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In-depth analysis for uncertain phenomena on fission product transport in the OECD/NEA ARC-F project

Lind, T.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Sonnenkalb, M.*; 丸山 結

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 15 Pages, 2022/03

The accident progression and fission product release from the three damaged units of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were systematically investigated in the OECD/NEA BSAF project phases 1 and 2. As a result of those investigations, a good progress was achieved in establishing defendable accident scenarios and the corresponding fission product releases to the environment. Nonetheless, there are some areas requiring further work, particularly concerning fission product behavior. They are addressed in the OECD/NEA project "Analysis of Information from Reactor Buildings and Containment Vessels of Fukushima Daiichi NPS" (ARC-F). Based on the outcome of the BSAF project, several focus areas were selected for further investigations in the ARC-F project, one of them being the behavior of fission products and source term. In this paper, five topics which were ranked with a high significance as open issues based on the BSAF project regarding fission product behavior are discussed: i) fission product speciation, ii) iodine chemistry, iii) pool scrubbing, iv) fission product transport and behavior in the buildings, and v) uncertainty analysis and variant calculations. Significant progress has been made in these five topics in the ARC-F project. In this paper, background is given for choosing these topics for specific investigations based on the outcome of the BSAF project. The topics are described and the approach to study them in the ARC-F given along with some exemplary, preliminary results. Finally, the readers' attention is drawn to open issues which are not included in the ARC-F work scope and could need further attention.


Integration of pool scrubbing research to enhance source-term calculations (IPRESCA) project

Gupta, S.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Lebel, L. S.*; Sonnenkalb, M.*; Pellegrini, M.*; Marchetto, C.*; 丸山 結; Dehbi, A.*; Suckow, D.*; K$"a$rkel$"a$, T.*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03

Pool scrubbing is a major topic in water cooled nuclear reactor technology as it is one of the means for mitigating the source-term to the environment during a severe accident. Pool scrubbing phenomena include coupled interactions between bubble hydrodynamics, aerosols and gaseous radionuclides retention mechanisms under a broad range of thermal-hydraulic conditions as per accident scenarios. Modeling pool scrubbing in some relevant accident scenarios has shown to be affected by substantial uncertainties. In this context, IPRESCA (Integration of Pool scrubbing Research to Enhance Source-term CAlculations) project aims to promote a better integration of international research activities related to pool scrubbing by providing support in experimental research to broaden the current knowledge and database, and by supporting analytical research to facilitate systematic validation and model enhancement of the existing pool scrubbing codes. The project consortium includes more than 30 organisations from 15 countries involving research institutes, universities, TSOs, and industry. For IPRESCA activities, partners join the project with in-kind contributions. IPRESCA operates under NUGENIA Technical Area 2/SARNET (Severe Accident) - Sub Technical Area 2.4 (Source-term). The present paper provides an introduction and overview of the IPRESCA project, including its objectives, organizational structure and the main outcomes of completed activities. Furthermore, key activities currently ongoing or planned in the project framework are also discussed.


Overview and outcomes of the OECD/NEA benchmark study of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (BSAF), Phase 2; Results of severe accident analyses for unit 3

Lind, T.*; Pellegrini, M.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Sonnenkalb, M.*; 西 義久*; 玉置 等史; Cousin, F.*; Fernandez Moguel, L.*; Andrews, N.*; Sevon, T.*

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 376, p.111138_1 - 111138_12, 2021/05

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:93.53(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Overview and outcomes of the OECD/NEA benchmark study of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (BSAF) Phase 2; Results of severe accident analyses for Unit 1

Herranz, L. E.*; Pellegrini, M.*; Lind, T.*; Sonnenkalb, M.*; Godin-Jacqmin, L.*; L$'o$pez, C.*; Dolganov, K.*; Cousin, F.*; 玉置 等史; Kim, T. W.*; et al.

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 369, p.110849_1 - 110849_7, 2020/12

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:93.68(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Overview and outcomes of the OECD/NEA benchmark study of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (BSAF), Phase 2; Results of severe accident analyses for Unit 2

Sonnenkalb, M.*; Pellegrini, M.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Lind, T.*; Morreale, A. C.*; 神田 憲一*; 玉置 等史; Kim, S. I.*; Cousin, F.*; Fernandez Moguel, L.*; et al.

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 369, p.110840_1 - 110840_10, 2020/12

 被引用回数:22 パーセンタイル:94.75(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Main findings, remaining uncertainties and lessons learned from the OECD/NEA BSAF Project

Pellegrini, M.*; Herranz, L.*; Sonnenkalb, M.*; Lind, T.*; 丸山 結; Gauntt, R.*; Bixler, N.*; Morreale, A.*; Dolganov, K.*; Sevon, T.*; et al.

Nuclear Technology, 206(9), p.1449 - 1463, 2020/09

 被引用回数:35 パーセンタイル:98.36(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The OECD/NEA Benchmark Study at the Accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (BSAF) project, which started in 2012 and continued until 2018, was one of the earliest responses to the accident at Fukushima Daiichi. The project, divided into two phases addressed the investigation of the accident at Unit 1, 2 and 3 by Severe Accident (SA) codes until 500 h focusing on thermal-hydraulics, core relocation, Molten Corium Concrete Interaction (MCCI) and fission products release and transport. The objectives of BSAF were to make up plausible scenarios based primarily on SA forensic analysis, support the decommissioning and inform SA codes modeling. The analysis and comparison among the institutes have brought up vital insights regarding the accident progression identifying periods of core meltdown and relocation, Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) and Primary Containment Vessel (PCV) leakage/failure through the comparison of pressure, water level and CAMS signatures. The combination of code results and inspections (muon radiography, PCV inspection) has provided a picture of the current status of the debris distribution and plant status. All units present a large relocation of core materials and all of them present ex-vessel debris with Unit 1 and Unit 3 showing evidences of undergoing MCCI. Uncertainties have been identified in particular on the time and magnitude of events such as corium relocation in RPV and into cavity floor, RPV and PCV rupture events. Main uncertainties resulting from the project are the large and continuous MCCI progression predicted by basically all the SA codes and the leak pathways from RPV to PCV and PCV to reactor building and environment. The BSAF project represents a pioneering exercise which has set the basis and provided lessons learned not only for code improvement but also for the development of new related projects to investigate in detail further aspects of the Fukushima Daiichi accident.


Main findings, remaining uncertainties and lessons learned from the OECD/NEA BSAF Project

Pellegrini, M.*; Herranz, L.*; Sonnenkalb, M.*; Lind, T.*; 丸山 結; Gauntt, R.*; Bixler, N.*; Morreale, A.*; Dolganov, K.*; Sevon, T.*; et al.

Proceedings of 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18) (USB Flash Drive), p.1147 - 1162, 2019/08

The OECD/NEA Benchmark Study at the Accident of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS project (BSAF) has started in 2012 until 2018 as one of the earliest responses to the accident at Fukushima Daiichi NPS. The project addressed the investigation of the accident at Units 1, 2 and 3 by severe accident (SA) codes focusing on thermal-hydraulics, core relocation, molten core/concrete interaction (MCCI) and fission products release and transport. The objectives of BSAF were to make up plausible scenarios based primarily on SA forensic analysis, support the decommissioning and inform SA codes modeling. The analysis and comparison among the institutes have brought up vital insights regarding the accident progression identifying periods of core meltdown and relocation, reactor vessel (RV) and primary containment vessel (PCV) leakage/failure through the comparison of pressure, water level and CAMS measurement. The combination of code results and inspections has provided a picture of the current state of the debris distribution and plant state. All units present a large relocation of core materials and all of them present ex-vessel debris with units 1 and 3 showing evidences of undergoing MCCI. Uncertainties have been identified in particular on the time and magnitude of events such as corium relocation in RV and into cavity floor, RV and PCV rupture events. Main uncertainties resulting from the project are the large and continuous MCCI progression predicted by basically all the SA codes and the leak pathways from RV to PCV and PCV to reactor building and environment. The BSAF project represents a pioneering exercise which has set the basis and provided lessons learned not only for code improvement but also for the development of new related projects to investigate in details further aspects of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS accident.

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