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Kurihara, Osamu; Takada, Chie; Takasaki, Koji; Ito, Kimio; Momose, Takumaro; Miyabe, Kenjiro
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 127(1-4), p.411 - 414, 2007/11
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:46.35(Environmental Sciences)Practical action levels for beginning chelation therapy to remove plutonium in the body are now under discussion in Japan since there has been no experience in administrating agents to a subject in accidental intake in Japan although a first commercial reprocessing plant is about to start operation. Recently, International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) proposed some medical intervention levels for chelation therapy on ICRP Publication 96. These levels are determined based on internal dose however common monitoring methods such as lung counting or excreta analysis are not necessarily suitable in terms of both sensitivity and promptness. As an alternative, the authors paid attention to nose swabs and introduced the practical action levels.
Miyabe, Kenjiro
Hoshasen Bogo Iryo, (2), p.11 - 14, 2006/11
no abstracts in English
Furuta, Sadaaki; Miyabe, Kenjiro
Proceedings of 2nd Asian and Oceanic Congress Radiological Protection (AOCRP-2) (CD-ROM), p.928 - 932, 2006/10
In 1972, production of nuclear fuels for experimental fast breeder reactor "JOYO" started at MOX fuel fabrication facilities in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories of JAEA. And in 1977 Tokai reprocessing plant "TRP" was launched as the first nuclear reprocessing plant in Japan with a capacity of 0.7tU/day spent fuel, and successfully reprocessed 1,116tU fuel mainly spent by light water reactor up to March 2006. A lot of other nuclear facilities associated with them are located at the same Laboratories' site. A feature of radiation protection and its recent relevant researches at the Laboratories are described in this paper.
Miyabe, Kenjiro
Hoshasen Bogo Iryo, (1), p.24 - 27, 2005/11
no abstracts in English
Kanamori, Masashi; Kawata, Tomio; Hitoshi, Watanabe,; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Sugiyama, Toshihide; Miyabe, Kenjiro; Kobayashi, Hirohide
JNC TN8450 2003-009, 506 Pages, 2004/03
This paper describes all the activities that were executed by JNC related to JCO criticality accident on September 30,1999. During the JCO accident, the activities of radiation monitoring, environmental monitoring, criticality termination operation, computer simulation of criticality accident, whole body exposure measurements by WBC about 24-Na, back up of local government like consultation of residents near by were performed by JNC. After the accident Japanese government and Nuclear Safety Commission establishes the investigation committee of JCO accident. JNC has also back up this activity. For example, investigation of the causes, accident scenario, estimation of the doses of the workers and personnel for deserter, counter measure operation. This paper summarizes all the important activity executed by JNC in the meantime.
Takasaki, Koji; Miyabe, Kenjiro; Izumi, Yuichi*; Yasunaka, Hideo*; Miyabe, Kenjiro
Hoken Butsuri, 38(2), p.140 - 147, 2003/00
Kobayashi, Hirohide; ; ; Maruo, Yoshihiro; Miyabe, Kenjiro;
JNC TN8410 2002-006, 82 Pages, 2002/08
The stationary gaseous effluent monitor is equipment intended for continuously monitoring radioactivity in gaseous effluents released from the nuclear facilities. This monitor consists of sampling, detection and control assemblies. The sampling pump is a most integral part of the sampling assembly and required to be operated with an appropriate pressure to keep the continuous monitoring. However, in 1998, the failures of sampling pumps had successively occurred.This was due to the overload in pressure at the intake or the outlet. To prevent from the failures of sampling pumps, the overload characteristics and the mean time between failures (MTBF) were investigated. The following results were obtained. (1)The performance and tolerance tests with rapid increase of air pressure were carried out. The sampling pumps could withstand two or three times higher pressure than the regularly operating pressure during a few minutes. But, after that, the pump suddenly fell down by an over-current relay (OCR). (2)The MTBF were analyzed on the basis of the maintenance and repair records over a period from 1988 to 1998. The MTBF of a sampling pump were in the range from 7,600 to 35,500 hours. For a preventive maintenance, the consumption parts, such as a carbon blade and a bearing of rotor shaft, etc., should be replaced periodically.
Sanada, Yukihisa; Akiyama, Kiyomitsu; ; ; Miyabe, Kenjiro
JNC TN8410 2002-003, 75 Pages, 2002/07
Practical application of portable Ge detector was examined in radiation control at the reprocessing plant. Main purposes of the examination are, (1)estimation of radionuclides inventory by in-situ object counting system (ISOCS), and (2)acquisition of the gamma ray energy information which is necessary for dose estimation. At first waste box, analytical Jug, filter and lead container were measured. Then gamma spectrum was measured around glove box in Pu conversion development facility (PCDF). As a result, some aspects concerned about detection limit, distribution of point source and self-absorption by low energy gamma ray were clarified. Information on the gamma ray energy were obtained. Radiation control will become advanced by measurering a gamma ray spectrum by portable germanium detector.
Koarashi, Jun; Miyabe, Kenjiro; Mikami, Satoshi
The First Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection, 0 Pages, 2002/00
Miyabe, Kenjiro; Takasaki, Koji; Yasunaga, Hideo*; Izumi, Yuichi*
JNC TN8420 2000-007, 100 Pages, 2000/08
The commercial detergents, which are cleansing cream, shampoo, neutral detergent, etc., were examined in order to select the body cleaners that are substitutes for the titanium dioxide paste. JNC entrusted Japan Environment Research Corporation Limited with these examinations since 1997. In 1997 and 1998, the commercial detergents were examined for Ce-144, Cs-137 and Ru-106. In 1999, 22 detergents were examined for Co-60 from the result of the past examinations. In this examination, the radioactive solution of Co-60 was dropped on the pig-skin samples. These samples were washed with each detergent after 5 minutes and 40 minutes. The decontamination factors of detergents were estimated by the radioactive ratio of the samples before and after washing. As a result of this examination, the decontamination factors for Co-60 was the same as the decontamination factors for Ce-144 and Cs-137, and 11 detergents were nominated as the cleaner that have the decontamination factor more than that of titanium dioxide paste.
Miyabe, Kenjiro; ; ;
JNC TN8410 2000-001, 159 Pages, 1999/12
Vorious kind of radiation monitoring equipment are used in radiation controlled area at each facility of Tokai reprocessing plant. These equipments have been designed and constructed based on the users requirements, and permitted by governmental regulation office. And, design has been carried out in consideration of the adoption of the new technology and our operational experience. Then, it has been used effectively for the radiation control of the facilities. This report summarizes the technical requirements that should be taken into consideration in the design and installation of radiation monitoring equipments. These requirements are fundamentally applicable when the equipments of the new facilities will be designed or the present instruments will be replaced.
Miyabe, Kenjiro; Takasaki, Koji; ; Yasunaga, Hideo*; Izumi, Yuichi*
JNC TN8420 99-014, 145 Pages, 1999/04
Miyabe, Kenjiro; ; Takasaki, Koji; ; Yasunaga, Hideo*; Izumi, Yuichi*
JNC TN8420 99-013, 110 Pages, 1999/04