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Tough yet flexible superelastic alloys meet biomedical needs

Xu, X.*; 大平 拓実*; Xu, S.*; 平田 研二*; 大森 俊洋*; 植木 洸輔*; 上田 恭介*; 成島 尚之*; 長迫 実*; 貝沼 亮介*; et al.

Advanced Materials & Processes, 180(7), p.35 - 37, 2022/10

Metallic biomaterials are widely used to replace or support failing hard tissues due to excellent mechanical properties and high wear resistance, with demand increasing as the global population continues to age. It is widely accepted that successful metallic biomaterials should have good biocompatibility, high corrosion resistance, and strong wear resistance. In addition, a low Young's modulus similar to human bone is now recognized as another important factor, in order to avoid bone atrophy due to the stress shielding effect. While the Young's modulus of stainless steels and conventional fcc CoCr alloys is as high as 190-240 GPa, for $$beta$$-type Ti-base alloys it is generally in the range of 50-80 GPa. Young's modulus values are as low as 35 GPa for Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr, close to that of human bone at approximately 10-30 GPa. However, Ti-base alloys come with the compromise of low wear resistance. In fact, alloys that feature a low Young's modulus along with high wear resistance have been difficult to realize. This article explores the recently developed bcc CoCr-base alloy Co-Cr-Al-Si as a potential solution to these issues, i.e., the difficulty in combining a low Young's modulus with high wear resistance, and the challenge of realizing large superelastic strains.


Flexible and tough superelastic Co-Cr alloys for biomedical applications

大平 拓実*; Xu, S.*; 平田 研二*; Xu, X.*; 大森 俊洋*; 植木 洸輔*; 上田 恭介*; 成島 尚之*; 長迫 実*; Harjo, S.; et al.

Advanced Materials, 34(27), p.2202305_1 - 2202305_11, 2022/07

 被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:89.76(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

The demand for biomaterials has been increasing along with the increase in the population of elderly people worldwide. The mechanical properties and high wear resistance of metallic biomaterials makes them well-suited for use as substitutes or as support for damaged hard tissues. However, unless these biomaterials also have a low Young's modulus similar to that of human bones, bone atrophy inevitably occurs. Because a low Young's modulus is typically associated with poor wear resistance, it is difficult to realize a low Young's modulus and high wear resistance simultaneously. Also, the superelastic property of shape memory alloys makes them suitable for biomedical applications, like vascular stents and guide wires. However, due to the low recoverable strain of conventional biocompatible shape memory alloys, the demand for a new alloy system is high. The novel body-center-cubic cobalt-chromium-based alloys in this paper provide a solution to both of these problems. We believe our novel alloys are promising candidates for biomedical applications.


Pressure-induced structural changes in liquid III-V compounds

服部 高典; 多賀 尚仁*; 高杉 幸伸*; 木下 智裕*; 鳴島 崇*; 辻 和彦*; 亀卦川 卓美*

Photon Factory Activity Report 2005, Part A, p.42 - 43, 2006/11



BWR下部プレナム複雑構造物内ジェットブレイクアップ現象予測手法の開発,10; 複雑構造物がジェット微粒化物径に与える影響

成島 勇気*; 鈴木 貴行; 吉田 啓之; 金川 哲也*; 金子 暁子*; 阿部 豊*

no journal, , 

原子炉の廃炉や安全性向上のためには、炉心溶融を伴う事故時における溶融燃料ジェットの落下挙動を予測することが重要である。BWRは下部プレナム内に複雑構造物を有しており、それらがジェットの落下挙動に影響を及ぼすと考えられる。そこで、本研究グループでは溶融燃料の落下挙動を予測するための数値解析コードの開発を行っている。本研究では、解析コードの妥当性評価のための実験データの取得を目的とし、BWR下部プレナムを詳細に模擬したテスト部において透明流体の射出実験を行い、微粒化挙動の可視化計測を実施している。本報では、構造物が微粒化物径に与える影響を評価した。また、ノズル径, 流速, 模擬流体の物性値を変えて実験を行い、微粒化物径に関する既存の理論式、相関式と比較することで、複雑構造物内における微粒化物径の評価手法について検討する。


BWR下部プレナム複雑構造物内ジェットブレイクアップ現象予測手法の開発,15; 高解像度解析による単チャンネル内溶融物落下挙動の把握

鈴木 貴行; 吉田 啓之; 成島 勇気*; 金子 暁子*; 阿部 豊*

no journal, , 



BWR下部プレナム複雑構造物内ジェットブレイクアップ現象予測手法の開発,12; LIFによる複雑構造物内でのジェットブレイクアップ長さの評価

成島 勇気*; 阿部 豊*; 金子 暁子*; 金川 哲也*; 鈴木 貴行*; 吉田 啓之

no journal, , 




堀口 直樹; 吉田 啓之; 成島 勇気*; 上遠野 健一*

no journal, , 



軽水冷却高速炉の開発,4; 模擬サブチャンネル内詳細二相流シミュレーション

吉田 啓之; 永武 拓; 小野 綾子; 成島 勇気*; 上遠野 健一*

no journal, , 



Development of numerical simulation method for molten fuel falling behavior based on detailed two-phase analysis code TPFIT

鈴木 貴行; 吉田 啓之; 成島 勇気*; 金子 暁子*; 阿部 豊*

no journal, , 

In order to improve the safety of BWR, it is required to evaluate the behavior of the plant when a severe accident occurred as seen at Fukushima Daiichi NPPs. The behavior of molten core jet in the lower pressure vessel is one of the key phenomena affecting the progress of the severe accident. In the BWR lower plenum, the characteristics of molten core jet are affected by many complicated structures, such as CRGTs and so on. However, it is difficult to evaluate these effects on molten core jet experimentally. The objective of this study is to develop the evaluation method of the characteristics of molten core jet including the effects of the complicated structures in the BWR lower plenum. In this development, we are developing a simulation method to estimate the behavior of molten core jet falling down to the lower plenum of the BWR. The method has been developed based on interface tracking method code TPFIT. The TPFIT was applied to the numerical simulation of visualization jet breakup experiments performed at the University of Tsukuba. In the simulation, the center part of the experimental apparatus was modeled. In this paper, simulated results, including the effects of the complicated structures of jet breakup phenomena, are shown. In addition, the applicability of the modified TPFIT to the jet breakup phenomena is discussed by comparing numerical results with experimental results in detail.


BWR下部プレナム複雑構造物内ジェットブレイクアップ現象予測手法の開発,11; 詳細解析結果に基づくジェットブレイクアップ長さの検討

吉田 啓之; 成島 勇気*; 金子 暁子*; 阿部 豊*

no journal, , 


10 件中 1件目~10件目を表示
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