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Journal Articles

Circular polarization measurement for individual gamma rays in capture reactions with intense pulsed neutrons

Endo, Shunsuke; Abe, Ryota*; Fujioka, Hiroyuki*; Ino, Takashi*; Iwamoto, Osamu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Kawamura, Shiori*; Kimura, Atsushi; Kitaguchi, Masaaki*; Kobayashi, Ryuju*; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 60(8), p.166_1 - 166_10, 2024/08

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Estimation of the total angular momentum of resonances using low-energy gamma-rays in $$^{181}$$Ta(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{182}$$Ta reaction

Kawamura, Shiori*; Endo, Shunsuke; Iwamoto, Osamu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Kimura, Atsushi; Kitaguchi, Masaaki*; Nakamura, Shoji; Okudaira, Takuya*; Rovira Leveroni, G.; Shimizu, Hirohiko*; et al.

JAEA-Conf 2023-001, p.115 - 120, 2023/02

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Decommissioning of the Plutonium Research Building No.1 (Plan and Present Status)

Komuro, Michiyasu; Kanazawa, Hiroyuki; Kokusen, Junya; Shimizu, Osamu; Honda, Junichi; Harada, Katsuya; Otobe, Haruyoshi; Nakada, Masami; Inagawa, Jun

JAEA-Technology 2021-042, 197 Pages, 2022/03


Plutonium Research Building No.1 was constructed in 1960 for the purpose of establishing plutonium handling technology and studying its basic physical properties. Radiochemical research, physicochemical research and analytical chemistry regarding solutions and solid plutonium compounds had been doing for the research program in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). In 1964, the laboratory building was expanded and started the researching plutonium-uranium mixed fuel and reprocessing of plutonium-based fuel, playing an advanced role in plutonium-related research in Japan. Since then, the research target has been expanded to include transplutonium elements, and it has functioned as a basic research facility for actinides. The laboratory is constructed by concrete structure and it has the second floor, equipped with 15 glove boxes and 4 chemical hoods. Plutonium Research Building No.1 was decided as one of the facilities to be decommissioned by Japan Atomic Energy Agency Reform Plan in September 2014. So far, the contamination survey of the radioactive materials in the controlled area, the decontamination of glove boxes, and the consideration of the equipment dismantling procedure have been performed as planned. The radioisotope and nuclear fuel materials used in the facility have been transfer to the other facilities in JAEA. The decommissioning of the facility is proceeding with the goal of completing by decommissioning the radiation controlled area in 2026. In this report, the details of the decommissioning plan and the past achievements are reported with the several data.

JAEA Reports

Carrying-out of whole nuclear fuel materials in Plutonium Research Building No.1

Inagawa, Jun; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro; Otobe, Haruyoshi; Nakada, Masami; Takano, Masahide; Akie, Hiroshi; Shimizu, Osamu; Komuro, Michiyasu; Oura, Hirofumi*; Nagai, Isao*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2021-001, 144 Pages, 2021/08


Plutonium Research Building No.1 (Pu1) was qualified as a facility to decommission, and preparatory operations for decommission were worked by the research groups users and the facility managers of Pu1. The operation of transportation of whole nuclear materials in Pu1 to Back-end Cycle Key Element Research Facility (BECKY) completed at Dec. 2020. In the operation included evaluation of criticality safety for changing permission of the license for use nuclear fuel materials in BECKY, cask of the transportation, the registration request of the cask at the institute, the test transportation, formulation of plan for whole nuclear materials transportation, and the main transportation. This report circumstantially shows all of those process to help prospective decommission.

Journal Articles

Radioactivity and radionuclides in deciduous teeth formed before the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

Takahashi, Atsushi*; Chiba, Mirei*; Tanahara, Akira*; Aida, Jun*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Suzuki, Toshihiko*; Murakami, Shinobu*; Koarai, Kazuma; Ono, Takumi*; Oka, Toshitaka; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 11(1), p.10355_1 - 10355_11, 2021/05

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:44.37(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

JAEA Reports

Decommissioning of the Uranium Enrichment Laboratory

Kokusen, Junya; Akasaka, Shingo*; Shimizu, Osamu; Kanazawa, Hiroyuki; Honda, Junichi; Harada, Katsuya; Okamoto, Hisato

JAEA-Technology 2020-011, 70 Pages, 2020/10


The Uranium Enrichment Laboratory in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) was constructed in 1972 for the purpose of uranium enrichment research. The smoke emitting accident on 1989 and the fire accident on 1997 had been happened in this facility. The research on uranium enrichment was completed in JFY1998. The decommissioning work was started including the transfer of the nuclear fuel material to the other facility in JFY2012. The decommissioning work was completed in JFY2019 which are consisting of removing the hood, dismantlement of wall and ceiling with contamination caused by fire accident. The releasing the controlled area was performed after the confirmation of any contamination is not remained in the target area. The radioactive waste was generated while decommissioning, burnable and non-flammable are 1.7t and 69.5t respectively. The Laboratory will be used as a general facility for cold experiments.

Journal Articles

New precise measurements of muonium hyperfine structure at J-PARC MUSE

Strasser, P.*; Abe, Mitsushi*; Aoki, Masaharu*; Choi, S.*; Fukao, Yoshinori*; Higashi, Yoshitaka*; Higuchi, Takashi*; Iinuma, Hiromi*; Ikedo, Yutaka*; Ishida, Katsuhiko*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 198, p.00003_1 - 00003_8, 2019/01

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:98.52(Quantum Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Correlation effects among thermal displacements of atoms in KBr

Sakuma, Takashi*; Xianglian*; Shimizu, Norifumi*; Mohapatra, S. R.*; Isozaki, Nobuhiro*; Uehara, Hiroyuki*; Takahashi, Haruyuki*; Basar, K.*; Igawa, Naoki; Kamishima, Osamu*

Solid State Ionics, 192(1), p.54 - 57, 2011/06

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:52.36(Chemistry, Physical)

Diffuse neutron scattering measurements have been performed on powder KBr. The oscillatory scheme of the diffuse scattering intensity is explained by the values of correlation effects among thermal displacements of 1st, 2nd and 3rd nearest neighboring atoms which are almost the same as those in other ionic crystals. Force constants among 1st, 2nd and 3rd nearest neighboring atoms are obtained from the correlation effects at 90 K are 0.83 eV/$AA $^{2}$$, 0.50 eV/$AA $^{2}$$ and 0.41 eV/$AA $^{2}$$, respectively.

JAEA Reports

Operation and management of the Back-end Cycle Key Elements Research Facility (From April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2010)

Tagami, Susumu; Shimizu, Osamu; Sano, Naruto; Imaizumi, Akiko; Tobita, Hiroshi; Nagasaki, Yosuke; Kurobane, Shiro

JAEA-Review 2010-079, 90 Pages, 2011/03


The Back-end Cycle Key Elements Research Facility (BECKY) was installed in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Safety Engineering Research Facility (NUCEF) in 1994 for the safety and basic studies of the nuclear fuel cycle and radioactive waste. BECKY consists of three alpha/$$gamma$$ concrete cells, three alpha/$$gamma$$ steel cells, thirty glove boxes and twenty hoods. Operation, maintenance and management are in execution based on the operational safety programs. And we also execute application about amendment of the permission and approval for the purpose of support R&D. This report describes the operation, maintenance and management from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2010 for the purpose of keeping the performance of BECKY.

Journal Articles

Correlation effects among thermal displacements of atoms from diffuse neutron scattering measurements

Sakuma, Takashi*; Mohapatra, S. R.*; Yokokawa, Jo*; Shimizu, Norifumi*; Isozaki, Nobuhiro*; Uehara, Hiroyuki*; Xianglian*; Basar, K.*; Takahashi, Haruyuki*; Kamishima, Osamu*; et al.

Proceedings of 12th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics and 15th Chinese Conference on Solid State Ionics, p.439 - 445, 2010/00

Diffuse neutron scattering intensities from ionic crystals, covalent crystals and metal crystals are analyzed by including the correlation effects among thermal displacements of atoms into the function describing background intensity. The obtained values of correlation effects among first nearest neighboring atoms are 0.7 near room temperature. The values of the correlation effects do not depend much on the type of the crystal binding near room temperature. The values of correlation effects decrease rapidly with the increase of inter-atomic distances. The correlation effects also decrease with the decrease of temperature.

Journal Articles

Generation and application of bremsstrahlung production data calculated by EGS4 code

Sakamoto, Yukio; Hirayama, Hideo*; Sato, Osamu*; Shimizu, Akinao*

Nuclear Technology, 168(3), p.585 - 590, 2009/12

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A Bremsstrahlung production data is needed in the calculation of buildup factors included by the contribution of Bremsstrahlung as secondary photons by IE method. In this work, the emission of Bremsstrahlung is treated as possible as exactly by the introduction of EGS4 results. The Bremsstrahlung production data by pair-created electrons and Compton scattered electrons is evaluated for 26 elements and 4 compound and mixtures. The error estimation of Bremsstrahlung contribution to buildup factors by IE method coupled with this Bremsstrahlung data is coincident with fully transported results by EGS4 code within about 5%. By the introduction of this Bremsstrahlung production data into IE methods, we can calculate buildup factors included by the contribution of Bremsstrahlung with good accuracy up to deep penetration.

Journal Articles

Precise intensity measurements in the $$^{14}$$N(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{15}$$N reaction as a $$gamma$$-ray intensity standard up to 11 MeV

Miyazaki, Itaru*; Sakane, Hitoshi*; Takayama, Hirokazu*; Kasaishi, Masafumi*; Tojo, Akinori*; Furuta, Masataka*; Hayashi, Hiroaki*; Suematsu, Osamu*; Narasaki, Hiromichi*; Shimizu, Toshiaki*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 45(6), p.481 - 486, 2008/06

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:39.17(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The intensities of the prompt $$gamma$$ rays from the $$^{14}$$N(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{15}$$N reaction have been precisely measured. As the samples, a liquid nitrogen target and a deuterated melamine (C$$_{3}$$D$$_{6}$$N$$_{6}$$) were used. The previous values widely used as intensity standards agreed with those obtained in this study within 4-5% in the 2-11 MeV region, however, showed a monotonous decrease with the increase of $$gamma$$-ray energy.

Journal Articles

Periodic flux jump in superconducting Pb networks as consequence of the extended Little-Parks effect

Ishida, Takekazu*; Matsushima, Yoshiaki*; Shimizu, Makoto*; Hayashi, Masahiko*; Ebisawa, Hiromichi*; Sato, Osamu*; Kato, Masaru*; Koyama, Tomio*; Machida, Masahiko; Sato, Kazuo*; et al.

Physica C, 468(7-10), p.576 - 580, 2008/04

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:16.31(Physics, Applied)

The extended Little-Parks effect of superconducting network is known as a periodic $$T$$$$_{rm c}$$ variation as a function of magnetic field. Superconducting Pb honeycomb networks of matching field 0.106 G and triangular microhole lattice of Pb of matching field 0.425 G have been fabricated by the combination of electron-beam lithography and a lift-off process of evaporated Pb films. The application of magnetic field corresponds to the vortex filling into superconducting networks. We measured the magnetization of the networks systematically by using a SQUID magnetometer. We found that flux jump appears rather periodically as a function of magnetic field. Flux jumps may be induced by a periodic decrease of the critical current density of the network. To the authors' knowledge, this is for the first time to observe the regular flux jumps due to the critical current modification coming from the extended Little-Parks effect of the superconducting networks.

Journal Articles

Fusion plasma performance and confinement studies on JT-60 and JT-60U

Kamada, Yutaka; Fujita, Takaaki; Ishida, Shinichi; Kikuchi, Mitsuru; Ide, Shunsuke; Takizuka, Tomonori; Shirai, Hiroshi; Koide, Yoshihiko; Fukuda, Takeshi; Hosogane, Nobuyuki; et al.

Fusion Science and Technology (JT-60 Special Issue), 42(2-3), p.185 - 254, 2002/09

 Times Cited Count:34 Percentile:45.45(Nuclear Science & Technology)

With the main aim of providing physics basis for ITER and the steady-state tokamak reactors, JT-60/JT-60U has been developing and optimizing the operational concepts, and extending the discharge regimes toward sustainment of high integrated performance in the reactor relevant parameter regime. In addition to achievement of the equivalent break-even condition (QDTeq up to 1.25) and a high fusion triple product = 1.5E21 m-3skeV, JT-60U has demonstrated the integrated performance of high confinement, high beta-N, full non-inductive current drive with a large fraction of bootstrap current in the reversed magnetic shear and in the high-beta-p ELMy H mode plasmas characterized by both internal and edge transport barriers. The key factors in optimizing these plasmas are profile and shape controls. As represented by discovery of various Internal Transport Barriers, JT-60/JT-60U has been emphasizing freedom and restriction of profiles in various confinement modes. JT-60U has demonstrated applicability of these high confinement modes to ITER and also clarified remaining issues.

JAEA Reports

Design and manufacture of a testing device for the evaluation of optical elements

Shimizu, Yuichi; Yoda, Osamu; Sasuga, Tsuneo*; Teraoka, Yuden; Yokoya, Akinari; Yanagihara, Mihiro*

JAERI-Tech 2000-021, p.45 - 0, 2000/03


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

YAG laser Thomson scattering diagnostics on the JT-60U

Hatae, Takaki; Nagashima, Akira; Kitamura, Shigeru; ; Yoshida, Hidetoshi*; Naito, Osamu; Yamashita, Osamu; Shimizu, Kazuaki; ; Kondoh, Takashi

Review of Scientific Instruments, 70(1), p.772 - 775, 1999/01

 Times Cited Count:62 Percentile:93.46(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Role of divertor geometry on detachment and core plasma performance on JT60U

Asakura, Nobuyuki; Hosogane, Nobuyuki; Itami, Kiyoshi; Sakasai, Akira; Sakurai, Shinji; Shimada, Michiya; Kubo, Hirotaka; Higashijima, Satoru; Shimizu, Katsuhiro; Takenaga, Hidenobu; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 266-269, p.182 - 188, 1999/00

 Times Cited Count:67 Percentile:96.61(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Simultaneous heating by high power lower hybrid waves and neutral beams in the JT-60 tokamak

Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Sakamoto, Keishi; F.X.Soeldner*; ; Tsuji, Shunji; Shimizu, Katsuhiro; Naito, Osamu; Uehara, Kazuya; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 29(2), p.265 - 276, 1989/02

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:58.46(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

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JAEA Reports

Lower hybrid wave heating into neutral beam heated plasma in the JT-60 tokamak

Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Sakamoto, Keishi; F.X.Soldner*; ; Tsuji, Shunji; Shimizu, Katsuhiro; Naito, Osamu; Uehara, Kazuya; et al.

JAERI-M 88-115, 28 Pages, 1988/06


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Energy confinement analysis of neutral beam heated JT-60 discharges

Yoshida, Hidetoshi; Shimizu, Katsuhiro; Shirai, Hiroshi; Tobita, Kenji; Kusama, Yoshinori; Kubo, Hirotaka; Koide, Yoshihiko; Sakasai, Akira; Fukuda, Takeshi; Nagashima, Keisuke; et al.

Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Vol.12, Pt.1, p.163 - 166, 1988/00

no abstracts in English

30 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)