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大道 正明*; 麻野 敦資*; 佃 諭志*; 高野 勝昌*; 杉本 雅樹; 佐伯 昭紀*; 酒巻 大輔*; 小野田 晃*; 林 高史*; 関 修平*
Nature Communications (Internet), 5, p.3718_1 - 3718_8, 2014/04
被引用回数:36 パーセンタイル:77.16(Multidisciplinary Sciences)高分子薄膜に入射するイオンの飛跡に沿って直径ナノオーダーの架橋体を形成し溶媒抽出する方法(SPNT)を、人由来血清アルブミン(HSA)やアビジン等のタンパクに適用した結果、タンパクナノワイヤーの形成が確認できた。得られたタンパクナノワイヤーに、リジン・アルギニン残基のペプチド結合を選択的に切断するトリプシンを用いた加水分解反応を適用したところ、反応時間の経過とともにナノワイヤーの断片化が進行し、反応開始20分で完全に消失した。また、HSAとアビジンの混合物から作製したハイブリッドのナノワイヤーでは、ペルオキシダーゼ活性等の生物学的な性質を示すとが確認できた。これらの結果は、SPNTで作製されたタンパクナノワイヤーはタンパク質の基本構造であるペプチド結合を保持していることを示唆している。このSPNTによる作製技術は、任意のタンパク質分子を大きな比表面積のナノワイヤーに成形し、その表面に機能性を付与する基礎技術として幅広い活用が期待できる。
麻野 敦資*; 高野 勝昌*; 千葉 敦也; 齋藤 勇一; 丸井 裕美*; 大道 正明*; 前吉 雄太*; 本庄 義人*; 佐伯 昭紀*; 山田 圭介; et al.
JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 163, 2013/01
In this study, a visualization of the tracks of fragments from a dissociated cluster ion in a target was tried using polystyrene derivatives with higher sensitivity for the ion beam irradiation. The results were compared with the case of ion beam consisting of single ion, considering the feature of cluster beam irradiation. The ion species were selected to be C
. As a result, the density of the structures at the
beam irradiation was almost the same to the ion fluence. However, the density at the
irradiation was much less than the ion fluence. It is supposed that many cluster particles are fragmentized during penetration in the polymer film. The radial dose distribution inside a particle tracks is decreased, and then the cross-linking reaction is induced insufficiently. In order to visualize the tracks of the fragmentation, optimization of the development or selection of materials with higher sensitivity should be needed.
前吉 雄太*; 佐伯 昭紀*; 諏訪 翔太郎*; 大道 正明*; 丸井 裕美*; 麻野 敦資*; 佃 諭志*; 杉本 雅樹; 岸村 顕広*; 片岡 一則*; et al.
Scientific Reports (Internet), 2, p.600_1 - 600_6, 2012/08
被引用回数:46 パーセンタイル:71.95(Multidisciplinary Sciences)高分子薄膜に入射するイオンの飛跡に沿って生じる高濃度活性種により直径ナノオーダーの架橋体を形成し、これを溶媒抽出する方法を用いて、フラーレン(C)やその誘導体である[6,6]phenyl C
butyric acid methyl ester (PC
高野 勝昌*; 麻野 敦資*; 前吉 雄太*; 丸井 裕美*; 大道 正明*; 佐伯 昭紀*; 関 修平*; 佐藤 隆博; 石井 保行; 神谷 富裕; et al.
Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 25(1), p.43 - 46, 2012/07
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:9.33(Polymer Science)The proton beam writing (PBW) with energy of several MeV ranges is a unique tool of three-dimensional microprocessing for a polymer material. Three-dimensional structures like a bridge structure can be fabricated by the double exposures of PBW with two deferent energies followed by the one-time development using etching solution. In this study, the fabrication of an arched bridge was attempted by means of the supercritical drying with liquid carbon dioxide to a SU-8 photoresist film, as the polymer material, coated on a substrate of epoxy sheet, after the PBW process. In the exposures, two patterns of bridge girders and piers were written with 0.5 and 3 MeV proton beams to the SU-8 photoresist films, respectively. After these writings, the photoresist films were developed with the solution of diacetone alcohol and rinsed with the solution of isopropyl alcohol. Then the supercritical drying with liquid carbon dioxide was used at 12 MPa, 40C. As the results, the bridge structures with curved girders to the vertical direction were formed due to the swelling effect of the photoresist film on the drying. In the conference, the microprocessing method of the bridge structure and the swelling effect of the photoresist film will be represented in detail.
高野 勝昌*; 杉本 雅樹; 麻野 敦資*; 前吉 雄太*; 丸井 裕美*; 大道 正明*; 佐伯 昭紀*; 関 修平*; 佐藤 隆博; 石井 保行; et al.
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 37(2), p.237 - 240, 2012/06
A three dimensional microfabrication technique for polymer films has been investigated on the basis of fabricating micrometer structures composed of the fine wire structures which were fabricated by the chemical reaction induced along ion tracks of heavy ions with the energy of hundred MeV. In this study, we propose a new hemispherical microfabrication technique of epoxy resin for the fabrication of optical lenses using two times irradiation technique combining proton beam writing and low fluence irradiation of heavy ion beam. At first, an epoxy resin films composed of an etching and a non-etching layers of epoxy resin were irradiated at a frame pattern using a 3 MeV focused proton beam. At second, the low fluence irradiation of 450 MeV Xe
was performed by a raster line scanning with oblique angle of 45 degree. Finally, the non-irradiated area of the etching layer of the films were etched by the developer. The observation of the etched films showed that the dome-like structures arrayed with a grid were formed on the non-etching layer of the epoxy resin films. The more detailed observation showed that each dome was composed of the fine wire structures formed by cross-linking reactions induced along the
tracks. The domes are expected to function as optical condenser-lenses.
前吉 雄太*; 高野 勝昌*; 麻野 敦資*; 丸井 裕美*; 大道 正明*; 佐藤 隆博; 神谷 富裕; 石井 保行; 大久保 猛; 江夏 昌志; et al.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51(4R), p.045201_1 - 045201_4, 2012/04
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:4.24(Physics, Applied)A relation between the fluence and the beam-induced chemical reaction in poly(9,9'-dioctylfluorene), PFO, films has been investigated to fabricate PFO-based nano-micro structures using Proton Beam Writing, PBW. In this investigation, we observed that the cross-linking reaction in PFO occurred without a cross-linking agent using PBW. Furthermore, not only the surface morphology but also structure and shape on PFO films were changed from nano-meter to micro-meter size by controlling the fluence of proton beam irradiation on the basis of the investigation. Consequently, the structure of the arabic numbers was successful fabricated as three-dimensional PFO structures with the aspect ratio of 12 at the fluence of 3.5 10
by PBW.
Belloni, J.*; Crowell, R. A.*; 勝村 庸介; Lin, M.; Marignier, J. L.*; Mostafavi, M.*; 室屋 裕佐*; 佐伯 昭紀*; 田川 精一*; 吉田 陽一*; et al.
Recent Trends in Radiation Chemistry, p.121 - 160, 2010/05
吉田 陽一*; Yang, J.*; 佐伯 昭紀*; 田川 精一*; 柴田 裕実*; 南波 秀樹; 小嶋 拓治; 田口 光正
JAERI-Review 2004-025, TIARA Annual Report 2003, p.143 - 144, 2004/11
吉田 陽一*; Yang, J.*; 関 修平*; 佐伯 昭紀*; 田川 精一*; 柴田 裕実*; 田口 光正; 小嶋 拓治; 南波 秀樹
JAERI-Review 2003-033, TIARA Annual Report 2002, p.145 - 146, 2003/11
高野 勝昌*; 麻野 敦資*; 前吉 雄太*; 丸井 裕美*; 大道 正明*; 佐伯 昭紀*; 関 修平*; 佐藤 隆博; 神谷 富裕; 石井 保行; et al.
no journal, ,
The fine strings of epoxy-resin were fabricated using a focused MeV ion beam in this paper. This fabrication was carried out by the following four steps. Firstly, an epoxy-resin layer was spin-coated on a epoxy-resin film cured by electron beam irradiation as a substrate. Secondly, bridge patterns were irradiated on the epoxy-resin layer by Proton Beam Writing two times with the two different energies which led its proton beam to the two different penetration depths. Thirdly, focused 520 MeV Ar
particles were irradiated at aiming the bridge patterns, controlling a spot pattern. Finally, the development of the irradiated epoxy-resin files was carried out using the supercritical carbon dioxide fluid, CO
to etch the non-irradiated area under reducing the surface tension among areas of sub-micrometer size. The epoxy-resin fine strings with the diameter of 0.8
m was observed between the bridge structure with the height of 20
m and the substrate using a scanning electron microscope. A microprocessing for fine strings of a epoxy-resin was demonstrated using a focused several hundred MeV ion beam.
高野 勝昌*; 麻野 敦資*; 前吉 雄太*; 丸井 裕美*; 大道 正明*; 佐伯 昭紀*; 関 修平*; 佐藤 隆博; 石井 保行; 神谷 富裕; et al.
no journal, ,
A three-dimensional micro-structure with upstanding nanowires was fabricated on the basis of the nano- and micro-processing technique developed as a new method of ion beam lithography employing a series of irradiations on epoxy films, (a) microbeam scanning with two different energies of a few MeV and (b) single heavy ion hits with several hundred MeV energy. Demonstration of fabricating a girder-bridge and pillars for support of upstanding nanowires was made as follows: the pattern of the girder-bridge and pillars was drawn using irradiation (a), the pattern on single-dots for nanowires was superimposed on the girder-bridge pattern using irradiation (b), and development of the irradiated sample by etching solution. The upstanding nanowires between the epoxy substrate and the girder bridge were successfully fabricated and observed using SEM.