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JAEA Reports

Decommissioning of uranium handling facility for development of nuclear fuel manufacturing equipment

Kageyama, Tomio; Denuma, Akio; Koizumi, Jin*; Odakura, Manabu*; Haginoya, Masahiro*; Isaka, Shinichi*; Kadowaki, Hiroyuki*; Kobayashi, Shingo*; Morimoto, Taisei*; Kato, Yoshiaki*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2022-033, 130 Pages, 2023/03


Uranium handling facility for development of nuclear fuel manufacturing equipment (Mockup room) was constructed in 1972. The Mockup room has a weak seismic resistance and is deteriorating with age. Also, the original purpose with this facility have been achieved and there are no new development plans using this facility. Therefore, interior equipment installed in this facility had been dismantled and removed since March 2019. After that, the Mockup room was inspected for contamination, and then controlled area in the Mockup room was cancelled on March 29th 2022. A total of 6,549 workers (not including security witnesses) were required for this work. The amount of non-radioactive waste generated by this work was 31,300 kg. The amount of radioactive waste generated by this work was 3,734 kg of combustible waste (103 drums), 4,393 kg of flame resistance waste (61 drums), 37,790 kg of non-combustible waste (124 drums, 19 containers). This report describes about the dismantling and removing the interior equipment in the Mockup room, the amount of waste generated by this work, and procedure for cancellation the controlled area in the facility.

JAEA Reports

Development of fireproof sheet on glove box panels

Kawasaki, Kohei; Shinada, Kenta; Okamoto, Naritoshi; Kageyama, Tomio; Eda, Takashi; Okazaki, Hiro; Suzuki, Hiromichi; Yamamoto, Kazuya; Otabe, Jun

JAEA-Technology 2020-025, 80 Pages, 2021/03


Plutonium Fuel Production Facility was built in 1988 for the purpose of mainly producing MOX fuel of the prototype fast breeder reactor MONJU, and large glove boxes were installed for handling unsealed nuclear fuel material remotely. The panels of these glove boxes are made of acrylic, except for those installed after December 2013. For fires inside the glove box, automatic fire extinguishing systems using halides have been introduced since the beginning of construction, but for fires outside the glove box, there have been issues with direct measures for acrylic. Therefore, we have developed a fireproof sheet that mitigates the effect of fire outside the glove box on the panels as much as possible. As a result, fire-retardant sheets have been selected and attached to the glove box panels. We conducted a flammability test of the acrylic plate attached with these fireproof sheets and a usage environment influence test of fireproof sheets, and obtained good results. In addition, we set up a working group in the Plutonium Fuel Development Center in view of reducing external exposure during the work of attaching fireproof sheets, in which we discussed and examined the work procedure, and summarized it in the basic procedure manual.

Journal Articles

Development of Pu standard material preparation and characterization technique in Japan

Okazaki, Hiro; Shibano, Koya; Abe, Katsuo; Sumi, Mika; Kayano, Masashi; Kageyama, Tomio; Mason, P.*

Proceedings of INMM 57th Annual Meeting (Internet), 7 Pages, 2016/07

The reference materials used for accountancy analysis by IDMS, referred to as LSD spikes allows to obtain accurate measurement results for a variety of nuclear materials under potentially difficult handling or measurement conditions. Because of expected difficulties in a stably long term supply of plutonium reference materials, which are the main source of plutonium for LSD spikes preparation, the JAEA's PFDC decided to evaluate the possibility of using domestically available MOX powders as a plutonium source material for LSD spikes. Therefore, PFDC started to separate, purify and characterize plutonium in MOX powders for plutonium reference materials (MOX-Pu) preparation that are suitable for source of LSD spikes in cooperation with the US DOE's NBL. The detailed preparation procedure of the latest MOX-Pu standard material and results of intercomparison for verification are presented.

Journal Articles

Approaches to characterization of nuclear material for establishment of nuclear forensics

Okazaki, Hiro; Sumi, Mika; Sato, Mitsuhiro; Kayano, Masashi; Kageyama, Tomio; Martinez, P.*; Xu, N.*; Thomas, M.*; Porterfield, D.*; Colletti, L.*; et al.

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nihon Shibu Dai-35-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 9 Pages, 2015/01

The quality control section of Plutonium Fuel Development Center (PFDC) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been analyzing isotopic compositions and content of plutonium and uranium as well as impurity and physics of nuclear materials in the process of MOX fuel fabrication for accountancy purpose as well as process control purposes. These analytical techniques are also effective for nuclear forensics to identify the source, history, and route of the material by determining a composition and chemical property of it. Therefore, PFDC cooperates with Los Alamos National Laboratory which has broad experience and established measurement skill for nuclear forensics, and evaluates the each method, procedure, and analytical data toward R&D of characterizing a nuclear fuel for forensics purposes. This paper describes the approaches to develop characterization techniques of nuclear fuel for nuclear forensic purpose at PFDC.

Journal Articles

Approaches to the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for Pu and U accountancy analysis

Okazaki, Hiro; Sumi, Mika; Abe, Katsuo; Sato, Mitsuhiro; Kageyama, Tomio

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nihon Shibu Dai-34-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 9 Pages, 2013/10

The quality control section of Plutonium Fuel Development Center (PFDC) has been analyzing isotopic compositions by Mass Spectrometry as well as content by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (IDMS) of plutonium and uranium in nuclear materials. Along with establishing and managing the quality assurance system, ensuring the reliability of the analysis data is important. PFDC has been establishing the quality management system with ISO 9001. We addressed technical improvement to improve further reliability of analysis quality, and accredited for ISO/IEC 17025 in March 2010. While ISO 9001 consists of management requirements for quality system of organizations, ISO/IEC 17025 consists of technical requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories in addition to the management requirements. In this presentation, we report our approaches to have accreditation and operation status for isotopic compositions and content of plutonium and uranium in nuclear materials.

Journal Articles

ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for accountancy analysis at PFDC

Okazaki, Hiro; Sumi, Mika; Abe, Katsuo; Kageyama, Tomio; Nakazawa, Hiroaki

Proceedings of INMM 53rd Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2012/07

Accurate and precise measurement of Pu and U is critically important for safeguards and is the premise of safeguards inspection by IAEA at Nuclear Fuel handling facilities. Quality control section of Plutonium Fuel Development Center (PFDC-lab) has been analyzing the Pu and U isotopic compositions by MS as well as its content by IDMS of the MOX fuel pellet and its source materials for the accountancy purposes. To maintain and improve analysis quality and analysis reliability, PFDC-lab decided to have accreditation of ISO/IEC 17025 (International standard for the General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories). PFDC-lab established analysis quality management system, acquired the knowledge and information of uncertainty evaluation under cooperative study with US DOE's NBL, ensured our analysis traceability and validates our methods to meet technical requirements. In conclusion, we have accredited for ISO/IEC 17025 in March 1st, 2010.

Journal Articles

Quality control and uncertainty evaluation for accountancy analysis at PFDC-JAEA

Sumi, Mika; Okazaki, Hiro; Abe, Katsuo; Kageyama, Tomio; Nakazawa, Hiroaki

Proceedings of INMM 53rd Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2012/07

PFDC has been developing various technologies for MOX fuel production, and Pu and U isotopic composition and content of these samples are analyzed at PFDC-lab. For the analysis of MOX fuel material including raw material powders, PFDC-lab is accredited as the testing laboratory of ISO/IEC 17025 scoped for (1) Pu and U isotopic composition measurement in the nuclear fuel materials by MS and (2) Pu and U content measurement in the nuclear fuel materials by IDMS. This accreditation was granted in March 2010. While preparing for accreditation, the PFDC-lab established the capability to estimate measurement uncertainty in accordance with the GUM Guide and developed calculation program combining GUM-Workbench and Excel. This paper presents details of our quality control system and measurement uncertainty evaluation systems.

Journal Articles

Verification of LSD spikes prepared in Japan from a MOX source material

Sumi, Mika; Abe, Katsuo; Kageyama, Tomio; Nakazawa, Hiroaki; Kurosawa, Akira; Yamamoto, Masahiko; Mason, P.*; Neuhoff, J.*; Doubek, N.*; Balsley, S.*; et al.

Proceedings of INMM 51st Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2010/07

Large Size Dried (LSD) spikes are currently used in many facilities in Japan (and around the world) for U and Pu accountancy analysis by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (IDMS). Because of the large quantity of plutonium standard materials are needed to support Japanese facilities for nuclear fuel cycle and expected difficulties in the long term supply and transport of Pu reference materials, JAEA decided to evaluate the possibility of using MOX stored at Plutonium Fuel Development Center (PFDC) as a source of Pu standard material for LSD spike preparation. At PFDC, Pu nitrate solution was prepared from MOX and two types of the LSD spikes were prepared. The samples of each spike were distributed for verification measurements to international and domestic laboratories. Details of the Pu make-up value evaluation, the LSD spike preparation and the evaluation of the verification results will be presented.

Journal Articles

Experience on preparation of LSD spikes for MOX samples

Sumi, Mika; Abe, Katsuo; Kageyama, Tomio; Nakazawa, Hiroaki; Katchi, Tomokazu*; Murakami, Yoshiki*; Hishi, Tomoyuki*; Ai, Hironobu*

Proceedings of INMM 50th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2009/07

Currently, many laboratories who measure Pu and U concentration by isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) use Large Size Dried (LSD) spikes, which contain both Pu and U in individual vials. Plutonium Fuel Development Center (PFDC) prepared LSD spikes for MOX samples and has been used while LSD spikes prepared at inspection laboratories and commercially supplied are mainly aimed to measure input solution for reprocessing. Difficulties of importing reference materials are increasing though the needs of Pu reference materials are increasing. Stable securing Pu reference material is essential for facility operation and it is considered to be important to acquire technique to prepare domestic Pu reference material. Pu were prepared from MOX powder at PFDC and used for LSD spike preparation. Practical tests were performed with JNFL. Experience of preparation and utilization of LSD spike for MOX, consideration of certification method for MOX-Pu will be explained also in this paper.

Journal Articles

Present status and future plans of the study for preparation of Pu reference materials

Sumi, Mika; Kageyama, Tomio; Suzuki, Toru

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nihon Shibu Dai-27-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2006/00

All accountancy analysis at the PFDC of JAEA is performed by isotope dilution mass spectrometry with well-characterized standard materials. Though Pu reference materials has been supplied from foreign country, importing those Pu is gradually becoming more difficult and may be almost impossible to import them in future. Thus, in order to establish the capability and expertise for the preparation of Pu reference materials, JAEA has started collaborative work with NBL who has high skills for preparing and supplying nuclear reference materials for long periods. One of the targets of this collaboration is preparation of standard material for IDMS. MOX powder which has been stored in JAEA was dissolved and purified to obtain Pu solution. A small portion of the purified solution was transported to NBL for analysis. LSD spike will be prepared from this Pu solution and then validation analysis and performance test including stability test will be performed with NBL and JAEA.

Journal Articles

Present status; Collaboration between NBL and JAEA on preparation of Pu reference material

Sumi, Mika; Kageyama, Tomio; Suzuki, Toru; Manson, P.*; Neuhoff, J.*

Proceedings of INMM 47th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2006/00

All accountancy analyses at the Plutonium Fuel Development Center (PFDC) of JAEA are performed by isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) with well-characterized standard materials, which prepared at PFDC itself from Pu and U reference materials. Currently, Pu reference materials must be obtained from foreign suppliers because there are no facilities in Japan with the capability for preparation and supply of Pu reference materials, and, importing those Pu reference materials is gradually becoming more difficult. Therefore, JAEA has started collaborative work with NBL for the preparation of Pu reference materials and associated Large Size Dried (LSD) spike. MOX powder which has been stored in JAEA was dissolved and ion-exchange was performed to obtain purified Pu solution at JAEA. Several aliquots had taken from the solution, dried, and sent to NBL for analysis. Pu samples were shipped and have arrived to NBL. After certification analysis on NBL, the Pu nitrate solution will be mixed with a U nitrate solution which prepared from CRMs. The uncertainty of the purified Pu solution and prepared LSD spikes will be evaluated by GUM method. This paper presents the present status and future plans for the collaboration work.

Journal Articles

Controlled-potential coulometric determination of plutonium in the presence of iron

Hiyama, Toshiaki; Kageyama, Tomio

Bunseki Kagaku, 49(7), p.537 - 541, 2000/07

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:8.66(Chemistry, Analytical)


Journal Articles


Kageyama, Tomio; Hiyama, Toshiaki; ;

Donen Giho, (97), p.126 - 131, 1996/03


Journal Articles

Determination of americium in a nitric acid medium using second-order derivative spectrophotometry

Hiyama, Toshiaki; ; Kageyama, Tomio;

Analytical Sciences, 12(3), p.427 - 430, 1996/00

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:19.96(Chemistry, Analytical)


JAEA Reports


Kamimura, Katsuichiro; Kageyama, Tomio; Hiyama, Toshiaki; Yamamoto, Junta

PNC TN8430 95-005, 29 Pages, 1995/04



Oral presentation

Pu standard material preparation in Japan

Sumi, Mika; Abe, Katsuo; Kageyama, Tomio; Mason, P.*

no journal, , 

In order to obtain reliable accountancy analysis results, IDMS is applied at most of the Pu handling facilities in Japan. Reference materials, referred to as LSD spikes were developed to allow facilities, regulatory and safeguards organizations to accurately measure nuclear materials. Because of expected difficulties in the long term supply of Pu reference materials, which are the main source for LSD spike preparation, the JAEA decided to evaluate the possibility of using domestically available MOX as a Pu source material. JAEA-PFDC started to produce and certify Pu reference materials that are suitable for use in producing LSD spikes in collaboration with the US DOE-NBL. From the MOX-Pu characterized in 2008, two types of the LSD spikes were prepared and distributed for verification. The detailed purification procedure, results of the intercomparison of LSD spikes and interim intercomparison of the MOX-Pu prepared in 2012 will be presented.

Oral presentation

Preparation and evaluation of reference materials for accountancy analysis, 1; Preparation and evaluation method

Sumi, Mika; Abe, Katsuo; Kageyama, Tomio; Nakazawa, Hiroaki; Takamatsu, Mai*; Katchi, Tomokazu*; Murakami, Yoshiki*; Ai, Hironobu*

no journal, , 

Isotope dilution mass spectrometry method used for the accountancy analysis at nuclear fuel facilities requires the standard materials called LSD(Large Size Dried) spike. Generally, LSD spikes are prepared from certified reference materials which supplied from foreign countries. However, the difficulty of Pu reference material importation is increasing. It is important for safeguard to attain and continue highly reliable accountancy analysis and stable securing of LSD spike is essential. Therefore, under collaboration work between JAEA and JNFL, several types of LSD spike were prepared. Measurement experiments with actual samples were performed and those results were compared with the results obtained using LSD spike which supplied from foreign laboratory. This report presents preparation of LSD spikes, determination of value of plutonium which separated and purified from MOX and used as raw material, practical test and evaluation method of uncertainty based on ISO-GUM.

Oral presentation

Application of CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors for quality assurance of MOX fuel pellet

Kodaira, Satoshi*; Yasuda, Nakahiro*; Hosogane, Tatsuya; Ishikawa, Fumitaka; Kageyama, Tomio; Sato, Mitsuhiro

no journal, , 

The plutonium-thermal use is expected as one of the approach for reuse of spent uranium fuel in nuclear power generation. On the other hand, many kinds of nuclides including Pu with extremely long half-lives are generated in the used fuels, which would be problems for storage and control of radioactive waste. The MOX (Mixed Oxide) consisting of plutonium dioxide enriched with 4-9% Pu and uranium oxide from spent uranium fuel would allow to reduce half-lives of radioactive waste significantly through the nuclear fission. The quality of MOX pellet depends on the homogeneous dispersion of Pu. The region of highly concentrated Pu is sometimes observed as "Pu spot" in the pellet, which has the potential of anomalous combustion localized at that region. The detection of Pu spot and evaluation of its size and concentration are one of the important quality assurance of MOX pellet for the safety use in the nuclear power plant. We have applied CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors for the measurement of Pu spot inside MOX pellet. CR-39 can image a cross-section of MOX pellet by recording $$alpha$$-particle tracks from Pu in the pellet, like autoradiography. The Pu spot is visibly imaged as a "black spot" due to the dense $$alpha$$ tracks compared to homogeneously dispersed region. Conventionally, the Pu spot measurement has been carried out with manual scanning, which takes much longer times and huge amount of human work. We have developed the automatic detection and measurement system of Pu spot recorded on CR-39 by the image processing with filtering and clustering algorithms. The detection efficiency with CR-39 is achieved to be almost 100% compared with conventional manual scanning result. It provides more information about the number, size and position of Pu spot.

Oral presentation

Development of plutonium reference material; 10+ years of JAEA-DOE cooperation

Mason, P.*; Sumi, Mika; Kageyama, Tomio; Suzuki, Toru; Holland, M. K.*; Cordaro, J.*

no journal, , 

In the early 2000's it had become clear that Japanese fuel cycle facilities would require plutonium RMs needed to perform a large number of accountancy measurements beyond the capacity of the producers. Additionally, the increasing difficulty in producing plutonium CRMs would further limit the amount of imported plutonium RMs available for safeguards. In order to help address the issue, in 2003 the US DOE's NNSA and JAEA began a cooperation to develop Japanese capabilities for plutonium RM production. Under this auspices, the DOE's NBL and JAEA's PFDC began efforts to establish plutonium RM production capability. In 2013 the DOE's SRNL established a similar cooperative agreement with JAEA's TRP to develop and maintain expertise in plutonium coulometry. This paper will discuss the development and status of these efforts and others.

Oral presentation

Preparation and evaluation of reference materials (LSD spikes), 2; Evaluation

Sumi, Mika; Takamatsu, Mai*; Ebisawa, Noriyuki; Abe, Katsuo; Kageyama, Tomio; Chiba, Masahiko; Nakazawa, Hiroaki; Suzuki, Toru; Katchi, Tomokazu*; Kushigeta, Yoshiyuki*; et al.

no journal, , 

Standard material which called Large Size Dried (LSD) spikes is required for Plutonium and Uranium measurement by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (IDMS). Collaboration work between JAEA and JNFL is performed to validate efficient use of standard material (primary) and to evaluate the effectivity of the Pu which separated and purified from MOX stored at JAEA. According to the presentation "Preparation and evaluation of reference materials (LSD spikes) (1) Preparation and testing", uncertainty of the actual sample measurements at Rokkasho Reprocessing plant are evaluated with GUM. Also, the effectivity of the half sized LSD spikes from generally used at JAEA and LSD spikes which prepared from Pu purified from MOX at JAEA are statistically evaluated and validated.

32 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)