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Koda, Yuya; Matsuno, Hiroki; Matsushima, Akira; Kubota, Shintaro; Toda, Keisuke; Nakamura, Yasuyuki
JAEA-Review 2024-003, 38 Pages, 2024/06
"Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center", in planning and carrying out our decommissioning technical development, organizes "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning" which consists of the members well-informed, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development which is opened domestic and international, as the central place in research and development base of Fukui prefecture, and to utilize the outcome in our decommissioning to the technical development effectively. This report consists of presentation paper are "The current status of Fugen decommissioning", "Regarding dismantling and decontamination of steam drums", "Knowledge of radiation management in dismantling contaminated equipment", "Achievements and considerations for identifying and separating contaminated parts of nonradioactive waste" and "Regarding technology development plans for nuclear reactor dismantling" which is presented in the 41st Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning.
Takiya, Hiroaki; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Matsushima, Akira; Matsuo, Hidehiko; Ishiyama, Masahiro; Aratani, Kenta; Tezuka, Masashi
JAEA-Technology 2020-001, 76 Pages, 2020/05
Advanced Thermal Reactor (ATR) FUGEN was operated for about 25 years, and now has been proceeding decommissioning after the approval of the decommissioning plan in Feb. 2008. The reactor, heavy water system and helium system are contaminated by tritium because of neutron absorption of heavy water, which is a moderator. Before dismantling these facilities, it is necessary to remove tritium from them for not only reducing the amount of tritium released to surrounding environment and the risk of internal exposure by tritium but also ensuring the workability. In first phase of decommissioning (Heavy Water and Other system Decontamination Period), tritium decontamination of the reactor, heavy water system and helium system started in 2008 and completed in 2018. This report shows the results of tritium decontamination of the reactor, heavy water system and helium system.
Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Matsushima, Akira; Nakajima, Yoshiaki
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2016/06
Advanced thermal reactor "FUGEN" is a heavy water-moderated boiling light water-cooled pressure tube-type reactor. Because tritium had been generated in the heavy water during the reactor operation, the heavy water system and helium system were contaminated by tritium. The chemical form of the tritium was water molecule in FUGEN. Air-through drying and vacuum drying were applied to the system drying, and it was demonstrated that both methods were effective for drying treatment of heavy water in system. Helium system, low-contamination and non inclusion, could finish the vacuum drying rapidly. However, Heavy water purification system needed long period for drying treatment. The result showed that it needed long period to dry up if the objects include the adsorbent of water such as alumina pellet, resin and silica gel. But it can be accelerated by replacement absorbed heavy water to light water from the result of drying treatment of the rotary type dehumidifier.
Kitamura, Koichi; Kutsuna, Hideki; Matsushima, Akira; Koda, Yuya; Iwai, Hiroki
Dekomisshoningu Giho, (51), p.2 - 10, 2015/04
Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center (herein after called as "FUGEN") obtained the approval of the decommissioning program on February 2008. FUGEN has been carrying out decommissioning works based on its decommissioning program since then. Now is in initial stage, the dismantling works was launched in turbine system whose contamination was relatively low level and their various data have been accumulating. And the draining heavy water, tritium decontamination and transferring of heavy water were carried out safely and reasonably. The preparation for the clearance system and the research and development works for the reactor core dismantling have been progressed steadily as well. Meanwhile, FUGEN has affiliation with local industries and universities for collaboration research, and has exchanged the decommissioning information with domestic and overseas organizations continuously.
Otani, Hiroshi; Matsushima, Akira; Mori, Naoto; Kutsuna, Hideki; Higashiura, Norikazu
JAEA-Review 2011-041, 55 Pages, 2012/01
In planning and carrying out decommissioning technical development of Fugen, "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning", which consists of the members well-informed, is established, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development which is opened inside and outside the country, as the central point in the energy research and development base making project of Fukui prefecture, and to utilize the outcome in our decommissioning to the technical development effectively. This report compiles presentation materials "Current Situation of Fugen Decommissioning", "Radioactive Corrosion Products Decontamination Experiment with using Heavy Water System Equipment", "Laser Cutting Test on Dust Behavior in Cutting Work in Air", "Preparatory Situation for Operation of Clearance System" of this committee.
Tezuka, Masashi; Mizui, Hiroyuki; Matsushima, Akira; Nakamura, Yasuyuki; Hayashi, Hirokazu; Sano, Kazuya; Nanko, Takashi; Morishita, Yoshitsugu
Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle; Sustainable Options & Industrial Perspectives (Global 2009) (CD-ROM), p.2815 - 2821, 2009/09
FUGEN is a proto-type heavy water moderated, boiling light water cooled, pressure tube type reactor with 165MWe and has been shut downed on Mar. 2003. Following the approval of decommissioning program in 2008, stage of FUGEN was changed to the decommissioning of the facilities. The program consists of following four periods; (1) Spent fuel transportation, (2) Periphery facilities dismantlement, (3) Reactor dismantlement and (4) Building demolition. It is expected that the whole decommissioning will be completed until 2028. As a part of the work in the spent fuel transportation period, the main steam system and the feeder water system etc. are being dismantled in the turbine building. The remaining tritium in the heavy water system is also being removed for facilitating the dismantlement of the heavy water system. Moreover, method on dismantlement of the reactor core is being studied with considering the process under the water for the radiation shielding and the dust suppression.
Ijima, Takashi; Matsushima, Akira; MORITA, Satoshi; Hochin, Koji
JNC TN4410 2004-004, 46 Pages, 2004/03
Kitabata, Takuya; Shimono, Kimihiro; sekiguchi, mineo; Matsushima, Akira
JNC TN4410 2003-004, 42 Pages, 2003/03
Kitamura, Koichi; Kitabata, Takuya; Matsushima, Akira
Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 78(12), p.1313 - 1318, 2002/12
Matsushima, Akira; ; ; ; ; ;
Saikuru Kiko Giho, (11), p.81 - 91, 2001/06
Matsushima, Akira
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Isomi, Kazuhiko; Matsushima, Akira; Nakayama, Tamotsu; Ishiyama, Masahiro; Nakamura, Yasuyuki
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Matsushima, Akira; Nakayama, Tamotsu; Soejima, Goro; Takiya, Hiroaki; Isomi, Kazuhiko
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Matsushima, Akira; Ishiyama, Masahiro; Matsuo, Hidehiko; Sato, Yuji
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Kitabata, Takuya; Matsushima, Akira; Kimura, Itsuro*
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A picture story on "Fast Reactor and its safety" was produced to explain the FBR severe accident effectively. The story was play by the women's member of the Fukui-ken ENE no Kai at the 7th Tsuruga International Forum (TIEF-7) at the Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center on November 20, 2010 held by JAEA.
Matsushima, Akira
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Ando, Koji; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Matsuo, Hidehiko; Yamane, Naoki; Matsushima, Akira
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Aratani, Kenta; Matsushima, Akira; Takiya, Hiroaki; Awatani, Yuto; Sasaki, Katsuya*; Maehata, Hidehiko*; Maruyama, Akira*
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Hayashi, Hirokazu; Matsushima, Akira; Nozaki, Tatsuo
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