Strain and texture evaluation of multilayered steel after tensile deformation
徐 平光
; 秋田 貢一; 鈴木 裕士
; 小島 真由美*; 井上 純哉*; 南部 将一*; Vogel, S. C.*; 小関 敏彦*
Xu, P. G.; Akita, Koichi; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Ojima, Mayumi*; Inoue, Junya*; Nambu, Shoichi*; Vogel, S. C.*; Koseki, Toshihiko*
As-quenched martensite is of low ductility and generally not suitable for direct usage as an important sheet structural material. By using the sandwich-type structure alternatively with martensite steel layer and austenite steel layer, the multilayered steel composite after hot rolling, cold rolling and short-time solid solution treatment was reported to possess good strength-ductility balance. In order to evaluate the plastic deformation characteristics of martensite, the neutron diffraction techniques were here employed to investigate the evolution of the residual strain, the bulk texture and the deformation induced martensite transformation after uniaxial tensile deformation of SUS301/420J2 multilayered steel composite at different engineering strains. The neutron diffraction studies finally suggests that the martensite ductility improvement is mostly related to the sandwich-type multiphase layer structure and partially related to the enhancement of work-hardening ability of martensite through the deformation induced martensite transformation from austenite.