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西野 紗樹; 岡田 純平; 渡邉 一樹; 古内 雄太; 横田 知; 矢田 祐士; 草加 翔太; 諸角 詩央里; 中村 芳信

JAEA-Technology 2023-011, 39 Pages, 2023/06




Formation of monolayer V$$_5$$Se$$_8$$ from multilayer VSe$$_2$$ films via V- and Se-desorption

角田 一樹; 日下 翔太郎*; 竹田 幸治; 小林 功佳*; 平原 徹*

Physical Review B, 106(19), p.195421_1 - 195421_7, 2022/11

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:19.44(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We systematically investigated the electronic properties of monolayer and multilayer vanadium selenide films grown with different conditions using in situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and first-principles calculations. We observed the band dispersions of pristine VSe$$_2$$ in a sample grown at substrate temperature ($$T_{rm sub}$$) of 250$$^{circ}$$C, while the significant modulations of the Se-derived bands can be seen at $$T_{rm sub}$$ = 380$$^{circ}$$C. For $$T_{rm sub}$$ = 420$$^{circ}$$C, we found that the V self-intercalated V$$_5$$Se$$_8$$ was formed. As a simple and convenient way, we also demonstrate that the monolayer V$$_5$$Se$$_8$$ can be fabricated by annealing from the multilayer VSe$$_2$$ film, and the possible formation mechanism is discussed. The establishment of the growth methods of V$$_5$$Se$$_8$$ film and verifying its electronic properties provide the substantial step for the creation of the 2D vDW heterostructures.


Fabrication of (Bi$$_2$$)$$_m$$(Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$)$$_n$$ superlattice films by Te desorption from a pristine Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$ film

日下 翔太郎*; 佐々木 泰祐*; 角田 一樹; 一ノ倉 聖*; 出田 真一郎*; 田中 清尚*; 宝野 和博*; 平原 徹*

Applied Physics Letters, 120(17), p.173102_1 - 173102_5, 2022/04

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:39.74(Physics, Applied)

We fabricated superlattice films composed of Bi$$_2$$ bilayers (BLs) and Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$ quintuple layers (QLs) by annealing pure Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$ films. It was found that Te desorbs from the QL to form the BL with an activation energy of 2.7 eV. Eventually two distinct stoichiometric phases were formed, Bi$$_1$$Te$$_1$$ (QL-BL-QL) and Bi$$_4$$Te$$_3$$ (QL-BL), as evidenced by scanning transmission emission microscopy measurements. The surface-state dispersion was measured with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and the topological nature of each sample is discussed. Our method offers a convenient and simple way to fabricate superlattice films with different topological properties.


Short-range magnetic interaction in a monolayer 1$$T$$-VSe$$_2$$ film revealed by element-specific X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

角田 一樹; 竹田 幸治; 日下 翔太郎*; 小林 功佳*; 平原 徹*

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 6(1), p.014006_1 - 014006_8, 2022/01

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:51.82(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Absence of ferromagnetism in MnBi$$_2$$Te$$_4$$/Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$ down to 6 K

深澤 拓朗*; 日下 翔太郎*; 角田 一樹; 橋爪 瑞葵*; 一ノ倉 聖*; 竹田 幸治; 出田 真一郎*; 田中 清尚*; 清水 亮太*; 一杉 太郎*; et al.

Physical Review B, 103(20), p.205405_1 - 205405_6, 2021/05

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:55.28(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We successfully fabricated a MnBi$$_2$$Te$$_4$$/Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$ heterostructure by incorporating Mn and Te inside the topmost quintuple layer of Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$, as unambiguously confirmed by LEED I-V scanning transmission electron microscopy measurements. The surface-state Dirac cone of the heterostructure showed little change compared to that of the pristine Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$ and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements showed that the system was paramagnetic down to 5.6 K. These results are in contrast to the previous works on related materials that showed magnetic order around 10 K as well as theoretical predictions and suggests the intricacy of the magnetic properties of two-dimensional van der Waals magnets.


Fabrication of a novel magnetic topological heterostructure and temperature evolution of its massive Dirac cone

平原 徹*; Otrokov, M. M.*; 佐々木 泰祐*; 角田 一樹*; 友弘 雄太*; 日下 翔太郎*; 奥山 裕磨*; 一ノ倉 聖*; 小林 正起*; 竹田 幸治; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 11, p.4821_1 - 4821_8, 2020/09

 被引用回数:47 パーセンタイル:92.16(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

We fabricate a novel magnetic topological heterostructure Mn$$_{4}$$Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{7}$$/Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$ where multiple magnetic layers are inserted into the topmost quintuple layer of the original topological insulator Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$. A massive Dirac cone (DC) with a gap of 40-75 meV at 16 K is observed. By tracing the temperature evolution, this gap is shown to gradually decrease with increasing temperature and a blunt transition from a massive to a massless DC occurs around 200-250 K. Magnetic measurements show that there are two distinct Mn components in the system that corresponds to the two heterostructures; MnBi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{4}$$/Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$ is paramagnetic at 6 K while Mn$$_{4}$$Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{7}$$/Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$ is ferromagnetic with a negative hysteresis (critical temperature 20 K). This novel heterostructure is potentially important for future device applications.



角田 一樹; 竹田 幸治; 日下 翔太郎*; 小林 功佳*; 平原 徹*

no journal, , 



東海再処理施設における工程洗浄,4; U溶液の取出し

大内 雅之; 佐本 寛孝; 岸 義之; 磯部 洋康; 安田 猛; 矢田 祐士; 鈴木 翔平; 所 颯; 草加 翔太; 荘司 渓汰

no journal, , 




角田 一樹; 日下 翔太郎*; 竹田 幸治; 小林 功佳*; 平原 徹*

no journal, , 

単層VSe$$_2$$は、2018年に室温以上のキュリー温度を有する強磁性体であることが報告された。一般に、超伝導や磁性を示す物質を薄膜化すると、その転移温度は低下する傾向にある。この経験則に対して単層VSe$$_2$$は、バルクは非磁性だが薄膜は強磁性という従来の磁性材料とは全く逆の性質を示す。しかし最近、単層VSe$$_2$$は6Kにおいても強磁性が発現しておらず、Vイオン間に短距離強磁性相互作用が存在する強磁性転移近傍の物質であることがX線磁気円二色性によって明らかにされている。また、これまでのVSe$$_2$$に関する先行研究は、主に単層膜の磁気状態、電子構造に焦点を当てたものがほとんどであり、膜厚や成長条件に依存した系統的な研究はほとんど行われていない。本研究では、HOPG基板上に単層から複数層のVSe$$_2$$薄膜を異なる基板温度で作成し、電子構造の変化を角度分解光電子分光と第一原理計算によって詳細に調べた。その結果、250$$^{circ}$$Cで成長した1MLから4MLの薄膜はVSe$$_2$$の計算結果と良い一致を示した。一方、420$$^{circ}$$Cで成長した薄膜は、1MLの時点でSe 4$$p$$に由来するホールバンドに変調が見られ、多層膜にするとV$$_5$$Se$$_8$$に変化することが明らかとなった。


Current status of Tokai Reprocessing Plant

草加 翔太

no journal, , 



東海再処理施設における工程洗浄,3; 低濃度のPu溶液の処理

柳橋 太; 長岡 真一; 磯部 洋康; 安田 猛; 矢田 祐士; 鈴木 翔平; 所 颯; 草加 翔太; 荘司 渓汰; 佐本 寛孝

no journal, , 



Short-range ferromagnetic interaction in a monolayer VSe$$_2$$ film revealed by element-specific X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

角田 一樹; 竹田 幸治; 日下 翔太郎*; 小林 功佳*; 平原 徹*

no journal, , 

Since the discovery of graphene, atomically thin two-dimensional van der Waals (2D vDW) materials have attracted a great deal of attention due to their rich properties. In 2018, the presence of the long-range ferromagnetic ordering in the monolayer VSe$$_2$$ was reported. Remarkably, the recorded Curie temperature of the monolayer VSe$$_2$$ film exceeded the room temperature. However, soon after the discovery of strong ferromagnetism, a number of controversial results emerged. In this work, we investigated the intrinsic magnetic properties and electronic structures of the monolayer and multilayer VSe$$_2$$ films by means of ARPES, first-principles calculations, and XMCD measurements. We succeeded in detecting a clear XMCD signal from the atomically thin VSe$$_2$$ films under a magnetic field. By manipulating the incidence angle of the X-ray, we were able to disentangle the in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic properties and found a strong magnetic anisotropy. Moreover, temperature-dependent XMCD revealed that there is no long-range ferromagnetic ordering even at 6 K, but short-range ferromagnetic interactions between vanadium ions exist in the two-dimensional plane.

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