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Development of laser beam injection system for the Edge Thomson Scattering (ETS) in ITER

谷塚 英一; 波多江 仰紀; 水藤 哲*; 小原 美由紀*; 萩田 浩二*; 井上 和典*; Bassan, M.*; Walsh, M.*; 伊丹 潔

Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 11(1), p.C01006_1 - C01006_12, 2016/01

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:34.77(Instruments & Instrumentation)

In the ITER Edge Thomson Scattering, the penetration in the port plug allows the laser beams to be injected into the plasma. The penetration has to be as small as possible to reduce neutron streaming from the plasma-side. In ITER, multiple laser systems are needed for high availability of Thomson scattering diagnostics. A new type of beam combiner was developed to obtain collinear, i.e. smallest footprint because of the common path, and fixed polarization from multiple laser beams using a rotating half-wave-plate. The rotating half-wave-plate method does not induce misalignment even if the rotating mechanism defects. The combined beam is injected into plasma and is absorbed at the beam dump. The beam alignment system was designed to hit the laser beam onto the center of the beam dump. The beam position at the beam dump head is monitored by multiple alignment laser beams which are collinear with the diagnostic YAG laser beam and an imaging system installed outside the diagnostic port.


Conceptual design of the collection optics for the edge Thomson scattering system in ITER

谷塚 英一; 波多江 仰紀; 水藤 哲*; 相田 善行*; 草間 義紀

Review of Scientific Instruments, 81(10), p.10D541_1 - 10D541_4, 2010/10

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:30.81(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The difficulty in the edge Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostic in ITER is caused by the neutron and $$gamma$$-ray irradiation. The vacuum window shall not directly face to a plasma. The TS light is relayed through the relaying optics with labyrinth, and collected to the optical fiber bundles. The total transmissivity of the TS light from a plasma to the optical fiber is approximately 30%. An electron density of 2$$times10^{19}$$ $$rm{m}^{-3}$$ is enough to measure electron temperature and electron density within a 10% and 5% margin of error, respectively, with 5 mm of the spatial resolution. The super-Gaussian beam is the ideal laser profile for the laser injection optics to avoid the break-down of filling gas at the calibration of the spectral transmissivity.


Design of collection optics and polychromators for a JT-60SA Thomson scattering system

東條 寛; 波多江 仰紀; 佐久間 猛; 濱野 隆; 伊丹 潔; 相田 善明*; 水藤 哲*; 藤江 大二郎*

Review of Scientific Instruments, 81(10), p.10D539_1 - 10D539_3, 2010/10

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:43.96(Instruments & Instrumentation)




東條 寛; 波多江 仰紀; 佐久間 猛; 濱野 隆; 篠原 孝司; 伊丹 潔; 相田 善明*; 水藤 哲*; 藤江 大二郎*

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JT-60SAのトムソン散乱計測の集光光学系の概念設計を行った。計4種のガラス材を含んだ7-9枚のレンズからなる屈折系光学系を採用し、色収差を抑制した(解像度は1mm以下)。また集光光学系を計3つのポート(P1, P2, P5)に設置することで、径方向ほぼ全域の計測が可能になる見込みを得た。集光光学系はクライオスタットから真空容器ポートまでアクセスするポートプラグ内に収納する必要がある。プラズマ電流が5MA/8msの時間スケールで減少するディスラプションを想定した場合、板厚30mmで、ポートプラグ先端部から500mm程度の領域まで0.1MA/m$$^{2}$$のオーダーの渦電流が生じると考えられている。先端部の板厚を20mmにすることで、渦電流が流れにくく、最大主応力が設計応力以下に抑える設計が可能となった。


Developments of a JT-60SA Thomson scattering diagnostic

東條 寛; 波多江 仰紀; 佐久間 猛; 濱野 隆; 伊丹 潔; 水藤 哲*; 荒木 高士*; 岩本 耕平*; 武田 裕也*

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JT-60SA Thomson scattering diagnostic will provide profiles of electron temperature and density. This presentation shows developments of a YAG laser system and calibration methods, and designs of collection optics and vacuum windows. For the collection optics to be used for the core measurements, refraction system with five lenses is employed. Dispersing focusing power over multiple lenses enable utilizing radiation resistant lenses. Because the entrance pupil is located inside the lenses, the incident light flux can be efficiently focused using compact lens (diameter 225 mm). The resolution for the image is about 0.6 mm, which is almost the same specification of a previous lens design using four lenses. More than 50% of total transmissivity can be achieved over 480-1064 nm wavelength range: thereby making measurements of high electron temperature ($$sim$$ 30 keV) possible.



谷塚 英一; 波多江 仰紀; 水藤 哲*; 相田 善明*; 草間 義紀

no journal, , 


6 件中 1件目~6件目を表示
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