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友田 陽*; 小嶋 真由美*; Harjo, S.; Gong, W.*; 佐藤 成男*; Ungr, T.*
Materials Science & Engineering A, 743, p.32 - 39, 2019/01
被引用回数:31 パーセンタイル:82.26(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)Heterogeneous plastic deformation behavior of oriented individual grains-family with respect to the tensile direction in austenitic steels was studied using electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) and neutron diffraction (ND) measurements. The kernel averaged misorientation value determined by EBSD for a plastically deformed specimen was different in grain to grain, suggesting different dislocation densities. Such insights obtained from the surface observations with EBSD were quantitatively evaluated as bulk-averaged data using ND. The convolutional multiple whole profile fitting (CMWP) for ND profiles has revealed different dislocation densities in oriented grains-families, showing good coincidence with the EBSD results in trend.
徐 平光; Harjo, S.; 小島 真由美*; 鈴木 裕士; 伊藤 崇芳*; Gong, W.; Vogel, S. C.*; 井上 純哉*; 友田 陽*; 相澤 一也; et al.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 51(3), p.746 - 760, 2018/06
被引用回数:28 パーセンタイル:90.40(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Neutron diffraction texture measurements provide bulk textures with excellent grain statistics even for large grained materials, together with the crystallographic parameters and microstructure information such as phase fractions, coherent crystallite size, root mean square microstrain, macroscopic/intergranular stress/strain. The procedure for high stereographic resolution texture and residual stress evaluation was established at the TAKUMI engineering materials diffractometer. The pole figure evaluation of a limestone standard sample with a trigonal crystal structure suggested that the obtained precision for texture measurement is comparable with the oversea well-established neutron beam lines utilized for texture measurements. A high strength martensite-austenite multilayered steel was employed for further verification of the reliability of simultaneous Rietveld analysis of multiphase textures and macro stress tensors. By using a geometric mean micro-mechanical model, the macro stress tensor analysis with a plane stress assumption showed a RD-TD in-plane compressive stress (about -330 MPa) in martensite layers and a RD-TD in-plane tensile stress (about 320 MPa) in austenite layers. The phase stress partitioning was ascribed to the additive effect of volume expansion during martensite transformation and the linear contraction misfit during water quenching.
小島 真由美*; 城 鮎美*; 鈴木 裕士; 井上 純哉*; 菖蒲 敬久; 徐 平光; 秋田 貢一; 南部 将一*; 小関 敏彦*
材料, 66(6), p.420 - 426, 2017/06
The strain distribution in a multilayered steel composite, which consists of martensite and austenite layers, was evaluated by energy dispersive X-ray diffraction to investigate the homogeneity of deformation in the martensite layer under uniaxial loading. A dog-bone shape specimen with a martensite layer with 0.2 mm in a thickness, sandwiching by austenite layers with 0.4 mm in thickness, was utilized in this study. A change in strains as a function of tensile loading was measured at the center of the martensite layer as well as near the interface between the martensite and austenite layers. Furthermore, the residual strain distributions were measured in the martensite layer of the unloaded specimens after different applied strains. As a result, slight inhomogeneous deformation was found at the beginning of the plastic deformation in the martensite layer although no local deformation was recognized even near the interface between austenite and martensite layers. After further deformation, mismatch of plastic deformation between austenite and martensite layers was reduced, and the martensite layer deformed homogeneously. Therefore, an unstable interface phenomenon might not be caused by the intrinsic factors with a mesoscopic scale discussed in this experiment.
小島 真由美*; 井上 純哉*; 南部 将一*; 徐 平光; 秋田 貢一; 鈴木 裕士; 小関 敏彦*
Scripta Materialia, 66(3-4), p.139 - 142, 2012/02
被引用回数:90 パーセンタイル:95.86(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)Stress partitioning in multilayered steels consisting of martensitic and austenitic layers was measured during tensile deformation by in situ neutron diffraction measurements to investigate the mechanism of improved strength-elongation combinations. The deformation mode can be classified into three stages, and the results indicated that the applied stress is effectively transferred to the martensitic phase, because no stress concentration sites exist, owing to the multilayered structure. Hence, even as-quenched martensite deformed uniformly, resulting in improved strength-elongation balance in multilayered steels.
小島 真由美*; 井上 純哉*; 安藤 風花*; 南部 将一*; 小関 敏彦*; 徐 平光; 城 鮎美; 秋田 貢一; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 裕士
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徐 平光; Harjo, S.; 小島 真由美*; 伊藤 崇芳*; Gong, W.*; 鈴木 裕士; 秋田 貢一; 井上 純哉*; 友田 陽*; 相澤 一也
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The neutron diffraction technical environment for high stereographic resolution texture and residual stress combined evaluation was established at TAKUMI engineering materials diffractometer through proper neutron detector panel-region division. The pole figure evaluation of an limestone standard sample with a trigonal structure suggested that the texture measurement precision is comparable with that of the established neutron beamlines utilized for texture measurement, such as the HIPPO diffractometer at LANL and the D20 angle-dispersive neutron diffractometer at ILL. The martensite-austenite multilayered steel sheets were employed to further examine the reliability of simultaneous Rietveld analysis of the multiphase textures and the macro stress tensors. By using the BulkPathGEO micro-mechanical model, the macroscopic stress tensor analysis with a plane stress assumption confirmed a RD-TD in-plane compressive stress distribution in martensite layers and a RD-TD in-plane tensile stress distribution in austenite layers at a stress balance within 20 MPa. The phase stress partitioning at a stress level of 300 MPa was ascribed mainly to the additive effect of the volume expansion during martensite transformation and the linear contraction misfit between austenite layers and newly transformed martensite layers during the water quenching process.
徐 平光; 秋田 貢一; 鈴木 裕士; 小島 真由美*; 井上 純哉*; 南部 将一*; Vogel, S. C.*; 小関 敏彦*
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As-quenched martensite is of low ductility and generally not suitable for direct usage as an important sheet structural material. By using the sandwich-type structure alternatively with martensite steel layer and austenite steel layer, the multilayered steel composite after hot rolling, cold rolling and short-time solid solution treatment was reported to possess good strength-ductility balance. In order to evaluate the plastic deformation characteristics of martensite, the neutron diffraction techniques were here employed to investigate the evolution of the residual strain, the bulk texture and the deformation induced martensite transformation after uniaxial tensile deformation of SUS301/420J2 multilayered steel composite at different engineering strains. The neutron diffraction studies finally suggests that the martensite ductility improvement is mostly related to the sandwich-type multiphase layer structure and partially related to the enhancement of work-hardening ability of martensite through the deformation induced martensite transformation from austenite.
小島 真由美*; 井上 純哉*; 南部 将一*; 小関 敏彦*; 徐 平光; 秋田 貢一; 鈴木 裕士
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近年、鋼の強度-延性バランス向上の目的で組織の複合化が進められてきた。小関らは焼入れのままマルテンサイト 鋼板とオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼板を積層し板厚や界面強度を制御した複層鋼板を作製することで顕著な力学的特性の向上を実現した(最大強度1.2GPa以上 破断伸び20%以上)。また、単体では5%程度の伸びに限定されたマルテンサイト鋼にも十分な塑性変形が生じていることを走査型電子顕微鏡によるすべり帯観察や局所的塑性ひずみ測定によって確認している。しかし、硬質層と軟質層間の応力分配については未検討であり、積層形状が鋼の変形に及ぼす影響については必ずしも明らかになっていない。そこで本研究では変形中その場中性子回折法を用いて異なる組織ごとの内部応力を変形中にモニタリングし複層鋼板の応力分配挙動を測定することとした。低応力域では軟質のオーステナイト組織が先に降伏し硬質のマルテンサイト組織は応力を担うのに対し、高応力域ではマルテンサイト組織も降伏すると同時にオーステナイト組織も転位強化され応力を担い始めることを示した。
徐 平光; 秋田 貢一; 鈴木 裕士; 小島 真由美*; 南部 将一*; 井上 純哉*; 小関 敏彦*
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As-quenched martensite is of low ductility and generally not suitable for direct usage as an important sheet structural material. By using the sandwich-type structure, the multilayered steel composite was reported to possess good strength-ductility balance. In order to evaluate the plastic deformation characteristics of martensite, the angle dispersive neutron diffraction technique was here employed to investigate the residual strain and texture evolution after uniaxial tensile deformation of SUS301/420J2 multilayered steel composite. It is found that the evident plastic deformation occurred in martensite. The tensile residual strain occurred in martensite both along tensile and transverse directions of multilayered steel composite. The change in integrated intensity shows that the martensite ductility improvement is partially related to the enhancement of work-hardening ability of martensite through the deformation induced martensite transformation from austenite.
岩田 景子; 高見澤 悠; 西山 裕孝; 下山 巖; 岡本 芳浩; 岩瀬 彰宏*; 小島 啓*; 眞弓 蓮*
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岩田 景子; 高見澤 悠; 河 侑成; 岡本 芳浩; 下山 巖; 小島 啓*; 眞弓 蓮*; 岩瀬 彰宏*; 永井 康介*; 西山 裕孝
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徐 平光; 小島 真由美*; 鈴木 裕士; 南部 将一*; 井上 純哉*; 小貫 祐介*; Harjo, S.; 秋田 貢一
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Bulk textures of austenite/nickel/martensite/nickel/austenite multilayered steel and monolithic martensite steel after uniaxial extension were off-line measured using time-of-flight neutron diffraction texture measurement and Rietveld texture analysis techniques. The martensite layer containing {111}112 initial component exhibited certain {111}hkl-fiber orientation splitting characteristics during 510% extension, then such transient splitting texture components reoriented into {111}110 component after 15% extension. The comparison with ferrite texture evolutions in ferrite-austenite multilayered steel and ferrite monolithic steel revealed that above orientation splitting is related to the multiphase interlayer constraint and the phase stress partitioning between martensite and austenite.
城 鮎美; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 裕士; 小島 真由美*; 南部 将一*; 井上 純哉*
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小島 真由美*; 井上 純哉*; 南部 将一*; 小関 敏彦*; 徐 平光; 秋田 貢一; 鈴木 裕士; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美; Zhang, S.
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徐 平光; 小島 真由美*; 井上 純哉*; 城 鮎美; 秋田 貢一; 南部 将一*; 鈴木 裕士; Harjo, S.; Gong, W.; 友田 陽; et al.
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Monolithic low carbon martensite steel is rarely applied as an important structural sheet material because of its very low tensile ductility. Recently, some austenite-martensite multiphase steels with proper multilayer structure design have been found to possess a high uniform elongation similar to the commercial high strength steel sheets (such as DP590) even at a double tensile strength. It is valuable to clarify why the martensite in the multiphase multilayer condition may approach a much higher ductility than that in the monolithic condition through high statistical texture measurement. The monolithic martensite during uniform deformation shows similar deformation characteristic to the monolithic ferrite in IF steel. However, for the martensite in multiphase multilayered condition, it is found that the main crystallographic orientation of martensite layer from {111}112 component at 0% tensile strain rotated to {111}110 component at 15% tensile strain through the transition of {556}1-75+{221}01-2 split texture components. It suggested that the inter-layer constraint in multiphase multilayered steel induced such difference in martensite during tensile deformation, which finally resulted into much higher elongation than the monolithic martensite steel.