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鈴木 賢治*; 倉 己萌*; 三浦 靖史*; 城 鮎美*; 豊川 秀訓*; 佐治 超爾*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久
材料, 71(12), p.1005 - 1012, 2022/12
菅野 未知央*; 町屋 修太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 中本 達志*
Superconductor Science and Technology, 33(8), p.085003_1 - 085003_10, 2020/08
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:32.40(Physics, Applied)REBaCu
-delta (REBCO) composite tapes are candidate conductors for future accelerator magnets. Given that REBCO is a brittle oxide film, stress/strain management is important in the mechanical design of a magnet. Therefore, the strain state of a superconducting film should be predicted under various operating conditions. A quantum beam is a useful tool in evaluating the strain state of a superconducting material in a composite conductor. Although various cryogenic tensile testing machines, in combination with neutron beam and synchrotron radiation, have been developed, they are not necessarily optimized for measuring highly textured materials such as REBCO films. This study reports a novel cryogenic tensile testing apparatus that can be used at the beamline of a synchrotron radiation facility. In this system, a superconducting tape is cooled using a Gifford-McMahon (GM) cryocooler through 2.5 m long thermal links made of 5 N high-purity aluminum. This enables a compact cryogenic loading system that can be mounted on the goniometer of a beamline. Lattice strain measurements using synchrotron radiation were conducted at 40 K, 77 K, and 300 K for a commercially available (Y,Gd)BCO coated conductor at BL28B2 in SPring-8. The onset strain of film fracture determined from the lattice strain measurement at 77 K agreed well with the irreversible strain of critical current at the same temperature. The residual and fracture strain of the (Y,Gd)BCO film at 77 K was evaluated as well.
宮川 進*; 伊藤 登志政*; 岩堀 恵介*; 青山 喜彦*; 久保 亮佑*; 村田 慎治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美*; 梶原 堅太郎*
材料, 69(4), p.308 - 314, 2020/04
長村 光造*; 町屋 修太郎*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 川崎 卓郎; Harjo, S.; Zhang, Y.*; 藤田 真司*; 飯島 康裕*; Hampshire, D. P.*
AIP Advances (Internet), 9(7), p.075216_1 - 075216_11, 2019/07
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:40.98(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)In the commercial coated conductor tapes, the twinned structure of REBCO (REBaCu
, RE = Y and Gd) is characterized as either
orientation based on the tape length direction. In this study, we investigate the effects of the two different twinned structures on the critical current
of the REBCO tapes by combining; transport critical current and synchrotron radiation diffraction measurements. For the tapes with
oriented twins, we observed the inverted parabolic strain behavior on the uniaxial strain dependence of
. In contrast, the ones with
oriented twins showed a weak strain behavior without any maximum appeared in the strain dependence. Such a different uniaxial strain dependence was analyzed by using the one-dimensional twin model with different fractional lengths of A-domains and B-domains of REBCO twins. This model explains the essential features of the different uniaxial strain dependence we observed.
豊川 秀訓*; 佐治 超爾*; 川瀬 守弘*; Wu, S.*; 古川 行人*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 佐藤 真直*; 広野 等子*; 城 鮎美*; 菖蒲 敬久; et al.
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 12(1), p.C01044_1 - C01044_7, 2017/01
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:19.45(Instruments & Instrumentation)アルミニウムショットキーダイオードセンサとフォトンカウンティングASICsを組み合わせたCdTeピクセル検出器の開発を行っている。このハイブリッドピクセル検出器は、200マイクロメートル200マイクロメートルのピクセルサイズで、19ミリメートル
40.2ミリメートルの面積で設計された。フォトンカウンティングASIC SP8-04F10Kは、プリアンプ,シェーパ, 3レベルのウィンドウタイプのディスクリミネータ、および各ピクセルが24ビットカウンタを備えている。そしてウィンドウコンパレータを用いてX線エネルギーを選択するフォトンカウンティングモードで精密に動作し、100
中谷 隼人*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 秋田 貢一; 荻原 慎二*
Proceedings of 14th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-14) (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2015/12
Synchrotron radiation laminography at SPring-8 is employed to assess low velocity impact damage in CFRP/Ti laminates as one of the most interested Fibre-Metal Laminates (FMLs). During computed laminography bright X-ray is irradiated to an object with the axis of rotation inclined at an angle and thus it is suitable for the laterally extended geometry of composite laminate plates. It is confirmed how each damage mode in the CFRP/Ti laminates can be imaged by synchrotron radiation laminography by using model specimens that contain artificially induced damage. Then 3-dimensional imaging of impact-induced damage where each damage mode shows complex distribution is demonstrated and that is to our knowledge a novel result.
塩見 雄毅*; 野村 健太郎*; 梶原 瑛祐*; 江藤 数馬*; Novak, M.*; 瀬川 耕司*; 安藤 陽一*; 齊藤 英治
Physical Review Letters, 113(19), p.196601_1 - 196601_5, 2014/11
被引用回数:293 パーセンタイル:99.04(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We report successful spin injection into the surface states of topological insulators by using a spin pumping technique. By measuring the voltage that shows up across the samples as a result of spin pumping, we demonstrate that a spin-electricity conversion effect takes place in the surface states of bulk-insulating topological insulators BiSb
and Sn-doped Bi
Se. In this process, the injected spins are converted into a charge current along the Hall direction due to the spin-momentum locking on the surface state.
長村 光造*; 町屋 修太郎*; Hampshire, D. P.*; 土屋 佳則*; 菖蒲 敬久; 梶原 堅太郎*; 長部 吾郎*; 山崎 浩平*; 山田 雄一*; 藤上 純*
Superconductor Science and Technology, 27(8), p.085005_1 - 085005_11, 2014/08
被引用回数:29 パーセンタイル:73.07(Physics, Applied)In order to explain the effect of uniaxial strain on the critical current of DI-BSCCO-Bi2223 tapes, we employed a springboard sample holder that can smoothly and continuously apply both tensile and compressive strains to tape samples. Over a narrow tensile strain region, the critical current in the tapes decreased linearly with increasing strain and returned reversibly with decreasing strain. In this paper, we clearly characterize the reversible range terminated by both compressive and tensile strains, in which filaments do not fracture. Our analysis of the compressive regime beyond the relaxation strain suggests that although BSCCO filament fracture is the primary factor that leads to a decrease in critical current, the critical current in those regions of filaments that are not fractured increases linearly and reversibly with decreasing applied strain at compressive strains well beyond the reversible region for the tape.
柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 塚本 拓也*; 河合 紘和*; 三浦 節男*; Zhang, S.*; 菖蒲 敬久
材料, 63(7), p.533 - 538, 2014/07
柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 塚本 拓也*; 河合 紘和*; 三浦 節男*; Zhang, S.*; 菖蒲 敬久; 小林 道明*
Materials Science Forum, 777, p.176 - 181, 2014/02
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:51.86(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)A ductile damage progress of an aluminum single crystal with the prior activity of the single slip system under tensile loading was verified by a profile analysis using white X-ray obtained in BL28B2 beam line of SPring-8. In this study, the aluminum single crystal of the purity 6N was used as a specimen prepared in I-type geometry for tensile test. In profile analysis, an instrumental function was defined in consideration both of a divergence by a slit and a response function peculiar to the energy dispersive method. The Gauss component of integral breadth related to non-uniform strain and the Cauchy component of integral breadth related to crystallite size were determined by eliminating the broadening by the instrumental function from the diffraction profile of white X-ray. As a result, the characteristics of ductile damage progress near the notch of the aluminum single crystal were inspected from the distribution of both non-uniform strain and dislocation density.
柴野 純一*; 木曽 稔*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*
材料, 62(7), p.443 - 450, 2013/07
柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 桐山 幸治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 西村 優*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*
Materials Science Forum, 638-642, p.2476 - 2481, 2010/01
A transmission imaging and a strain mapping in the vicinity of a crack tip in steel were investigated using a high energy white X-ray obtained from BL28B2 beam line at SPring-8 in Japan. Low-alloy and high-tensile steel was used as a specimen prepared in the G-type geometry with a rectangular sectional part of 5 mm thickness for a four-point bending. As the results, the transmitted image of the crack showed that the crack in the specimen was propagated deeper than that on the surface. It became clear by the numerical simulation that the FWHM of diffracted X-ray profile measured near the crack tip was increased due to the steep change in the strain distribution. It was confirmed that the synchrotron white X-ray was useful for the imaging of the internal crack and the strain mapping near it.
柴野 純一*; 桐山 幸治; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 新居 恭征*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*
材料, 58(7), p.596 - 602, 2009/07
A computerized tomography and a strain mapping near a crack tip in material were investigated using a white X-ray obtained from BL28B2 beam line at SPring-8 in Japan. The computerized tomography of the crack in the specimen was carried out by using the CCD camera that can detect indirectly the X-ray transmitted through the specimen. To measure the strain using the energy dispersive X-ray diffraction technique. As the results, the computerized tomography of the crack in the specimen under the tensile loading was practicable by using the white X-ray. The map of the internal strain near the crack tip of the specimen could be obtained using the high energy white X-ray. It was confirmed that the maximum tensile strain was distributed circularly along the crack tip estimated by CT.
柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 桐山 幸治; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 西村 優*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*
材料, 57(7), p.667 - 673, 2008/07
An imaging and a strain mapping in the vicinity of crack tip in materials were investigated using high energy white X-ray obtained from BL28B2 beam line at SPring-8 Japan. Low-alloy and high-tensile steel (JIS G3128 SHY685) was used as a specimen shaped into G-type and introduced a fatigue crack into the beam of it. As the results, the imaging of the crack of the length of about 1mm in the specimen with loading of crack opening is practicable by using high energy synchrotron white X-ray. The plastic region estimated from the distribution of FWHM almost agreed with the theoretical value calculated by fracture mechanics. It was confirmed that the high energy white X-ray was useful for the imaging of the crack and the strain mapping in the vicinity of it in the depth of the order of millimeter.
柴野 純一*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 桐山 幸治; 梶原 堅太郎*; 金子 洋; 小林 道明*
Materials Science Forum, 571-572, p.267 - 270, 2008/00
In this paper, the strain in the bulk of material was measured using high energy white X-rays from synchrotron radiation sources of BL14B1 and BL28B2 at SPring-8 in Japan. JIS-S45C carbon steel and JIS-SHY685 high-tensile steel were used as specimens. As a result, the internal strain of SHY685 of 15 millimeters thickness could be evaluated using X-rays with energy of 155 keV diffracted by -Fe321 lattice plane. It is suitable for the high accuracy measurement to include more than or equal to 5000 grains of crystal in the gauge volume. Furthermore, the measurement error peak count and the profile which is close to Gaussian curve. However, the measurement accuracy of the internal strain of S45C was relatively low. Because the diffracted X-ray peak counts at each measurement position fluctuated with the relationship between grain size of S45C and the irradiated X-ray beam size.
中谷 隼人*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 秋田 貢一; 荻原 慎二*
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柴野 純一*; 桐山 幸治; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 新居 恭征*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*
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桐山 幸治; 柴野 純一*; 平田 智之*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*
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加工や外的圧力によって金属材料に生じた残留応力は、その材料の強度特性を変化させ、変形や疲労破壊などの原因となることがある。著者らはSPring-8の高輝度・高指向性・高エネルギーの放射光白色X線を用いて、共用ビームラインBL28B2において金属材料内部の残留応力測定手法の確立を試みた。その結果、厚さ5, 10, 15mmの試料を透過した回折線を測定することができ、その回折線ピークエネルギーの変化割合を算出することによって、試料内部のひずみ分布を求めることができた。これらの結果は、ひずみゲージで測定した同試料の負荷ひずみ分布とほぼ一致した。しかし、ひずみ分布は回折面によってばらつき度合いが異なる場合があり、回折X線のエネルギー領域や結晶粒レベルでの応力変動の影響を検討する必要性が示唆された。今後は、光学系・測定系の高精度化や材料ごとの結晶特性に応じた最適測定条件などを明確にし、さらに白色X線によって得られる複数の回折線を同時に解析に利用することで、金属材料中に存在する応力分布をより正確に定量評価できるようにしていく予定である。
桐山 幸治; 柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 金子 洋; 西村 優*; 新居 恭征*
no journal, ,
人見 尚*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 杉山 隆文*; 佐藤 稔紀
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