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Fukuchi, Taira; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka; Yatogi, Hideo; Fukuari, Yoshihiro; Inami, Shinichi
Dai-7-Kai Saishori, Risaikuru Bukai Semina Tekisuto, p.170 - 171, 2011/01
no abstracts in English
Takeuchi, Kenji; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka; Fukuari, Yoshihiro; Inami, Shinichi
Proceedings of 7th International Conference on NDE in relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurized Components (CD-ROM), p.37 - 44, 2010/00
In the Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP), lots of blowers are used for enclosing radioactive materials in a controlled area, and pumps are used for circulating cooling water to keep temperature under appropriate conditions of vessels, which contain high-level radioactive liquid waste. These rotating equipments play an important role in safety management of the nuclear facilities, where they are required stable conditions all the time. To improve the reliability of rotating equipments, the condition based maintenance for detecting the deterioration is one of the effective measures. According to the analyses of the past maintenance data obtained in TRP, it has been found that about 90% troubles related to the rotating equipment are caused in the bearing works, in which the lubrication was defective in almost every case. So, it is very important for stable operation of the rotating equipment to monitor the lubrication conditions in bearings. The vibration method facilitates to detect defects and abrasion of bearings by measuring a vibration signal. However, this method has a disadvantage that quantitative management for the lubrication conditions of bearings is not possible. Therefore, the shock pulse method, which is widely used for diagnosis of the bearings, is applied to assess the deterioration of rolling bearing. The shock pulse method can detect the change of the lubrication condition and the presence of defects in bearings, by a pressure wave generated from rotating rolling bearing. The method can also evaluate the oil slick thickness and the condition of deterioration in the bearing. As one of maintenance activities performed after monitoring, replenishment with a suitable amount of oil for a lubricant was able to be conducted with a proper timing. As a result, the number of the troubles on bearings has significantly reduced because proper maintenance for keeping the oil slick thickness can be carried out, which resulted in stable operation of the rotary equipmen
; Sakai, Toshiyuki*; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka; Iwasaki, Isao*; Kuribayashi, Masakazu*;
PNC TN8410 95-056, 65 Pages, 1995/03
Nemoto, Shinichi; Sakai, Toshiyuki*; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka; Kikuchi, Kenji; Iwasaki, Isao*; Kuribayashi, Masakazu*; Matsushima, Kazumi*
PNC TN8410 93-283, 86 Pages, 1993/11
Sanyoshi, Hirotaka; Sakai, Toshiyuki*; Kikuchi, Kenji; ; ;
PNC TN8410 93-080, 53 Pages, 1993/03
Kishimoto, Yoichiro; Kawata, Tomio*; Ouchi, Jin; ; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka*; ;
PNC TN8410 88-004, 123 Pages, 1987/12
Ouchi, Jin; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka*; ; Kishimoto, Yoichiro; Kawata, Tomio*; ; ;
PNC TN8410 87-011, 253 Pages, 1987/01
Ouchi, Jin; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka*; ; Kishimoto, Yoichiro; Kawata, Tomio*; ; ;
PNC TN8410 87-012, 98 Pages, 1986/12
; Ouchi, Jin; ; Idemitsu, Kazuya*; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka*; ; ;
PNC TN845 85-08, 164 Pages, 1985/07
; Ouchi, Jin; ; ; Idemitsu, Kazuya*; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka*; ;
PNC TN845 85-02, 219 Pages, 1985/02
; Ouchi, Jin; ; ; ; Idemitsu, Kazuya*; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka*;
PNC TN845 84-07, 116 Pages, 1984/09
; Ouchi, Jin; ; ; ; Idemitsu, Kazuya*; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka*;
PNC TN845 84-03, 77 Pages, 1984/06
; ; Ouchi, Jin; ; ; Idemitsu, Kazuya*; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka*
PNC TN841 84-25, 185 Pages, 1984/04
no abstracts in English
; ; ; ; ; ; Idemitsu, Kazuya*; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka*
PNC TN841 83-40, 48 Pages, 1983/05
no abstracts in English
Domura, Kazuyuki; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka; Fukuari, Yoshihiro; Inami, Shinichi
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Watahiki, Kenji; Ishii, Takahiro; Sukigara, Koji; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka; Inami, Shinichi
no journal, ,
Treated water of The Tokai Reprocessing Plant used for cooling water and fire fighting water, is supplied by the steel pipes. These pipes are laid down under the ground or in the trench. Treated water had leaked, because the part of the underground pipe flange corrosion. The cause of this breakage was presumed that the pipe flange has been loaded the stress continuously. The stress generated depend of that the underground pipes sank with the ground subsidence by influence of the 2011 earthquake of the Pacific coast of Tohoku. The repair of the breakage flange and the pipes was adopted to use clamp (flexibility joint) for pipe connection as one of the countermeasures for tremble of the earthquake. This report shows the technical evaluation for the clamp performance on the practical use.
Kawasumi, Hiroyuki; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka; Yatogi, Hideo; Fukuari, Yoshihiro; Inami, Shinichi
no journal, ,
In the ventilation facilities of the Tokai reprocessing plant, particle filters are generally installed both in air-intake and exhaust systems. In the air-intake system, atmospheric dust is filtered and the cleaned air is supplied into radiation controlled areas, whereas in the exhaust system, radioactive materials are filtered and discharge it to the environment. Because the filter of the exhaust system serves to prevent radiological release to the environment, a high-efficiency particle air (HEPA) filter that a decontamination factor is extremely high, is used for filtering radioactive particles. The HEPA filter is usually exchanged with new one when the filter is carried over with particles, or it is exchanged by the limit as an anti-aging deterioration measure in time. This report reviews the exchange period of a periodical filter by confirming the integrity of a filter installed in investigation and the enforcement of the past filter exchange results and reports the result that planned adequacy.
Kawasumi, Hiroyuki; Takeuchi, Kenji; Domura, Kazuyuki; Sanyoshi, Hirotaka; Inami, Shinichi
no journal, ,
The Tokai Reprocessing Plant has recovered nuclear materials from spent nuclear fuel. Reprocessing process is consisted of shearing process, a dissolution process and an extraction process etc. Each facilities designed to confine radioactive materials in controlled area to keep negative pressure using ventilation system. This system has been used over 40 years. We analyzed influences to the trouble of aging equipment, and we considered necessary additional check out system to prevent troubles based on the results of analysis. This reports describe the present status of this system.