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Journal Articles

Ground-state phase diagram of an anisotropic S=1/2 ladder with alternating rung interactions

Tonegawa, Takashi*; Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Hikihara, Toshiya*; Sakai, Toru

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 683(1), p.012039_1 - 012039_7, 2016/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:69.63(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Employing mainly numerical methods, we explore the ground-state phase diagram of an anisotropic S=1/2 ladder, in which leg interactions are uniform and isotropic, while rung interactions are alternating and have a common Ising-type anisotropy. We determine the phase diagrams in some typical cases.

Journal Articles

Effect of monomer-monomer interactions on the phase diagrams of the S=1/2 distorted diamond type quantum spin chain

Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Tonegawa, Takashi*; Sakai, Toru

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 683(1), p.012038_1 - 012038_6, 2016/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:69.63(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

By use of mainly the exact diagonalization and the level spectroscopy method, we investigate the ground-state phase diagrams of the S=1/2 distorted diamond type quantum spin chain with the monomer-monomer interactions and ferromagnetic interactions. The magnetization plateau at 1/3 of the saturation magnetization was revealed to vanish in the region where the ferromagnetic interaction is rather strong.

JAEA Reports

Annual report of Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center (April 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014)

Sato, Takeshi; Muto, Shigeo; Akiyama, Kiyomitsu; Aoki, Kazufumi; Okamoto, Akiko; Kawakami, Takeshi; Kume, Nobuhide; Nakanishi, Chika; Koie, Masahiro; Kawamata, Hiroyuki; et al.

JAEA-Review 2014-048, 69 Pages, 2015/02


JAEA was assigned as a designated public institution under the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act and under the Armed Attack Situations Response Act. Based on these Acts, the JAEA has the responsibility of providing technical support to the national government and/or local governments in case of disaster responses or response in the event of a military attack, etc. In order to fulfill the tasks, the JAEA has established the Emergency Action Plan and the Civil Protection Action Plan. In case of a nuclear emergency, NEAT dispatches specialists of JAEA, supplies the national government and local governments with emergency equipment and materials, and gives technical advice and information. In normal time, NEAT provides various exercises and training courses concerning nuclear disaster prevention to those personnel taking an active part in emergency response institutions of the national and local governments, police, fire fighters, self-defense forces, etc. in addition to the JAEA itself. The NEAT also researches nuclear disaster preparedness and response, and cooperates with international organizations. In the FY2013, the NEAT accomplished the following tasks: (1) Technical support activities as a designated public institution in cooperation with the national and local governments, etc. (2) Human resource development, exercise and training of nuclear emergency response personnel for the national and local governments, etc. (3) Researches on nuclear disaster preparedness and response, and sending useful information (4) International contributions to Asian countries on nuclear disaster preparedness and response in collaboration with the international organizations

Journal Articles

Edge modes in the intermediate-D and large-D phases of the S=2 quantum spin chain with XXZ and on-site anisotropies

Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Tonegawa, Takashi*; Sakai, Toru; Kaburagi, Makoto*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 3, p.014022_1 - 014022_7, 2014/06

The S=2 quantum spin chain with the XXZ anisotropy and the on-site anisotropy is investigated by the numerical diagonalization and density matrix renormalization group analysis. As a result, it was found that an edge mode appears in the intermediate-D phase, while not in the large-D phase.

Journal Articles

Exotic magnetism of the quantum spin nanotubes

Sakai, Toru; Okamoto, Kiyomi*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 2, p.010208_1 - 010208_4, 2014/03

The magnetism of the S=1/2 quantum spin nanotube is investigated by the numerical diagonalization and phenomenological renormalization. As a result, it was found that a novel quantum phase transition occurs between the gapped and gapless phases, with respect to the anisotropy.

Journal Articles

Exotic quantum phenomena of the spin nanotubes

Sakai, Toru; Okamoto, Kiyomi*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 1, p.012025_1 - 012025_4, 2014/03

The spin nanotubes are theoretically investigated by the numerical diagonalization and the density matrix renormalization group calculation. As a result, it is found that a quantum phase transition from the spin gapped to the gapless phases is induced by the lattice distortion. We also discuss about a possible superconductivity induced by the chirality degrees of freedom.

JAEA Reports

Annual report of Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center (April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

Sato, Takeshi; Muto, Shigeo; Okuno, Hiroshi; Katagiri, Hiromi; Akiyama, Kiyomitsu; Okamoto, Akiko; Koie, Masahiro; Ikeda, Takeshi; Nemotochi, Toshimasa; Saito, Toru; et al.

JAEA-Review 2013-046, 65 Pages, 2014/02


When a nuclear emergency occurs in Japan, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has the responsibility of providing technical support to the National government, local governments, police, fire stations and nuclear operators etc., because the JAEA has been designated as the Designated Public Institution under the Basic Act on Disaster Control Measures and the Act on Response to Armed Attack Situations, etc.. The Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center (NEAT) of JAEA provides a comprehensive range of technical support activities to an Off-Site Center in case of a nuclear emergency. Specifically, NEAT gives technical advice and information, dispatches specialists as required, and supplies the National Government and local governments with emergency equipments and materials. NEAT provides various exercise and training courses concerning nuclear disaster prevention to those personnel taking an active part in emergency response organizations at normal times. The tasks of NEAT, with its past experiences as a designated public institution including the responses to TEPCO's Fukushima Accident, have been shifted to technical supports to the national government for strengthening its abilities to emergency responses; the NEAT therefore focused on maintenance and operation of its functions, and strengthening its response abilities in cooperation with the national government. This annual report summarized these activities of JAEA/NEAT in the fiscal year 2012.

Journal Articles

Haldane, large-$$D$$ and intermediate-$$D$$ states in an $$S$$=2 quantum spin chain with on-site and $$XXZ$$ anisotropies

Tonegawa, Takashi*; Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Nakano, Hiroki*; Sakai, Toru; Nomura, Kiyohide*; Kaburagi, Makoto*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 80(4), p.043001_1 - 043001_4, 2011/04

 Times Cited Count:37 Percentile:82.17(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Using mainly numerical method, we investigate the ground-state phase diagram of the $$S$$=2 quantum spin chain with on-site and $$XXZ$$ anisotropies. As a result we found a new phase between the well-known Haldane phase and the large-$$D$$ phase. The precise phase diagram is presented by the level spectroscopy method.

Journal Articles

Magnetization plateau of the quantum spin nanotube

Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Sato, Masahiro*; Okunishi, Koichi*; Sakai, Toru; Itoi, Chigaku*

Physica E, 43(3), p.769 - 772, 2011/01

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:25.21(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

The magnetization process of the 3-leg quantum spin nanotube is investigated by the numerical diagonalization of finite-size clusters and the density matrix renormalization group method. It is found that the magnetization plateau appears at 1/3 of the saturation magnetization for sufficiently large interchain coupling. In addition we find that in the presence of asymmetric lattice distortion, there are two different mechanisms of the magnetization plateau formation. We also successfully present a phase diagram of the magnetization plateau.

Journal Articles

Quantum spin nanotubes; Frustration, competing orders and criticalities

Sakai, Toru; Sato, Masahiro*; Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Okunishi, Koichi*; Itoi, Chigaku*

Journal of Physics; Condensed Matter, 22(40), p.403201_1 - 403201_13, 2010/10

 Times Cited Count:36 Percentile:40.03(Physics, Condensed Matter)

Recent developments of theoretical studies on spin nanotubes are reviewed, especially focusing on the S=1/2 three-leg spin tube. In contrast to the three-leg spin ladder, the tube has a spin gap in case of the regular-triangle unit cell when the rung interaction is sufficiently large. The effective theory based on the Hubbard Hamiltonian indicates a quantum phase transition to the gapless spin liquid due to the lattice distortion to an isosceles triangle. This is also supported by the numerical diagonalization and the density matrix renormalization group analyses. Furthermore, combining analytical and numerical approaches, we reveal several novel magnetic-field-induced phenomena: N$'e$el, dimer, chiral and/or inhomogeneous orders, new mechanism for the magnetization plateau formation, and others. The recently synthesized spin tube materials are also briefly introduced.

Journal Articles

Field induced exotic phenomena of the S=1/2 three-leg quantum spin nanotube

Sakai, Toru; Okunishi, Koichi*; Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Itoi, Chigaku*; Sato, Masahiro*

Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 159(1-2), p.55 - 59, 2010/04

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:37.32(Physics, Applied)

The numerical study on the S=1/2 three-leg spin nanotube using the exact diagonalization and the density matrix renormalization group method indicated that the 1/3 magnetization plateau appears for sufficently large rung interaction caused by two different mechanisms, depending on the asymmetry.

Journal Articles

Field-induced nematic phase in the spin ladder system with easy-axis anisotropy

Sakai, Toru; Tonegawa, Takashi*; Okamoto, Kiyomi*

Physica Status Solidi (B), 247(3), p.583 - 585, 2010/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:21.87(Physics, Condensed Matter)

The spin ladder system with the easy-axis anisotropy in magnetic field is theoretically investigated using the numerically exact diagonalization, the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and the finite-size scaling analysis. It is found that the field-induced nematic phase appears above the critical field. In addition, there exists another critical field at which the quantum phase transition from the nematic phase to the conventional field-induced Tomonaga- Luttinger liquid phase occurs. The phase diagram on the coupling anisotropy versus magnetization plane is given by the numerical diagonalization. Furthermore, a typical magnetization curve calculated by the DMRG is presented.

Journal Articles

Magnetization process of the S=1/2 distorted diamond spin chain with the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction

Sakai, Toru; Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Tonegawa, Takashi*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 200, p.022052_1 - 022052_4, 2010/02

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:80.26(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The distorted diamond chain has attracted a lot of interest, since the compound Cu$$_3$$(CO$$_3$$)$$_2$$(OH)$$_2$$, so-called azurite, was revealed to be a good candidate for this system. Although several theoretical studies were performed, the strong anisotropy observed in the magnetization measurement of azurite has not been explained very well. To solve the mechanism of this anisotropy, we introduce the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction suitable for the crystal symmetry of azurite. The numerical diagonalization study on this realistic model indicates that the anisotropy in the experimental magnetization curve would be reproduced with sufficiently large DM interaction.

Journal Articles

Two-step quantum spin flop transition in spin ladders

Sakai, Toru; Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Tonegawa, Takashi*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 150, p.042169_1 - 042169_4, 2009/03

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:74.06(Thermodynamics)

The magnetization process of the spin ladder systems with ferromagnetic rung exchange interaction is theoretically investigated using the numerical exact diagonalization and the finite-size scaling technique. It is found that with some easy-axis anisotropy the system would exhibit a new two-step spin flop transition induced by an external magnetic field.

Journal Articles

Field-induced incommensurate order and possible supersolid in the S=1/2 frustrated diamond chain

Sakai, Toru; Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Tonegawa, Takashi*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 145, p.012065_1 - 012065_4, 2009/01

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:55.43(Physics, Condensed Matter)

The magnetization process of the S=1/2 distorted diamond spin chain is investigated by the numerical exact diagonalization and the finite-size scaling analysis. It is found that the system exhibits a field-induced incommensurate order close to the magnetization plateau at 1/3 of the saturation magnetization. Possible realization of the supersolid will be also discussed.

Journal Articles

Quantum phase transitions of the asymmetric three-leg spin tube

Sakai, Toru; Sato, Masahiro*; Okunishi, Koichi*; Otsuka, Yuichi*; Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Itoi, Chigaku*

Physical Review B, 78(18), p.184415_1 - 184415_11, 2008/11

 Times Cited Count:48 Percentile:83.48(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We investigate quantum phase transitions of the S = $$frac{1}{2}$$ three-leg antiferromagnetic spin tube with asymmetric inter-chain (rung) exchange interactions. On the basis of the electron tube system, we propose a useful effective theory to give the global phase diagram of the asymmetric spin tube. In addition, using other effective theories we raise the reliability of the phase diagram. The density-matrix renormalization-group and the numerical diagonalization analyses show that the finite spin gap appears in a narrow region around the rung-symmetric line.

Journal Articles

One-third magnetization plateau in an anisotropic (${it S,S'}$)=(1,2) spin-alternating chain

Tonegawa, Takashi*; Sakai, Toru; Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Kaburagi, Makoto*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 76(12), p.124701_1 - 124701_8, 2007/12

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:41.57(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Applying the numerical diagonalization and the density matrix renormalization for the (1,2) spin alternating chain, we found two different mechanisms of the 1/3 magnetization plateau formation depending on the anisotropy and presented the phase diagram of the mechanisms of 1/3 plateau.

Journal Articles

Quantum spin flop transition in nanowire ferrimagnets

Sakai, Toru; Okamoto, Kiyomi*; Tonegawa, Takashi*

Physica E, 40(2), p.359 - 362, 2007/12

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.68(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

The study by the numerical diagonalization and finite-size scaling revealed that the spin 1 and 2 alternating nanowire magnet exhibits a new quantum spin flop transition between two different Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids.

Journal Articles

Field-induced incommensurate order in frustrated spin ladder

Sakai, Toru; Okamoto, Kiyomi*

Journal of Physics; Condensed Matter, 19(14), p.145231_1 - 145231_5, 2007/04

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.68(Physics, Condensed Matter)

The $$S$$=1/2 frustrated spin ladder is investigated by the numerical exact diagonalization and the finite-size scaling. It is found that if the frustration is strong enough, a possible new phase with an incommensurate long-range order would appear in magnetic field.

Oral presentation

Field-induced new phases in the S=1/2 three-leg spin tube

Sakai, Toru; Sato, Masahiro; Otsuka, Yuichi*; Okunishi, Koichi*; Okamoto, Kiyomi*

no journal, , 

The S=1/2 three-leg frustrated antiferromagnetic spin tube is investigated using the numerical diagonalization, density matrix renormalization group, and effective field theory techniques. Varing one of the three rung couplings, a quantum phase transition between the spin gap and gapless phases was predicted in our previous work. The present phenomenological renormalization approach gives a phase diagram of the spin gap. In addition we study the magnetization process of the regular triangle spin tube. Our present effective field theory between the lower critical field where the spin gap vanishes, and the upper critical field where the magnetization is saturated, predicts two field-induced new phases appear; the one has the vector chiral order and the other has an inhomogeneous distribution of the magnetization. These two phases coexist with the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid phase. The prediction is confirmed by the numerical diagonalization and finite-size scaling analyses.

42 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)