※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Numerical simulation of droplet entrainment and deposition phenomena in annular dispersed flow

堀口 直樹   ; 吉田 啓之  ; 成島 勇気*; 上遠野 健一*

Horiguchi, Naoki; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Narushima, Yuki*; Katono, Kenichi*


Droplet entrainment and deposition in annular dispersed flow are important phenomena to predict dryout phenomena. Many correlation equations have been proposed to determine the coefficients of entrainment and deposition, but the clarification of entrainment and deposition phenomena is an issue because of the complexity of them and the difficulty of experiments. Detailed numerical simulation is useful for it but requires validation using the correlation equations. In this presentation, we explain the results of the detailed numerical simulation of droplet entrainment and deposition phenomena in annular dispersed flow using TPFIT developed by JAEA and the comparison of the coefficients quantified from the numerical simulation data with the ones using the correlation equations.



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