 健次*
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 19(11), p.P11019_1 - P11019_16, 2024/11
被引用回数:0A new LiCAF:Ce detector with an ultra-thick (99 m) crystal and optimized readout was developed. The LiCAF:Ce and KG2 detectors were used to detect a sealed Cf-252 neutron source (neutron emission rate of ~
) using a 5 cm thick high-density polyethylene (HDPE) block located at the front of the detector. At the air kerma rates at the front surface of the HDPE block (
) of up to 1.07 Gy/h, the effective neutron count rate (
) for the LiCAF:Ce detector was the same within margins of errors, but it decreased by 5.7
0.8% at 2.97 Gy/h. In contrast, for the KG2 detector, with
increased up to 1.07 Gy/h,
for KG2 increased up to 20
1.0 % at 1.07 Gy/h. Then,
decreased by 20
1.0% at 2.97 Gy/h. Therefore, the LiCAF:Ce detector exhibited a smaller influence on neutron count rates by
-rays compared to the KG2 detector because of the faster decay time and optimization of digital pulse processing.
冠城 雅晃; 宮本 勇太; 森 教匡; 岩井 紘基; 手塚 将志; 黒澤 俊介*; 田川 明広; 高崎 浩司
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 9 Pages, 2024/00
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)Nuclear decommissioning has recently accelerated, particularly following the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Holdings. -ray/X-ray (radiation photon) spectroscopy provides information on the types of radionuclides with radiation photon emissions. Radiation photon spectroscopy in a control rod guide tube positioned at the center of Fugen was conducted. Fugen is a prototype advanced thermal reactor with 165 MWe electric power generation that is being decommissioned. The dose rates measured in a control rod guide tube positioned at the center of the reactor were 4.1 - 9.1 Gy/h. The dose rate considerably increased at a position close to a tank that contained
Co caused by the radioactivation of stainless steel. Radiation photon spectroscopy was performed without radiation shielding, identifying
Co with an energy resolution better than 5.4% at 1333 keV and
Nb with an energy resolution better than 5.9% at 871 keV.
冠城 雅晃; 島添 健次*; 寺阪 祐太; 富田 英生*; 吉橋 幸子*; 山崎 淳*; 瓜谷 章*; 高橋 浩之*
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1046, p.167636_1 - 167636_8, 2023/01
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:91.77(Instruments & Instrumentation)波形分別手法を実施せず、強い線場において熱中性子検出器をするための無機シンチレーターの厚さと性質の制御に焦点を当てた。測定では、0.5mmならびに1.0mm厚のGS20
名内 泰志*; 能見 貴佳; 鈴木 梨沙; 小菅 義広*; 芝 知宙; 高田 映*; 冠城 雅晃; 奥村 啓介
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR2022) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2022/10
As one of the identification techniques for materials in fuel debris, the neutron induced gamma ray spectroscopy (NIGS) is focused on since the gamma ray spectrum is intrinsic to isotopes. The energy of the target gamma ray in NIGS is often higher than that of most of fission products. To demonstrate feasibility of NIGS for the identification, we have measured and analyzed the HPGe response of isotopes for Cf-252 neutron irradiation for plutonium samples and several structural materials. As a result, we confirmed the possibility to identify light water, boron, concrete, sea water, structural material, signal lines and coils, fuel cladding, gadolinium, uranium, and plutonium contained in the retrieved materials from Fukushima Daiichi NPPs.
芝 知宙; 冠城 雅晃; 能見 貴佳; 鈴木 梨沙; 小菅 義広*; 名内 泰志*; 高田 映*; 長谷 竹晃; 奥村 啓介
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR2022) (Internet), 3 Pages, 2022/10
A technique that can easily determine the presence of nuclear material in removed object from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant site is important from the viewpoint of sorting fuel debris from radioactive waste. In the case of fresh uranium, the amount of nuclear material in the waste generated from nuclear facilities can be determined by measuring 1001 keV gamma-rays emitted by Pa, which is a daughter nuclide of
U. However, it has been pointed out that such gamma-ray measurement cannot be used for fuel debris that contains a large portion of fission products (FPs) emitting various energies of gamma-rays. In this study, we focus on prompt fission gamma-rays that are directly emitted from nuclear materials and those energy exists in a higher energy region than those of FPs, and aim to measure them in simple manners.
冠城 雅晃; 島添 健次*; 加藤 昌弘*; 黒澤 忠弘*; 高橋 浩之*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(8), p.983 - 992, 2022/08
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:17.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)Passive -ray spectroscopy is a useful technique for surveying the radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuels under nuclear decommissioning. However, this method depends on material properties such as the activity, density, element, scale, and (especially) low-energy
rays from
U and
Pu. The
-decay lines of
Co, and
Eu occur at greater energies (than those of
U and
Pu), and these nuclides provide significant information on spent nuclear fuel and radioactive wastes. A CeBr
spectrometer with a small-volume crystal has been previously developed for use in intense radiation measurements. We exposed the spectrometer to radiation dose rates of 0.025, 0.151, 0.342, 0.700, and 0.954 Sv/h under a standard
Cs radiation field. A 6.38 MBq
Co calibration source was placed in front of the detector surface. Identification of the full energy peak at 1173 keV was impossible at dose rates higher than 0.700 Sv/h. However, subtraction of the
Cs radiation spectra from the
-ray spectra enabled the identification of the full energy peaks at 1173 and 1333 keV at dose rates of up to 0.954 Sv/h; the relative energy resolution at 1173 and 1333 keV was only slightly degraded at this dose rate.
冠城 雅晃; 島添 健次*; 加藤 昌弘*; 黒澤 忠弘*; 鎌田 圭*; Kim, K. J.*; 吉野 将生*; 庄司 育宏*; 吉川 彰*; 高橋 浩之*
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1010, p.165544_1 - 165544_9, 2021/09
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)2011年の東京電力ホールディングス福島第一原子力発電所の事故以来、世界各地で廃止措置措置に入る原子力施設が増加している。これらの原子力施設では、放射性物質の適切な管理が要求されている。そこで、ガンマ線スペクトル測定技術は、放射性物質の重要な情報を得ることができるため、有益なツールである。さらに、放射性物質の空間情報も重要であるため、ガンマ線イメージングについて求められている。しかしながら、これらの施設には、強度放射線場が広がるため、ガンマ線スペクトル測定やガンマ線イメージングが困難になる。そのため、寸法が5mm 5mm
0.05%, 8.0
0.08%, 8.0
0.03%, 9.0
冠城 雅晃; 島添 健次*; 加藤 昌弘*; 黒澤 忠弘*; 鎌田 圭*; Kim, K. J.*; 吉野 将生*; 庄司 育宏*; 吉川 彰*; 高橋 浩之*; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 988, p.164900_1 - 164900_8, 2021/02
被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:83.81(Instruments & Instrumentation)近年、2011年の東京電力ホールディングス福島第一原子力発電所事故より、世界各地で、廃止措置になる原子力施設が増加している。一方、原子力施設の廃止措置工程においては、放射性廃棄物や使用済み核燃料を適切な管理下で回収しなければならないため。そこで、本研究は、高線量率下でのガンマ線スペクトロメトリを実現するため、5mm5mm
冠城 雅晃; 島添 健次*; 大鷹 豊*; 上ノ町 水紀*; 鎌田 圭*; Kim, K. J.*; 吉野 将生*; 庄子 育宏*; 吉川 彰*; 高橋 浩之*; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 971, p.164118_1 - 164118_8, 2020/08
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:63.90(Instruments & Instrumentation)Our work focused on the passive gamma-ray analysis (PGA) of the nuclear fuel debris based on measuring gamma rays with an energy greater than 1 MeV for the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). The PGA requires gamma-ray spectrometers to be used under the high dose rates in the FDNPS, then we fabricated a small cubic CeBr spectrometer with dimensions of 5 mm
5 mm
5 mm, coupled to a Hamamatsu R7600U-200 photomultiplier tube (PMT). The performance at dose rates of 4.4 to 750 mSv/h in a
Co field was investigated. The energy resolution (FWHM) at 1333 keV ranged from 3.79% to 4.01%, with a standard deviation of 6.9%, which met the narrow gamma decay spectral lines between
Eu (1274 keV) and
Co (1333 keV). However, the spectra shifted to a higher energy level as the dose rate increase, there was a 51% increase at the dose rates of 4.4 to 750 mSv/h, which was caused by the PMT gain increase.
冠城 雅晃; 鳥居 建男; 小川 徹
JAEA-Review 2019-031, 251 Pages, 2020/01
福島第一原子力発電所の廃炉をはじめとした過酷な放射線環境下で、現場作業者の被ばく線量を低減するため、遠隔技術やロボティクスの高度化に大きな期待が集まっている。しかし、ロボットの遠隔制御のための最先端の要素技術やセンサー, 電子機器の耐放射線性にも厳しい限界がある。原子力へのロボット技術の応用拡大に向けて、機器の耐放射線性の向上(Radiation hardness)や運用における放射線環境への適応力(Radiation smartness)が求められる。さらに、将来の核燃料デブリの探査と取り出しに向けては、福島第一原子力発電所内の高線量率現場での放射線イメージングや核燃料デブリの検出といった、放射線計測(Radiation measurement)および位置認識・周辺環境の把握のための技術の開発が必要である。今回の福島リサーチカンファレンスでは、遠隔技術のさらなる進展のため、さまざまな分野の専門化を交えて将来のビジョンを共有することを目指している。
冠城 雅晃; 佐藤 優樹; 吉原 有里*; 島添 健次*; 高橋 浩之*; 鳥居 建男
Reactor Dosimetry; 16th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry (ISRD-16) (ASTM STP 1608), p.405 - 414, 2018/11
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake occurred in the Tohoku region of Japan, and a large tsunami hit the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F), resulting in a nuclear accident. Despite the years that have passed since the accident, decommissioning remains a concern. Radiation measurement techniques are very important for accelerating the decommissioning and ensuring low radiation exposure to workers. Our gamma-ray imaging system is the detection device for determining the three dimensional radioactive distributions of nuclear fuel debris, measuring high-energy gamma rays (greater than 1 MeV). Silicon semiconductor detectors are among the candidate detectors for radiation measurements in our system because of their radiation-hardness and high counting rate capability. We have been developing a stacked amorphous-silicon (Si)/crystal-Si heterojunction Si strip detector, which has 1-mm-pitch striped electrodes (0.5 mm wide) and 1.2-mm-pitch stacked technology. The detector consists of an Si strip mounted on a thin printed circuit board, front-end readout electronics with a complementary metal oxide semiconductor application specific integrated circuit, and a field programmable gate array. The threshold level of energy deposition of each pulse signal in each channel can be set from the application-specific integrated circuit, and gamma-ray images with energy discrimination can be obtained. The energy threshold level for discrimination of Co gamma rays from
Cs gamma rays was investigated experimentally and by means of simulation, and it was found to be about 500 keV. Therefore, our Si strip detector has the required position sensitivity and energy discrimination ability for identifying high-energy gamma-ray source distributions.
佐藤 優樹; 寺阪 祐太; 宮村 浩子; 冠城 雅晃; 谷藤 祐太; 川端 邦明; 鳥居 建男
Reactor Dosimetry; 16th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry (ISRD-16) (ASTM STP 1608), p.428 - 436, 2018/11
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)We developed a lightweight compact Compton camera to measure the distribution of radioactive contamination inside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. We conducted performance evaluation tests in the coastal area of Fukushima, Japan, using the camera, which employs a cerium (Ce)-doped GAGG (GdAl
) scintillator coupled with a multipixel photon counter. The camera can clearly visualize spreading of radioactivity along the ground surface. In addition, we performed three-dimensional image reconstruction of the distribution of radioactive contamination using the multi-angle data obtained with the Compton camera. We succeeded in obtaining a three-dimensional image of radioactive contamination in the outdoor area.
佐藤 優樹; 谷藤 祐太; 寺阪 祐太; 宇佐美 博士; 冠城 雅晃; 川端 邦明; 宇津木 弥*; 菊地 弘幸*; 高平 史郎*; 鳥居 建男
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 55(9), p.965 - 970, 2018/09
被引用回数:39 パーセンタイル:96.98(Nuclear Science & Technology)The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., went into meltdown after the occurrence of a large tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011. The radiation distribution measurements inside the FDNPS buildings are indispensable to execute decommissioning tasks in the reactor buildings. We conducted the radiation imaging experiment inside the turbine building of Unit 3 of the FDNPS using a compact Compton camera, and succeeded in visualizing the high-dose contamination (up to 3.5 mSv/h). We also drew a three-dimensional radiation distribution map inside the turbine building by integrating the radiation image resulting from the Compton camera into the point cloud data of the experimental environment acquired using the scanning laser range finder. The radiation distribution map shows the position of these contaminations on the real space image of the turbine building. The radiation distribution map helps workers to easily recognize the radioactive contamination and to decrease the radiation exposure; the contamination cannot be observed with the naked eye, naturally.
佐藤 優樹; 小澤 慎吾*; 寺阪 祐太; 冠城 雅晃; 谷藤 祐太; 川端 邦明; 宮村 浩子; 和泉 良*; 鈴木 敏和*; 鳥居 建男
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 55(1), p.90 - 96, 2018/01
被引用回数:45 パーセンタイル:97.70(Nuclear Science & Technology)A remote radiation imaging system comprising a lightweight Compton camera and a multicopter drone was developed to remotely and quickly measure radioactive contamination inside the buildings of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). The drone system is used for measuring detailed radiation distributions in narrow areas, which have been difficult to gauge with conventional aircraft monitoring using helicopters. A measurement of radiation distributions in outdoor environments in the coastal areas of Fukushima, Japan, was performed. The drone system with the Compton camera succeeded in remote observations of dense hotspots from the sky over a contaminated area near the FDNPS. The time required for image reconstruction is approximately 550 s in the case of a 9-m flight altitude for the hotspots with a surface dose rate of several tens of Sv/h. This drone system will be used inside the buildings of the FDNPS for remote measurement of radioactive contamination.
佐藤 優樹; 寺阪 祐太; 小澤 慎吾*; 宮村 浩子; 冠城 雅晃; 谷藤 祐太; 川端 邦明; 鳥居 建男
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 12(11), p.C11007_1 - C11007_8, 2017/11
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:63.87(Instruments & Instrumentation)The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., went into meltdown after the large tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011. Very large amounts of radionuclides were released from the damaged plant. Radiation distribution measurements inside the building of FDNPS are indispensable to execute the decommission tasks in the reactor buildings. We have developed a light-weight compact Compton camera to three-dimensionally measure the distribution of radioactive contamination inside FDNPS. The total weight of the Compton camera is lower than 1.0 kg. The -ray sensor of the Compton camera employs the Ce-doped GAGG scintillators coupled with a multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC: Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.,). We performed the 3D image reconstruction of the
Cs-radioactive sources as shown in Fig. 1; the 3D radiation image is reconstructed using the multi-angle data measured with the Compton camera. Here, we introduce the development status of the 3D radiation imaging system consisting of the Compton camera. Moreover, we present the results of a performance evaluation test for 3D image reconstruction of radioactive contaminations in details.
佐藤 優樹; 川端 邦明; 小澤 慎吾*; 和泉 良*; 冠城 雅晃; 谷藤 祐太; 寺阪 祐太; 宮村 浩子; 河村 拓馬; 鈴木 敏和*; et al.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1), p.1062 - 1066, 2017/07
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:72.05(Automation & Control Systems)The development of remote and quick radiation imaging methods in the high dose-rate environment is requested to accelerate implementation of decommissioning of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP). We developed the remote radiation imaging system consisting of a Compton camera and a multicopter drone to remotely measure the radioactive contamination on the several radioactive fields in the environment and inside the building of nuclear facilities such as the FDNPP. The drone system succeeded in the observation of several hotspots from the sky at the outdoor environments in coastal areas of Fukushima, Japan. In addition, we are now developing the SLAM technology for remotely operated machines such as the drone to complete the remote radiation imaging system, which can autonomous flight.
冠城 雅晃; 山田 寛尚*; 宮川 毅*; 森河 良太*; 高須 昌子*; 加藤 宝光*; 上坂 充*
Polymer Journal, 48(2), p.189 - 195, 2016/02
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:17.55(Polymer Science)本研究は、テロメア一本鎖DNAとPOT1について分子動力学シミュレーションを100ns行った。テロメアDNAとPOT1の結合状態を確認するため、POT1の原子とテロメアDNAのO5'原子の距離を計算した。そして、単独状態と結合状態において、テロメア一本鎖DNAの両端塩基間距離、根平均二乗距離(RMSD)、慣性半径を計算した。さらに、単独状態と結合状態の根平均二乗揺らぎ(RMSF)を比較し、POT1とテロメアDNAの間の水素結合の平均数も計算した。グリニシン94(Gln94)と一本鎖テロメアDNAでPOT1と最近接なTTAGGGの一番目(G')のグアニンの間に水素結合が最頻度で現れる。そして、Gln94とG'が単独状態と結合状態でのRMSF値の差が最大になる。本研究では、Gln94とG'は、結合系において重要な部分で、結合状態の安定性に関係していると結論づけている。
冠城 雅晃
島添 健次*
The present invention carries out highly accurate assay of a sample, even under high-dose radiation, by analyzing an energy spectrum obtained by a radiation detector. In this radiation analysis method, first, the spectrum (actual spectrum) of a sample is measured by a radiation detector (sample measurement step: S1). In this step, two or more types of scintillators having different sizes are used and two or more types of shielding substances having different thicknesses are used to obtain an actual spectrum for each condition (setting condition). Next, measurement similar to that described above is carried out with respect to a reference radiation source (reference radiation source measurement step: S2). Next, a background nuclide-derived component, which is a component derived from a background nuclide (137Cs) in the actual spectrum, is inferred from the reference spectrum obtained in the reference radiation source measurement step (S2) (background nuclide-derived component inference step: S3). ・・・
冠城 雅晃
島添 健次*
The present invention carries out highly accurate assay of a sample, even under high-dose radiation, by analyzing an energy spectrum obtained by a radiation detector. In this radiation analysis method, first, the spectrum (actual spectrum) of a sample is measured by a radiation detector (sample measurement step: S1). In this step, two or more types of scintillators having different sizes are used and two or more types of shielding substances having different thicknesses are used to obtain an actual spectrum for each condition (setting condition). Next, measurement similar to that described above is carried out with respect to a reference radiation source (reference radiation source measurement step: S2). Next, a background nuclide-derived component, which is a component derived from a background nuclide (137Cs) in the actual spectrum, is inferred from the reference spectrum obtained in the reference radiation source measurement step (S2) (background nuclide-derived component inference step: S3). ・・・
冠城 雅晃
島添 健次*
The present invention carries out highly accurate assay of a sample, even under high-dose radiation, by analyzing an energy spectrum obtained by a radiation detector. In this radiation analysis method, first, the spectrum (actual spectrum) of a sample is measured by a radiation detector (sample measurement step: S1). In this step, two or more types of scintillators having different sizes are used and two or more types of shielding substances having different thicknesses are used to obtain an actual spectrum for each condition (setting condition). Next, measurement similar to that described above is carried out with respect to a reference radiation source (reference radiation source measurement step: S2). Next, a background nuclide-derived component, which is a component derived from a background nuclide (137Cs) in the actual spectrum, is inferred from the reference spectrum obtained in the reference radiation source measurement step (S2) (background nuclide-derived component inference step: S3). ・・・