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Journal Articles

Development meaning and current status of FBR in Japan

Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Aoyama, Takafumi; Sakuma, Yuichi

Denki Kyokai-Ho, (1030), p.12 - 17, 2010/10

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Long-term outlook of energy demand and supply in Japan; Estimation of energy demand and supply for "Nuclear Energy Vision 2100" of JAEA

Tatematsu, Kenji; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Nemoto, Masahiro; Murakami, Masakazu

JAEA-Research 2009-007, 46 Pages, 2009/06


In this study, we showed an energy demand and supply scenario toward the year 2100 in Japan, which underlies JAEA's "Nuclear Energy Vision 2100" published in October 2008. This energy demand and supply scenario aims at the coexistence of the reduction of the carbon dioxide emission and the energy security through reduction of the fossil fuel usage, positive electrification and the nuclear energy usage. We reduce the ratio of the fossil fuel in the primary energy supply to about 1/3 and extend the share of renewable and nuclear energy to 70% from current 15%. As a result, the carbon dioxide emission is reduced to current 10%, and it developed that the half was the contribution of the nuclear energy.

Journal Articles

Revolution scenario of energy demand-supply structure for 100 years

Tatematsu, Kenji; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Nemoto, Masahiro

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 51(6), p.463 - 467, 2009/06

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Toward commercialization of FBR cycle, 1

Nagaoki, Yoshihiro; Nagura, Fuminori; Sakaguchi, Tomoyoshi; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Kikuchi, Shin

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 50(9), p.551 - 556, 2008/09

"Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development (FaCT)" project has been conducted since 2006. In this project, design study and research and development (R&D) on innovative technologies for fast reactor (FR) cycle system are implemented in order to present the conceptual designs of commercial and demonstration facilities by 2015 and start operating demonstration fast reactor in 2025. The R&Ds has been stepped forward into the development stage to establish the realization of innovative technologies which bring excellent performance to fast reactor cycle system. The purpose of R&D by 2010 is to decide weather innovative technologies shall be adopted. So promoting R&D of FR, the project governance was organized. Furthermore, several possible R&D have been effectively carried out within the frameworks of international cooperation, such as GNEP, GIF, and INPRO.

Journal Articles

Cost-benefit analysis on FR cycle R&D for the world

Kawasaki, Hirotsugu

RIST News, (42), p.22 - 34, 2006/10

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Cost-benefit analysis on FR cycle R&D for the world

Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Kubota, Sadae*; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi

JAEA-Research 2006-001, 60 Pages, 2006/02


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of sodium conversion technology; Fabrication of sodium conversion test apparatus and results of previously test run

; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; ;

JNC TN9410 2002-004, 100 Pages, 2002/03


It prepares for a large amount of radioactive sodium processing accompanied by final shutdown/decommissioning of First Reactor Plant, and/or dismantling of sodium experimental facilities in a domestic one, and the technical development for sodium processing safely, efficiently, and economically is carried out in the future. The sodium processing method with caustic soda, which has application in the actual sodium processing of abroad, was adopted, and the experimental research was started aiming at establishment of the fundamental processig method when applying this in our country. Then, the sodium conversion test apparatus "SCOT" aiming at grasp of the basic reaction property of sodium and caustic soda, and the optimum specification determination of a sodium conversion processing system, was designed and fabricated. As a result of checking the system function of this apparatus and carrying out a small reaction test as a previously test run, the following findings and subjects of future were obtained. (1)In the functional test of each performance in this apparatus, the design performance was sufficiently satisfied on each function and controllability. (2)In the calibration test of a caustic soda concentration meter, the correlation data between ultrasonic velocity and caustic soda concentration as a function of caustic soda temperature was obtained in the condition range extended conventionally, and the calibration curve was proposed by multiple regression analysis. (3)In the reaction test which carries out very-small-quantity pouring of the sodium at caustic soda, the problem on the safety was not recognized a reaction phenomenon or a process behavior. However, some problems, such as fluctuation of the sodium flow meter indication by noise influence, plugging in the spray nozzle, and involvement atomizing gas in a caustic soda circulation line, were occurred in this test run. In the future, it will be coped with from both sides of the equipment modificatkm ...

Journal Articles


Kawasaki, Hirotsugu

Saikuru Kiko Giho, (8), p.29 - 39, 2000/09


JAEA Reports


; ; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Aoto, Kazumi

JNC TY9400 2000-010, 138 Pages, 2000/03



JAEA Reports

Damage evaluation of vessel model under thermal transient loading; Detection of damage by wavelet analysis for ultrasonic waveform

Kawasaki, Hirotsugu;

JNC TN9400 2000-018, 37 Pages, 2000/03


The damage evaluation for the vessel model on the cyclic thermal transient loading in sodium were performed by the ultrasonic detection method. The wavelet analysis that was an analysis method of the waveform was applied to detect the micro damage before a sign of the crack initiation. The time-frequency analysis by the wavelet transform was performed to evaluate the ultrasonic parameter for the micro damage. As the results, the ultrasonic echo was analyzed by some mother wavelet, and Gabor wavelet was reasonable. The analysis of ultrasonic echo by Gabor wavelet showed drop of the sound velocity at higher frequency than the peak frequency because of attenuation in the high frequency component. The difference of the peak frequency △fp between B1 and B2 echoes increased with the amount of damage, and △ fp was available as a parameter for the micro damage detection. The correlation between the sound velocity and the micro hardness for the amount of damage was also found, and each method suggested to available alternately. ln this study, it was indicated that an ultrasonic wave characteristic value that can detect damaged state before crack initiation was obtained from the wavelet analysis.

Journal Articles

Detection of Micro Cracks in a Model Structure under Thermal Transient Loading by Micro Indentation Test

Kawasaki, Hirotsugu

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Rombunshu, A, 66(642), p.355 - 360, 2000/02


JAEA Reports

Damage evaluation of structure model under thermal transient loading; Detection of micro crack by micro indentation test

Kawasaki, Hirotsugu

JNC TN9400 99-062, 50 Pages, 1999/03


In order to detect the micro damage of structural material on FBR plant, a basic study was performed. The micro hardness testing machine that was able to measure on a micro area was applied to detect of micro cracks on vessel model under the cyclic thermal transient with creep and fatigue. Micro hardness parameters by the micro indentation test were measured along depth of intergranular cracks from surface of the vessel. The results ware as follows. (1)The micro hardness parameters decreased in the region of intergranular cracks from surface of the vessel and increased near the crack tip in comparison with no crack region. (2)The micro hardness parameters near the grain boundary ware higher than that of the matrix on same grain. Then micro indenter testing method was applicable to detect a sign of micro crack generation. (3)The creep damage and/or fatigue damage will be able to find from the property of micro hardness parameters. Therefore the micro indention method would be applicable to the detection of micro cracks from a sign of the micro crack generation by measured the micro hardness of structural material.

JAEA Reports

Development of nondestructive techniques for micro-damages; Application of ultrasonic detection method for evaluation of creep-fatigue damage

Kawasaki, Hirotsugu

PNC TN9410 96-288, 32 Pages, 1996/10


In order to develop remaining life assessment of FBR plant, application of nondestructive detection for creep-fatigue damage are studied. To evaluate remaining life from early stage of life, nondestructive detection technology was needed to detect for micro-damage. So, the ultrasonic detection system generated burst wave-form which was used effective frequency analysis, was applied to evaluate damage for the specimen with pores imitated cavity which was creep-fatigue damage dominantly and the specimen of creep-fatigue damage. The feasibility for creep-fatigue damage detection and the estimation parameter for quantitative damage detection from bottom echo were evaluated. The results are as follows. (1)The ultrasonic detection were carried out for three types specimen with pores imitated cavity. It was found that ultrasonic velocity was not changed dearly for area fraction of pore below 10$$^{-5}$$. (2)The peak frequency of power spectrum on pore specimen's bottom echo was decreased with increasing area fraction of pore. In case of 50MHz sensor, the difference of peak frequency became more clear. (3)The ultrasonic detection was also carried out for several interrupted specimens under creep-fatigue loading. The peak frequency of power spectrum on creep-fatigue specimen's bottom echo was decreased with progressing creep-fatigue damage. (4)Area of Fourier frequency range as evaluation of damage parameter was decreased with increasing area fraction of pore and with progressing creep-fatigue damage, It was found that this parameter was evaluated for the difference of damage at the early stage of creep-fatigue life.

JAEA Reports

Development of nondestructive techniques for micro-damages; Measurement of ferrite quantity by barkhausen noise method

Sakamoto, Yoshihiko; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu

PNC TN9410 96-287, 40 Pages, 1996/10


For the establishment of life and residual life evalution method for FBR, the development of nondestructive technique by barkhausen noise (hereafter refferred to as BHN) method has been carried out as one of the method of detecting damages in materials nondestructively. In this study, two examinations using the specimens which contained various quantities of ferrite and which was SUS304 steel exposed in sodium was carried out by use of BHN system for the purpose of clarifying the relation between BHN and the ferrite quantity in austenite steel and investigating the possibility of detecting a ferrite layer in sodium exposed surface respectively. The results is as follows. (1)The values corresponding to the ferrite quantity was obtained by use of the parameter of the BHN maximum amplitude and the area of frequency band as a result of the examination using the specimens which the ferrite quantity was known such as Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel (F4 heat) or the standard specimen for ferritescope. (2)In the case of using the parameter of the BHN maximum amplitude, it was difficult to find ferrite below 10%, because the value of BHN maximum amplitude was as same as noise when no specimen was attached to the BHN sensor. In the case of using the parameter of the area of frequency band, ferrite below 10% could be detected as different values from the noise. (3)BHN was detected remarkably at a part in the specimen of SUS304 steel exposed in sodium. The ferrite layer caused by dissolution of Ni was observed in the region of a few micron depth from surface at this part. As a result, the BHN method is a effective method to detect a ferrite layer in a surface of materials.

Journal Articles

Creep-fatigue evaluation of normalized and tempered modified 9Cr$$cdot$$1Mo

Aoto, Kazumi; ; Ueno, Fumiyoshi; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Wada, Yusaku

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 153(1), p.97 - 110, 1994/12

 Times Cited Count:58 Percentile:96.45(Nuclear Science & Technology)


JAEA Reports

A Validation test planning of piping bellows expansion joint in experimental FBR 'JOYO'

Watashi, Katsumi; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; ; ; Tsukimori, Kazuyuki; ; Isozaki, Kazunori

PNC TN9410 92-131, 90 Pages, 1992/05


This report describes the summary of 'A validation Test Planning of Piping Bellows Expansion Joint in Experimental FBR "JOYO" '. The planning followed 'A Feasibility Study of Piping Bellows Expansion Joint' which had been completed at oarai Engineering Center of PNC. The planning of validation test is one activity of the First Sub-Committee of the PROFIT Committee. Under the First Sub-Committee, a working group was organized for constructing the varidation test program. The working group had considered meanings/objectives, methods, schedules, expected results and expenses of validation test using experimental FBR 'JOYO'. The output of the working group presented in this repot was reported to and deliberated in the First Sub-Committee, the PROFIT Committee and a Technical Stearing Comittee in Oarai Engineering Center. The last choice was made by the Technical Stearing Comittee to push forward with the plan.

JAEA Reports

Determination of 1991 interim standard values of design fatigue curve for Mod.9Cr-1Mo (NT) steel

; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Aoto, Kazumi; Yoshida, Eiichi; ;

PNC TN9410 92-089, 61 Pages, 1992/03


The allowable strain range $$varepsilon$$$$_{t}$$ of Mod.9Cr-1Mo (NT) steel has been substituted by that for 2-1/4Cr-1Mo (NT) steel in last version of material strength standard in 1989. Because of the a small amount of fatigue test data on Mod.9Cr-1Mo (NT) steel, it is difficult to determine the best fit curve and allowable strain range $$varepsilon$$$$_{t}$$ of Mod.9Cr-1Mo (NT) steel can be evaluated conservatively by the values of 2-1/4Cr-1Mo (NT) steel. Low-cycle fatigue tests by various strain rates and the high-cycle fatigue tests were carried out to determine the new best fit fatigue life equation of this material. In this report, the fatigue life equation of Mod.9Cr-1Mo (NT) steel is and the interim new version of allowable strain range is proposed. The obtained results are as follows, (1)In the best fit fatigue life equation of Mod.9Cr-1Mo (NT) steel the effects by both of the temperature and low strain rate should be considerd. As the analytical methods to consider these dependency in the fatigue life equation, the correlation to the fatigue properties of 2-1/4Cr-1Mo (NT) steel is examined. Some data fitting methods based on the fatigue equation for 2-1/4Cr-1Mo (NT) steel are tried and compared. One of these methods could give a good prediction for the fatigue properties of the Mod.9Cr-1Mo (NT) steel up to high cycle range. (2)The interim standard of allowable strain ranges A , B and C (for strain rate of 10$$^{-3}$$, 10$$^{-6}$$ and 10$$^{-8}$$ s $$^{-1}$$) for Mod.9Cr-1Mo (NT) steel could be proposed by the new best fit fatigue life equation. (3)The proposed allowable strain range at 375$$^{circ}$$C was compared to the present design fatiuge curve of low alloy steel of MITI Notice No501, and it was clarified that the fatigue strength of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel was too higher. The design fatigue curve for Mod.9Cr-1Mo (NT) steel will be revised to higher design value (twice for starin range at l0$$^{6}$$ cycles) than the present design fatigue curve of low alloy steel.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of Long Term Creep-Fatigue Life for Type 304 Stainless Steel

Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Ueno, Fumiyoshi; Aoto, Kazumi; Ichimiya, Masakazu; Wada, Yusaku

Zairyo, 41(4), p.1773 - 1778, 1992/00


JAEA Reports


Kimura, Hidetaka; ; ; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Aoto, Kazumi;

PNC TN9450 91-003, 28 Pages, 1991/03



Journal Articles


Aoto, Kazumi; ; Ueno, Fumiyoshi; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Wada, Yusaku

Dai-6-Kai Nichidoku Genshiryoku Kogaku Semina, , 


29 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)