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Sakasegawa, Hideo; Nomura, Mitsuo; Sawayama, Kengo; Nakayama, Takuya; Yaita, Yumi*; Yonekawa, Hitoshi*; Kobayashi, Noboru*; Arima, Tatsumi*; Hiyama, Toshiaki*; Murata, Eiichi*
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 153, p.104396_1 - 104396_9, 2022/11
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)When dismantling centrifuges in uranium-enrichment facilities, decontamination techniques must be developed to remove uranium-contaminated surfaces of dismantled parts selectively. Dismantled uranium-contaminated parts can be disposed of as nonradioactive wastes or recycled after decontamination appropriate for clearance. previously, we developed a liquid decontamination technique using acidic electrolyzed water to remove uranium-contaminated surfaces. However, further developments are still needed for its actual application. Dismantled parts have various uranium-contaminated surface features due to varied operational conditions, inhomogeneous decontamination using iodine heptafluoride gas, and changes in long-term storage conditions after dismantling. Here, we performed liquid decontamination on specimens with varying uranium-contaminated surfaces cut from a centrifuge made of low-carbon steel. From the results, the liquid decontamination can effectively remove the uranium-contaminated surfaces, and radioactive concentrations fell below the target value within twenty minutes. Although the required time should also depend on dismantled parts' sizes and shapes in their actual application, we demonstrated that it could be an effective decontamination technique for uranium-contaminated steels of dismantled centrifuges.
Satoh, Daiki; Nakayama, Hiromasa; Furuta, Takuya; Yoshihiro, Tamotsu*; Sakamoto, Kensaku
PLOS ONE (Internet), 16(1), p.e0245932_1 - e0245932_26, 2021/01
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:23.22(Multidisciplinary Sciences)In this study, we developed a simulation code named SIBYL, which estimates external gamma-ray doses at ground level from radionuclides distributed nonuniformly in atmosphere and on ground. SIBYL can combine with the local-scale atmospheric dispersion model LOHDIM-LES, and calculate the dose distributions according to the map of the activity concentrations simulated by LOHDIM-LES. To apply the SIBYL code to emergency responses of nuclear accidents, the time-consuming three-dimensional radiation transport simulations were performed in advance using the general-purpose Monte Carlo code PHITS, and then the results were compiled to the database for the SIBYL's dose calculations. Moreover, SIBYL can consider the dose attenuation by obstacles and the changes of terrain elevations. To examine the accuracy of SIBYL, typical five cases including Kr emission from a ventilation shaft and
Cs dispersion inside urban area were investigated. The results of SIBYL agreed within 10% with those of PHITS at the most of target locations. Furthermore, the calculation speed was approximately 100 times faster than that of PHITS.
Nakayama, Takuya; Nomura, Mitsuo; Mita, Yutaka; Yonekawa, Hitoshi*; Bunbai, Misako*; Yaita, Yumi*; Murata, Eiichi*; Hosaka, Katsumi*; Sugitsue, Noritake
Proceedings of 2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2019) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2019/05
Clearance of contaminated metal is important for recycling and volume reduction of radioactive waste. Among applicable decontamination technologies, immersion method with ultrasonic cleaning is considered to be effective for metal materials having various shapes. in this study is to demonstrate decontamination of carbon steel contaminated by uranium hexafluoride to the target level for clearance (less than 0.04 Bq/cm), and minimize secondary waste. In this test, acidic electrolytic water, dilute hydrochloric acid, dilute sulfuric acid and ozone water with various pH and redox potential were used as decontamination solutions to be tested. We found that acidic electrolytic water is effective solution for decontamination of carbon steel contaminated by uranium hexafluoride. It could be decontaminate less than target level for clearance, and reduced secondary waste relatively.
Umezawa, Katsuhiro; Morimoto, Yasuyuki; Nakayama, Takuya; Nakagiri, Toshio
Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-27) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2019/05
In December 2016, the Ningyo-toge Environmental Engineering Center of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA Ningyo-toge) announced new concept of "Uranium and Environmental Research Platform". As part of the concept, uranium waste engineering research are now undergoing. The objective of the research is to establish the processing technology for safely and reasonable disposal of uranium waste. In particular, estimation of the amount of uranium and harmful substances and development of technologies to reduce their concentration in the waste to the permissive level for the disposal in shallow ground disposal are needed. We are now developing the technologies to reduce the concentration of uranium and harmful substances shown below. (1) Survey on uranium inventory. Uranium waste is now stored in 10-odd thousands of 200 L drums. We are surveying amount and chemical form of uranium in the drums. (2) Development of decontamination technology of metal and concrete waste. We are investigating decontamination methods for metals and concrete contaminated with uranium. (3) Development of technologies to remove, detoxify and fix the harmful substances. We are surveying the types and amounts of harmful substances in waste. In addition, we are investigating the method to remove, detoxify, and fix harmful substances. (4) Measurement technology of uranium radioactivity. We are investigating and examining ways to improve the quantitative accuracy of measurement and shorten the measurement time. (5) Development of uranium removal technology from sludge. We are investigating new processing method to remove uranium from sludge which is applicable for several kind of sludge. The results of these technological developments and environmental research will be reflected to "small-scale field test" and "disposal demonstration test" which are planned for demonstration of the uranium waste disposal technology.
Moro, Takuya*; Kim, J.*; Yamanaka, Satoru*; Murayama, Ichiro*; Kato, Takanori*; Nakayama, Tadachika*; Takeda, Masatoshi*; Yamada, Noboru*; Nishihata, Yasuo; Fukuda, Tatsuo; et al.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 768, p.22 - 27, 2018/11
Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:61.30(Chemistry, Physical)Nakayama, Takuya; Yagi, Naoto; Sato, Kazuhiko; Hinoda, Shingo; Nakagiri, Toshio; Morimoto, Yasuyuki; Umezawa, Katsuhiro; Sugitsue, Noritake
JAEA-Review 2018-005, 163 Pages, 2018/03
The Ningyo-toge Environmental Engineering Center of JAEA has been working together with local communities for more than 60 years. Through our R&D projects on from uranium exploration to uranium enrichment as a part of the nuclear fuel cycle (i.e., front-end), we have accumulated experiences in the fields of management of uranium related technology. Taking advantage of such our potential, we will start new R&D program on "Research on Uranium and the Environment". In December 2016 we announced our new concept of the "Uranium and Environmental Research Platform" as a framework aimed at contributing to regional and international society through R&D programs (environmental research and uranium waste engineering research) that are needed to steadily carry out decommissioning of uranium handling facilities.
Kawamura, Hideyuki; Furuno, Akiko; Kobayashi, Takuya; In, Teiji*; Nakayama, Tomoharu*; Ishikawa, Yoichi*; Miyazawa, Yasumasa*; Usui, Norihisa*
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 180, p.36 - 58, 2017/12
Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:35.07(Environmental Sciences)This study simulates the oceanic dispersion of Fukushima-derived Cs-137 by an oceanic dispersion model and multiple oceanic general circulation models. The models relatively well reproduced the observed Cs-137 concentrations in the coastal, offshore, and open oceans. Multiple simulations in the coastal, offshore, and open oceans consistently suggested that Cs-137 dispersed along the coast in the north-south direction during the first few months post-disaster, and were subsequently dispersed offshore by the Kuroshio Current and Kuroshio Extension. Quantification of the Cs-137 amounts suggested that Cs-137 actively dispersed from the coastal and offshore oceans to the open ocean, and from the surface layer to the deeper layers in the North Pacific.
Abe, Tomohisa; Shimazaki, Takejiro; Nakayama, Takuya; Osone, Osamu; Osugi, Takeshi; Nakazawa, Osamu; Yuri, Yosuke*; Yamada, Naoto*; Sato, Takahiro*
QST-M-2; QST Takasaki Annual Report 2015, P. 83, 2017/03
no abstracts in English
Hama, Katsuhiro; Sasao, Eiji; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Onoe, Hironori; Sato, Toshinori; Fujita, Tomoo; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Takeda, Masaki; Aoyagi, Kazuhei; et al.
JAEA-Review 2016-014, 274 Pages, 2016/08
We synthesized the research results from the Mizunami/Horonobe Underground Research Laboratories (URLs) and geo-stability projects in the second midterm research phase. This report can be used as a technical basis for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan/Regulator at each decision point from siting to beginning of disposal (Principal Investigation to Detailed Investigation Phase).
Hama, Katsuhiro; Mizuno, Takashi; Sasao, Eiji; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Sato, Toshinori; Fujita, Tomoo; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Yokota, Hideharu; et al.
JAEA-Research 2015-007, 269 Pages, 2015/08
We have synthesised the research results from Mizunami/Horonobe URLs and geo-stability projects in the second mid-term research phase. It could be used as technical bases for NUMO/Regulator in each decision point from sitting to beginning of disposal (Principal Investigation to Detailed Investigation Phase). High quality construction techniques and field investigation methods have been developed and implemented and these will be directly applicable to the National Disposal Program (along with general assessments of hazardous natural events and processes). It will be crucial to acquire technical knowledge on decisions of partial backfilling and final closure by actual field experiments in Mizunami/Horonobe URLs as main themes for the next phases.
Nakayama, Takuya; Kawato, Yoshimi; Osugi, Takeshi; Shimazaki, Takejiro; Hanada, Keiji; Suzuki, Shinji; Sakakibara, Tetsuro; Nakazawa, Osamu; Meguro, Yoshihiro
JAEA-Technology 2014-046, 56 Pages, 2015/03
The combustible and flame-retardant radioactive wastes generated as a result of the research activities in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) are incinerating to reduce their volume. The incinerated ash is planned to be solidified using cement for disposal. Since the properties of ashes generated in each institute of JAEA are varied with the type of incinerator and the wastes to be incinerated, it is necessary to do fundamental solidification tests in each institute to decide operating conditions of the planning cement solidification facility. It is important to standardize evaluating methods of cement and solidified waste because some characters depend on measuring method. This user's guide have been prepared how to decide the cement solidifying conditions of ash to design the cement solidification facility in JAEA. Requirements on the regulations of solidified radioactive waste have been examined and seven technical criteria, e.g. compressive strength, fluidity, have been selected as characters to be evaluated. Some empirical notes about selection of cement, admixtures, procedure on making a test piece, evaluation of expanding, compressive strength, solubility have been described. The strategy of tests and tips for finding optimized solidification condition has been summarized. Finally the example of optimized conditions satisfied the requirements and some problems to be solved have been described.
Nakayama, Takuya; Suzuki, Shinji; Hanada, Keiji; Tomioka, Osamu; Sato, Junya; Irisawa, Keita; Kato, Jun; Kawato, Yoshimi; Meguro, Yoshihiro
Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Cement-based Materials for Nuclear Wastes (NUWCEM 2014) (CD-ROM), 12 Pages, 2014/06
Nakayama, Masashi; Amano, Kenji; Tokiwa, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Yoichi; Oyama, Takuya; Amano, Yuki; Murakami, Hiroaki; Inagaki, Daisuke; Tsusaka, Kimikazu; Kondo, Keiji; et al.
JAEA-Review 2012-035, 63 Pages, 2012/09
The Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project is planned to extend over a period 20 years. The investigations will be conducted in three phases, namely "Phase 1: Surface-based investigations", "Phase 2: Construction Phase" (investigations during construction of the underground facilities) and "Phase 3: Operation phase"(research in the underground facilities). This report summarizes the results of the investigations for the 2011 fiscal year (2011/2012). The investigations, which are composed of "Geoscientific research" and "R&D on geological disposal technology", were carried out according to "Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project Investigation Program for the 2011 Fiscal year". The results of these investigations, along with the results which were obtained in other departments of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), are properly offered to the implementations and the safety regulations. For the sake of this, JAEA has proceeded with the project in collaboration with experts from domestic and overseas research organisations.
Kawamura, Hideyuki; Kobayashi, Takuya; Furuno, Akiko; In, Teiji*; Ishikawa, Yoichi*; Nakayama, Tomoharu*; Shima, Shigeki*; Awaji, Toshiyuki*
Reports of Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, (143), p.111 - 117, 2012/09
Because of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster, some radionuclides were released into the ocean from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. In response to this situation, numerical experiments were carried out at Japan Atomic Energy Agency using an oceanic dispersion model and an ocean general circulation model to estimate an effect of the radionuclides on marine environment. It was suggested that the radionuclides deposited from the atmosphere mainly in the middle of March after the disaster spread over a comparatively wide area of the Pacific Ocean east of Japan. On the other hand the radionuclides directly released into the ocean from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant were carried along the coast and then spread along the Kuroshio extension.
Kawamura, Hideyuki; Kobayashi, Takuya; Furuno, Akiko; In, Teiji*; Ishikawa, Yoichi*; Nakayama, Tomoharu*; Shima, Shigeki*; Awaji, Toshiyuki*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 48(11), p.1349 - 1356, 2011/11
Times Cited Count:188 Percentile:99.77(Nuclear Science & Technology)Numerical experiments were carried out to predict the spreading of I and
Cs released into the ocean due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant incident. Results in the numerical experiments were in good agreement with the concentrations of
I and
Cs in the monitoring data. It was suggested that the high
I concentration detected in the young lancefish caught off Kitaibaraki city was due to the deposition from the atmosphere. The numerical experiments suggest that the deposition of radionuclides released into the atmosphere in the middle March largely effected the concentrations of radionuclides east of Japan in the Pacific Ocean.
Kobayashi, Takuya; In, Teiji*; Ishikawa, Yoichi*; Kawamura, Hideyuki; Nakayama, Tomoharu*; Shima, Shigeki*; Awaji, Toshiyuki*; Togawa, Orihiko
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.682 - 687, 2011/10
When the reprocessing plant is in routine operation, radionuclides are released to the coastal ocean as scheduled. Released radionuclides migrate in the ocean by physical, chemical and biological processes. Thus, for environmental safety, it is important to understand the migration behavior due to routine releases of radionuclides to the coastal ocean from the reprocessing plant. A numerical simulation model system that consists of an ocean general circulation model and a particle random-walk model to describe the radionuclide migration behavior in Rokkasho coastal region has been developed. The particle random-walk model, SEA-GEARN, calculates the radionuclides migration in the ocean. The system has been applied to simulate the nowcast of Rokkasho coastal region in 2007 and hypothetical radionuclide release has been carried out.
Iwatsuki, Teruki; Sato, Haruo; Nohara, Tsuyoshi; Tanai, Kenji; Sugita, Yutaka; Amano, Kenji; Yabuuchi, Satoshi; Oyama, Takuya; Amano, Yuki; Yokota, Hideharu; et al.
JAEA-Research 2011-009, 73 Pages, 2011/06
The research and development plan in Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory are summarized according to the 2nd Midterm Plan till 2014 fiscal year of JAEA. In this midterm, galleries and the infrastructures for the research and development up to the depth of 350 m are constructed by Private Financial Initiative (PFI). Additionally Phase 3: Operation phase at the galleries begins in parallel to Phase 2: Construction phase. In these phases various research and development including collaboration with other institutes are conducted at the galleries. Generallic applicable techniques on the subject of the investigation of geological environment, facility construction in deep underground and the reliability of geological deposal are developed during the phase. The feasibility and reliance of various technologies concerning geological disposal is demonstrated by widely opening the outcome to the public in the society.
Kobayashi, Takuya; Togawa, Orihiko; Ito, Toshimichi; Otosaka, Shigeyoshi; Kawamura, Hideyuki; Hayashi, Keisuke*; Shima, Shigeki*; Nakayama, Tomoharu*; In, Teiji*
JAEA-Research 2009-040, 63 Pages, 2009/12
A spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant has the possibility of routine releases of liquid radioactive wastes from a discharge pipe to the off Shimokita region during its operations. Thus, for environmental safety, it is important to assess the migration processes of released radionuclides from the plant. Therefore, an ocean circulation prediction code and an oceanic radionuclides migration prediction code, which were developed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency, has been improved to describe the migration behavior of radionuclides in the off Shimokita region. Parameters on characteristics and dynamics of particulate materials in seawater have also been obtained in the study area for the adjustment and verification of the oceanic radionuclides migration prediction code. This report summarizes the primary results of the study which was carried out at the off Shimokita region from FY2003 to 2008.
Kobayashi, Takuya; In, Teiji*; Ishikawa, Yoichi*; Matsuura, Yasutaka*; Shima, Shigeki*; Nakayama, Tomoharu*; Awaji, Toshiyuki*; Kawamura, Hideyuki; Togawa, Orihiko
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 7(2), p.112 - 126, 2008/06
The radionuclides migration forecasting system in the off Shimokita region has been developed to predict the routine and accidental releases of liquid radioactive wastes during the operations of a spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Aomori prefecture, Japan. The results obtained from the case studies are as follows; (1) The ocean general circulation model by using the techniques of data assimilation and nesting reproduced well the flow pattern of a coastal area. (2) The estimated internal dose due to ingestion of marine products from hypothetical release of H was 0.45
Sv/y. (3) The results of hypothetical release of
Cs showed that about four percent of the whole deposited on the seabed after a 60-day calculation. The concentration of
Cs of hypothetical release from the off Shimokita region is the same or less than that of global fallout measured at the same area.
Umeda, Koji; Oi, Takao; Osawa, Hideaki; Oyama, Takuya; Oda, Chie; Kamei, Gento; Kuji, Masayoshi*; Kurosawa, Hideki; Kobayashi, Yasushi; Sasaki, Yasuo; et al.
JAEA-Review 2007-050, 82 Pages, 2007/12
This report shows the annual report which shows the summarized results and topic outline of each project on geological disposal technology in the fiscal year of 2006.