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JAEA Reports

Development of fireproof sheet on glove box panels

Kawasaki, Kohei; Shinada, Kenta; Okamoto, Naritoshi; Kageyama, Tomio; Eda, Takashi; Okazaki, Hiro; Suzuki, Hiromichi; Yamamoto, Kazuya; Otabe, Jun

JAEA-Technology 2020-025, 80 Pages, 2021/03


Plutonium Fuel Production Facility was built in 1988 for the purpose of mainly producing MOX fuel of the prototype fast breeder reactor MONJU, and large glove boxes were installed for handling unsealed nuclear fuel material remotely. The panels of these glove boxes are made of acrylic, except for those installed after December 2013. For fires inside the glove box, automatic fire extinguishing systems using halides have been introduced since the beginning of construction, but for fires outside the glove box, there have been issues with direct measures for acrylic. Therefore, we have developed a fireproof sheet that mitigates the effect of fire outside the glove box on the panels as much as possible. As a result, fire-retardant sheets have been selected and attached to the glove box panels. We conducted a flammability test of the acrylic plate attached with these fireproof sheets and a usage environment influence test of fireproof sheets, and obtained good results. In addition, we set up a working group in the Plutonium Fuel Development Center in view of reducing external exposure during the work of attaching fireproof sheets, in which we discussed and examined the work procedure, and summarized it in the basic procedure manual.

JAEA Reports

Investigation of simulated waste glass samples prepared from borosilicate glass frit including vanadium

Nagai, Takayuki; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Shiwaku, Hideaki; Inose, Takehiko*; Sato, Seiichi*; Hatakeyama, Kiyoshi*; Hirono, Kazuya*; Homma, Masanobu*; Kobayashi, Hiromi*; Takahashi, Tomoe*; et al.

JAEA-Research 2018-007, 87 Pages, 2018/11


To select the chemical composition of a glass frit which can increase the waste content, the simulated waste glass samples prepared from a borosilicate glass frit including vanadium (V) were investigated by using Laser Ablation (LA) ICP-AES analysis, Raman spectrometry, and synchrotron XAFS measurement in this study on foundation business of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.

Journal Articles

Ultralow emittance beam production based on Doppler laser cooling and coupling resonance

Noda, Akira*; Nakao, Masao*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Osaki, Kazuya*; Yuri, Yosuke; Soda, Hikaru*; Tongu, Hiromu*; Jimbo, Koichi*; Grieser, M.*; He, Z.*; et al.

Proceedings of 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '14) (Internet), p.28 - 33, 2014/07

Journal Articles

Laser cooling of Mg ion beam at ion accumulation and cooler ring, S-LSR

Noda, Akira*; Nakao, Masao*; Soda, Hikaru*; Tongu, Hiromu*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Osaki, Kazuya*; Yuri, Yosuke; Jimbo, Koichi*; Grieser, M.*; He, Z.*

Proceedings of 10th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.143 - 145, 2014/06

JAEA Reports

Annual report of Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center (April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

Sato, Takeshi; Muto, Shigeo; Okuno, Hiroshi; Katagiri, Hiromi; Akiyama, Kiyomitsu; Okamoto, Akiko; Koie, Masahiro; Ikeda, Takeshi; Nemotochi, Toshimasa; Saito, Toru; et al.

JAEA-Review 2013-046, 65 Pages, 2014/02


When a nuclear emergency occurs in Japan, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has the responsibility of providing technical support to the National government, local governments, police, fire stations and nuclear operators etc., because the JAEA has been designated as the Designated Public Institution under the Basic Act on Disaster Control Measures and the Act on Response to Armed Attack Situations, etc.. The Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center (NEAT) of JAEA provides a comprehensive range of technical support activities to an Off-Site Center in case of a nuclear emergency. Specifically, NEAT gives technical advice and information, dispatches specialists as required, and supplies the National Government and local governments with emergency equipments and materials. NEAT provides various exercise and training courses concerning nuclear disaster prevention to those personnel taking an active part in emergency response organizations at normal times. The tasks of NEAT, with its past experiences as a designated public institution including the responses to TEPCO's Fukushima Accident, have been shifted to technical supports to the national government for strengthening its abilities to emergency responses; the NEAT therefore focused on maintenance and operation of its functions, and strengthening its response abilities in cooperation with the national government. This annual report summarized these activities of JAEA/NEAT in the fiscal year 2012.

Journal Articles

Measurements of electron-induced neutrons as a tool for determination of electron temperature of fast electrons in the task of optimization laser-produced plasma ions acceleration

Sakaki, Hironao; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Maeda, Shota; Sagisaka, Akito; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Pikuz, T.; Faenov, A.*; Ogura, Koichi; Fukami, Tomoyo; Matsukawa, Kenya*; et al.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 85(2), p.02A705_1 - 02A705_4, 2014/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:10.75(Instruments & Instrumentation)

High intensity laser-plasma interaction has attracted considerable interest for a number of years. The laser-plasma interaction is accompanied by generation of various charged particle beams. Results of simultaneous novel measurements of electron-induced photonuclear neutrons (photoneutron), which are a diagnostic of the laser-plasma interaction, are proposed to use for optimization of the laser-plasma ion generation. The proposed method is demonstrated by the laser irradiation with the intensity os 1$$times$$10$$^{21}$$ W/cm$$^{2}$$ on the metal foil target. The photoneutrons are measured by using NE213 liquid scintillation detectors. Heavy-ion signal is registered with the CR39 track detector simultaneously. The measured signals of the electron-induced photoneutrons are well reproduced by using the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS). The results obtained provide useful approach for analyzing the various laser based ion beams.

Journal Articles

Latest results of experimental approach to ultra-cold beam at S-LSR

Noda, Akira*; Nakao, Masao*; Soda, Hikaru*; Tongu, Hiromu*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Osaki, Kazuya*; Yuri, Yosuke; Jimbo, Koichi*; Grieser, M.*; He, Z.*

Proceedings of Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics (COOL '13) (Internet), p.157 - 161, 2013/11

Journal Articles

Simulation study on transverse laser cooling and crystallization of heavy-ion beams at the cooler storage ring S-LSR

Yuri, Yosuke; Osaki, Kazuya*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; He, Z.*; Soda, Hikaru*; Noda, Akira*; Nakao, Masao*; Tongu, Hiromu*; Jimbo, Koichi*

Proceedings of Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics (COOL '13) (Internet), p.162 - 165, 2013/11

Journal Articles

Parameter optimization for multi-dimensional laser cooling of an ion beam in the storage ring S-LSR

He, Z.*; Wei, J.*; Osaki, Kazuya*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Noda, Akira*; Nakao, Masao*; Soda, Hikaru*; Yuri, Yosuke; Jimbo, Koichi*

Proceedings of 25th North American Particle Accelerator Conference (NA-PAC '13) (Internet), p.1298 - 1300, 2013/09

Journal Articles

Efficiency enhancement of indirect transverse laser cooling with synchro-betatron resonant coupling by suppression of beam intensity

Soda, Hikaru*; Nakao, Masao*; Tongu, Hiromu*; Jimbo, Koichi*; Osaki, Kazuya*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Yuri, Yosuke; He, Z.*; Grieser, M.*; Noda, Akira*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 52(3), p.030202_1 - 030202_4, 2013/03

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:22.04(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Approach to the low temperature state oriented for crystalline beam

Noda, Akira*; Nakao, Masao*; Soda, Hikaru*; Tongu, Hiromu*; Jimbo, Koichi*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Osaki, Kazuya*; Yuri, Yosuke; Meshkov, I.*; Smirnov, A.*; et al.

Proceedings of 23rd Russian Particle Accelerator Conference (RuPAC 2012) (Internet), p.48 - 52, 2012/09

JAEA Reports

Annual report of Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center (April 1, 2011 - March 31, 2012)

Katagiri, Hiromi; Okuno, Hiroshi; Okamoto, Akiko; Ikeda, Takeshi; Tamura, Kenichi; Nagakura, Tomohiro; Nakanishi, Chika; Yamamoto, Kazuya; Abe, Minako; Sato, Sohei; et al.

JAEA-Review 2012-033, 70 Pages, 2012/08


When a nuclear emergency occurs in Japan, JAEA has the responsibility of providing technical support to the National government, local governments, etc., by the Basic Law on Emergency Preparedness and the Basic Plan for Disaster Countermeasures. NEAT of JAEA gives technical advice and information, dispatch specialists as required, supplies with the National Government and local governments emergency equipment and materials. NEAT provides various lectures and training courses concerning nuclear disaster prevention for emergency response organizations at normal time. Concerning the assistance to the Accident of Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Station caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March, 2011, JAEA assisted activities including environmental radiation monitoring, environmental radioactivity analyses, resident public consulting etc., with its the utmost effort. This annual report summarized these activities of NEAT in the fiscal year 2011.

Journal Articles

Measurement of transverse laser cooling effect using scrapers

Soda, Hikaru*; Nakao, Masao*; Tongu, Hiromu*; Noda, Akira*; Jimbo, Koichi*; Osaki, Kazuya*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Yuri, Yosuke; Grieser, M.*; He, Z.*

Proceedings of 9th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.388 - 390, 2012/08

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Controlled beam scraping oriented for efficient indirect transverse laser cooling

Noda, Akira*; Nakao, Masao*; Soda, Hikaru*; Tongu, Hiromu*; Jimbo, Koichi*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Osaki, Kazuya*; Yuri, Yosuke; Grieser, M.*; He, Z.*

Proceedings of 9th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.72 - 74, 2012/08

Journal Articles

Challenge for more efficient transverse laser cooling for beam crystallization

Noda, Akira*; Nakao, Masao*; Soda, Hikaru*; Tongu, Hiromu*; Ito, Kiyokazu*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Osaki, Kazuya*; Yuri, Yosuke; Jimbo, Koichi*; Grieser, M.*; et al.

Proceedings of 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '12) (Internet), p.394 - 396, 2012/05

Journal Articles

Observation of 2-component bunched beam signal with laser cooling

Soda, Hikaru*; Nakao, Masao*; Noda, Akira*; Tongu, Hiromu*; Ito, Kiyokazu*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Yuri, Yosuke; Jimbo, Koichi*; Grieser, M.*; He, Z.*

Proceedings of 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '12) (Internet), p.397 - 399, 2012/05

Journal Articles

Intrabeam scattering at low temperature range

Yu, P.*; He, Z.*; Wei, J.*; Sessler, A. M.*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Yuri, Yosuke

Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.1943 - 1945, 2010/05

Journal Articles

Status and challenges in beam crystallization

Wei, J.*; Yu, P.*; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Yuri, Yosuke; Li, X.-P.*; Sessler, A. M.*

Proceedings of Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics (COOL '09) (Internet), p.86 - 90, 2010/00

Journal Articles

Simulation study of emittance growth from Coulomb collisions in low-temperature ion beams

Yuri, Yosuke; Okamoto, Hiromi*; Sugimoto, Hiroshi*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 78(12), p.124501_1 - 124501_10, 2009/12

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:10.77(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Coulomb coupling and heating of charged particle beams in the presence of dispersion

Okamoto, Hiromi*; Sugimoto, Hiroshi*; Yuri, Yosuke

Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.8, p.950 - 954, 2009/09

65 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)