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Saito, Kimiaki; Tanihata, Isao*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; Saito, Takashi*; Shimoura, Susumu*; Otsuka, Takaharu*; Onda, Yuichi*; Hoshi, Masaharu*; Ikeuchi, Yoshihiro*; Takahashi, Fumiaki; et al.
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 139, p.308 - 319, 2015/01
Times Cited Count:231 Percentile:98.64(Environmental Sciences)Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Ide, Shunsuke; Oikawa, Toshihiro; Suzuki, Takahiro; Kamada, Yutaka; Fujita, Takaaki; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Naito, Osamu; Matsuoka, Mamoru*; Kondoh, Takashi; et al.
Fusion Science and Technology (JT-60 Special Issue), 42(2-3), p.255 - 277, 2002/09
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:12.12(Nuclear Science & Technology)Studies on non-inductive current drive and development of an integrated steady-state high performance operation in JT-60 are reviewed. Experiments on lower hybrid current drive in JT-60 haven shown a large non-inductive current up to 3.5MA, high current drive efficiency of 3.6x1019m-2A/W. Basic studies on LH waves in JT-60 have contributed to understand current drive physics. Significant progress in neutral beam current drive has been made in JT-60 by testing the performance of negative ion based NBI (N-NBI). The CD efficiency of ~1.5x1019m-2A /W, and N-NB driven current of ~1MA have been demonstrated in N-NBCD. Strongly localized driven current by electron cyclotron current drive was identified with a fundamental O-mode scheme. Efficiency of 0.5x1019m-2A/W and EC driven current of 0.2MA were achieved and suppression of neo-classical tearing mode was demonstrated. Based on these developments, two integrated steady-state operation scenarios were developed in JT-60, which are reversed magnetic shear (R/S) plasmas and high bp ELMy H-mode. In these operation regimes, discharges have been sustained near the steady-state current profile under full non-inductive current drive. High performance plasmas with a high nDotETio and at high normalized density were also produced under fully non-inductive condition in high bp ELMy H-mode and R/S mode.
Ohara, Yoshihiro; Akiba, Masato; Araki, Masanori; Dairaku, Masayuki; Hanada, Masaya; Inoue, Takashi; Kojima, Hiroaki; Kuriyama, Masaaki; ; Matsuoka, Mamoru; et al.
JAERI-M 90-154, 119 Pages, 1990/09
no abstracts in English
; ; ; ; Ouchi, Yutaka; Ohara, Yoshihiro; Kunieda, Shunsuke; Kuriyama, Masaaki; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Seki, Masahiro; et al.
JAERI-M 90-056, 19 Pages, 1990/03
no abstracts in English
Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; ; Dairaku, Masayuki; ; ; ; Kunieda, Shunsuke; Kuriyama, Masaaki; Matsuoka, Mamoru; ; et al.
Shinku, 33(3), p.308 - 310, 1990/00
no abstracts in English
Ebana, Minoru*; ; Yoshida, Mamoru; Seki, Akio
PNC TN841 83-64, 93 Pages, 1983/09
no abstracts in English
Kanamori, Masashi; Seki, Akio; ; Ebana, Minoru; Yoshida, Mamoru
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 212(1-3), p.413 - 418, 1983/07
Fukuda, Seiji; Kato, Jinzo; Onishi, Takeshi; Watanabe, Kozo; Okubo, Katsuichi; Ouchi, Masafusa; Isozaki, Hiroshi; Seki, Mamoru; Mito, Norio; Tsuruo, Akira; et al.
JAERI 1028, 55 Pages, 1962/10
no abstracts in English